Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff

Ep. 2 Taming the beautiful demon

December 22, 2023 mamasfire Season 1 Episode 2
Ep. 2 Taming the beautiful demon
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
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Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
Ep. 2 Taming the beautiful demon
Dec 22, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff +
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Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Welcome from the multiverse, wherever you find yourself vibrating. Attune this way, and let us have some fun. Today, join as we wander in auspicious coincidence together. Hello, hello again. Oh, all you out there resonating, I hope you're having a good time because now I'm going to share with you something that I pulled from the ethers. This one was a seed story from quite a while back. It actually gave birth to a text that, if all has their way, probably won't be published in my lifetime, but it's still cool. And it's, this is called Isa. Well, that's right. Anyway, to you. To you, Great Mother, a gift. The beautiful demon, oh what a trick. He came with me, willing, every step of the way. Oh, Great Yogi, you come to meet me at last. Tara smiled in her radiant green glory. Tea is waiting. How did you manage such a trick? The lowly Yogi bowed. I surrendered to all his many pricks. Each one a deep wound, powerlessness to the end. Yes, my son, you learned my law, but that is not what I asked. Once again, she smiled, her radiance filling the cells of the room, how did you bring this beautiful demon to me? Oh, he came along willingly. I fed him bodhichitta the whole way. Tara's laugh, the great protector, filled the atoms of time and space. I love you, Yogi. What a simple truth. For as this Yogi learned in his path, your law needed to be held. He learned it on a Hopi reservation and met the five queens. A wild Yogi, I was thought to be mad to all who saw me. But I wanted your law and nothing more. The sweet mother's love for her child and he kept getting in my way. I learned a trick. My way, feed the demons loving kindness. I heard it called the shield of Shunyata and I thought it sounded like a good idea. He smiled and began to prostrate to Mother Tara. I thought this day would never come. Get up, get up, she said with a kindness like no other. You have done it. There is no more. Rest in my love, for you have held the great mother whore, and you have healed the great mother whore. As for you, Tara turned, I have been waiting for you for quite a while. Give back my law, for it is another's. The karma has shifted. I am happy to say. My law is now yours, my sweet golden brother. For know this, you lowly yogi, you. The beautiful demon is now in my charge. And the door is forever closed. The yogi then prostrated himself freely at Tarth's feet and thanked his guru with all his heart. As father and grandfather had brought him to this moment. Tell me, Rainbow Queen, who is this beautiful demon? You know him well. He is the Great Illusion, so beautiful and enticing in his manner. He is the Great Deceiver. He feeds on so many souls. His love is suffering. He uses all love to just that goal. Don't you, my sweet old friend? The smirkling being bowed his head. Yes, that is I. And I was tricked. He fed me a medicine I could not refuse. So sweet it was at first taste. I could not go back. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Zara laughed and all felt her wrath for protection in the space itself. The entire entourage of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas had come to bear witness. As did the gods of the three times. All bowed their heads and waited on bated breath for her next words. Bodhichitta. Myla. Shakti. Akti. Grace. It has been given many names. I share a few. You could not have refused. It pays all debt, and this lowly yogi had one to you. Consider it paid, and now, my beautiful demon. I give you your reward. You are to sit in the great seat of protector. First and foremost, and with no, not a moment to lose, for they have suffered enough already, you must free all the souls you hold. He, this gem of illusion, understood. And with a gleam in his eye, he said, it is done. Billions of beings appeared, whole and complete, and all bowed to Tara with their deepest thanks. Tara smiled and said, Take your throne along with the others. The beautiful demon took his seat with joy and honor. The beings he sat with, Tara's protection, protectors, even though she needed none. Ekejati, her sister, protector of all Tantra. Mahakala, the great Rudra, tamed complete. He sat next to Monkey, the magician on the most luxurious throne. The yogi stood alone at Tara's feet. He was, I was wrathful earlier and not clear, she said, as she turned her gaze to the lowly yogi once again. I now give you my thanks. For you, for your great act of kindness, you will always have a throne in my kingdom with all my lineage holders. You know my sweet son, you now my sweet son, know my law. Return to your realm of humans and share my law. When you are done, come home and tell, tell your stories to me. The lowly yogi bowed once again as he disappeared in rainbow flash. He appeared once more on his sofa, in his home, with the law of Tara at his command. Home.