Insomniac Diary

Resolutions & Romances: 2024 playbook

January 02, 2024 nina Season 1 Episode 4
Resolutions & Romances: 2024 playbook
Insomniac Diary
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Insomniac Diary
Resolutions & Romances: 2024 playbook
Jan 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4

"Ready for a 2024 shake-up? Join me as we dive into a year of unfiltered chats, rule-breaking, and spicy secrets! πŸŽ‰ From sipping champagne at home to drawing inspiration from 'New Year's Eve,' this episode is all about being unapologetically us. 🍾πŸ’₯ We're ditching clichΓ© resolutions for fun, exciting goals, and transforming dreams into plans. Plus, a deep dive into dopamine dating and why fantasy sometimes beats reality. πŸ₯‚πŸ’˜ Get ready for personal growth, setting boundaries, and prioritizing joy every single day. Let's make our love lives and resolutions sizzle in 2024! πŸ”₯ #NewYearNewUs #2024Playbook"

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"Ready for a 2024 shake-up? Join me as we dive into a year of unfiltered chats, rule-breaking, and spicy secrets! πŸŽ‰ From sipping champagne at home to drawing inspiration from 'New Year's Eve,' this episode is all about being unapologetically us. 🍾πŸ’₯ We're ditching clichΓ© resolutions for fun, exciting goals, and transforming dreams into plans. Plus, a deep dive into dopamine dating and why fantasy sometimes beats reality. πŸ₯‚πŸ’˜ Get ready for personal growth, setting boundaries, and prioritizing joy every single day. Let's make our love lives and resolutions sizzle in 2024! πŸ”₯ #NewYearNewUs #2024Playbook"

