Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff

Ep. 12 Spirit Foot Cosmic Highway

February 21, 2024 Sacred Works Season 1 Episode 12
Ep. 12 Spirit Foot Cosmic Highway
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
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Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
Ep. 12 Spirit Foot Cosmic Highway
Feb 21, 2024 Season 1 Episode 12
Sacred Works
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff +
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Earth, mother and friends, you cross our heart. Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Welcome from the multiverse, wherever you find yourself vibrating. Attune this way, and let us have some fun. Today, join as we wander in auspicious coincidence together. Well, hello. This is a very special episode of the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Things podcast. It's just a one person audience today. And that audience is my great and deep yogi friend, Monkey Max. Monkey Max, say hi to everybody, just in case I do air this. Jai Ma. Alright, he's distant over the phone. Sorry, he's on speaker, but he's gonna hear a story while he drives. And the story today is in honor of Durga, and where it just came through, actually, probably last week. It's called Cosmic Highway. Sadhana. Feasting with the gods. A secret only shared by death and his fire. At least, that is spirit foots, sadhana. There are many things, both internally and externally, that go into doing a sadhana well. When done well with everything of the 10, 000 things in their proper place, it is a great joy. However, those details, if they are not tended to, one brings down the wrath of the spirits for being a poor host. Hospitality and manners go a long way in every world, and the world of spirits is no exception. How better to show one's hospitality as a yogi and a human than offer a great feast of every and all of the senses. This is a sadhana. Sadhanas can be done in many ways. Spiritfoot liked to do hers old school. Texts and mantras long put into memory and guided by the deity, Lord Death, Mahakala's loving hand. Meat and alcohol to honor the Tantra of the Dark Age and the Mother's great sacrifice. Fruit, vegetables, and savory creations. Oh, don't you forget the sweets and the candies, cookies, and confections to bring sensual joy. Feast means a feast. Nothing more, nothing less. Spirit Foot's altar was set with many treasures she had found on her jour, yogic journeys, treasures, and teachers pictures, and gyms all set to the perfect balance of spirit. Foot's mind. Amrita alcohol. Blessed with tze medicine from Otho to attune the mind to the vibration of the mother's love. Her feast, a platter filled with every wondrous flavor a spirit could desire, sat amongst her altar items, blessing and being blessed as the sadhna awaited invitation. Words wove into space as the ritual began. First ground and intention, she set with ease, the protection of loving kindness. Clear the ground, bless the ground, and invite the guests. Spirits from every mandala and every realm were invited to join Spiritfoot in the feast. As the officiator of the ceremony, Lord Death took his seat of honor, and the revelries began to play out. In and beyond the field of mine, as all five Dianas, and as a special gesture, Death raised his hand and offered a story to add to the feast. The Mother's love and the Mother's wrath were both brought into creation to meet a need. It was a need of my own, and without both, I could not do my job. The Mother's Wrath is the key that opens the door to Rhea's room and the Cosmic Highway. But without her love, the hearth that connects all the gods cannot be lit, and the offerings of Soma needed by each and every god to thrive cannot be given. If I may, on this Sadhna feast, offer to all a story to reveal the wonders of the Cosmic Highway. The discovery I made with the help of the Great Devi that brought me into the role of death. In the depths of creation, at the very end of Tartarus, beyond the Gorgon's resentment and Nemesis's shame, is a door that opens the underpinnings of the multiverse we call creation. The pathways of the mother herself. This is the cosmic highway, built out of love for the ancient gods, each given a hearth so that Agni may give them their oblations, and so meet the mother's law. This door, the door to Rhea's room, Rhea is yet another name for the Naga Queen, Lady La, and it is this, the deepest depth of creation where all of her laws can be held up using only one flame. Now, as death and neglect build, the entrance to this door gets blocked, and this block, this neglect, transforms into an elemental being of need that cannot be filled. The black demon of ownership that can never be fulfilled by the gods alone, as only their mother can do the deed, is the being formed at the threshold, protector of Rhea's room. This being's need becomes a parasite which feeds on any and all creative it can find, devouring the mother in cancerous death until the gods can no longer bear witness to her suffering in good conscience. The end. Death smiled, enjoying the attention of his audience, who were all actively taking his feast of words. Each god came to the mother with an offering of potency and a prayer of renewal, and love's return. Death gave spirit foot a knowing nod of thanks as his words flowed forward with the depth and oath of the river Styx. The story goes, when the gods could no longer bear the neglect. Shiva, Brahma and Nu came together and offered all of their wrath, rage, and impotence to the mother with the prayer of her pure potency at her. Agni and his four brothers, the Lokapalas of East, South, that's me, Death