Coffee And Cuddles

Coffee and Cuddles Season1 Episode 5 Back In The Saddle

January 20, 2024 coffeeandcuddles67 Season 1 Episode 5
Coffee and Cuddles Season1 Episode 5 Back In The Saddle
Coffee And Cuddles
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Coffee And Cuddles
Coffee and Cuddles Season1 Episode 5 Back In The Saddle
Jan 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 5

1. The hosts, Craig and Anna Marie, discuss their humorous experiences from the week, including a grocery store mishap involving the search for Frank's favorite mocha creamer.
2. They explore relationship dynamics, specifically focusing on the importance of avoiding guilt trips and finding a balance in partnerships where both individuals feel valued and heard.
3. Craig and Anna Marie share insights into effective communication within relationships and the concept of 'winning' versus supporting each other.
4. They recount a positive experience at a doctor's appointment, highlighting the benefits of teamwork in healthcare and the impact of being prepared.
5. The episode teases upcoming plans for their brand, including a logo redesign and the launch of a Shopify store for their merchandise.
6. The hosts express gratitude for their listeners and the joy they derive from podcasting.
7. Throughout the episode, they encourage audience interaction and emphasize the value of humor and heartfelt advice in building a strong relationship.

Trying something new for show notes
Coffee, Creamer, Relationships, Balance, Communication, Guilt, Doctor's Visit, Teamwork, Merchandise, Shopify, Graphic Designer, Podcasting, Teacher, Humor, Advice, Love, Positive, Partnership, Communication, Healthcare, Gratitude
Our store definitely a wip

Show Notes Transcript

1. The hosts, Craig and Anna Marie, discuss their humorous experiences from the week, including a grocery store mishap involving the search for Frank's favorite mocha creamer.
2. They explore relationship dynamics, specifically focusing on the importance of avoiding guilt trips and finding a balance in partnerships where both individuals feel valued and heard.
3. Craig and Anna Marie share insights into effective communication within relationships and the concept of 'winning' versus supporting each other.
4. They recount a positive experience at a doctor's appointment, highlighting the benefits of teamwork in healthcare and the impact of being prepared.
5. The episode teases upcoming plans for their brand, including a logo redesign and the launch of a Shopify store for their merchandise.
6. The hosts express gratitude for their listeners and the joy they derive from podcasting.
7. Throughout the episode, they encourage audience interaction and emphasize the value of humor and heartfelt advice in building a strong relationship.

Trying something new for show notes
Coffee, Creamer, Relationships, Balance, Communication, Guilt, Doctor's Visit, Teamwork, Merchandise, Shopify, Graphic Designer, Podcasting, Teacher, Humor, Advice, Love, Positive, Partnership, Communication, Healthcare, Gratitude
Our store definitely a wip


00:02.512 --> 00:27.382
hello and welcome back to another riveting exciting totally tubular episode of coffees and cuddles all right that's it no more 80s movies for you fine never let me have any fun all right on my side as always as in life is coffee aka craig who's now taking a sip of

00:28.075 --> 00:52.082
well it's it's in the name of the podcast so i have to imbibe coffee while i'm doing this and by my side as always as in life is cuddles aka anna marie hi hi so it's been uh compared to last week this has been like a walk in the park nothing burger boring week i'm sorry did you say walk in the park nothing burger

00:53.024 --> 00:53.404

00:53.804 --> 00:56.146
Walk in the park, comma, nothing burger.

00:56.186 --> 00:56.706
Is that better?

00:56.726 --> 00:58.167
No, I'm still confused.

00:58.187 --> 00:59.468
What the heck is a nothing burger?

00:59.608 --> 01:00.908
It's exactly what it says.

01:01.309 --> 01:01.989
It's no big deal.

01:02.029 --> 01:02.549
It's like nothing.

01:02.589 --> 01:03.390
It's a nothing burger.

01:05.031 --> 01:06.312

01:06.432 --> 01:07.952
Why are you not down with these things?

01:09.393 --> 01:12.355
Because it... You're not down, yo.

01:13.295 --> 01:13.716
Oh, no.

01:14.036 --> 01:14.836
No, no.

01:15.197 --> 01:15.797
No, no.

01:15.977 --> 01:16.697
No, no, yo.

01:17.438 --> 01:17.978
That's it.

01:18.158 --> 01:19.399
You need to switch to decaf.

01:20.313 --> 01:21.433
I will not drink dirt water.

01:23.294 --> 01:31.255
Okay, first of all, those of you who appreciate and do enjoy decaf, I apologize for what he just said.

01:31.275 --> 01:36.556
Opinions expressed by copies are not necessarily those.

01:36.576 --> 01:41.117
I think that's the way you're supposed to say that.

01:43.257 --> 01:49.498
The opinions expressed by the hosts are in no way endorsed by the management of Coffees and Cuddles.

01:50.444 --> 01:52.365
Okay, there, apparently I needed him to sit.

01:53.165 --> 01:57.227
So, yeah, things have been pretty normal.

01:57.247 --> 01:59.608
A nothing burger, if you will.

01:59.948 --> 02:01.609
That just sounds wrong.

02:02.189 --> 02:04.230
Okay, I'm going to be hung up on nothing burgers all night.

02:05.711 --> 02:11.033
Although, Craig has suffered a terrible coffee-related tragedy.

02:11.993 --> 02:15.415
His beloved creamer is nowhere to be found anymore.

02:17.651 --> 02:19.758
So I have to tell him this.

02:19.999 --> 02:21.263
Oh, did you seriously look that?

02:21.543 --> 02:21.905
I did.

02:22.266 --> 02:22.968
Nothing burger.

02:22.988 --> 02:24.172

02:25.287 --> 02:30.772
We'll use my NPR voice for this to be official and succinct and exact.

02:31.012 --> 02:48.048
A nothing burger, sometimes spelled as nothing burger all run together or with a hyphen or no hyphen and a space, is a term used to describe a situation that received a lot of attention, but which, upon closer examination, reveals to be a little to no real significance.

02:49.039 --> 02:55.002
The phrase refers to the notion that a regular hamburger is supposed to be something spectacular, I guess.

02:55.122 --> 02:55.542
I don't know.

02:56.323 --> 02:59.504
Wikipedia is a dangerous, dangerous thing.

02:59.524 --> 03:03.046
Now, can I please get back to your coffee-related tragedy?

03:03.066 --> 03:04.046
Please, carry on.

03:04.146 --> 03:04.687
Thank you.

03:05.620 --> 03:11.684
So anyway, he has two different flavored creamers that he just absolutely loves.

03:11.724 --> 03:13.545
He's been buying them week after week after week.

03:14.085 --> 03:18.748
Without fail, we went to the store and the mocha, right?

03:18.908 --> 03:19.088

03:19.288 --> 03:21.850
The mocha one he wanted was nowhere to be found.

03:22.030 --> 03:27.093
In fact, I think this has been the second trip that we haven't seen it.

03:27.393 --> 03:28.734
Oh, he's keeping count.

03:28.794 --> 03:29.895
It's been the third trip.

03:30.015 --> 03:33.417
I'm holding up three fingers for you at home playing the home game.

03:35.854 --> 03:42.380
So he even asked one of the store employees if they knew what was going on.

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And they said, you know, we haven't been able to get it in.

03:46.443 --> 03:49.666
And then somebody else who just happened to be nearby said, what?

03:50.047 --> 03:51.728
There's no more of that mocha creamer?

03:51.748 --> 04:01.537
And all I could think of is he has started an absolute panic that there's no more of his beloved mocha creamer.

04:01.986 --> 04:09.324
Allegedly, it's available in the LA area, but I'm not driving to LA to get it because I value my life more than I value coffee creamer.

04:10.046 --> 04:16.408
First of all, when he says he's not driving to the LA area, he means he doesn't want me to drive to the LA area.

04:17.048 --> 04:27.912
And that's probably because the day that he moved here, the day that he landed and I picked him up from LAX, we went to leave the parking structure.

04:27.932 --> 04:29.712
I got us lost.

04:29.932 --> 04:32.273
I looked at him and said, which way do we go?

04:33.510 --> 04:40.155
Because naturally, I am a man after all, so I would just automatically know which way to go.

04:40.175 --> 04:41.836
Force of habit.

04:41.856 --> 04:46.779
When I'm with someone else and I get lost when I'm driving, I ask the other person, hey, which way do you think we should go?

04:47.340 --> 04:57.107
So I went and asked a California transplant which way we're supposed to go, and I had us lost in Los Angeles.

04:57.947 --> 04:58.688
We were okay.

04:59.108 --> 05:00.249
Obviously, we survived.

05:01.027 --> 05:05.510
And we made it back here and we went out to dinner and everything was hunky-dory.

05:05.811 --> 05:06.851
No harm, no foul.

05:07.912 --> 05:08.453
He does.

05:08.473 --> 05:09.213
Hold on.

05:09.273 --> 05:10.034
Let me interject.

05:10.634 --> 05:13.797
He doesn't have to rah, rah, rah.

05:13.857 --> 05:19.781
You can do it every time we drive you to Los Angeles because I get really, really anxious.

05:20.502 --> 05:26.706
People are just... I think LA was rated as in the top 10 of worst places to drive.

05:27.647 --> 05:28.668
And being that I've lived...

05:29.318 --> 05:34.281
I've lived in the East, I've lived in Texas, I've lived in the Midwest, and I've lived here.

05:34.301 --> 05:39.723
And I can tell you that LA does have some of the worst drivers I've ever encountered.

05:39.803 --> 05:42.865
And I grew up in New Jersey and in the New York area.

05:42.945 --> 05:45.146
So yeah, it's pretty bad here.

05:46.087 --> 05:46.787
Now, wait a minute.

05:47.207 --> 05:50.389
Am I lumped into those worst drivers category?

05:50.929 --> 05:51.730
Of course not.

05:51.750 --> 05:55.912
Are our beloved listeners lumped in to that category?

05:56.052 --> 05:56.672
Absolutely not.

05:56.712 --> 05:57.853
We have the most...

05:58.789 --> 06:02.932
most awesome listeners and the best driving listeners and all of that.

06:02.992 --> 06:06.235
So we are cut above here at Coffees and Cuddles.

06:06.856 --> 06:07.496
Well, all right then.

06:08.337 --> 06:15.402
So yeah, other than not being able to find his beloved creamer, we've been doing all right.

06:15.583 --> 06:15.783

06:17.034 --> 06:32.524
On our blog, where I've been trying to be really good about posting something once a week, I've been trying to do this thing of do's and don'ts in a relationship, and I wanted to point out a do for this week, and it's all because of Craig.

06:33.561 --> 06:35.481
who's now sitting here wondering what did he do?

06:35.941 --> 06:36.382
I'm running.

06:36.602 --> 06:42.263
The gears are like, I've shipped in or the little wheels have shifted into second gear now.

06:42.283 --> 06:44.583
And I'm like, Oh God, what did I, what did I do now?

06:44.643 --> 06:48.724
There's more smoke coming out of your ears and coming off of that coffee mug right over there.

06:49.964 --> 06:58.385
So this week I had to get some paperwork done for, for my school.

06:58.525 --> 07:00.266
It was absolutely had to be done.

07:00.406 --> 07:01.646
They went live today and,

07:02.267 --> 07:03.887
Yes, I'm talking report cards, people.

07:04.147 --> 07:08.929
Not that anybody in this conversation waits until the last minute every reporting period to do.

07:09.529 --> 07:10.569
Let's just ignore that fact.

07:10.849 --> 07:14.210
First of all, now I have to backtrack.

07:14.770 --> 07:16.050
I started those.

07:17.251 --> 07:23.212
Didn't put them in the right section and didn't know that until today, but I had started them.

07:25.162 --> 07:27.023
Did you just play the world's smallest violin?

07:27.043 --> 07:28.484
I'm going to take your coffee in a minute.

07:29.604 --> 07:31.145

07:31.285 --> 07:31.745

07:32.105 --> 07:34.167
So back to what Craig did.

07:34.767 --> 07:36.788
And here's my relationship deal.

07:38.061 --> 07:46.247
So as I was trying to get these done, he looked at me and he said, hey, whatever it is you need, I will bring you snacks.

07:46.747 --> 07:47.788
I will dance for you.

07:47.808 --> 07:52.371
I will bring you something to drink, whatever you need so that you can get these done.

07:52.411 --> 07:55.673
And it kept me totally calm, totally focused.

07:55.873 --> 07:56.594
I got them done.

07:56.654 --> 07:57.975
I got them done ahead of time.

07:58.555 --> 08:00.076
I was very, very impressed.

08:00.156 --> 08:01.757
So when it comes to...

08:03.968 --> 08:23.966
Our relationship, because again, I'm not saying what everybody should be doing, but when it comes to our relationship, I think a do is do be supportive of what your loved one, significant other, spouse, partner, whatever term you put.

08:25.285 --> 08:26.327
Do be supportive.

08:26.787 --> 08:36.341
Even if you're thinking this is probably a really little thing that I can do to support the other, absolutely go ahead and do it.

08:36.702 --> 08:39.786
And you may be thinking, snacks, you were getting work done.

08:40.467 --> 08:43.289
But, I mean, he could have brought me an Italian ice.

08:43.389 --> 08:49.733
He could have walked by with, you know, some apple slices or pretzels, you know, whatever it is.

08:49.833 --> 08:57.778
But just knowing that he wasn't going to keep me from getting something done was really, really helpful.

08:58.139 --> 09:07.485
No, I don't understand couples that do that where one demands that the other one must spend every waking moment with them.

09:08.882 --> 09:10.163
Do we spend a lot of time together?

09:10.263 --> 09:10.523

09:10.603 --> 09:11.603
Is it too much time together?

09:11.623 --> 09:30.532
I don't think so because we both have our, our separate interests and we have common interests and we are, we are mature enough and whatever word you want to throw in there, but we are set up in such a way that if she wants to do her thing, I have no issues with that.

09:31.333 --> 09:36.575
If I want to play a video game on a computer or whatever it is I want to do, she's okay with that.

09:36.595 --> 09:37.576
And then we, we, we,

09:38.439 --> 09:39.239
Start the day together.

09:39.299 --> 09:44.262
We go up, we go our separate ways and then we come back together and we go apart and we do that constantly.

09:44.342 --> 09:57.889
And you have to, I really think that you have to have that in a relationship where if one spouse or partner or whoever has to do something like for a work task, you know, they absolutely have to get it done.

09:57.909 --> 10:05.153
I don't understand why you would give them a hard time about them, you know, cause let them have their half hour, their hour, and then they're done.

10:06.601 --> 10:16.103
And then they can come sit on the couch and veg out in front of the TV with you and not have that hanging over their head or that nagging thought like, I really shouldn't be watching TV.

10:16.563 --> 10:18.463
I've got something more important to do right now.

10:19.023 --> 10:29.565
And not that spending time with your partner is not important, but there are times when the real world creeps in and just, you know, you have to pay attention to it.

10:30.325 --> 10:31.666
I saw a video the other day.

10:31.686 --> 10:33.606
I follow an account on...

10:34.963 --> 10:37.245
She's on TikTok, and I think she's got a YouTube channel.

10:37.265 --> 10:38.025
She's on Facebook.

10:38.966 --> 10:44.230
The account is called The Dadvocate, like advocate with a D in front of it.

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And she talks about relationship things.

10:46.491 --> 10:51.215
She talks about how men are treated badly in relationships and women gang up on them.

10:51.415 --> 10:57.219
And one of the things she showed was a clip of the husband.

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He works hard all week.

10:58.560 --> 10:59.961
He wanted to watch some kind of sports thing.

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on Saturday or Sunday.

11:04.777 --> 11:11.680
And she said, oh, I thought we were going to go out and look at Christmas stuff or start Christmas shopping or, you know, the decorations are out in the store now.

11:11.700 --> 11:12.400
We should go look.

11:13.320 --> 11:18.862
So rather than let him have like an hour or two for the game, you know, the game only lasts a finite amount of time.

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And it was early enough in the day, so she had plenty of hours to go Christmas shop or whatever after that.

11:24.765 --> 11:27.946
So rather than watch his game like he was looking forward to all week,

11:29.234 --> 11:29.835
He went with her.

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He got in the car and he took her.

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And then she was mad because, well, I finally convinced him to go.

11:37.120 --> 11:39.422
But now he's not enjoying it like he should be.

11:40.062 --> 11:43.845
Like she automatically assumed that he would just enjoy whatever this thing that she wanted to do was.

11:44.385 --> 11:47.968
It wasn't enough that he acquiesced and said, OK, I'll go with you.

11:48.709 --> 11:50.970
Probably just to shut her up, if we're being honest.

11:51.070 --> 11:57.175
But, you know, let's let's argue and say that he went because that felt to him like the right thing to do.

11:57.822 --> 12:05.084
So rather than enjoy it, she had to make this big stink about, well, he's not enjoying this as much as I think he should or he's supposed to.

12:06.545 --> 12:07.885
Who made you the fun police?

12:08.305 --> 12:10.206
Who made you in charge of the fun quotient?

12:10.366 --> 12:18.708
And by what measurement do you ascertain that, yes, he's having the appropriate amount of fun or enjoying this the appropriate amount?

12:18.928 --> 12:19.749
I don't understand it.

12:20.729 --> 12:22.309
My girlfriend doesn't do that to me.

12:22.329 --> 12:24.990
You know, if she says, do you want to go out?

12:25.050 --> 12:25.990
I'm like, sure, I'll go.

12:26.011 --> 12:27.511
I don't have anything pressing, you know.

12:28.464 --> 12:32.105
Or if I know there's a ball game on, I will tell her, look, the game's almost over.

12:32.985 --> 12:33.785
Would you mind waiting?

12:33.825 --> 12:34.985
And she's like, sure, no problem.

12:35.025 --> 12:39.146
And then she'll read or she'll be on her phone or she'll do whatever until I'm ready to go.

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And same thing with her.

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If she's doing something, I'm like, all right, you tell me when you're ready to go and we'll go.

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And it's not a big deal.

12:45.907 --> 12:49.708
I'm not pacing up and down across the living room.

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I'm not standing at the door tapping my watch saying, come on, let's go.

12:54.903 --> 12:57.144
there's always going to be a certain amount of give and take.

12:57.204 --> 13:01.024
You may get what you want today and your partner may get what they want tomorrow.

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But there's got to be that meeting of the minds and there's got to be some kind of ground rules established because you can't just automatically assume that your partner is a mind reader and they know what you're thinking.

13:13.787 --> 13:18.108
I've constantly heard throughout my life, well, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.

13:18.248 --> 13:19.389
I'm not going to explain it to you.

13:19.849 --> 13:20.649
Fine, don't.

13:21.663 --> 13:22.504
Give me the silent treatment.

13:22.524 --> 13:24.404
That's an hour that I get to enjoy by myself.

13:25.645 --> 13:27.826
Not that I would do that with Anna, but you get my point.

13:31.868 --> 13:32.128

13:32.348 --> 13:32.648

13:32.688 --> 13:38.851
I didn't know if you had something to say because that was actually perfect because it brings me to a don't.

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And one of our don'ts is we don't put guilt trips on the other person.

13:46.614 --> 13:48.455
So if

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They're kind of productive.

13:50.563 --> 13:50.963

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So if there's something that I need to do or I need his help with,

13:58.853 --> 14:08.580
And I ask him and he's really not feeling up to it and tells me that he's not feeling up to it or he's really tired or he needs to sleep or he doesn't feel well.

14:09.261 --> 14:16.066
I don't sit there and play games or make him feel bad to get him to do it because what's that going to accomplish?

14:16.146 --> 14:17.947
Is that going to make me feel better?

14:17.967 --> 14:21.369
Some people might be sitting there going, yeah, yeah, because you won.

14:21.630 --> 14:23.231
No, that's not going to make me feel better.

14:23.671 --> 14:24.732
I'm going to feel guilty.

14:24.772 --> 14:25.853
I'm going to feel horrible.

14:26.593 --> 14:36.137
This year, this wonderful, wonderful guy of mine said that he was willing to be a volunteer at my school, which is absolutely awesome.

14:36.937 --> 14:38.258
And I did ask him one day.

14:38.278 --> 14:41.279
I said, hey, any chance you can come to my school this week?

14:42.119 --> 14:43.600
And I knew he hadn't been feeling well.

14:43.620 --> 14:45.681
And he said, you know, if I'm feeling up to it.

14:46.401 --> 14:51.323
And as it got closer to the day that I was hoping he would go, I knew he just really wanted.

14:52.023 --> 14:53.023
Did not feel well.

14:53.143 --> 14:56.984
And I couldn't ask him, you know, to come.

14:57.024 --> 14:58.325
I knew he wasn't feeling well.

14:58.785 --> 15:00.005
And I didn't guilt him about it.

15:00.125 --> 15:01.545
I didn't make him feel bad about it.

15:01.645 --> 15:02.826
I totally understood.

15:03.566 --> 15:08.387
And said, you know, when you're feeling better, you know, I would love to have your help in the classroom.

15:08.847 --> 15:15.329
But putting a guilt trip on him, that's really not the way a partnership works.

15:15.649 --> 15:15.889

15:15.929 --> 15:17.289
You made an interesting point.

15:18.390 --> 15:18.930
Some people...

15:20.143 --> 15:23.545
There's that subsection of people that would say, oh, well, you won.

15:23.685 --> 15:28.208
Is it really winning if you have to guilt your partner to doing something that you want them to do?

15:28.228 --> 15:36.294
I'm not saying if he or she is just a jerk and never wants to do anything, then yeah, obviously there's a problem there.

15:37.354 --> 15:42.558
If your partner normally does things and this time they're just like, look, I can't do it, then they want to beg off.

15:43.518 --> 15:46.680
Not because they don't love you or because they don't want to do things that make you happy.

15:46.781 --> 15:47.981
They're not up to it.

15:48.021 --> 15:48.762
There are times when

15:50.014 --> 15:54.757
your physical battery and your emotional battery is going to be, it's going to be run down next to nothing.

15:54.837 --> 16:09.346
And you're going to need a day to recharge or a few hours to recharge or whatever it is, you know, go, go for a walk, play video, whatever, whatever it is that, that ritual thing that you do to make yourself feel better and recharge your batteries by all means, do it.

16:09.626 --> 16:13.548
But eventually there's going to build up so much resentment.

16:13.688 --> 16:17.951
And I'm, I'm talking from personal experience here where when one partner is

16:18.760 --> 16:37.792
demands and demands and demands it never gives back and i'm not saying that it should be you know an equal split it has to be 50 50 because sometimes it's not going to be sometimes one partner is going to do 60 or 70 and the other one's going to do 30 or 40 and then there'll be times when it swings the other way and the other partner is doing a little bit more but it's about

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what's acceptable to you.

16:40.431 --> 16:54.075
And these are things that, again, you know, I'm not saying like you have to write down every rule that comes to mind, but there should be a basic understanding of, look, these things bother me, these things I'm okay with, these things I'm willing to work on.

16:55.156 --> 17:07.499
But if you don't tell your partner that you hate something and they want to do that something, they want to eat that food or whatever, and they have no idea that you hate it, you know, and like octopus makes you freak out or something and they want to go

17:08.516 --> 17:13.841
to a restaurant that serves that, then obviously you didn't tell them that's not their fault.

17:13.961 --> 17:16.303
And you really can't blame them if you don't tell them they don't.

17:17.444 --> 17:18.765
There's no crystal ball.

17:18.785 --> 17:24.490
There's no way they're going to magically know by looking at you that octopus makes you all squeaky.

17:24.870 --> 17:25.951
It's just not going to happen.

17:26.831 --> 17:33.437
So like I said, I've been through this where, and I'm not saying I was perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

17:33.557 --> 17:34.238
I know I wasn't.

17:34.678 --> 17:35.539
I never claimed to be.

17:36.581 --> 17:39.223
But there were times when I was doing all the giving.

17:39.303 --> 17:40.284
I was doing the cooking.

17:40.344 --> 17:41.865
I was doing the romantic stuff.

17:42.746 --> 17:45.068
I was making the effort, let's go for a drive.

17:45.108 --> 17:46.169
Let's go to the mall.

17:46.209 --> 17:47.370
Let's go to the craft store.

17:48.050 --> 17:48.851
Whatever it was.

17:49.451 --> 17:51.613
And there would be times that I would ask her to do something.

17:51.713 --> 17:52.814
No, I don't want to.

17:52.974 --> 17:55.116
No, I've got to do this.

17:55.216 --> 17:56.437
Or no, I'm tired.

17:56.637 --> 18:00.220
Or whatever it was where I just felt like, okay, fine.

18:00.340 --> 18:02.382
And that's where the resentment starts creeping in.

18:03.453 --> 18:06.594
Because it feels one-sided and it feels like it's all me, me, me.

18:07.554 --> 18:13.977
And again, I'm not in any way, shape or form saying that this is 100% true what I'm telling you.

18:14.817 --> 18:18.558
In my experience and my recollection, this is how I remembered being.

18:19.659 --> 18:20.599
And that's all I can go by.

18:23.720 --> 18:31.823
So something else that I've noticed, and I guess this could fall under...

18:33.618 --> 18:34.879
The do category.

18:34.899 --> 18:38.523
Yeah, that would fall under the do category.

18:38.863 --> 18:39.944
I actually had to think about that.

18:42.306 --> 18:46.029
Do what you can to be a help and not a hinder.

18:47.090 --> 18:50.954
And Craig is such an awesome example of this.

18:50.974 --> 18:52.075
Aw, shucks.

18:54.335 --> 18:55.857
I think he's turning red.

18:55.977 --> 18:57.198
Yes, he is.

18:59.140 --> 19:03.825
So one of the things and he's been doing this since day one.

19:03.845 --> 19:14.897
And he always finds some way to help me out because for a while before he decided to give California a shot.

19:15.797 --> 19:19.780
He would be on the phone with me when I was trying to do a million things at once.

