Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff

Ep. 13 Spirit Foot Lover of the Naga King pt. 1

February 29, 2024 Sacred Works Season 1 Episode 13
Ep. 13 Spirit Foot Lover of the Naga King pt. 1
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
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Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff
Ep. 13 Spirit Foot Lover of the Naga King pt. 1
Feb 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 13
Sacred Works
Lowly Yogi Tales and other Stuff +
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Show Notes Transcript

Earth, mother and friends, you cross our heart. Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. Welcome from the multiverse, wherever you find yourself vibrating. Attune this way, and let us have some fun. Today, join as we wander in auspicious coincidence together. Here we are, Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff Podcast. I hope you've been enjoying the tales so far. I'm going to continue today. It's going to be part one and part two of Spirit Foot, Lover of the Naga King. I do enjoy this story, and I hope you will too. Again, it's all channeled. Like lightning strikes, it comes on down, and I hope that, uh, I intend That it brings joy and blessings to all who cross its path. All right, here we go. Lover of the Naga King. Have you ever heard of the realm of Nagas? Not everybody has. Although, every human being has the serpent laws within them. Spirit Foot knows all there is to know about the Naga Kingdom. You see, she journeyed there to find medicines and found a lover unlike any other. She also found the medicines. Let us illuminate the crystals and ask the blood of old to share with us Spiritfoot's journey into the realm of the Nagas. Another prophecy, you see. The journey to understand a means. The means to turn poison into medicine. Dreams have a way of unfolding For spirit. Foot day-to-Day. Life was simple and easy for her, nothing out of her skillset to care for her and her friends, her the many spirits who lived with her and journeyed, and the companions in her, what she called her left hand foot, referring to left the left hand path. The wrath of the great wrathful mother. It always made her smile to call out her left hand, Spirit Foot. Left hand path is a path of honoring the Dark Mother and meeting her law and in so doing all laws through her great descent. Great rivers opened in front of, in her consciousness. Spirit Foot saw a need for healing. Tremulous, hurricane, oceanic clouds of venom. Flowing through these rivers. Seven altogether, all in desperate need of stewardship. Her wily friend and muse fire came alongside to bear witness. The queen and her daughters can hold no more. Do you see the death and stink? Rot fills all of their laws. Incas, her warrior lion came out afoot. What are you all doing? Oh my, that's a terrible Why are you standing in stink? These rivers need our help. Lady Lily, holder of all magic, moved in. Is it time? Are we on an adventure to heal the Serpent Queen in the realm of the Nagas? Santos, the mad imp, wings spread, his smile of joy, eyes beaming, teeth sharp and tongue free. Oh, what fun! Can we go? Can we go? Where can we go? When can we leave? Rantos followed. Quest! Quest! Quest! Answered his brother, called wild eye and ready for anything, the winged ball of mischief. We are going on a great quest, and no one can stop us. The dream has spoken. Spiritfoot laughed with the mother's beaming love and answered her spirit friends. Yes, it is time for another adventure at hand. A descent to the realm of the Nagas. Oh, what fun. Let's go crazy. Hey, let's get nuts. Let's find the path. Don't get caught in the ruts answered. Santos, let's not get put, put, put called incus. I know a way. Follow me. Answered Lady Lily. Now we are on the hunt. Incus gave Santos a dirty look and spirit Foot laughed hard and long until all the rest joined in the RI and settled back into her foot for the journey. Fire lead the way. Light the path to the underworld. Hold, hold, hold, Lady Lily called out. We must get protection, as the air will devour our creative until even fire can offer no more. Beyond destroyed, devour in the acid of desire, resentment, and shame mixed into Lady Nyx's perfect wrath. Nemesis's delight, a drink none of us want to try, I assure you. Hold indeed. What do you suggest, my lovely Lady Lily? I know a spirit. Who knows a spirit? With the right offering, lady side eyed fire, we may just find our way. Spirit, spirit, lead the way. This is your domain. Fire danced with me. In her foot she felt, saw, understood, knew, as a tapestry began to form. Life and death danced with heaven and earth. Time held the pulse, the rhythm of the mother's creation. The tapestry blazed and teased, calling warp and weft, jewels within jewels. No respecting dragon could refuse such an offering. An Otto. was a very old dragon with deep character who saw instantly the value of lily and her fire's robe with potent will he found his way to spirit foot to see if he could touch it to touch it was to know it and this with this treasure that was enough otto quickly found spirit foot hey uh you there you are a strange sort