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This is how 2024 makes me feel. I love you, baby. And if it's quite all right, I need you, baby, to warm the lonely night welcome back, everybody. It's 2024. Are we ready to shake things up? I want you to get ready for a year of raw, unfiltered conversations and some serious rule breaking, spicy secret and everything you're not supposed to talk about. But we will. This year is all about being unapologetically ourselves. This is where the magic happens. Let's get this party started. Wow. Hi, it's Nina. Do you know what I did on New Year's Eve? I just spent it at home with a glass of champagne. Throw some strawberries in, because that's my favorite way to drink it. And then I watched the ball drop in my all time favorite movie, New Year's Eve. I mean, waiting for it live wasn't an option with the time difference here in Europe. Right? And, you know, I absolutely love that movie, especially the speech Claire Morgan gives. It is so inspiring. I don't know if you watch the movie, but in the movie, the ball on Times Square had a problem with lighting, so she's giving an inspiring speech while they're fixing it. So here's the speech. Because that's what New Year's is all about. Getting another chance, a chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about what if and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight, but all year long. Thank you. I had to throw in. Thank you. There. I'm in a character now. I wouldn't change evening spent like that for anything, really. Like, I woke up really inspired, and I hope you are, too. What did you guys do? I hope you had an amazing New Year's Eve. Nowadays, my version of Party is a glass of some bubly or red, nice food and a good movie. Like, that's all I need for happiness, honestly. Wow. 2023 was a roller coaster, wasn't it? I felt like I lived a decade in just one year. But screw that. We are all about moving forward, right? So let's talk New Year's resolutions, but with a twist. This year, I want to make them exciting and not just be another list that disappears by February. You know, when I think about it, it's all about trying those goals to something that gives you a kick. Dopamine, passion, whatever you want to call it. Like take podcasting. It's my jam. Totally gets me out of bed in the morning. And speaking of getting out of bed, it's really 2024, you guys. Wow, we are shaking things up this year. Okay, are you with me? No more of that new year new me cliche. Like. It's more like new year real me. But seriously, how many times have we made resolutions that just vanished into thin air by February? Well, not this year. We are transforming those dreams into solid plans, okay? We are keeping it spicy and achievable and most importantly, fun. I think life is too short for boring resolutions, right? You know, looking back at last year, I start seeing a pattern. The resolutions I actually kept were the ones that were fun, not just a to do list to hack the box. So here in 2024, I've decided I want to change things up with my resolutions. And I hope you will, too. No more just going through the motions. I want to make them exciting, something I look forward to every day. I think we only fail when we focus solely on the end game, not enjoying the journey and not giving ourselves an easy way to follow through. So we're doing this differently this year. What's your game plan for 2024? Maybe it's like conquering a fear, learning a new skill, or just finding more reasons to smile every day. Hit the gym, pick up a new language, whatever it is, break it down into fun, manageable steps and make it hot. Like, if you're learning a language, maybe you can flirt in French for 15 minutes a day. Like, instead of taking lessons or trying to learn it from YouTube, like, find some nice, let's say, french guy. The French are hot, you guys. Yeah, I think I have a thing for French. Anyways. I speak four languages, and I can tell you for a fact that the easiest way to learn a language is through communication. Really? Like, all of the languages I've learned through communication, it's the easiest way, it's the most fun way, and you don't even realize how you learn it. And we all have a thing for connection, so I'm sure you won't have trouble finding someone online. Just make whatever your dream is for this year fun. I've realized that when we enjoy the process, we are more willing to stick with it. Like, I literally can edit my podcast for hours and not even realize that I have been doing it for hours because I enjoy it. And I mean, you have to try to stick with it even if you don't feel like it sometimes. Just like you wouldn't ghost a hot date. Just don't ghost your goals. Like maybe keep a diary. Like set reminders. Setting reminders or making a list really helps. I think I have like 3000 reminders in my apple notes by now. And yeah, it really helps. It helps me follow through with the plan throughout the day. And then I just feel so accomplished when I check off everything that I did. Like honestly, success in everything is always about those small steps that we follow through with which add up over know and you start seeing the results and we only give up when it's not fun anymore. Let me tell you about how I got through my last year's resolution and I was all in for kickboxing. And when I think of any type of martial art, I'm thinking Uma Thurman yellow outfit in kill bill. So I went all out and we're talking head to tone ninja mode. Okay. And I show up to my first kickboxing class so everyone is in like regular gym clothes. And then there is me in my black and yellow tracksuit ready to kill Bill. So ten minutes in, I'm supposed to do a roundhouse kick. Instead I spin, lose balance and end up sending the instructor's coffee flying. The whole class paused and there is this coffee dripping off the ceiling. But hey, I became a legend for my killer caffeine kick and I stuck with it because it was fun. And I also had a new party trick. Yeah. Just kidding. Well, for me, this year, seriously, it's all about personal growth. I realize I'm too quick to drop everything for others, but not this year. It's time to focus on me a bit more. It's not selfish. I think it's essential. And you've got to be in a good place yourself to help others, right? And if you guys are like givers and you find it hard to say no to people you care about, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I've always been this year's person. Like always ready to drop everything for others. But this year I'm flipping the script. It's about putting me, putting us at the forefront, focusing on self love and self growth. I know it might sound a bit selfish and honestly, I've been feeling a bit conflicted about it. But it's not selfish. Not really. It's about filling our own cups first so we can be there more for others in a healthier, happier way. I want us to embrace that self love without any guilt this year. You see, I already feel a bit conflicted about it. But no, we are going to stick with our decisions this year. This is one of the resolutions of mine. Like, I want to stick with my decisions this year and not let anyone change my mind. I think it's all about creating boundaries, not allowing any toxicity, and really, truly, like, focusing on our plans, not sacrificing our well being for anything or anyone. Because at the end of the day, our everyday happiness is what will fuel us to be better in every aspect of our lives. So I say let's make 2024 a year where we thrive in our own peace and happiness. Let's make it a year where we don't just dream, but actively build the life we want, step by positive step. And speaking of building the life we want, let's talk about how it applies to our love lives, too. Moving on. The dating scene of 2024. Guys, it's a whole new world out there. We've got this new trends popping up like dopamine dating, where it's all about how they make you feel. And you know what? I'm proud of us. I'm proud that we are finally understanding it. That it's about the feeling they evoke in us, not making excuses for their toxic behavior, which I think we've been doing quite a long time as women. I think it's about seeking connections that constantly elevate our dopamine levels, making us feel good, valued, and happy. Like, this really ties back to our theme of self love and setting boundaries. In 2024, when we respect and love ourselves, we create space for healthier, more fulfilling relationships. That's what we are aiming for in 2024. Connections that uplift us. Relationships that bring joy and growth. Bravo to us for making that shift. Really, honestly, I'm so tired of seeing my friends and myself included, like, giving so many chances to people who don't appreciate us. it's time for us to put ourselves first and not let anyone bring toxicity to our lives and just recognize how does that person makes us feel rather than how much we love them. So I hope we all make that shift and move towards more healthier, loving relationships. By the way, I was thinking about this dopamine dating, and I was thinking, like, did I have a person in my life that kind of gave me those kind of feelings? Okay, insomnia's buckle up. So there was this guy I met online. He was so handsome. Like, really. But we were continents apart. Like, he in Australia, me in Spain. But we were so into each. Like, I remember every time I would wake up, I would check my phone first. Really excited to see if he texted, it kind of felt like he was doing the same. You feel those kind of things. And I always had this fear. Like, I hope he doesn't invite me to meet him in person somewhere, because, strangely, I enjoyed our chat so much. This fantasy land was so exciting, so I didn't want it to end, because reality never lives up to imagination. And that's all I needed at that time, I guess. Then one day, my nightmare came to life. So he invited me to, of all places, Disneyland. And I said no. Like, to this day, I have no idea why. But thinking back now, I think if it was any other city, country, anything else, I would have said yes. But the fact that he chose Disneyland I kind of realized that he wanted to connect with me on a deeper level. Like, have fun with me, probably make me fall in love with him. Create a memory that I would never forget. Come on. I know the game. I played the game, and I won every time. Let's just face it emotionally, guys are clueless. Like, women always win in this kind of stuff. So last night, I was strangely thinking about him. Why? I refused. And it hit me that the thrill was in the chase, the fantasy, our daily facetime were my dopamine fix. All the excitement, none of the reality. And I was hooked on this what ifs and maybes. Like, who doesn't love a good virtual flirtation? Until next time, take care of you because you are worth it. Bye for now.