Programming Lions

Bonus: 10X GrowthCon 2024 - Worth It?

April 11, 2024 Matt Morstad Episode 29
Bonus: 10X GrowthCon 2024 - Worth It?
Programming Lions
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Programming Lions
Bonus: 10X GrowthCon 2024 - Worth It?
Apr 11, 2024 Episode 29
Matt Morstad

In this podcast bonus episode, we discuss our attendance of 10X GrowthCon last week in Florida.  We cover the speaker lineup, events, networking, and key takeaways for our business.

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In this podcast bonus episode, we discuss our attendance of 10X GrowthCon last week in Florida.  We cover the speaker lineup, events, networking, and key takeaways for our business.

Welcome to a bonus episode of the Programming Lions podcast, where we are going to talk about a business conference that William and I just attended called the 10X Growth Con, and is the biggest business conference in the United States and is held every single year. We're going to talk about what is it? Why did we go? What did we learn? What are we going to do about it? So let's get right into it. William, in your words, how would you define the 10 X growth conference? It's, it's where a bunch of people get together. And they listen to a bunch of motivational speakers and billionaires and stuff who. Have made a successful business and everyone takes tips from them on how to make a really nice Looking business. That's right. It's a three day event. This year was held in Hollywood, Florida, so it's just north of Miami, south of Fort Lauderdale. Beautiful area, beautiful venue, big hotel conference center And they line up a bunch of guests, they have some motivational breakfasts, and some networking events in the evenings, and so we participated in all of that, right? And for those that don't know, 10X is a brand started by a gentleman named Grant Cardone, who is largely known for being a real estate investor, and being a billionaire from his real estate career. Now he also then branched out and built 10x where he's got organizations that help other businesses succeed and move forward. He helps entrepreneurs. He's got a real estate investing apparatus that you can get involved with. And he's got the, the 10x foundation that helps kids learn. There's a lot of, there's a lot of things and there's a lot of things that are in the hopper coming. He also partnered with Gary Breka and created 10X Health. And if you are a health nut, you've almost certainly seen Gary Breka on 10X Health. Social media. He also runs the Ultimate Human Podcast. And, really intelligent guy. Talks about basically how, nature has a lot to offer and putting humans in that place where they can absorb more minerals and be in a place to be healthier through more natural ways. So pretty interesting. Anyway, let's get into the actual conference itself, William, and let's go through some of the guests that we saw because there was a really great lineup of guests. I'll give a quick rundown. And then I want to hear from you who you thought were some of your favorites. So The conference opened with Tucker Carlson, so that was pretty interesting, and we closed out with Arnold Schwarzenegger, and between there, those bookends, we had people like Mike Tyson was on, Michael Chandler, the UFC fighter who's going to be facing Conor McGregor this summer was on, Marissa Streit, who is the CEO of PragerU was on, we had Bob Duggan, who is a billionaire in the biotech, biomed space. We had Jonathan Maxwell, who's written, I think, 90 leadership books. And we had a gentleman named Tim Grover, who is a motivational performance coach, he coached Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and a number of other athletes in part of their successful endeavors. Those are a few. Just, yeah, talk about just a few. It was an incredible lineup. And, not only that, but then we had networking events pretty much every evening. Before we get into that, and what we learned. I really liked Arnold Schwarzenegger Maxwell, Jonathan Maxwell. That's, yeah. And then also Tim Grover. They were all really cool, because I'd never seen any of them before. Tucker Carlson, though, I'd seen him at AmericaFest. I've seen him before, but everyone else, that was really cool. Right, right. Did you have a favorite if you had to pick? Arnold Schwarzenegger. A lot of these were done in a, not really a speech, I'd say a couple of the, Speakers gave a more of a motivational talk, but for the most part they were all sit down conversational style Interviews where grant would interview them some of them went off and they kind of just you know talked And others had a lot more dialogue. I forgot to mention peyton manning was another guest. Yeah, that was Yeah, so definitely a few athletes and business people and everything. Nigerian Brothers, they talked about their options platform that they recently sold and looks like they're creating another one. Yeah, a lot of people to see. I'll