of being Are you human or are you spirit? You will never tell. I can see it in your smile. Irrelevant, really, as there is a treasure of liquid light sneaking out of your toes. You noticed that, did you? answered the wild yogini, both spirit and human and a little more for the mix of the two. Otto was no small dragon. Cheshire cat smile and luminous puppy dog eyes. Playful joy infused with time and lessons, peace and processing of every detail. Long lean body, a mix of fire and water, crackling with the magic, suspended in space without effort. Prancing almost like a toddler's pee dance, excited for the unknown. Fire and Lily came forth from their home tapestry of light between them still dancing as it grew. Otto was instantly in love. Now this was a crew he could roll with. Right out of your foot, huh? That's right, left hand foot to house all my friends. May I introduce myself? My friends are sovereign, and they speak for themselves. I am the lowly yogi Spirit Foot. May I ask your name? Rank and file, rank and file, yes, all is in order, I see. My name is Otto, and I make your company because I felt the treasure of body, speech, and mind in your presence. Otto nodded to the fire and Lily there it is look how it glimmers and dances just like me I am fire and this is Lily crackled in air we are connected as you see Lily join we dance and weave because we have a need the time has come for us to journey into your realm and we call for protection Hmm, I see. You know, that could be done. I am looking for a rest. And a dragon's dream protects all. I must say, that is a mighty cozy looking blanket you are weaving there. Otto rocked and smiled, a sense of ease forming under his magical crackle. I am tired holding up the Mother's Law. It is a Titan's task. Brontos and Santos called in chorus, their horned heads and mischievous faces called welcome. Come and see, we have a bed fit for a dragon of your character. Rontos continued, They will weave, Otto. I am Rontos, and this is my brother and deepest friend, Santos. We make sure things don't get too serious around here. Look, said Santos, there is even a great kitty to lay at your feet. Incas let out a roar, startling Santos to his brother's side. Nice kitty! They mocked us one. Incas gave a loving purr, all understood. The warrior lion knew the nature of the imps and loved them for their being. Really? A bed you say? Otto yawned deeply. I think I could offer you the protection of dragondream. Then Otto flashed a deep knowing smile. It's so good to see you, Spiritfoot. It is time. Let us meet our task together. Let us heal the Queen and bring love to the King. Deal, said Spiritfoot. You hold the resonance of an old friend. Let us trust auspicious coincidence and have some fun. Oh, how I love to wander. Please come in and have a rest. You will awake. Only one prophecy calls a need. Lily and Fire came up from behind, alongside, covering Otto in liquid light. How he danced with joy as he allowed his will to unravel. Lily and Fire tucked Otto in, and as promised, Incas snuggled in at the dragon's side. Rontos and Santos lit candles and incense while singing songs of peace, ease, and love. Otto soon was snoring in slumber. Rainbows poured forth with each snore, coalescing into an orb of protection around Spiritfoot. Being hated at the end of the Dark Ages is par for the course. There is no way to do right, and every path is a trap. The will, attention, and love must come from within to take the journey. This is the reality of moving through the venom of the Nagas. Otto's rainbows protected the mind from the neglect and made it possible to breathe. Down, down into the depths of the earth they went, in trails and paths of gem and minerals, took the party into the depths. Caverns, cliffs, and caves opened before them, and fell into the depth of inky darkness behind them. How will we know? What is that? What is that stench? That, Santos, is how we will know. The stench? Yes, the stench. Why would anyone come here? Can you imagine what it would be without Otto's dreams? Nothing could live here, neither spirit or human, Rontos joined the conversation. Oh, they survive, but not well, as you can see. Both the imps bowed, touching their hearts. That is why we are here. Oh yes, you two, we are here. And that, Spiritfoot gestured as the venom flowing by between them, is why we are here. Fire came forward and illuminated their way. Shame and resentment undulated, forming a giant ball of serpents. In, out, through, and over, the venom releasing with each movement. Every movement poured, rushing waterfalls of venom. Every transgression of the mother flows in those coils, said Spiritfoot. The Queen, she does an amazing thing. Come on, I'll show you. Passing by the horror, humans as objects of pleasure and pain, through all the horrors only the Mother's love can hold. Do you see how she endures all the transgressions of her many laws? You see them undulating in a golden age, they rise and fall, creative. This mess of endurance is what we have come to address. Other poison eaters, join us. Do you see? They gather. Oh, this is exciting. Hey, you all, here we go. Wake up Otto. He'll want to see this. The Garudas are landing. Come