Books In the Middle Podcast

Devils Within By S. F. Henson (Contemporary)

Tasha Squires

Devils Within    By S. F. Henson 

He killed his father. There is no disputing that as a fact. However, being 14 at the time his lawyer was able to get him tried as a juvenile, even though there were others who wanted him tried as an adult. After all, his father was an upstanding member of the community. Or was he? And just what kind of community was it? Turns out, Nate’s dad was the leader of a white supremacy compound called The Fort in a small town in Kentucky. The people from the town and The Fort revered Nate’s dad and they didn’t take too kindly that he was killed – murdered in their eyes. Even if he was possibly about to kill Nate. Now Nate has to try to move on with his life, knowing that if the people from The Fort ever find him, they will kill him. 

Recommended for 8th grade and up.