just weigh in in terms of my favorites. The celebrities obviously were super interesting and great to hear their stories. But the one that blew me away was Tim Grover and his speech, I just, I can't stop thinking about it. It was so great. I took a ton of notes and I've gone to his website and for those of you who don't know Tim Grover, he's got a couple of books. I think one is called Relentless and he's got a video series on his website. Check it out. This guy, Will knock your socks off. He just gets you pumped up and I Love the things that he said and it really made me think about how we focus ourselves and our business here at GSD nation Yeah, okay. So then let's move on in terms of why did we go to this? You and I went and so you were one of the younger people at this event, right? Yeah, there's that one kid in the very front though who is like really small. Yeah but the reason why we went to this was because this is a, it's a thing that helps you 10x your business. Right. So we went there basically I think to get tips on how to make our, make our, the GSD Nation better. Right. That's right. And I think it was really good exposure for you, for me, for me also. But really good exposure for you at your age to be able to go to a conference and meet a bunch of, People who are investing in themselves to try to either make themselves or their business bigger and better and stronger and grow faster And so it was pretty inspiring, you know It's interesting because I've read some comments from people on some of the 10x Growth con posts and there are a few haters and trolls that come in and say oh, this is a cult It's a it's a scheme and yeah, yeah, people say that about Grant and 10x and I, I kind of understand why they say that when you get people together and they really, get pumped up about something, it's, it can feel cultish and you see people doing like 10x, 10x, you're right, so I can understand it. However, if there's a cult that I want to be a part of, it's a cult. people that are investing in themselves, banking on themselves, putting time into their business and trying to surround themselves with other people who think the same way. And it was really interesting to me that I saw people of all backgrounds, types, colors, genders, The full spectrum was there, right? Yeah, that was crazy. Yeah, I mean, you and I, specifically, we visited with people black, brown, white, female, male. I mean, some people had come, I mean, we even met one guy that went from Poland or something. Yeah. Netherlands, yeah. Yeah, they were all over the world, too. That was really cool. That was insane. Yeah, so it was quite a group about 5, 000 people in person and then another hundred plus thousand that Attended virtually. Yeah What would you say you enjoyed about the networking events because you were a little shy the first day but then I feel like you got out of your shadow a little bit and we had made Dot cards and so we were promoting our brand and talking about our brand and we had kind of refined How we wanted to describe GSD Nation to people that we met. But, talk to me a little bit about how you felt in, in the beginning and then towards the end of the conference. When we first got there, I mean like, I was, I was like, Oh wow, there's a bunch of new people, I don't know any of these guys. But, but on the next day and the days after that I was, I got more comfortable because, now I'd been there, now I know everyone. And I, and dad kind of also talked me into starting or like talking to people, trying to get them to subscribe to GSD Nation, being friendly to them to make it, more motivate them to come over. Yeah. You are really our secret weapon. We had a lot of people actually come up to us. We were wearing our, our branded earrings. Swag and gear and so we had a lot of people that came up and were curious about what our brand was and I think you and your age helped with that and it sparked a lot of good dialogue and we met some other people that are in the social media space, YouTubers. And we got some tips and in fact, they've already had some calls this week with people getting some insight and it's just really fun because people were really open to sharing their knowledge and what they've done, people that are ahead of us. And there's some people that are maybe a little bit behind where we are, but trying to do something similar. So it was pretty cool. Okay awesome conference, awesome event, three long days, and Yeah, fun days. Fun days, really, really fun, and I was really proud of you because You engaged in the conference, and I know some of the speakers might have been a little more mature in terms of their subject matter than, than what you were interested in, but nonetheless, you stuck it out and really absorbed a lot, and then in the networking events where you could have kind of rolled over, you really engaged, and you met people, and you sat at the lunch tables with other people and visited and talked about their businesses and what we're doing, and so I thought it was really great, and I was proud of how you How you did that. Thank you. What are the big takeaways that we had from the conference? I know on the first day you said something crazy to me. Yeah. The first thing I said, dad, on that day was that we need to do more. That's right. They were really inspiring. Their main thing was saying to keep going and then, You'll, you'll get it eventually. That's right. Right? I, yes. And I said to you on the first day, We need to do more. We need to post more. We need to get cooler people on. Mm hmm. We like, everyone that has come on. They're also, they're also really cool, but like famous people. Yeah. Kind of. Yeah, people that have bigger stages than we do to expand our network. That's, that was a, like a, a pretty. Mature and wise thing for you to say and in some ways. I was like taken back You just looked at me and said dad we got to do more Yeah, but you're right you're right we got to do more and to your point We can do more. That's what I think really what 10x is about is taking 10x You the action that you think you need to take. And that will turn into 10 X the results, right? What are some things that we are implementing and doing as next steps leaving GrowthCon because it was all great We left pumped up running like ready to run through brick walls, but yeah, if we don't do anything about it, it doesn't manifest into Success. So what are some of the things that we're doing? We want to start to sell something. We're not quite sure yet, but we're Thinking a lot of people have told us that we need to sell something Selling something is the main source for people to come in and so many people encourage us have a product. And in many ways, we've talked about just trying to get our message out there with influence and build a community of productive thinkers so that we can influence the next generation. And almost unanimously, people thought that is a great message. And having kids involved in this is a really incredible and inspiring message. Even if you don't want to make a lot of money and I say we're not really in this to make money Yeah, you need to make money to fund the business. That really made me think that we need to be more focused on getting some income streams. If nothing else, to allow us to get broader reach. Meaning we'd take any income that we get and we'd reinvest it into the business. Marketing, advertising, and so forth, so that we can get a broader reach and have more impact. So maybe, you and I aren't necessarily making money, but the business then starts funding itself instead of, My savings funding the business, you know what I'm saying? So I think that was pretty wise. And on the flight back, we. Spent a bunch of time going through a number of ideas. So we've got physical items, digital items, maybe exclusive membership items. So those are all things that we're going to be exploring in the coming months. The other thing I would say that I realized is I need some good mentors in this space. And fortunately I met a couple of great people at the event and I've already had chats with a couple of them and a couple others are on the horizon. And so I've really taken their offers to connect to heart. And I'm going to learn as much as I can perhaps tap into their network in terms of other people that can help with our strategy. We signed up for the 10X sales system. They call it the sales system, but it's really business strategy, marketing, and then it includes something that I specifically really wanted, but because it was included in this, it was, I got a lot more bang for the buck, but 10X stages. And so what 10xStages does is it's basically a boot camp for refining your message, your brand identity, and your presentation style. So that should add and amplify, how we present ourselves in some of these threads and podcasts. And I can pass on what I learned at this with you two young gentlemen. And I think that'll help give us a boost and I'm gonna be attending that actually just in a couple weeks. Yep. So we got a lot of things in store, and it's exciting. We got tickets for next year as well, so we're gonna be Already. We're gonna be Literally the first day a guy came up to us and be like, Oh yeah, we'll buy tickets. Yeah, without even seeing the roster of who's gonna be on this year's event, we bought tickets for next year. Yeah. So I guess that shows that we trust the 10X community enough and Grant Cardone that he's gonna line up some really great speakers and stars and motivating people. Yeah. Which I have no doubt that he will do. Let's wrap it up. GrowthCon was amazing. We're going next year. It's got a lot of takeaways, a lot of things that we're implementing into our business and strategy right now. So we're going to be amping it up. So audience be ready and keep listening. Hit the like button, subscribe, leave us a review. Bye bye. Same thing you said