quick. This is extraordinary. You won't want to miss what is about to come. Spiritfoot found her place in the hall, ready with the rest to perform the ritual to bring the turning of the ages. Otto awoke to Spiritfoot's call. It is time. Come quick and add your venom to the hole and watch as the jewels are made. He flowed forth into the mix and the great undulation, joining the whole venom, filled as all he shared, his debts with, with the hole. If not for the spell forming, all would have been lost without the dragon's dream to hold them. Each Garuda took their place, deep in the womb, cavern of the Nagas, evenly encircling the writhing mass of venom. Spirit foot joined, holding up her weight of the whole. One, two, three, go! Bite through, or in this case, be bitten. As one, the guru had begun to dance the dance of eating hatred in a wide arc of body and mind. They ate shame. The ball of undulating serpents settled. Next Spirit foot came alongside and bore witness to the alchemy of the changing of the ages. All of the transgressions, choices that hurt and took without consent, must be met. Irrelevant, as Spiritfoot noted to the imps, if you were the cause. For they have been recorded and must be met. With the awareness of love to move forward. In the realm of the mother, the law is consent. Any act taken without consent is endured and recorded as a transgression of the mother's law. As the ages progress, and the pillars fall, the transgressions form into a venom of shame and resentment, and that was on the menu today. Acid of ignorance, surrender of aggression, drive of passion, joyless, sour mind of envy. Course after course, fearless poison eaters filling their throats to the brim. Serpents found purchase striking deep into the heart of each Garuda. The relaxation of each poison eater as the fangs entered into their being was an offering with nothing left behind. Ah, ah, ah, as one poison became seed. Hum, hum, hum, seed returned the ancient stack into its proper order. Wow! Lily, Incas, Santos, Rantos, and fire whispered as one. Words lost meaning at the sight they were witnessing. Ohm, ohm, ohm, seed became tree, pushing up and in all direction, fire guided by the mother's skillful means, stacked life on life as the tree that is the queen of the Nagas grew in all directions, returning to her glory. As the Gerudas mainlined the venom, precious jewels began to form at their feet. These jewels became the garden bed for the tree of life. Jewel after jewel fell, each Garuda eating and transforming death into life as the poison threshold is met. It coalesced in each Garuda's heart, and when enough has been devoured, a gym forms in its place. The imps came alongside as the others helped them to stabilize Spirit Foot. Deep peace resonated through her as she held the fangs of her serpent queen deep in her chest. As with all the rest, Jims fell from her heart and supported her, protecting her from the breath of Nemesis wrath. The serpents began to buck and writhe as there was no end to the venom these Gerudas would meet. As the queen grew into her full golden age display, her many heads drained of venom, she could no longer, nor had further need, to hold the Gerudas in surrender's sway. Her many heads freed the Garudas and found their way to guide the rivers of life in the pulses of the Mother's love. All laws met with ease of being. Each Garda settled in their own way. Gyms of every nature falling freely from them, veins of metal and mineral, moved in deep channels out from their beings. Like Webb is holding the roots and feeding them every medicine, each holding its own property, each supporting the mother's every need in her reawakening to the golden age. Through the chaos of life came a liquid spirit, and just as Spirit Foot was letting go, to fall to her knees, Otto caught her. Well, and next week, we will have Spirit Foot, Lover of the Naga Kings, Part 2. Much love to you all. May your weeks treat you well in this wild multiverse. Attune with love and meet the chaos as you can. I love you all. You take care. Bye for now. Thank you all for joining me today and joining the Lowly Yogi Tales and Other Stuff podcast. What a story feast we had and we're gonna do it again soon. If you love the tales, please feel free to follow the Lowly Yogi wherever he may go and share it with those you love. Hey, until next time. Play us out, Monkey Max. Play us out. Earth, Mother, and Friends Earth, mother and friends, you cross our hearth at last. Long have we grieved while the king of demons had his way. But no longer, no longer, it's time to dance and sing. This is the time when the golden age begins As we welcome love and peace and ease may it never cease Welcome joy and bliss in all the eyes of serpents kiss Welcome Mother, Welcome Child, Welcome Bodhi, Tinder, and Mile. Welcome Protection, and Welcome Friends. It's been a long wait, but now the Golden Age begins. Welcome Spring, Summer, and Fall. Winter is Persephone's and sweetest of all. Welcome Immortality. Welcome all, it's time to dance and sing, as the golden age begins. Welcome all you yogis, and we call you in. Welcome all you protectors, and we call you in. Welcome all you yogis, as the golden age begins.