gave a dazzling smile, West and North. Indra gave his Vajra with the prayer that the mother always know and wield the potency of lightning love. I gave her the noose and hook so that she might have command of all souls throughout creation, with the prayer that she might hold us and help us pass through the love of her fire. Monkey gave her a bow and arrow, each tip carefully blessed with one of his hairs, ready to manifest whatever she might command with the prayer that magic and spirit be held in the grandmother's wisdom and love. Ekejati in the north gave her Shiva's gift of his terrible wrath as the trident of the iron cross. Agni gave, gave the Devi, now Durga, ready for her battle with ownership to destroy the karma and clear the shial, a conch to hold the purity of his fire, transformation with a prayer that the gods would once again freely receive their offerings. Final offering was reserved for her love. Lord of nature and mountain. He gave her a lion, warrior cat, with a roar to meet all karma and neglect with ease, and a prayer that she might always have joy and comfort with a big cat at her side. Incas the warrior lion gave the mother free passage on all of the roads of the cosmic highway. Ready for battle, Devidurga stepped in, and the descent raged, neglect falling on her on all sides. Incas's roar started the show, and the lights and sounds, the dance of space was a mesmerizing tapestry, as neglect dissolved into light. There was nothing to stand in Incas's way. The ancient paths opened before the mother and every spirit rejoiced as the lion's roar freed them from neglect to mother's love. Her passing like a deep balm, healing the wounds effortlessly in her descent to the deepest depths. Below the roots of the tree of life and the realm of the Nagas, that was her goal. Nine and nine and nine. To the depths there is only one way. At the very end, and I am the holder of that secret. Of course, it was Durgo who gave that wisdom to me, so that the gate was passed with ease. The Gorgons III bowed down to Lady Durga as she passed, and fell in at her side as the battle with Beal, demon Neglect of Ownership, began. In grand display, Beal shared all of the horrors of powerlessness and power to scare the mother into silence, so his drift might persist. Neglect, proud to display its shame, to call out the horrors of ownership throughout all time and space. Durga smiled in gratitude as this is the very thing she had come to meet. As war sparkled in the demon's eyes, Durga in her fearless wrath stepped in to the fray once again and Ten arms fell in a rain of the mother's wrath. The demon cracked open, and in the last moment the demon Biel showed himself, opening his vulnerable throat to the Vajra wrath of the mother, and ownership was no more, as Vajra and Trident took Biel's head clean off to take its place with the Gorgon's head on the door of Rhea's room. All contracts forever freed into the ink of empty love. Death paused in his tail, turned his potent blue eyes on spirit foot, and asked all to settle further. The tale is halfway through. Please, all who have come, feast, eat, and drink with this human's offering of her senses. Sadhana. Let her senses become your senses, and enjoy together all offered here. The Gana Chakra and the Amrita Bliss. I too will partake as I finish the account of Durga's battle, and three into one. Her transformation into the Devi Uma once again. Feast blessings go both ways, human to God, God to human, and to both are one. Spirit foot feasted as Durga. As death continued his tale, one side of the door to Rhea's room could not be more different from the other. Nemesis's wrath and neglect becomes the sweet oceanic pulse of kindness that is the mother's love. Three into one. Bubbles and done. Dancing in bubbles is to dance in Rhea's room. Yes, it is fun. No pause, no gesture was needed as the door opened to greet her entry. She gave her final offering of protection, leaving her wrath and her weapons to protect her passage. As she passed, she transformed once again into Mother Uma, only taking with her the conch holding Agni's potency within. In the deepest, darkest depths at Tartarus's end, Durga, now Uma, found the hearth to open the cosmic highway once again. In her hands she held the means. She placed Agni in his home, and without pause, flame became blaze. And blaze invited Agni's brothers four, and the race to Nyx's pyramid. And through the eye of the dragon, to be the first to Hestia's hearth had begun. Fires brothers ran the course of the cosmic highway, lighting each and every hearth along their way. This is the way the gods receive their blessings when the mother is held up in the law of love. For only in this transition is the hearth of Rhea's room ignited and the path of fire, the cosmic highway, illuminated to feed all the gods in the warmth of the mother's love. With these final words, Death took his amrita and toasted. Thank you, Mother Durga, for your wrath and for your love. As above, so below. As below, so above. All who had once resided in the Triple City now found themselves toasting the Mother in her wrath and in her love in the Golden Age. Three into one. Bubbles and done. Spirit foot toasted following death's lead. Bubbles and done. The entire court and all of the retinues of every deity throughout time and space resounded in joyful response, consuming every last drop of Amrita Ambrosia. Let us dedicate the merit, the last piece of the sadhana, complete so that we may all keep each other's company. And know the deep, safe protection of supporting each other in the reconnection with our spirit tribe, never to be disconnected. In the wishing and holding the intention that every single sentient