Books In the Middle Podcast

Race Against Time by Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace (Nonfiction)

January 10, 2022 Tasha Squires

Race Against Time by Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace

When the sharecroppers got together to discuss how to unionize, they knew they were doing something dangerous. After all, black people in the United States didn’t just decide they wanted to get a fair shake of things. After all, historically speaking, why would they think that was even possible? And in 1919, especially in the South, there was no way they were going to get fair prices for the cotton they had spent months growing and cultivating, unless they worked together. Even as they headed into the meeting at the church, they were nervous. Nervous enough to hire guards to be on the look out. But what happened was beyond their worst imaginings.

A white mob of law enforcement as well as other members of the town of Elaine, Arkansas began shooting into the church and ran off the people in it – including women and children. Many fled for their lives into the surrounding woods and fields and many more were gunned down as they tried to run. It is estimated around 250 blacks were killed over that night and the next few days. 

Twelve black men were arrested and charged with murder. Most were tortured to get them to falsely confess. All were sentences to death. Enter Scipio Africanus Jones, a man who had been born into slavery and through perseverance and determination, became a self taught lawyer. 

Recommended for grades 7 and up.