Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff

Ep. 7 Unicorn Rant, Lillith's after Party

January 17, 2024 mamasfire Season 1 Episode 7
Ep. 7 Unicorn Rant, Lillith's after Party
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
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Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
Ep. 7 Unicorn Rant, Lillith's after Party
Jan 17, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff +
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Earth, Mother, and Friends Earth, mother and friends, you cross our hearth at last. Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Welcome from the multiverse, wherever you find yourself vibrating. Attune this way, and let us have some fun. Today, join as we wander in auspicious coincidence together. Here I am once more. Lowly Yogi Tales and other stuff podcast. Well, today I wanted to kind of take it to the next step because sometimes Tana has after parties. And this is, uh, this is a piece that actually came, uh, right after I wrote Lilith's Favorite Law. Just downloaded like a lightning strike like they all do. And so I thought, you know, let's do the after party. Let's have some fun. Let's get loose. So this is, uh, Lilith's after party. Alright, a Tara tale. A translucent unicorn stood up in the crowd and called out to Tara. May I share a tale about love and law? Yes, please, Tara beamed. The feast had begun and all could relax into the after party. My mother is the great dragon queen Lady Law. Growing up, she would often tell us the story of the two brothers who one day got into a discussion on the meaning of law. She always stopped at this point, laughed, and said, Men never understand the law. They believe it is theirs to serve them, when in fact, it is theirs to render a debt. The two brothers, she went on, were gods, Shiva and Brahma. God's love and God's law. Here's the trick, my mother would say, laughing all the way. Love meets all laws, and God's laws can never meet God's love. God's love, my mother loved to tell a good story. She would always pause for dramatic impact. It's my favorite vibration. Sweet and simple, absolutely present love. From her horn, love began to fill the air. My mother held the resonance of God's love in such high regard. She gave it to me. She gave me all magic. Do you all feel the vibration of creation? The ages crumble, the laws crumble, unless the laws are filled with love. And here is my mother's gift. This vibration, resonance, feeds every dragon's fire to its end, giving the wielder access to the ancient magic. Lilith's laws are all met, all half way, full, and complete. Without creative magic can only be done through surrender. Pay the debt. To cast a spell is to hold the spell in awareness until the surrender has been met. To cast it. With my mother's favorite, there's no need for surrender. Let the intention meet the creative. The dragon manifests and the spell is cast into the material realm. Rainbows blazed through the hall, and Lilith's daughter, the Unicorn Protector, dropped into trance and sang. Hope and fear, Lilith, my love, Lady Law, bless our family. Rainbows began to crackle, and the Vajra Bliss rained down on us all. Serpentine sleuth, holder of all, bless us with your favorite law. May Lord Shiva hold adamantine this vibration for us all, in the love of his family. May laughter reign, love supreme. Shiva's terrible wrath tempered in bliss of Bodhi, hammered with love, folded in devotion, crafted the simple arrowhead. Soma, intoxicant of creation, Agni, life fully loved, their balance. Settled Bliss. I offer my Tree of Life so that you may fill it, Vedas and Gunas, all with your love. On the other side of Diamond Hell is Diamond Love. Your deepest horrors can only be manifested through your love. Mother, there is nothing I would not meet with Bodhichitta to heal you. This is the practice of honoring the Mother. At your end, there is no likable aspect. You bring only adamantine hell, demons rampant, reigning supreme, nothing to like. Her trance had taken her deep and her coat now crackled with Shakti. She turned her gaze. Yogi, you do not have to like the mother to love her. Meet it, don't become it. The mother Lilith, love her to her very end. The whore and her whores loved, loved, and loved. The arrow tip is mounted. Lady Lilith, death's consort, finds her way to the most secret temple, the hiding place of the pure creative. Love, mother's love, finds its way through the black fields of resentment. Lady La finds her way to the most secret of places. The temple, hidden in the depth, only found in the deepest surrender. Neijing Songpo. Good renunciation to the end. There, where there is nothing left. Oceans of love. That is where it resides. That which frees all souls is found. Only one love has been loved to her very end. Very, very end. Death and birth falls away in Shiva's fire. Mother's every aspect of light lays incomplete. Seven elemental dragons. The mother frees them from the temple. Free, hungry, and potent, they rise from the depths of hell to Shiva's chariot. Brother Love and Brother Law laugh. Deep, resounding laugh. She is with us! Shiva and Brahma yell out in unison. Chariot, all of creation, blessed by all the mother's magic, now rode. With all the elements, time and space. Three cities. The three cities. They are one! Brahma and Shiva laugh together. Ha They laughed in love, all forgiven. Shiva brandished the arrow. As Shiva pulled back the string of his mighty bow, seven dragons dissolved, each into their own pure element, and together formed the shaft and fletching. With the ease of nothing. The arrow flew into the heart of the three cities. Agni and Soma released in perfect balance, filled all beings to the resonance of the Mother's love. Balls of beautiful, flaming sweetness move through every aspect of the Mother's creation, freeing them all in that vibration of love. Sweetness in creation, fuel of growth. Interconnector of life, meter and completer of all laws. Love and law now one vibration. From that moment forward, simple bliss was known by all beings, no more and no less. Please Lady Lilith, bless and heal all indiscriminately with your favorite law. Lilith arose from the crowd. All bowed, and Tara beamed with joy her hands in Anjali. Silence. Silence as the crowd waited for the unicorn to come out of their offering trance. Open your eyes, my oldest friend, and know your offering prayer has been heard. As above, so below. From this moment forward, here and now. In Tara's temple, in her holy of holies, I have heard your prayers, and with great joy, I am empowered to grant them. Your words and offerings heard and accepted, from this moment forward, your words are law. The dark ages are no more. The triple city are no more. All demons are now our protectors. There is no more debt. Your words have paid them all. The Golden Age is upon us, and creation will never again be without my favorite law. Lilith turned to her sister. The two smiled, water into water. They knew each other. Thank you, sister, Sister Tara, for teaching my favorite law. There is no further need to dedicate the merit, as all is the most potent of love. May this never change. May the bliss of Shiva hold all with ease. Now, my unicorn friend, your words are law. Oh wow, feel the love. Thank you all for joining me today and joining the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Boy, what a story feast we had and we're gonna do it again soon. If you love the tales, please feel free to follow the Lowly Yogi wherever he may go and share those, share it with those you love. Hey, until next time. Play us out, Monkey Max. Play us out. Earth, Mother, and Friends Earth, mother and friends, you cross our hearth at last. Long have we grieved while the king of demons had his way. But no longer, no longer, it's time to dance and sing. This is the time when the golden age begins As we welcome love and peace and ease may it never cease Welcome joy and bliss in all the eyes of serpents kiss Welcome Mother, Welcome Child, Welcome Bodhi, Tinder, and Mile. Welcome Protection, and Welcome Friends. It's been a long wait, but now the Golden Age begins. Welcome Spring, Summer, and Fall. Winter is Persephone's and sweetest of all. Welcome Immortality. Welcome all, it's time to dance and sing, as the golden age begins. Welcome all you yogis, and we call you in. Welcome all you protectors, and we call you in. Welcome all you yogis, as the golden age begins.