19:19.841 --> 19:25.345
Take care of the dog, get the laundry done, go to the grocery store, unpack the groceries, clean the dishes, whatever it was.

19:26.006 --> 19:32.091
And he will just take care of something that's on my, oh my gosh, I've got to do this list.

19:32.731 --> 19:36.294
I'll come home thinking to myself, I've got that huge load of laundry to do.

19:36.995 --> 19:38.796
I'll walk in and I'll hear the machines running.

19:39.577 --> 19:42.099
And he'll say, hey, by the way, that laundry, taken care of.

19:42.319 --> 19:43.620
Yeah, I want to interject here.

19:44.867 --> 19:47.789
It's not really a game in the sense that I'm like playing games on her.

19:47.889 --> 19:48.550
It's more of it.

19:48.690 --> 19:59.217
It's a, it's a personal game in my head that I like to do where she will tell me either late at night or on her way to school or wherever she'll say, remind me, I need to get laundry done.

19:59.237 --> 20:03.941
Remind me, I want to finish up the dishes or remind me I need to do trash needs to go out.

20:05.373 --> 20:08.496
decoration needs to be put back in the garage, that needs to be taken out of the garage.

20:09.056 --> 20:15.161
One of my favorite things to do is she'll come home and she'll start to say, oh, I need to, and I'll just look at her and I'll smile and say, nope, already done.

20:15.181 --> 20:26.171
And the look that she gets on her face makes any amount of labor that I have to do to do those tasks totally worth it, just to see that smile.

20:26.811 --> 20:30.514
It's... Is this the smile you're talking about?

20:30.574 --> 20:31.996
That's exactly the smile.

20:32.756 --> 20:33.377
It's just...

20:34.915 --> 20:35.355
I don't know.

20:36.396 --> 20:38.558
It's such a help.

20:39.059 --> 20:52.730
And for a while, I was feeling like I was running out of steam that I had blown through every battery pack I had and was still trying to figure out how to get more done.

20:53.491 --> 21:02.138
And now that I have coffee here helping me out, it's just, it is such a help.

21:02.778 --> 21:02.959

21:04.164 --> 21:05.945
I try to find things to do to help him.

21:05.985 --> 21:12.350
I'll be thinking in my head, okay, I'm going to make sure he sleeps a little bit more on the weekend and I'm going to get the dishes going.

21:13.451 --> 21:22.137
And he'll wake up and he'll say something to him about, hey, I got a load going in the dishwasher.

21:22.757 --> 21:24.859
And he'll say, I really do appreciate that.

21:25.719 --> 21:32.984
And whether I'm telling him that I appreciate something he's done or whether he tells me that he appreciates something I've done,

21:34.096 --> 21:36.397
You know, we just do these things to help each other.

21:36.757 --> 21:38.818
I must say, I appreciate your appreciation.

21:39.458 --> 21:41.359
Well, your appreciation is appreciated.

21:41.379 --> 21:42.180
All right.

21:42.240 --> 21:43.180
Now that we got that settled.

21:43.440 --> 21:49.383
You know, one of these days we're going to find a way to put some form of appreciate into an entire conversation.

21:50.663 --> 21:51.083
It's coming.

21:51.344 --> 21:52.064
So be prepared.

21:53.223 --> 21:59.926
Oh, no, we can't do a whole podcast about trying to have a conversation with the word appreciate because they're not going to appreciate that.

22:00.346 --> 22:02.027
Look what you've got me doing now.

22:02.047 --> 22:04.208
I can appreciate your problem.

22:04.888 --> 22:05.349
Stop that.

22:06.189 --> 22:07.069
No more coffee for you.

22:07.710 --> 22:08.750
I'm almost empty.

22:09.410 --> 22:09.931
Oh, good.

22:10.291 --> 22:11.371
Let me go hide the coffee pot.

22:11.611 --> 22:11.771

22:16.380 --> 22:19.322
I know that we had talked about talking about this.

22:21.324 --> 22:27.268
So we did have that one little scare last... Gosh, that was last week, wasn't it?

22:29.350 --> 22:30.971
So... Two weeks ago.

22:31.111 --> 22:31.732
Two weeks ago.

22:33.173 --> 22:37.376
I'm really bad with keeping time information in my head.

22:37.396 --> 22:37.436

22:40.896 --> 22:47.139
One of the things that I know Craig always worries about is me having to take time off work.

22:48.140 --> 22:58.265
And that is entirely my fault because I'll grumble about, you know, I don't want to take any more time off work or I've taken too much time off work or do I have any sick days left?

22:59.185 --> 23:08.250
And then he worries about, you know, appointments that he needs to get to because he always makes sure that he can try to get to my appointments and I try to make sure that I can get to his appointments.

23:09.228 --> 23:11.430
And he did have to have a follow-up appointment.

23:11.950 --> 23:15.593
And I told him, just get it scheduled and I will make sure I'm there.

23:16.433 --> 23:23.298
And of course, it ended up because we had to keep moving the days around trying to meet with the provider.

23:23.318 --> 23:29.983
And he booked it for a Wednesday, which those are extremely loaded days for me.

23:31.824 --> 23:33.986
Meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting after work.

23:34.686 --> 23:38.049
And it's just one of those days that I try not to miss work.

23:38.931 --> 23:43.235
So he booked the appointment and I said something to my boss about it.

23:43.255 --> 23:44.055
She's like, no problem.

23:44.096 --> 23:44.896
Do what you got to do.

23:44.916 --> 23:53.704
I went with him to his appointment and he's got this furrowed brow right now trying to think of what on earth is she going to talk about?

23:55.305 --> 23:56.146
I never know either.

23:58.448 --> 24:05.414
And I think it really helped him have me along with him for that because he

24:05.891 --> 24:09.713
Well, I've said it before, and I'm sorry to interrupt, but you are my Google.

24:10.173 --> 24:13.995
When we go out to a restaurant, I will ask her, did I like this the last time we were here?

24:14.015 --> 24:15.256
Or what did I order the last time?

24:15.276 --> 24:16.276
Oh, I ordered that.

24:16.296 --> 24:16.917
Did I like it?

24:17.597 --> 24:22.199
And she will think of the questions that I don't, and I think of the questions that she doesn't.

24:22.319 --> 24:28.242
So we had our notebook, and we got everything answered because the provider kicked butt.

24:28.282 --> 24:29.063
She was awesome.

24:30.114 --> 24:33.976
For the first time going to this, it's a multi-office practice.

24:34.036 --> 24:35.956
It's like a medical group or something.

24:36.417 --> 24:37.037
It's a medical group.

24:37.057 --> 24:38.257
They have offices everywhere.

24:38.277 --> 24:41.439
And the first time, I don't even want to talk about the quacks in that office.

24:42.339 --> 24:45.280
But the first time I wound up going there was also a hospital follow-up.

24:46.341 --> 24:48.662
And I went and I didn't have my records from the hospital yet.

24:48.702 --> 24:51.583
Nobody thought to call the hospital or email or whatever they do.

24:52.136 --> 24:53.457
Oh, they said it was the hospital's fault.

24:53.617 --> 24:53.777

24:54.017 --> 24:55.778
They didn't have any of my information.

24:55.818 --> 24:56.779
So I'm like, why am I here?

24:56.839 --> 24:58.360
But this lady's like, oh, I've got your chart.

24:58.920 --> 25:00.401
I've got all your records from the hospital.

25:00.441 --> 25:01.021
Everything is good.

25:01.061 --> 25:01.842
I'm looking over it.

25:02.362 --> 25:04.203
And she went over everything line by line.

25:05.324 --> 25:07.585
If we had a question, she would stop and answer our question.

25:07.845 --> 25:09.766
And she would ask me some things.

25:10.407 --> 25:12.988
And it was totally amazing and like 1,000% different.

25:14.892 --> 25:16.732
than any of the other experiences I had before.

25:16.772 --> 25:20.893
But I'm glad that Anna was with me because she had the notebook and she was writing things down.

25:20.913 --> 25:23.474
She was asking the questions like, oh yeah, I should ask that.

25:23.514 --> 25:27.975
So if you can go with your partner to a doctor's visit, go.

25:28.475 --> 25:30.235
Absolutely do.

25:30.935 --> 25:34.976
I'm going to simply refer to, I guess we can call this your new doctor.

25:35.456 --> 25:38.237
I'm just going to refer to her as Dr. A. And

25:39.494 --> 25:49.520
At one point, I was trying to jot down some information, and she must have noticed me trying to write Fast and Furious, and she said, oh, no, no, no, we're going to give you copies of all that.

25:50.120 --> 25:55.783
So I was just really impressed that she was paying attention to him, to me.

25:55.964 --> 26:01.927
She saw that things were getting written down, so we're just chugging right along.

26:01.947 --> 26:04.488
I still don't understand why you didn't want them to print out all 87 pages.

26:04.508 --> 26:04.629

26:05.988 --> 26:07.849
Oh, so let me explain.

26:07.889 --> 26:08.829
First of all, it was 85.

26:09.369 --> 26:10.290
Let me explain that.

26:10.530 --> 26:22.694
So the last office that we were at, we tried to get copies of his records and we were told they were on the patient portal, which they weren't.

26:23.154 --> 26:24.854
I said something to his new doctor.

26:24.874 --> 26:32.177
I said, you know, Dr. A, would it be possible to get copies of any lab work, any tests that have been done with this medical group?

26:32.662 --> 26:33.542
She said, yeah, no problem.

26:33.703 --> 26:34.463
Just go ask my nurse.

26:35.043 --> 26:35.724
Boom, we got it.

26:36.364 --> 26:42.427
And then I said something about, you know, we don't have any copies of anything from the hospital other than a visit summary.

26:42.447 --> 26:45.328
And at first she said, yes, we can print that for you.

26:45.489 --> 26:47.570
And then she got this look on her face and said, well...

26:48.624 --> 26:51.026
shoot, that's like an 85-page document.

26:51.146 --> 26:55.089
I think you can go onto their website and get it.

26:55.589 --> 26:57.311
And I said, oh, I'm sorry, 85 pages.

26:57.351 --> 26:58.051
Yeah, no problem.

26:58.091 --> 26:59.732
We'll go through the hospital for that.

26:59.792 --> 27:01.814
We don't need to print like a novel or a phone book.

27:01.854 --> 27:06.898
But I have a feeling if we had asked, she would have been willing to do that.

27:07.498 --> 27:08.199
I think she would have.

27:08.299 --> 27:10.601
It's just, it's night, it's really night and day.

27:10.621 --> 27:13.243
So that's the good for Dr. A. Yeah, Dr. A is awesome.

