Programming Lions

Ep.31 Q&A with Will & Max

April 25, 2024 Matt Morstad Episode 31
Ep.31 Q&A with Will & Max
Programming Lions
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Programming Lions
Ep.31 Q&A with Will & Max
Apr 25, 2024 Episode 31
Matt Morstad

Tune in for this information packed and hilarious episode of the Programming Lions podcast.  We ask the Boyz, Will & Max, all kinds of questions ranging from serious to weird.  Drop comments on how you’d respond to some of these questions.

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Tune in for this information packed and hilarious episode of the Programming Lions podcast.  We ask the Boyz, Will & Max, all kinds of questions ranging from serious to weird.  Drop comments on how you’d respond to some of these questions.

Welcome to another episode of the programming lions podcast, where we are on a mission to be more productive humans. Now, as many of, we cover serious to semi serious topics on these podcasts and with our guests today. However, we thought we'd mix it up a little bit and we're going to put in a series of unique thought provoking and fun questions. So buckle up, let's have some fun. Questions with the boys. Are you ready? I've got some really fun questions queued up. So I'm hoping you've had your coffee and you're ready to go. Yes, I've had my coffee. I have not tried a coffee. As I mentioned in the intro, we cover serious topics frequently, whether it's homelessness, inflation, crime, we have some inspirational guests on today. We thought we'd mix it up a little bit and I'd throw in a bunch of weird, fun questions. So are you ready? Yeah. Before we get started, I just want to make sure that you both have your pants on today. Yes. Okay. Let's see. Nice. Okay. Last week we had a little bit of a slip. You don't talk about that. Yep, here's the first question. This is interesting. Let's just say, hypothetically, an asteroid is tumbling towards Earth. Okay. And it's targeted to hit our home. And we have five minutes to get out of here. You can grab three things. What would you grab? Water, food, and a vehicle. Water, food, and a vehicle. That's very practical, Max. Because a vehicle can get me out of there before the asteroid hits. And water and food, water can keep me alive. Food can keep me alive when I want to leave. Yeah. How about you, William? I would bring a lot of moolah. I'd bring money. Yeah, I'd bring a lot of money. And then, I would also bring our fridge. Your fridge you just pack up the fridge. Yes I just shoved the fridge in the back of a car like that your cyber truck and hold that right? perhaps I don't think an asteroid can destroy that. What do you think? Yeah, they might leave a little mark, but otherwise Yeah might leave a little mark All right while we're on this space theme I have another question for you guys Imagine you had to live in space. Ooh, that would be hard. What do you think would be the hardest thing about living in an environment with no gravity? You know what, if you just jump off the moon and there's no gravity, so then you just automatically just fly into orbit. The moon does have some gravity, Max, it's just a lot lower. But if you jump far enough. This is what I'm worried. What if you run out of food? Or something like that. Yeah. I'm like, you're gonna starve to death in space. Okay. I wanna run out of oxygen, that'd be torture. Oh yeah, oxygen. What do you think would be the hardest part of actually doing your daily routines in space? Let's just say you had food, water, and oxygen. What if you had to work out? Yeah. That just float. I don't know how. You could lift a lot of weight in space. Yeah, you could probably lift like a thousand pounds. Something like that. Okay, I was thinking you guys might say something like, I don't know, brushing your teeth, going to the bathroom. That much? Oh! Oh! Yeah, going to the restroom would be hard. So imagine like going to the toilet, you just try to take a number two, and it goes back into your butt. Yeah, it just goes like back. And what about peeing? It just just floats around in the air. These are actual problems that astronauts have to deal with and face. Yeah. I would just, I would go outside, I'd go up into the stars and stuff. I'd take off my, the lower half of my body, and I'd pee, and then I'd poop, and then I'd put it back on, and then I'd go back in the spaceship. That means your thing would be like, cold and Yeah, I know. I would then just go near a fireplace and warm up. Yeah. God, there's no fire. You can't make a fire. We're gonna have to do some homework next time on what happens in space, how cold it is, things like that. You can't just, you can't just whip out your thingy and go pee in space. Yeah. Yeah. It would freeze off You just take off your helmet and then you can easily just see. Believe. Unbelievable Unbelievable. Okay, we have to move on. Since we're on this topic of going to the bathroom, I've got a couple of fun questions around that. Okay, are you ready? The first is, What food do you think you would ingest that makes the worst smelling farts? Egg salad sandwich. An egg salad sandwich? Yeah. Ugh. This is the thing, if you eat a whole like, five pounds of beans, you would be like, Uhhhhhhh I feel like beans. Beans? I think beans. I think Grandma's Famous Cowboy Beans. Oh, yeah. Grandma's Cowboy Beans would definitely get to work. Yep. Absolutely nasty. Okay. How about I don't know, fish or oysters? No? Beans. You guys are both going to go with beans. Dad, dad, beans are crazy. Dad, beans don't even have a rhyme after them because they're so nasty at farting. Beans, beans, radical fruit. Okay how about another question. If a leprechaun was to fart, what do you think it would smell like? Lucky Charms. The cereal box. Since we're talking about mythical creatures, as a leprechaun would potentially be, if you could be any mythical creature, what would that be? I, oh, this is actually hard, because mine is between a griffin. And a dragon. Ooh, okay. But You've been playing a lot of D& D lately, you've got a lot of mythical creatures you could probably choose from here. Baby, I have a lot! I'm stuck between a leprechaun. It would be so fun to be a leprechaun, right? Go around in people's houses and then just ruin their day by breaking all of their traps. Okay. Right? That'd be really fun to do. It all said, right, you get gold and stuff from it. But another person I'd like to be, it'd be cool to be a Tarrasque. It's the most overpowered, crazy creature you are able to fight. I have a question about power. If you had the power to make any holiday, what holiday would you make for one day? One day. One day a year. Yep. Normal human day. Okay. It's a thing about Pride people for a month, so maybe we can have one day. What if you were president for a day? What would you do? I'd kick your butt. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Okay. That's exactly what I was gonna say. Maybe you could just say We're taking down a Pride polodeck. You'd take down the pride holiday? Yes, I'll take down the pride holiday. It's hard to do something that would make the country better in one day. Mhmm. Yeah. Debt, border stuff, I mean, You have to get rid of the debt. Most of the stuff with that, those things, you need to like, run through Congress. Yeah. It's hard to do anything when, cause it's not, I'm, everyone in Congress right now. What would be the things that you would try to get done, though? I would try to secure the border. You'd try to secure the border? Yeah, that's the first thing. I don't want drugs. Yeah, there is actually a lot the President can do in terms of, Border security. Yeah, so you might be able to make an impact on that in one day. If you won a thousand dollars, what would you do with it? Keep it. I would invest it. Okay. Will would invest it. Max, what would you do? Keep it. What does that mean, keep it? Keep it in my bank account. So you'd both invest it? Yeah. Oh, that's smart. I wouldn't invest it necessarily in the bank, though. I'd probably invest in something that I know would give me cash back, but I can also always take I can always take my original amount out. Wow, I'm impressed. That's pretty responsible of you two. I expected one of you to say, I'm gonna go buy a bunch of V Bucks or something. Dad, I learned that from 10X. You did? Yeah. I learned about what's it called? Cash flow. Cardone Capital. Where you can buy in fractional ownership on properties. Yeah. And then you get a check every month. So that's what they call passive income. Pretty good. Yeah. If you had the option to live in a castle, on a boat, or in a cloud, which would you choose and why? So you can think about it like land, water, or sky. Land. You'd want to live on land? Yeah. In a castle? You seem like somebody who could live in a castle, Max. Seems so boring to me. I live in a cloud. Does the cloud disintegrate over time? Let's just say it holds steady. It holds steady the whole time. I live in a cloud. You'd be like, Dad, listen, when you're on land, you have to worry about storms, right? Droughts, stuff like that. Yeah. When you live in the ocean, you have to worry about giant waves, hurricanes, thunderstorms, right? Your boat being tipped over. In a cloud, you don't have to worry about rain. Right, you're above all the storms. Yeah, you're above everything. You don't need to worry about anything at all. You probably need good sunscreen though. Then I'd just stay inside the cloud. I'd literally build a fortress in the middle of the cloud. Yeah. Okay, that's smart. That's an interesting way to think about it. Let's get back to going to the toilet. Because this is a Really? More toilet questions? I mean, who doesn't like toilet questions? One person in this family is notorious for always having to go number two in some of the strangest places. No surprise, Max. But where is the weirdest place that you had to go number two? Tell me about it. Do you remember that golf tournament that we went to? Yeah. Literally, I was just thinking of. There was this bathroom that had all these bad porta potties, all of them were occupied except for one. That one was covered in dirt and all of that. And then I had to really go. It was like my only option. So then, I went in there, it was so bad. I did not like it because it was just like, so it was disgusting, but I'm through it. I'm alive. I remember that we like Max 30 minutes before that we were at the house. When it hits you, right, Max? Yeah. Okay, William, how about you? I was That's literally, Dad, what was in my mind when I was thinking of it. You had to enter a talent show, what would your talent be? Football. And what would you showcase in terms of your football talent? I'll do this where this person keeps hiking me a ball and then I hit people in the crowd in the head with a football. Okay. Clever. William, what's your talent? Ooh, baby. D& D. Ooh, baby! Dad, so it would either be, or it'd ask for a bunch of random Lego pieces, and then would just make random Legos. Things. Okay. Interesting. Like that. That'd be fun. Boys, what is the grossest food that you've ever actually tried? Oh, I remember. There was this very wet hamburger. A wet hamburger. Yeah, and then when I took a bite of it, it was all just water, and then I was like, eh. I think I threw up after that. That's, that wet hamburger sounds gross. Yeah, I threw up. Okay, William? It's hard to think about what the grossest food I've ever had is, because I do not like squishy things. There's a lot of things I don't like. I remember once it was my birthday, and then these people brought out a a squishy cake thing, and I was super sad, because they wanted me to eat it, and I started crying. Oh. Remember that? Yeah, that sounds traumatic. Yeah, it was very dramatic. That was terrible. But another thing, maybe, that's like a food that I actually remember tasting, was when we were going to Growth Con, and then we went to that place here. At the airport. Oh, yeah. Disgusting burger. Burgers can be pretty gross. Sometimes. Yeah, it was either that one dad or when we were doing that road trip to Colorado to ski King burger, yeah I do not ever want to go to Burger King again. we don't eat fast food really, but we did stop and you both got some food. Yeah. And I told you Will, it might taste good going down, but it's not going to sit great. And that's pretty much what happened, right? Alright, one more kind of weird question, then I got a couple of serious ones. Do you think ants can swim? We have a couple of ants outside, so I'm gonna go test it real quick. You're gonna test that out? Come back and let us know, okay? They cannot swim. They cannot swim? Yeah, they cannot swim. You threw one in the pool and it just sunk to the bottom? Yeah, it drowned. Huh, that surprises me. Now we know. Another one of life's great mysteries solved on this podcast. Yes, ants do not have hands. They just have arms. Yeah, I would think they're so light that they could just go right across the top of the water. Yeah, I poured it on them. I didn't really put them into the pool. I just Pour some water. So you may have had some impact in the outcome? Yeah. Interesting. Alright, if you had three wishes, and you could not wish for more wishes, what would those wishes be? I'll start off then with my first wish. Okay. Which will be to fix the border. Okay. Wow. The first thing I'd like to do that's a very, is fix the border, selfless wish and get all of the people who are not supposed to be here. Out of fear. Oh, okay. That's the next thing I'd wish for dad would be is say, it's hard to say this, but it's basically world peace. Okay. Where no one else fights each other. Right. everyone just agrees on stuff. Right. Okay. There's no nuclear war coming in the new near future. Okay. Okay. Change SSON and Dad, then there's no fight between like normal people and trans people, Democrats and Republicans. Yeah, stuff like that, right? Everyone is more united. Okay. I love that. Yeah, and then my last wish Max, do you have your wishes yet? One of mine would be to get all the debt out of here, like pay for the debt. Yeah, and then I've been thinking like if I get infinite money I don't want to buy a mansion and all that for then I get so much wealth and all that. Infinite money is just basically a cheap code. It means you don't need to do anything in life. Yeah, so then, but I want to do stuff in life. Now, Max, you cannot take my third wish. I, what I do, Dad, is that I would write several things on a piece of paper. I would say I want to have a lot of Lego sets. maybe like, I want to marry a good woman, right? Someone that isn't mentally crazy. Okay. I'd also say something like, I want to lock Max in his room for the rest of eternity. Wait, what? I'm kidding, no. I'd maybe also say something like cause inflation to go down. Yep. A lot. Okay. And then, I'd write several things, Dad. And then, my last, my very last wish. See where you're going with this. Would be, I'd say, make everything on this piece of paper come true. Yeah, so you're tricking the system into giving you more wishes, basically. Yes. Yeah. Do you just want everything on this piece of paper to come true? That's a clever, it's a clever maneuver. I don't know if it would work on the genie, but. I YouTube. Did you? I want to be best friends with Elon Musk. Okay, Max. And then, I want to be friends with all the very famous football players, like Patrick Mahomes, Justin Jefferson, Jalen Ramsey, and all of that. You would use your wishes to get friends? Yeah. Okay. Max, you're a pretty likable guy. I don't think you need to use wishes. I love friends. People like you anyway. What is something that you notice grown ups do that you think is weird? Say bad words. Okay. Okay. Bad language. If you want that you can send through this part out, but Have sex. Oh, that is weird. Yeah, like me like that. I understand. I'm glad I don't do it like that Like I think it's where even after some people have kids. And then somehow they still do it for some reason. Yeah, I don't like that. That's weird. That is weird, huh? That is strange. You might change your opinion on this in a couple of years. Yeah I could understand why that seems weird To you right now. If you guys could make one rule for our family, what would that be? Follow everything I say. So everyone's your slave? Yes. Yeah, we'll go take out the trash. I wonder where that'll take us. There's not much, this house is pretty perfect. Yeah. Alright, no rules for William. Let's move on. No, I didn't say that. Tell me about a subject in school that you are particularly good at. History. And another subject that you are not so good at that you're working on. Alright, so I'm very good at P. E. and history, but I'm not good at pack up. What is pack up? Where you like put all the things in your backpack and leave That's not really a class. Cause I trip all the time for some reason. Max, I don't think pack up is a class. Yeah, it is. Okay, what are you gonna do to get better at pack up? Not trip on the floor all the time. I keep tripping. How do you avoid tripping? I don't know. Gotta come up with a plan, buddy. You're not just gonna magically get better. Yeah, or if you know where you trip, you could step around it, step over it, or when you're packing up, you could have a mental plan. To pack up more efficiently, like putting your bigger items in the bag first and then smaller items, something like that, maybe. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's work on your pack up. William, best subject and something you're working on. I have two really good subjects. I like math and history. OK, these are my best ones. I don't necessarily have a really bad subject. Something that maybe I could work on a little bit better. I could study maybe a little bit more. Okay. Yeah. I do study, but I think I could study more than what I do study. Okay. How are you going to put that into action? I'm going to study. Okay, maybe we add a few minutes to your study time. Very good. Very good I never heard anybody say they want to study more couple of mom and dad questions. Oh, no. What is your favorite thing to do with mom or dad? Favorite thing to do with dad Snuggle. Oh! And play Fortnite. And play Fortnite. Okay. And then, with mom, I'm thinking I do a lot of things. Sometimes I help her cook. Sometimes I read a book with her. Sometimes I talk with her. I like talking. It's just, it's where we meet. So talk. Yeah. You, your mom's a good talker, listener? William, anything? I was gonna say for you, dad, I like talking with you. Right. Just like in general. It's fun to talk with you. Okay. About either politics or. Games, or Dungeons and Dragons, those things, all of that's fun, and also snuggling. Cozy up, watch a movie, get a bowl of popcorn. Yeah. That is fun, isn't it? Yeah. And then for mom, just Talking with her. I like talking with parents and listening to what they say. What is one thing that mom does to make you laugh? Fart. Yeah, fart. Yeah, farting. Oh boy, I might have to cut this. I don't know if she'll want that one out. Oh, farting, yeah, it's so funny. this morning she actually said, it sounded like a trumpet, and she's it was actually just a gust of air, a small gust of air. And then when it hit the robe, it turned into a very muffled fart. A sweet gust of rose blossom, yeah. Yes. We always joke, she says that it smells like a rose. We say that it smells like a rose that was inside of a whale's carcass at the bottom of the ocean that's been laying there for ten years. Laughter. Laughter. Yeah, that's closer to that, yes. If your names could not be Max and Will, respectively, what would you want your name to be? I actually don't know Because I love my name. May you like Rex? Rex? Yeah. Okay, so from Max to Rex. In Latin, Rex actually means king. Okay, that makes sense then. William, you got any names you'd prefer if you couldn't have Will? What's a simple name? I like Bill. Bill? Bill's interesting, yeah. Right? Bill's also a nickname for Will. Yeah. So I could still practically be called Will. Yeah, you could name Bill. Last question. This one is very important. Since we started this journey of podcasting and social media brand, what is your favorite part of doing this work together as GSD Nation? Spending it with you. Really? Oh Max, that's sweet buddy. And spending it with my brother. And seeing all the viewers that we can get. And then like also we can see how much our videos can get on views. I just love seeing that and like spending time with family and all that. Okay. I like I like learning about these complicated topics for them, already prepared for them. And I don't need to learn about them when I'm older and in college or whatever. Okay. I just knew them. That's good stuff. So you're enjoying this journey. We're on. Yeah. All right. I love it. With that we will end this show hope everybody enjoyed it until next time. All right guys. 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