Books In the Middle Podcast

What I Carry by Jennifer Longo (Contemporary)

Tasha Squires

What I Carry by Jennifer Longo

Muiriel was named after the hospital she was abandoned at. To be precise, the John Muir Medical Center in California. And since she was a girl, well, they tried to keep it close. And when her social worker, Joellen, gave her a book about her namesake for her 8th birthday, it, in many ways changed the direction of her life. If she had any say in it, that was. Because John Muir was a famous naturalist, who spent most of his life outdoors and trying to protect the wilderness we have today - places like Yosemite. Still, to a little kid of 8, probably not the best gift, or so she thought at the time.

Now Muir is about to embark on her last placement in foster care, because she is 17 and will be aged out of the system when she turns 18. And then she will truly be on her own. But her rules have been carefully in-place for herself for many years, and she believes she will survive this placement as well as she has the others. Don't make any friends or connections, don't cause trouble and always be ready to leave.

Recommended for grades 8 and up.