27:13.263 --> 27:13.663
We like her.

27:16.528 --> 27:22.992
One last thing I want to talk about, and then I'll give the mic to her to say her final words, is we finally got our Shopify store up.

27:23.012 --> 27:24.673
We've got some really cool stuff in there.

27:25.454 --> 27:30.057
Eventually, I'm looking for a graphic designer to do our logo.

27:30.297 --> 27:31.078
We have a logo.

27:31.138 --> 27:33.759
It's really cool, but it's not professionally done.

27:33.779 --> 27:37.162
It's something I threw together with a logo maker, or maybe I did it in Canva.

27:37.662 --> 27:38.102
I forget.

27:38.122 --> 27:39.103
I like it.

27:39.183 --> 27:40.064
I like the feel of it.

27:40.124 --> 27:42.765
I like the vibe, but it's not professional.

27:42.805 --> 27:43.246
So once...

27:43.991 --> 27:44.711
We get it done.

27:44.731 --> 27:46.392
I may go to Fiverr or something.

27:46.432 --> 27:46.832
I don't know.

27:47.072 --> 27:51.833
Or if you know somebody, leave it in the comments somewhere, and we'll check it out.

27:51.893 --> 28:11.337
But once we get that in place and we have everything designed the way we want, then we're going to start loading up our store with, like, Coffee and Cuddles merch, like coffee mugs and pillows and whatever, whatever you can think of, buttons, magnets, stickers, any of the chachi stuff that people just have to have, we'll have it very soon.

28:12.297 --> 28:12.677
All right.

28:13.661 --> 28:17.648
So who's, oh yeah, you're like out of coffee now.

28:18.189 --> 28:19.631
So he's out of coffee.

28:19.651 --> 28:21.113
I'm probably out of words.

28:21.694 --> 28:22.255
Wait a minute.

28:22.275 --> 28:23.557
I'm never out of words.

28:23.578 --> 28:25.921
Never out of words.

28:27.830 --> 28:35.274
Which is amazing because I talk all day at my nine to it never stops job.

28:36.855 --> 28:38.316
I talk all day as a teacher.

28:38.356 --> 28:41.377
So you would think by the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is talk.

28:42.038 --> 28:46.020
And somehow I've got plenty of words still in me.

28:47.541 --> 28:49.402
I know that he's hoping that I'll run out of words soon.

28:50.063 --> 29:02.220
But as always, we appreciate everybody listening, passing around information on our podcast to families, friends, somebody that you're sitting next to in a coffee shop.

29:03.697 --> 29:07.980
We truly appreciate it because as I've said before, I'm new to the whole podcasting thing.

29:08.000 --> 29:10.983
And I'm actually having a blast with this.

29:11.743 --> 29:14.005
And we appreciate all of you who are listening.

29:14.105 --> 29:23.973
If there's any questions you ever, ever have, or if there's something going on in your relationship and you're wondering, hey, has this ever happened to you too?

29:24.033 --> 29:25.514
And how do you handle it?

29:26.055 --> 29:29.778
We have no problems with you asking us those kinds of questions.

29:29.818 --> 29:30.959
We really, really don't.

29:31.699 --> 29:41.890
um, we want to make this, you know, interactive, I guess you can say, yeah, we want to make this interactive audience participation.

29:42.431 --> 29:42.671

29:42.811 --> 29:43.893
Audience participation.

29:43.913 --> 29:44.754

29:46.144 --> 29:51.728
You know, maybe someday in the future we'll have a phone bank and we'll have a phone lines and you can call in.

29:52.108 --> 29:53.869
Okay, I'm getting way ahead of myself here.

29:53.889 --> 29:57.952
And people are probably going, do they still make those kind of boards?

29:58.392 --> 29:59.793
I'm sure somebody somewhere does.

30:01.094 --> 30:03.536
Boy, with all this talking, you'd think I was the one who was drinking coffee.

30:06.585 --> 30:08.885
So enjoy your weekend.

30:09.685 --> 30:13.486
If you happen to catch this episode this weekend, enjoy your weekend.

30:13.646 --> 30:17.227
If you catch this episode during the week, have a wonderful week.

30:17.647 --> 30:30.110
For those of you that are in Southern California, get your umbrellas, get your coats, get your galoshes or a really good pair of boots because the rain is supposedly coming.

30:30.730 --> 30:31.390
I don't believe it.

30:32.677 --> 30:38.720
Now, my definition of brain and his definition of brain are totally different, but be safe out there and we will talk to you soon.

30:39.841 --> 30:44.403
As always, like to reiterate what Anna said, we appreciate each and every one of you listening.

30:44.923 --> 30:47.945
We've got lots and lots of downloads and we appreciate everyone.

30:48.165 --> 30:49.265
See, now I'm doing it.

30:49.766 --> 30:54.328
We are very thankful for all the people that have downloaded our podcast and shared it with their friends.

30:55.008 --> 31:02.292
So with that in mind, once again, the opinions expressed by the on-air staff are not necessarily those of management.

31:03.410 --> 31:05.393
because this is just our two cents worth.

31:06.013 --> 31:06.954
Your miles may vary.

31:07.815 --> 31:08.496
Thank you all.

31:09.277 --> 31:11.520
Good night, good morning, good day, and God bless.

31:11.580 --> 31:12.121
We love you all.