Books In the Middle Podcast

Dress Coded by Carrie Firestone (Contemporary Fiction)

Tasha Squires

Dress Coded by Carrie Firestone

Have you ever been embarrassed? Like so embarrassed that you had trouble talking? Olivia has a moment like that when she's being yelled at by her principal, all because she is wearing a tank top and won't put her sweatshirt on. But she has a reason for not putting her sweatshirt on, a very good reason.

Molly witnesses Olivia's moment and she knows WHY Olivia won't put her sweatshirt on. And pretty soon, she decides to point out the inequities in the current dress code at her middle school. It is a dress code that seems to only go after the girls, and the boys don't have to deal with it. Is that fair? Nope, not in Molly's eyes. So Molly begins a podcast to expose the injustice she and others see, with their dress code.

Recommended for grades 6 and up.