being throughout time and space be held in the realization of Lord Death's, Mahakala's resonance. And so know the knowledge and wisdom of the Mother's wrath and the Mother's love. Spiritfoot dissolved the mandala as is the traditional way into her three centers, and all beings except one dissolved with ease. Only Incas was left behind when Spiritfoot opened her eyes. She opened her eyes to the smile of a warrior lion. I have decided to stay with you. As you remind me of the Mother Durga. She is one now, and I am free. I like you and your ways, spirit foot, and it seems to me you need a familiar, and there is none better than the lion for a wandering yogi as yourself. Swoon of joy, dance ecstatic rhythm, love poured freely, sent her to fridge as she grabbed incest by the mane. Me and you. You and me. That is the way it was always meant to be. Do you really mean it? I get to hang out with you? Oh, yes. Have you ever ridden a lion on the cosmic highway before? I can't say that I have. No, Spiritfoot nodded her head. Not once. Not ever. Well, hop on because that is about to change. See that fire there? Quick, quick, let's hop on and ride. Oh look, Ogni's brothers are getting ready to race. Oh, hurry, hurry, we gotta catch this. This may be the moment never found again. Spiritfoot found Durga's seat and settled in, grabbing handfuls of Incas tawny mane. Ha ha ha, let's ride the center channel so we can watch the show from Nyx's pyramid. Nyx's Pyramid. Oh, you'll see. So many firsts. This is going to be so much fun, said Incas as he jumped into the pillar of Shiva's flame. Oh, to see Incas dance in the flame as he rode the wave of bubbles up the central channel. The path that all other roads lead to on the cosmic highway. Death, lord of yogis, found this place. How cool, right? Durga's ride growled and spirit foots mind and heart. Look all around, the brothers race. We will pass them quickly as they have the task of lighting each and every ancient god's hearth. Spiritfoot directed her attention to Incas and saw a wonder as the Lokapalas, the protectors of the four corners, ran as liquid fire through the channels of the mothers illuminating all behind them. As each hearth burst into flame and held its resonance. If you think that's something, just wait, Ingus roared as he danced from flame to bubbles up the central channel of life. Lady Knight's abode is a joy of hospitality that leads to all memories and the dance of the muses. See it there? Oh, I, I am in rare form, or bubbles are happier than usual and gets laughed with joy as Lady Nyx's abode rose around the pillar of Shiva, holding all as Nyx's puritans unfolded around them. Incas continued forward, no time to wait, the brothers are fast and we can't, we want to follow them down the eye of the dragon through to Hestia's hearth. And down they went, through the middle way, into the heart of all the gods. We have done it! Watch! As the brothers take each other, heart to heart and hand to hand, dancing into Hestia's hearth. It's how it's done. See, not direct, but in the pulse, cleansing with each step, filling what needs to be filled and emptying what needs to be emptied. They embraced and fulfilled the tapestry of life, meeting each law's resonance in catharsis, cathartic release. Laughter filled the air as the brothers knew that they were so very close to their goal and the end of the race. Incas and Spiritfoot watched as the brothers dance unfolded and creation blossomed before their eyes in the perfect order of the Mother's Law. Love and law were one, and in the biting through, after meeting each other and every hearth, each brother brought forth their torch and added it to the whole, whole into hearth, flame to blaze in no time flat. Hestia's Hearth Pathways illuminated the flame of the first and the last. Now let the flame finish its journey. Let it fill every river, river, stream and rt. There it is, the cosmic highway, the rivers that feed fire to every corner of the mother's creation. Quite a sight. Spirit Foot loved Incas with no reason in that moment. The gift had been given, as above, so below, as below, so above. She grabbed him hard, his grand neck majesty in every cell. With no words to do her love justice, she hugged Incas until he had no choice but to become her familiar. In that moment of surrender, Spiritfoot slept and dreamt of the Cosmic Highway within her. Incas took her home to join his spirit tribe, bringing the roar of courage to address every neglect and the dance of the Cosmic Highway. Ah, monkey. There it is. I love you, sir. Thank you all for joining me today and joining the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. What a story feast we had and we're gonna do it again soon. If you love the tales, please feel free to follow the Lowly Yogi wherever he may go and share it with those you love. Hey, until next time. Play us out, Monkey Max. Play us out. Earth, Mother, and Friends Earth, mother and friends, you cross our hearth at last. Long have we grieved while the king of demons had his way. But no longer, no longer, it's time to dance and sing. This is the time when the golden age begins As we welcome love and peace and ease may it never cease Welcome joy and bliss in all the eyes of serpents kiss Welcome Mother, Welcome Child, Welcome Bodhi, Tinder, and Mile. Welcome Protection, and Welcome Friends. It's been a long wait, but now the Golden Age begins. Welcome Spring, Summer, and Fall. Winter is Persephone's and sweetest of all. Welcome Immortality. Welcome all, it's time to dance and sing, as the golden age begins. Welcome all you yogis, and we call you in. Welcome all you protectors, and we call you in. Welcome all you yogis, as the golden age begins.