Coffee And Cuddles

Coffee and Cuddles Season 1 Episode 12 Cheaper By The DOzen

March 08, 2024 coffeeandcuddles67
Coffee and Cuddles Season 1 Episode 12 Cheaper By The DOzen
Coffee And Cuddles
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Coffee And Cuddles
Coffee and Cuddles Season 1 Episode 12 Cheaper By The DOzen
Mar 08, 2024

Listen in as we explore the crucial art of setting personal boundaries and the nuanced idea of building walls in our relationships. This week's conversation is a journey into self-care and personal space, as I share a slice of my life and the epiphanies about the clear lines that need to be drawn with those around us. Joining me is my sidekick, Cuddles, also known as Animal, and together we navigate the complexities of protecting our well-being. Our dialogue circles back to this theme repeatedly, whether it's within the context of our new venture or the digital realm where boundaries become even more pertinent. We dissect how online interactions, stripped of facial cues, can skew perceptions and why it's crucial to shield oneself from the pervasive negativity that often permeates social media.

Wrapping up this episode, we express heartfelt thanks to our listeners for their unwavering support and hint at the intriguing content awaiting in our next episode, "A Banker's Dozen." I urge our community to spread the word and share the love that this podcast fosters, inviting everyone to contribute topics and conversations that resonate with them. As Cuddles and I reflect on our podcasting journey, we touch on the importance of trust and comfort in our partnership, acknowledging how these elements allow us to lower our walls and embrace collaboration. Farewell for now, and remember, the perspectives we share are simply our personal takes on the world. Your journey may reflect a different story. Much love, and until we meet again in your earbuds, take care and keep setting those boundaries.
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Show Notes

Listen in as we explore the crucial art of setting personal boundaries and the nuanced idea of building walls in our relationships. This week's conversation is a journey into self-care and personal space, as I share a slice of my life and the epiphanies about the clear lines that need to be drawn with those around us. Joining me is my sidekick, Cuddles, also known as Animal, and together we navigate the complexities of protecting our well-being. Our dialogue circles back to this theme repeatedly, whether it's within the context of our new venture or the digital realm where boundaries become even more pertinent. We dissect how online interactions, stripped of facial cues, can skew perceptions and why it's crucial to shield oneself from the pervasive negativity that often permeates social media.

Wrapping up this episode, we express heartfelt thanks to our listeners for their unwavering support and hint at the intriguing content awaiting in our next episode, "A Banker's Dozen." I urge our community to spread the word and share the love that this podcast fosters, inviting everyone to contribute topics and conversations that resonate with them. As Cuddles and I reflect on our podcasting journey, we touch on the importance of trust and comfort in our partnership, acknowledging how these elements allow us to lower our walls and embrace collaboration. Farewell for now, and remember, the perspectives we share are simply our personal takes on the world. Your journey may reflect a different story. Much love, and until we meet again in your earbuds, take care and keep setting those boundaries.
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