Niche Upon A Star

12. Lizzie Davey - Six figures and diversification

Jo Millett Season 1 Episode 12

What does it feel like from the top of Mount Freelance? Nice view, mate.
This week's guest on Niche Upon A Star is none other than Lizzie Davey.

Lizzie's the mastermind behind Freelance Magic, as well as running her own top-notch content business. She not only serves some of the best known clients in her niche, but she also leaves the ladder down - sharing resources that help others do the same.

Lizzie is known for being open about her earnings, and encouraging others to know their worth. I wanted to find out what was behind all that.

This episode is packed full of good stuff for people looking to charge more, scale their own business or just learn from someone who grafted for a decade and still loves what they do.

Let's Niche Upon A Star: