Orlando Unplugged: Life In Living Color

Unplugging Princess Kate's Diagnosis, Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Children's tv, and Drunk Brother (Big Brother, But Better)

March 25, 2024 Dustin & Ashley Season 1 Episode 12
Unplugging Princess Kate's Diagnosis, Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Children's tv, and Drunk Brother (Big Brother, But Better)
Orlando Unplugged: Life In Living Color
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Orlando Unplugged: Life In Living Color
Unplugging Princess Kate's Diagnosis, Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Children's tv, and Drunk Brother (Big Brother, But Better)
Mar 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 12
Dustin & Ashley

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Gather 'round the mic—Dustin, Ashley, and our pre-show companion Jordan—are all here spilling the tea on everything from Princess Kate's health to the unearthed truths of our beloved childhood Nickelodeon stars, diving headfirst into the darker side of Nickelodeon's past, holding a space for reflection and respect for those who've bravely shared their stories.

Strap in for a rollercoaster episode as we catch the Orlando vibe with theme park aficionado Gio. His infectious energy and escapades through Drunk Brother 13's outrageous world of scheming and scandal will have you craving your next reality TV fix—or at least a spin at our own Big Brother-styled social gaming. The blurred lines between friendly deception and alliance betrayal in our rendition of these games unfold, offering strategies and tales that might just have you plotting your own game night.

As we wrap up this episode, we reminisce on the cutthroat tactics of Drunk Brother—the laughs, the blindsides, and those jaw-dropping moments when you realize your closest allies have outplayed you. From gameplay analysis to future planning, we take you behind the scenes of crafting an evening of mischief and strategy that's as unpredictable as it is unforgettable. Join us for an episode that embodies the heart of our Orlando community and leaves you wondering just how well you'd fare in a game where your drink might just be your downfall—or your ticket to victory.

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Gather 'round the mic—Dustin, Ashley, and our pre-show companion Jordan—are all here spilling the tea on everything from Princess Kate's health to the unearthed truths of our beloved childhood Nickelodeon stars, diving headfirst into the darker side of Nickelodeon's past, holding a space for reflection and respect for those who've bravely shared their stories.

Strap in for a rollercoaster episode as we catch the Orlando vibe with theme park aficionado Gio. His infectious energy and escapades through Drunk Brother 13's outrageous world of scheming and scandal will have you craving your next reality TV fix—or at least a spin at our own Big Brother-styled social gaming. The blurred lines between friendly deception and alliance betrayal in our rendition of these games unfold, offering strategies and tales that might just have you plotting your own game night.

As we wrap up this episode, we reminisce on the cutthroat tactics of Drunk Brother—the laughs, the blindsides, and those jaw-dropping moments when you realize your closest allies have outplayed you. From gameplay analysis to future planning, we take you behind the scenes of crafting an evening of mischief and strategy that's as unpredictable as it is unforgettable. Join us for an episode that embodies the heart of our Orlando community and leaves you wondering just how well you'd fare in a game where your drink might just be your downfall—or your ticket to victory.

Dustin :

You're listening to Orlando Unplugged, celebrating life in living color with Dustin and Ashley. Grab a cocktail or a mocktail and let's get unplugged Orlando. Well, hey there everybody, and welcome back to another episode of Orlando Unplugged. I'm Dustin.


And I'm Ashley and I missed you guys, oh oh sorry Wow.

Dustin :

I was going to say and please welcome our pre-show special guest.


Jordan, Hi Jordan.


Hey, what's up?


Oh my gosh, we've never had a pre-show guest before, I know. Well, it was exciting, it was completely unplanned.

Dustin :

But Jordan had a rough afternoon so we said come drink with us and come join us oh speaking of which, what are we drinking today, Ashley, other than your water in your lead cup?


Leave my Stanley alone. God, she's great. No, I have. What did you make me? A caramel, caramel Nespresso.

Dustin :

A caramel caramel, nespresso Caramel caramel with extra caramel, and I know it's the new oat milk stuff, the brown sugar.


Yeah, the Trader Joe's brown sugar, oat milk.

Dustin :

I put about four tablespoons of caramel in there, so I hope it tastes good.


You're the goat.

Dustin :

Well, you said you wanted extra caramel, so I'm going to go that goat. A goat Can't decide which one I'd like to use. But what are you drinking?


I am drinking pineapple and caramel vodka, which I didn't expect. I didn't expect them to go well together, but they actually are.


No, it's mango. You got mango, not pineapple. It's pineapple juice. Why Caramel vodka going?


together. I don't know why they go together, but like.

Dustin :

Why Out of all the apple?


shit Out of all.


I try so hard to keep this podcast.




And then people say stupid beep.

Dustin :

You just can't say the four-letter F word.


Okay, people say stupid shit on this episode. And then I just sit there and go.


What the but it went well together. So I'm vibing and thriving. You know what I'm drinking. What are you?

Dustin :

drinking. Sorry, Rob, Love you. I stole some of Rob's chocolate milk, some of his chalky milk and I put my caramel. Is it yeah?


it's not the chocolate milk no Rob drinks. It says February 29th.


No it did not. I literally did.

Dustin :

No, it's fine, it's chalky milk. Chalky milk doesn't expire.


Do you know where chocolate milk comes from?

Dustin :

Brown cows.


I'm here for it.

Dustin :

You know, this is even funnier because Jordan doesn't have a pair of headphones, so you can't hear any of these sound effects.


I am super excited, though, for this pre-show topic, tom, because, well, kind of somber, kind of excited because I am an avid, obsessed royal family member, cult follower. I have watched the Crown, I have watched all the Princess Diana documentaries, I have seen it all. I think it's time that we will one. I feel like we kind of need to just kind of comprehend for a second that what we thought was happening was not what we were happening.

Dustin :

Wait a minute, what are you Stop? You're going too fast. We've got some fun pre-show topics to talk about today. We've got two actually we're going to talk about Princess Kate and we're going to talk about the new documentary that just recently came out.


So if you guys are ready let's get into it Now.

Dustin :

This is what you're forgetting, ashley, you gave me a hard time last week about it. I did.


I really did because I like this, but at the same time I just feel like sometimes this is more exciting, but these two are these two pre-show topics don't feel exciting to me. This is kind of like somber things. We're talking about One being very sad, sad news that is happening to a family, and then the other being very traumatic events that somebody who I mean personally, I believe shaped my childhood. I mean, I can't speak for you guys, but I feel like this was something I never thought was going to happen. I mean, I was looking forward to the documentary but I never, ever, ever thought that that was going to be. The outcome of that documentary was what experience and what transpired from it. So it's kind of somber. So which one do you want to start with?

Dustin :

So lots of crazy stuff. Actually it's been a very busy week in the world, so since Christmas of this year we have not seen Princess Kate of Wells, our royal family Cool. We haven't seen the Princess Kate of Wells since Christmas. That was the last time she had been seen publicly and a lot of people had started making humorous jokes about Princess Diana 2.0.


There was also conversations and rumors being spread that her husband was having an affair that there was going to be a situation where it was going to. There was another, there was a mistress, there was another woman. That was happening. That's why she was being hidden away because she was either dealing with her thoughts and emotions on it, or she was literally on the verge of being cast away to an island.

Dustin :

Have you heard about this news, jordan?


Yeah, Okay, I feel like the whole world has heard about this news I was going to say if you haven't heard about it.

Dustin :

So the princess underwent a planned surgery in January for her abdominal region and during that time it was determined that the princess actually has cancer. And I've not delved into this a whole lot and I know she recently released a statement this past week where she confirmed those suspicions.


Let me help you. You go for it. Get Phyllis in. She has yet to confirm whether or not what kind of cancer it is. We are all assuming that it is probably due to some sort of abnormal situation, seeing as how, that was the surgery that was planned. So that's kind of the feedback that we're getting is that she now has cancer in that sort of region. It was made very apparent to us that they tried to get some of it out. However, her now next steps in this is that she needs to undergo radiation and chemotherapy.

Dustin :

Well, she's been going. No, no, no, we have not yet started.


She has not yet started.

Dustin :

No, she recently did start. It took her a while.


She's been in cahoots with her family. She's been processing that with the family first, before she has made the decision to go ahead and start radiology and chemotherapy.

Dustin :

I am going to say something that's probably not going to be. A lot of people are going to like this, but if she has not started this therapy seeing her in this video and the pictures that have surfaced since her video release, looking at her physical appearance as it is now, if she has not undergone any form of treatment. I'm gravely concerned for her at this point.


Yeah, I mean, and I think, to be honest with you, I feel so bad. Jordan, if you want, to speak.

Dustin :

Just raise your hand, so we know to let you chime in.


We try not to cut each other off.

Dustin :

So Ashley and I make really strong eye contact with each other when we want to Correct. So you're just going to have to raise your hand.


Yeah, we really do. That's the only way Like, because we, we I think Dustin and I are such like active, we have such active opinions on a lot of things.

Dustin :

We got big, freaking mouths.


We really do. So we have to like that's our, that's been our. I'm so proud of us. I feel so bad for this family and it's not. It's not one of those situations where I'm like, oh, she has cancer. I feel bad. No, I feel so bad because they have such young children and they're also actively in the media so heavily. So it's one of those where, yeah, she's like she asked in her video for privacy and and a time for her to kind of reflect with her children and her family and her husband, and she's not going to get that Like. The entire world is going to actively want to know her blood type, her chemo, her chemo plan, her diet, what's going on, what's happening, how she spoke to her children, how she's handling this, her husband they're going to want to know all of these, all of these things, and I feel I feel so bad for her family.

Dustin :

Like well, and you know, not to mention, you've got that, You've got. The king was recently diagnosed with cancer. And then you know, it seems like it was just yesterday that we lost the you know the queen, god rest her soul, and it's just like that poor family you know, under the spotlight of the entire world. It's just one bad thing after another, and you know who?


who I feel really bad for in this mix that's now actively getting some some shade. Who I don't feel like should be getting some shade is is Megan. Why is it the Duchess is getting some shade for the fact that Princess Kate has cancer?

Dustin :

or is she?


she's like getting some shade. She's been like, oh, she's not reaching out to her sister in law, how do you know?


Yeah, how do you know? This woman hasn't called up her sister in law and been like hi, can I help you? I'm sorry, but all the documentaries I've seen, all the things I've seen, all the tweets, all the the all the lifetime episodes, the Netflix documentaries I have a hard time believing that Harry and Megan are that vindictive of people that they would not reach out to their brother and sister in law and go hi, how can I help you during this time?

Dustin :

Well are. So. Where is Megan Markle?


and her husband now. So, the last time they were in California or they're in Canada one of the two they left the family. Yes, they did. So, who knows, maybe they haven't they the, according to the Royal I don't know if it's the Royal family or the Royal Twitter or the Royal Instagram, but whomever runs their social media platform has made an announcement that the Duchess and Dutch cause. That's no, it's the.


Duchess and the Duke, thank you.


Thank you. The Duke and Duchess have reached out to Princess Kate and Prince Harry. No, harry's Megan's husband. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. What is his name? Google please.

Dustin :

Move on.


They've reached out to the future King and Queen of and said hi, we're here for you, we are great, our our sympathies and support whatever you need from the family. So, as far as I know, the Royal, the Royal publicist, has announced that, hey, this is what we got for you. I'm just, I'm so sad, jordan.

Dustin :

I think I was about to say Jordan, what's your take on this?


I think for me, honestly, like I really feel more bad for the children yes, the children at being a parent, being a child of a parent, being a parent, your parent, jordan, definitely not Not today. Being a child of a parent who has cancer, like I, feel more sympathetic for the children than I do for any of the other adults of all.


Jordan. Can we talk about this real quick?


Are you cool with that? Yeah, I'm sure Okay.


How old were you when your your mom got diagnosed?


with kids. I had actually just moved to Orlando, actually so 20.


My mom got diagnosed For 15. Yeah, so how old were you?


I was 23. God and these kids are six and six seven and nine.


Could you imagine that?


Like your mom, I don't want to say cancer is a death sentence. It's not. It can be cured. I don't really know what.


Absolutely, because we never know their situation and we don't know and as of right now, we do not know what Princess Kate's full, what, what, what is?


it what the diagnosis is. What the diagnosis is, yeah.


Yeah, but is it? It's stage?


What stage she is in what stage she is. So we we can't make any assumptions.


We can't sit there and be like oh it's, it's deathly, or it's not deathly, or one of the whomever, whatever it may be, but it's still a hard conversation to have with a child. I can't imagine at that young age. Hi, mommy's sick. Okay, what do you mean? Mommy's sick, mommy's got a cold, mommy's got a boo boo how do you describe that to such young? I mean, as adults, we understand.

Dustin :

Well, I know that that one of the things that she said, Princess Kate, was that one of the many reasons we haven't seen her, is you know? She wanted to become strong, but she also, her and her husband, wanted to take the time to figure out how to best explain this to their children.


How do you explain?


that, but you really don't no, I just I don't, I don't.


I hope to never, ever be in their shoes and have to explain that to to if there is any children in my future.

Dustin :

Um, but yeah, so to go ahead and wrap up this topic so we can move on, Because I think our next one we're all three of us are going to take a minute to get through, but, um, earlier this week the prince and princess, uh, both said that they were touched by the kind messages from the people from the United Kingdom across the Commonwealth and around the world, uh, and their response to her Royal Highness's message, and they're extremely moved by the public's warmth and support and they're grateful for the understanding of their request of privacy at this time. So, if you are the British paparazzi, screw off and leave them alone.

Dustin :

But yeah, I'm sorry, but leave them alone, Like this let them have their moment, let them figure this out between family.


That's all I got. That's my end, all thoughts.

Dustin :

Now to move across the pond, as we like to say, back here in the United States.


No, none of us say that, but that's okay.

Dustin :

Actually a lot of people say that. But be quiet Um. Another topic that's not quite sunny or lighthearted as Ashley's laughing Um. So this past week we saw um quiet on set. The dark side of children's TV came out on max.


Um, and this is something HBO max.

Dustin :

No, it's called max. It's no longer HBO max, it's just max Um, which is why I didn't say HBO max.


It's the same reason.

Dustin :

I'll forever call it Um. So this documentary came out recently and it was something that had kind of been popping off in social media for the last couple of weeks. Um, where we did take a look at the dark side of of children's TV, of Nickelodeon, back through the nineties and the early 2000s, and we all fully expected to see a man to binds on there. We didn't see her on there.


We'll get to that in a minute.

Dustin :

We got to slow down, no hold on, let me just, but so, um, it was full of a lot of things that we weren't expecting. Um, but, ashley, do you want to take it away? And and?


leave it to me to have to like unpack this to start this. Um. So, like all of you, I was. I was born and raised up in the nineties, so I actively watched.

Dustin :

I was what year were you born?




So I remember I was not a nineties baby, not judge Trudy up in here Like this man is like actively judging everything.


He's coming for you. I P a different color, He'd come for me. Anyways, like I was saying I, my childhood was based off of Nickelodeon, Disney and shows and Disney channel. That's what I grew up with.

Dustin :

I grew up watching Zoey 101, Victoria Drake and Josh, I'm gonna slap you in the face with a fish.


Correct. I, carly, I grew up watching all that I grew up watching. I can't even think of the Disney channel shows and movies that we used to watch.

Dustin :

Now we grew up on Disney channel original movies.


We really did. We really really did. So this was very traumatic for me to watch and experience.


So you start off this four part series on max where we take a deep dive into it is we take a deep dive into Nickelodeon and the upbringing of, how Nickelodeon teen shows started with good old Dan Schneider. Like I know that right now we live in a world where a lot of things that we used to do in the past are being held under a very intense microscope. We are looking at things that we used to do and kind of going how the heck did we get away with half that crap? Like nowadays you'd be canceled, you'd be banned, you'd be casted off, you'd be your own version of a TV show called Lost, like it would be a thing it would be happening to you. So we all kind of sit and look at situations that have happened in our childhood as under a different light, and I believe that's what the intentions of the show started.

Dustin :

To throw in here real quick before we start talking about it. I apologize if I get some of these names wrongs, but so, quite on set, it took a lot for these people to speak out. So these are all people that if you grew up watching Nickelodeon, you would know. So in the docu-series we saw Alexa, Nicholas, Giovanni Samuels.


Lenin let's hang on. Hang on. Alexis Nicholas came from Zoey 101. Go over here next one.

Dustin :

Giovanni Samuels.


Came from all that.

Dustin :

Lenin Frierson.


Came from all that.

Dustin :

And Rachel Lee Ballew. I believe came from I believe she was all that, all that as well, because we had the majority of all that.


We had three all that one Drake and one obviously Drake and Josh, and one Zoey, 101.

Dustin :

Yep, Drake Bell was also there, which we'll get to.


Correct, but that was part that was, and then we had a couple screenwriters that were there. We had a couple costume designers that were a part of this.

Dustin :

Some parents.


Some parents, and we also had a couple not directors, producers that were a part of this as well.

Dustin :

So it takes a lot for them to speak out on this.


I just wanted, before we start this, I want to preference saying that we in no way are going to sit there and judge any of the verbiage that came from any of these people that took courage to talk about any of these topics. I don't plan to, and I speak for myself. Obviously, I'm assuming I speak for the two of you where none of us are gonna sit there and be like, hi, we don't believe any of these people. This is your story. We were not there, we were not part of this. We have no choice at this moment but to believe what is being presented to us at this moment in time. With that being said, holy crap this documentary docu-series was. It has forever for me personally. I feel like it has forever changed my upbringing, like I see Nickelodeon in a whole new light now.

Dustin :

Well, you know, even as a kid back then watching some of this stuff on the Amanda show, I didn't watch much of like.


Sam and Cat. Oh, I love the Amanda show though.

Dustin :

I didn't watch Sam and Cat and I didn't watch what's the one with Ariana Grande?


Victoria's, victoria's. I didn't really watch a lot of those. That was Victoria Justice.

Dustin :

But when it came to the Amanda show and we'll get more into this like there's an episode where Amanda binds as in a hot tub, okay, let's back up here for a second. Okay, well, we gotta get going.


That's fine. So Dan Schreiner was the producer and founder of quite a few Nickelodeon shows. He created all that. He created Victoria's, drake and Josh. He created Zoey 101, and there has been some accusations that have been made against Dan Schreiner and some other former members of the Nickelodeon team.

Dustin :

There have been accusations for over 20 years.


Correct, but as of right now they're being brought to the limelight that Dan Schreiner was I don't know how to put this lightly A sexist, egotistical lion, hypocritical bigot.

Dustin :

Dolly Parton wrote it in the 80s, not the nine to five reference. But, to be quite frank, that's exactly what he was. He was a lion egotistical.


Then we find out that not only was he part of this thing, but there was also members of the Nickelodeon producer team that were also convicted and accused of.

Dustin :

They weren't on the producer team. They were AP's production assistants.


They were part of the Nickelodeon team that were accused and convicted of sexual misconduct, rape.

Dustin :

Well, not all of them were convicted. Some of them got off scot-free.


I said accused slash, convicted of misconduct, sexual rape, just unspeakable things against children.

Dustin :

Yeah, so.


Oh, that is a statement.

Dustin :

All of us wholeheartedly and fully expected that. So just to preface, we start out mostly with the All that Amanda Show category.


We learn about how people this focus is mostly on Dan.

Dustin :

Well, yeah, and we learn about how people of color or children of color felt and were treated, coming of age and their bodies and being people of color on Nickelodeon.


We also see there's a lot of women that are being.

Dustin :

Script writers from the Amanda Show.


Well, not just them, but the children as well are being kind of forced to be put in situations that if you were to look at that at an adult angle, as of right now, you would be going. Why is a teenage girl being put in that scenario?


Kind of bouncing off of that, like the SNCC on air dares that they were doing.


Nasty. They really kind of were. They took like a fear. What did it?


how did that guy think? It was fear factor for Nickelodeon it really kind of was but like when I was a child. I was 10 when this came out, I didn't look at it any differently I was mortified.


But now, as an adult. I'm mortified that I watched that yeah, exactly Like I'm ashamed in myself that I was like, wow, this is kind of cool.


What is wrong with us? Literally yeah, exactly.


Like I mean you. Just you were speaking of the Amanda Bynes Dan Schneider scene where they're in the hot tub together.

Dustin :

Yeah, yeah. So there's a scene in the Amanda show and I remember seeing this as a kid and Dan Schneider is fully dressed in his clothes and Amanda is wearing a swimsuit and in that moment, as a child watching it, I was like, okay, this is a little weird. But as a child I was just like, okay, this is a little weird.


And then I moved on from it because it's the Amanda show, You'll think any of it but you also don't think like oh my God, do you think Dan Schneider is touching Amanda down underneath that water?

Dustin :

You don't think that you don't know what that means Well, we didn't know what that was as a child.


No, and even though all the all that character said the same exact thing. They went. There was part of me that went hi. This kind of feels weird, but at the same time you were too young enough to go. Is this weird, or?




I just thinking that it is weird, like you don't know, because you are so young.

Dustin :

Controversial topic.


Well, controversial opinion.

Dustin :

So they talk about the come shot shot.


Yes, there was quite a few things that Dan Schneider.

Dustin :

Zoe 101, you've got the Amanda show. You have all these things where these children are getting smacked in the face or jizzed on in the face with something that looks like him. But one of the shots that they used several times in that that I didn't agree with was I Carly, where Freddie presses on the water fountain and then it like shoots across the hall and Carly's cat in our mouth.


Oh yeah.


I'll never remember that.

Dustin :

I will say that is one and the only one that I'm like. Eh, that one's not a come shot to me, because I'm going. How many times have you done that with your friends with a water bottle or something like that? And to me that one was normal, but all the other instances that they talked about wholeheartedly.


But I think what got me is the fact that it's the other ones that came before that, though Zoe 101, or that I Carly episode came long before others. So, like you're seeing the the I, what about the Victoria, I'm sorry. The Zoe 101. Jordan, you remember the Zoe 101 episode where she they're doing the backpack episode? There's a scene in that documentary where she is going where Alexis goes. They had to warm up this liquid to spray on Zoe's face and I'm going why? Why did you have to do that? Like it's a backpack? Why does a backpack jizz on a 13 year old girl's face? I'm sorry, because of Dan Schneider, that's why that's the issue.


I have here.


But have you ever?


heard her story more about how Brittany Spears and Dan Schneider conspired against her, like she went to her trailer. And well, she was actually taken to a trailer and Brittany and Jamie were in there, yeah, and Brittany yelled at her yeah. Because she thought that she was being a bully to Jamie somehow.

Dustin :

And she said this was traumatized and Jamie ran away while the whole thing was happening.


Well, yeah, because she had knocked up.

Dustin :

I personally like personally, it's okay. Jamie Lynn got it canceled herself.


Yes, she did.

Dustin :

But it's the fact that, yes, she did.


You know me and I love Brittany Spears. I don't love her as much as Taylor Swift, of course, but I really have a lot of respect for Brittany after her because she apologized to her Some small Nickelodeon star. Later on she apologized to you for that incident.


I think it just kills me, like, and then you get to the nitty. I think the worst part about this entire docu-series is that then we get to hear the poor things that happen to Drake Bell.

Dustin :

And we all expected it to be Amanda Bynes walking around the corner.


I really did because, like it makes sense and I think there's going to be a moment where I think, three years from now, five years from now, amanda's going to come out and be like, hi, dan did my diddy. And it's going to be like, oh my goodness, and none of us are going to be shocked at all because look at how she's coming out. But there's going to be a moment it's going to happen. I mark my words, it's going to happen. When Drake came out, I was shocked. Like I did not see that coming. I knew something had happened because Drake went from being like that boy I had to crush on on a TV to seriously, this man got touched for that long. Like this happened to him. That's real. Like holy crap, how do you go from making all of us laugh with Josh and I, carly or Amanda Crossgrove, to when it's not happening? You are actively being touched by somebody who was supposed to be there for you and not just like low key being touched. Low key being touched. You got the. What was the he?

Dustin :



He was sodomized, sodomized like that is on a whole new level, like I can't imagine. No wonder, I'm sorry, but to me, all the things that have happened to Drake, all the things that we have seen in the news, the fact that the man decided to go missing, the fact that all of this stuff happened to him, I understand now why it happened, like why you went down this path. That should not have happened to you.

Dustin :

One thing that I want to preface and say is, first off, not we, as in the children of the 90s, but we failed children, stars of the 90s and early 2000s. I guarantee you we are still failing, failing.



Dustin :

Failing. Thank you, children, actors of today, and if this thing has taught me anything, it's that parents need to learn to protect their sons as much as they are protecting their daughters in this world, and the only parent and this is the last thing I'm going to say on this before we move on for the night the only parent who deserves any form of credit for protecting their child is the father of Drake Bell.

Dustin :

Oh, how many times was that he is the only man that saw that predator for what he was and tried to warn people and he was written off, as other parents were, as just being that parent on set. And yeah, it just it's. It is. I'm going to fair warn you, it's a lot to take in. We probably should have put a trigger warning in before we just ran right into talking in this conversation.


I think, before you watch this, mentally prepare yourself, because Drake goes into detail of things without fully going into detail of things. I think he protects his privacy, but also goes into how extreme this was For him. I think it was very big of Drake to come on on TV and decide to share a story that happened. What 15 years ago?


Yeah, he's so I think it's, it's very, it's very big of him. I think it's something that he should be acknowledged for. I think it's something that you know, all of us that are sitting at home going, oh, we never thought. Oh, my God, regardless of if we thought about it, regardless if we saw it coming, regardless if we agree or disagree with it, we all need to sit there and go. This happened to him. I'm so sorry that this happened to you and it should not have ever, ever happened.


And it definitely should never have happened to him, because I always thought that Drake Bell is one of the most talented people he's ever seen. He's a songwriter, he's an actor and he should never have had his career kind of taken from him, because all of. Hollywood kind of gained against him.


It's so sad.


If his talent naturally was able to progress and further in his career, he should have been allowed to have that naturally progress.


but I just hope that at some point, we start to learn from these things, like me, too, happened. Let's learn from it. This happened to Drake. Let's learn from it. Let's protect the child stars, even the adult stars that are there. Let's realize hi, this is a world that we as outsiders know nothing about, but there are people that do so either be on their side and hold their hand and protect them, or get out of it.


You know what's kind of amazing is? There's one child star who has really overcome that. Do you know who I'm? Thinking of Miley, Miley Cyrus.


Yeah, because we definitely thought she was. I definitely thought she was gonna go down that rabbit hole role. We all did.

Dustin :

Some people discussed that. They said that Miley is kind of the end of the era of performers who didn't comply being turned into. Oh, they're just crazy. Both are on drugs and a lot of people say that she's kind of the end of that era because we had the Me Too movement. That happened shortly after. She was not necessarily canceled, but she went off ball, as Disney wanted to call it. So I don't know.


But I would really. I think Miley had a great backbone because her dad is Billy Ray, Her godmother is Dolly Parton. I think she had a great.


Oh my godmother to be Dolly Parton.


I mean same honestly. But I think she had a great backbone to kind of support her through that. But thank God she did, because now she's the queen that she is.


I just hope that Drake can kind of turn this around for him. So.

Dustin :

All right, well, jordan, thank you for joining us today Before you go. What? Because we asked Shane this when she was here, but I'm not gonna ask the same question. So what is one essential item that someone who's never been to a theme park should take with them to a theme park?


Oh my gosh, a fuel rod.


A fuel rod like a charger for your phone.


I love it I mean you're taking all the pictures like yeah, you do For someone who is not you know, having having to suck on a vape or anything like that, I would probably say a fuel rod Bless.


Guys meet Jordan in the smoking section of theme parks and that's all you wrote. Bye guys.

Dustin :

So again, Jordan, thank you for joining us and for those of you who have never met Jordan before, good friend of all of ours, Hopefully. Who knows, maybe one day we'll we'll bring him back in and maybe discuss his journey from East Tennessee to to Orlando.


It's a good or earlier.


All right, guys, we'll let me oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it's time. It's time for the clapping.

Dustin :

No, it's not rude, it's not Well guys, when we return, we'll be joined with our friend Geo, so we can talk about a drunk brother a big brother, as you may may realize off of television. But until then we'll be right back. Please enjoy this break From the birthplace of Dolly Parton to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Tennessee Roads is a podcast where we will look to the rich history and culture and to the bright futures of all the towns and communities that make up the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. So pull up a chair and sit with me as I tell you about my people. Hey, ashley, do you know what time it is?


What time is it? Is it clapping time? You know what Orlando unplugged has?

Dustin :

Do you know what? What the clap? Do you know what? My favorite part about that was? What? The fact that our special guest, who we're going to introduce in a second, doesn't have headphones.


So they can't hear the music.

Dustin :

So we're just jamming out into this music he was jamming with us. He was just jamming with us.


I'm here for it. I'm here for it. I love the clap. So this is my favorite thing in the world.

Dustin :

The clap is your favorite thing in the world. The clapping I do that every episode.


The clapping is my favorite part of our episodes.

Dustin :

God bless. So here recently, ashley and I got to participate in one of, I think, the absolute funnest events that I have done A since I've moved to Orlando, and B I think it's one of the funnest things that I have just done in general in Orlando, and that includes like going to Universal and going to Disney and all these things.


But with that being said, what the most fun I've ever had in my life.

Dustin :

Happens there and it only cost us $5. Technically it was free. Well, it cost you 10. It cost me zero.



Dustin :

But that's because you were like hey Bubba, I covered you With that being said we're going to the Bubbas too.


This is going to be such an episode. I cannot wait.

Dustin :

With that being said, we have a very special friend joining us today in the studio.


I can't say iconic because forever Shan will always be iconic.

Dustin :

Give it, she's the iconic Shan.


He is a legend.

Dustin :

Legend, the legendary daddy of Orlando.


The legendary T O Bruce.

Dustin :

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the podcast our good friend Gio. Hello Gio.


Hello everyone. I don't know if you're going to do the clapping again.


Oh, he wants an audience. Do you want an audience Hold?

Dustin :

on. What should I do I?


only have like four audios oh wait.

Dustin :

Oh, are you ready? Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the studio Gio.


Thank you. Thank you to all my fans.

Dustin :

The fact that he can't hear it makes it even better.


I knew this episode was going to be fucking legendary, and it is here, and I'm here for it. I'm here for it. Gio, we are so excited that you are here with us.


I am so excited to be here. Thank you guys so much for inviting me. I feel truly honored and blessed that this legend can grace your podcast's presence.


Oh, I can't wait. I can't wait to talk about Drunk Brother. I can't wait to talk about the history. I can't wait to talk about all the people that have participated, all the champions, all the losers. I can't wait to talk about all the drama, the scheming, the scandalous, the backstabbing. I am here for it. That was my sleep schedule. Has yet to recover from it.


I have made so many new friends. I have diabolical becoming schemer and a scam artist and I am here for the drama and the tea and all of it. I cannot wait to dive head first into this Go.

Dustin :

Before we do that new microphone guys. Sorry, as you know, we had struggles with our last interview, so we've got a different microphone this week. It is not the standard third person microphone, so it's picking up on some weird stuff. Anywho, I apologize.


Before we get in to Drunk Brother 13,.

Dustin :

Geo, please tell our audience about you. The only thing we don't want you to disclose is the place that you work. Just because we don't name the properties that we work for, you can say you know what you do in the industry, but just that. But tell us, are you native to Orlando? What brought you here? Who do you love? All those fun things?


Tell us, I love the team.


I am so glad to be here. I was born and raised here.

Dustin :

I got a native Orlando.


Yes, native, born not too far from here. Stop really I did grow like move a little bit when I was younger, so I lived in Aspen, colorado, for a hot meal. That's like my favorite place I ever lived.


I don't think I knew that.


I moved to the Keys later, then went to Fort Lauderdale and then came back here when I started high school, and I've been here since high school, so I actually went to high school in Oviedo, so right outside ECF. I have been working in the theme parks since I graduated high school, so we're going on now like 11 years.


I don't know how I show my age there. We're not telling.


But yeah, so I chill with my rides that I work at and enjoy the life around me I love it. Orlando has a lot of life around it, so I just take it in and Can you tell us?


can you tell us what your least favorite job you've ever had in your entire life was your least favorite?


No, I know everybody tells me in my no.


Absolutely not. Okay.


can you tell me what your I've actually never really had a bad job, actually, oh I love that I mean. I just try to be positive when I can be, and sure I don't like working. Eventually I'll have the sugar daddy that pays for everything, because I am not meant to work in this life.

Dustin :

But all the jobs that I've had. If he's got a friend, send him my way.


I mean I'm first in line, but you can be second.

Dustin :



I think by the day, though I also haven't had a bad job, if I know. If I have to go to work, all right, at least the job that I've had haven't made me hate myself.


There you go. That's not bad, that's a pretty. I feel like that's a pretty big thing. What are you drinking? Because that's a very big topic for us on Orlando Plug. We always talk about what our guests are drinking.


Cheers, cheers, I love it, I love it.


Good bar, but give us what you're sipping on over there, buddy.


This is a vodka drink with.

Dustin :

So it's Tito's vodka, right? Yes, and then Trader.


Ho no, tater Ho, tater Ho. A power of red, which is actually like an antibiotic good for you drink.


No, but it's so good, it's so yummy. It just has red vegetables in it and then some lemon, lime soda water. I'm here for it. So so how are you feeling? Is it good? Yeah, it was really good. Love it, love it.


I'm so here for this. Can we talk about your additional person, whom we love very?


very much my man.


Yes, can you give us some tea on that?


please. Yeah, I've been with him for six years. Oh, I love him, and he is the polar opposite of me in almost every way, but I think that's exactly what makes it work. We have the same similarities in that we like our music festivals and our roller coasters. Everything else is pretty much the exact opposite.

Dustin :

I love that. What is?


But we met at our work and kind of we met actually at a bar but through mutual friends from work.


Wait, what bar did you meet at?


Eyebar, the legendary Eyebar of Orlando.


Stop, I have to take you to Eyebar. I love. Eyebar I know, but I loved Eyebar, so those are your true or my own people?

Dustin :

Was it on iDrive? Please tell me, it was on iDrive.


Rip Eyebar. It was not on iDrive, it was downtown.

Dustin :

Oh, that's so sad.


It was so sad.

Dustin :

So Gio, what is out of all the theme parks? And by all the theme parks I mean, you've got Disney, Universal and Fun Spot.


And SeaWorld, oh, and.

Dustin :

SeaWorld. Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot about that.


And Legoland, and why?

Dustin :

Oh, so we're staying.


We're staying in Orlando.

Dustin :

Yeah, orlando For this question, Disney or Universal, we'll make it simple.


Can it be a ride that doesn't exist anymore? Absolutely, yes, absolutely. The world famous dragon challenge slash dueling dragons rest in peace that took over for Hagrid's right. It did.


Yes, I've never did that. Okay, outside of the Florida bubble, what is your favorite attraction?


I'm a Stevie fan boy for those Thu Zee's out there.

Dustin :

My brain went to Stevie Nicks. I was so confused.


Do you know, that's Rob's favorite too. I haven't, I've still not written it, but not yet.


Not yet so good, so good.


Orlando Unplugged, is going to unplug Cedar Point in August and I am going to officially take Dustin's V card from Cedar Point.

Dustin :

As long as I can get off the two jobs.


I'm going to be the best joining y'all in some way, shape or form.


Honey, you are always invited.

Dustin :

As long as you, if you want to be in the same bed between me and Ashlyn, we'll just not get a big old cuddle puddle.


I'm here for it. Okay, I have to.


Why not two beds and then one of y'all fight for the bed to share with me? No, no one bed. We all get together, baby. Yeah, All right.


That works. Now I have to because, as you all know, my favorite guest audience is forever Brucie. You also have a four legged love, so share, share, share the love, my beautiful orange baby.


His name is Cedric. Yes, If you know anything about orange cats, you know that they're absolutely crazy.


but they are. They're psychotic.


He is actually not psychotic anymore. He is older now. I believe he turns nine in June, oh my goodness. So he's a bit older now, so he's kind of settled down. But he was definitely the definition of orange cat from when I got him as a tiny little kid and probably about four or five years.


So can I get some history on how did you name him, or did he already come named?


No. So my sister was like hey, my best friend is having, like has a cat that's having kittens, and like we're not keeping all those kittens, do you want a kitten? I was like, yeah, bet. Like so I took the orange kitten because I love my orange cats and at the time I did work at dragon challenge. So as my like ode to me working at dragons. I'm not like a huge Harry Potter fan. I enjoy it, but we don't.

Dustin :

We don't call it Harry Potter in the south. I'm so sorry.


No, it's the Harry Puder of the Harry Puder Palace. I don't.


I don't, I don't do the magic voice stuff, the look, he just helps you though. Neither did Dustin, and this is something that was taught to me, so I didn't even come up with that I do not care for the kid with the magic wand that much I love it, but I do have some history with that ride Just previously, like when I was a little kid, it being my favorite roller coaster growing up and yeah, so my ode to.


We share similar names in history.


My ode to the world famous dragon challenge was Cedric, because Cedric Diggory was a participant in us.

Dustin :

The Tri-Wizard Cup. Yeah, tri-wizard tournament.


and the three magic person battle.


Look at him correcting you. Sit down, sit down, let the let the legend.

Dustin :

That's right. The three magic person battle yes, what the?


three magic person battle. That's literally what it is. That's what it's called.


Correct, you know I'm making Rob watch Harry Potter for the first time.

Dustin :

The Tri-Wizard tournament. The magic boy.


No, the three magic man battle.

Dustin :

What is that?


Watch the non copyrighted version of the Tri-Wizard tournament. You ding dong.

Dustin :

I was so confused that was like is this the name she was going?


to become a permanent house in this.

Dustin :

I was like what is this A porno we're talking about? I was like what is this A porno?


we're talking about. I was just confused.

Dustin :

Hey, do you want to, do you want to know a random fun fact about dragon challenge?


I mean, I probably already know it.

Dustin :

No, you don't. So one of the leading software guys that programmed the ride is the same developer who went on to create his own company and program lightning rod at Dollywood.


I actually did know that.

Dustin :

Oh, I hate you so much.


Can I tell you something? Did you know that every single episode that Dustin and I ever do together, Dustin always has to somehow some way plug Dollywood in it?

Dustin :

It's my home park, she's my home girl.


I become a multi guest on this show. You'll hear me plug in dragons. Every time the exact same way.


Those, those two rides, or my babies I have yet to be like and dump both the flying elephant. Let me just plug that in.

Dustin :

It goes around in a circle and up and down.


Leave her, leave, leave him alone, leave him alone.

Dustin :

Get those pronouns right, girl, it's 2024.


He says, as he still calls my cat a boy. So oh bless, all right. Let's get into. I need to, I need to get some history here with you, because I, I'm. I am third time winner. Number three, that's what I am. I'm a third third place.

Dustin :

Third place winner, not third time. You ain't one shoot I know what yet. Yet I'm coming for them boys.


I know they're going to listen to this and I'm coming for them.

Dustin :

Before we jump into the game that we were playing. Give our people who have never seen what is big brother, what has it been over the years and how did it become what you have at your house?


Yeah, we need some history here.


All right. So the easiest way to describe big brother for a lot of people who don't watch reality TV is that it's survivor, which most people have seen survivor at least in some way shape or form. But it's in a house with cameras 24 hours rather than being on an island, and it's a much longer show. And having a bunch of people trapped in a house with no communication to the outside world, literally nothing to do except maybe a game of chess and talking to the people around them for 90 plus days, big brother is essentially the coolest social experiment you can ever watch. My friend was like you'll love big brother, you should watch it sometime. And for years I actually like shrugged her off because I'm not a TV person, really I don't watch TV pretty much in general. But she was like hey, you know, I'm telling you you will love big brother, watched one of the seasons and, yeah, you put a bunch of very random people in a house together for 90 days and things are going to pop off. And I was in, I was hooked.

Dustin :

I mean big brother's been on TV for as long as I can remember, at least the early 2000s 2000 was its first season and the first, it came after the real world, didn't it?


It did yes, because the real world was like mid 90s.


I never got into it.


The challenge had contestants come from real world?


I never ever got into it, until you and I became friends and I was and I had heard that you had recreated basically big brother. I was like what is big brother? And then I came over and you were like actually, this is big brother. And I went home and started watching big brother and I was like oh, I like this.


This is like reality TV, but on steroids, and people hate each other and they love each other and they compete and it is literally survivor, except nobody goes. The tribe has spoken, but it's great Like it's so much better than the tribe has spoken. It's like a dicting.

Dustin :

I loved it. And so big brother takes place over the course of like several weeks and they vote people out on the house. But your game that you play, you go through an entire season of the big brother TV show in one day.


So how did? How did you go from watching big brother to creating Gio's big brother?


So I had I'm already you know. I know I'm going to be on big brother one day Like there's just no way I won't be so.


I'm watching the show. I love it.


Wow, I need to play this game, and not when the producers tell me I'm allowed to play this game, which will be eventually, you know, hashtag PP 27. That's the goal. Y'all see me on there. But I was like, no, I need to play this game right now. So I got some friends and said, hey, would you be interested in, like if I threw together this little game? Like how would you? And I invited people that I knew were big brother fans and they're like oh my God, that sounds super fun. We did the first one. It was only six people we played, probably took about five or six hours and we all loved it.


Do you know who won the first season?


Yes, Am I allowed to say name?


Yeah, my name is.


Adam, not the Adam that you met at the previous one, but a different Adam.


He is our OG winner and he was a snake. Like a snake he was. We didn't quite have the rules that we have now, but he was like snapchatting like the other people in the house and being like, hey, like I know, what you just heard was that I was on their side, but I completely lied to their face. I'm on your side and like was like playing everyone. And yeah, it was. It was quite a legendary performance. He was also a big brother fan, so he was just like yeah, I'm ready to play dirty because the dirty players they win. They do it.

Dustin :

They don't always, or they make it they're been some feels or they make it to top three.


Yeah he's, he's hateful, dusty's hateful, because he can be hateful all he wants, but he came in 15.


He learned something when he was watching that I.

Dustin :

I this bitch voted me out in the first round. Jordan, did you know that she voted me out in the first round?


But I have no regrets. You know why Top three babies, yeah.


And she's over here my face when she cast the vote to a victory was like you know what she told me when I went back and I listened to it.

Dustin :

She was like but I told Colton and then the other ones that I have their back. And I was like, yeah, that's how you play the game. You look at them dead in the face and you go, I got your back and then you don't have their back.


My defense like well, obviously get into this, but in your defense.

Dustin :

You're a hoe.


That's fine, but I mean valid. However, I didn't know that these weren't going to be shared, because I'd never seen big brother prior to this, so it wasn't something that like. I had research and I had done.

Dustin :

You didn't think the videotape in your face was going to tell on you.


I had no idea. I thought all these people were going to look at it, so I was like I don't need to, I don't need to wrap myself out to all the people that are on this team. It was, it was scary, I was terrified, okay.


Should I give like a rundown of how the game works?


Yes, you should, Because yeah great.


Because, yeah, I figured we're going to dive into, like, the deeps of it.


Doesn't hold the grudge on me for a while. I am waiting for this episode to come out. So do you give us the rundown on how this works, how this operates, and not just from from drunk brother 13, but like how you went from the rules that you started to the rules that you created for this episode that Dustin and I or this season, that doesn't I got to participate in?


the overall rules are, honestly, this have been the same since it started, because it is just the format of the show. We start with a challenge. Someone gets the power as a head of household. They nominate two fellow players for eviction or elimination. Everyone else essentially votes for one of them. You have, you know, competitions like the power of veto to potentially change that, but at the end there's two people. Everyone else votes for someone to eliminate. You do that over again until there's two people left, and then those two people.

Dustin :

And to preface in the real TV show big brother. When you are evicted from the house, you leave. You are gone, you are completely gone, and that happens every single week until you get down to. Is it the final two? Final two?


Yes, and then the jury, which is the eliminated players, which is not all the eliminated players in real big brother. But there's obviously some things that I've changed, like allowing all jury members to be able to vote, allowing jury members to play in power of veto, since they're not like leaving the house. So I've definitely like tinkered with some of the rules a little bit, but that's really more to make sure that the people that get eliminated first don't get too bored when you're not too throwing the chain at me, you know.

Dustin :

so what gave you the idea to say I want to play this game with my friends? Was it because you want to be on the show and it just?


it's just. It was just a really fun like social experiment and like everyone, like you just have to you have to know the people around you, or you know, at least for the game, or like create these bonds or trusts and like I don't know, just the whole social interactions in order to get around things into your goal was most intriguing to me.

Dustin :

You know, the thing that I find fun is so you actually invited us back to big brother 12, but we weren't able to come. So I was like so game for this? I was so ready, I was so excited. And then that door open and we walked in and I saw all of these people and I didn't know a one of them and suddenly I just I looked at Ashley and I was like I'm ready to go home.

Dustin :

I don't know any of these people, I don't know what I'm doing. And then I met two of these sweetest girls, judy being one of them, and Helen, and no, no, no, not Helen, no, not, not Helen. And Lena, the other girl, okay, okay, no. She left early in the night, her and her boyfriend. They left early. I'm so sorry, I forgot her name.


I met a lot of people. She didn't play in the games. Judy didn't play in the game and Was it Judy Joy Lynn?


Joy, Lynn Joy.

Dustin :

Lynn yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. She was the first one I spoke to because she seemed like the nicest, and Judy scared me because I was like, oh my God, she's so pretty.


Judy's gonna listen to this and be like but listen.

Dustin :

so I start talking with them and I'm chatting with them and I'm like, oh, I've made friends. I'm like this is so cool. And then we start the game and neither one of them are playing and I'm like, oh my God, I've spent an hour and a half making relationships with people that aren't even playing this game.


I was so funny to me because you literally looked at me and you were like I'm ready to go home. I don't wanna do this anymore.

Dustin :

You also wanted to go home, don't lie.


It took me like two seconds to be like, okay, I kind of don't wanna do this. But then we started and I was like, okay, I have questions. And then other people were asking the same questions I had. So I was like, okay, nope, I can do this.

Dustin :

Do not tell your friends that I said this and if they're listening, don't you get big heads. But when we walked into that house, I immediately felt like we were intermeshed into a group of nothing but popular people. Like every one of them, I was like this person, seems like they were popular. This person seems like they were popular and suddenly I was like, oh my God, I feel like I'm back in high school and this is terrifying.


I know, yes, we are. You are so right. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, they are.

Dustin :

Oh, this is true.


They were the Cool Kids Club. I am Correct and you were trying to be accepted and then got eliminated. That's all I have to say to that.

Dustin :

Yeah, that was Gio's fault, 100%.


No, no, no, no no. There was a luck of the big brother. I was the host, so I didn't even play.

Dustin :

Let's discuss so in the beginning of the game we had technically three different options of how that game was gonna go. So explain that and how you do that, then that makes it different than the TV show.


If you're familiar with big brother, something that you'll know is that twists are something that are actually big. Every season has a different twist. Essentially, that will change the game in some way, shape or form, and the twist that actually got me into big brother was big brother four, the X factor twist, where they brought people's Xs into the house to compete.




Oh yeah, no, it was. It's a fantastic season, One of my all time favorites. So the twist aspect becomes important in my game because obviously you play the game multiple times. It's not like real big brother where you play one time on TV and then you may get invited to another season if you're in all stars. You know what I mean. This is just we play for fun. So people come all the time and have played six, seven, eight, nine games now. So in order to keep things fresh, I try to incorporate different ways to spice things up. Make you guys think about different ways to interact with other people.


You create a way to screw with people. Let's be blunt.


This is a way to screw with people.


So, how did you come up with the concept that? Also like, how did we get to a point that we did we agree on this being something we wanted to play, or was this already?

Dustin :

a play that you picked, the twist that we played. This game was pre-planned, so this twist was assassin. We didn't pick this. This was assassin, correct?


So this twist was inspired by a different twist I did in one of my earlier games, where I paired two people together and I said, hey, if you make it to the final three with your pair, you guys automatically make it to final two. You automatically boot that third person out. This time I did it kind of the opposite. You needed to target the person you were assigned, so everyone got randomly assigned a different house guest. They needed to not make it to the final three with that other person. They needed to get that person out before then because they would have been severely punished if they did make it to the final three with the person that.

Dustin :

It was an automatic eviction, wasn't it? If you didn't assassinate your target, it was an automatic eviction.


Can I ask you to share how you picked these people? Or was it all random, or did you just pick?


Literally about 15 minutes before the first person walked through the doors when I assigned them, because I don't usually know if everyone really is going to show up.


I have people that go, which is probably when you guys saw me saying do not ghost this event or please let me know. This event is really hard to plan and right. Imagine if I had done that two days ago and then someone said, oh, never mind, I'm not going and all the things that I've prepped needed to. So there's a lot of prep that I do need to literally wait until the last minute to do.


And that was one of them.


And that was one of them. Literally 30 minutes before I took them, I shuffled everyone, I put, assigned it and then just all right, here it is who was yours, who was you who?

Dustin :

was my target. Yeah, who was your target? My target was Rachel, and she knew because after I got evicted, we were talking and I was like yo, rachel, just so you're aware. I said you are totally my target. But I'm only telling you this because I really hate this twist, like I really hate it. But just know that I will not come for you until the round before I'm gonna get eliminated if you're still in. And she was like bet.


Do you know who was mine?

Dustin :



Brandon, and you know what's great.

Dustin :

I do remember seeing that I played that man like a fiddle.


I walked into him and was like I'm on your team, buddy, I will always have your back. Like oh geez, we've been friends for like two seconds, but like I got you my dude, like I am here for you, I will support you whatever you need. And then, like the-.

Dustin :

And he was just like there's a hot tub over here.


Yes, but then the minute I put him up for elimination, everybody was like bye, bye, buddy, and it was strategically planned. Like I don't wanna, like I'll straight up be like listen, I played that game and I played it really really well and I'm really proud of how I played it.

Dustin :

But like it was planned, Do you wanna know what I didn't like about the game? Ha ha ha ha.


Was it that you were first to victim?

Dustin :

Ha ha ha ha, I was the first person to victim.


Can you, can we talk about how you were the?

Dustin :

first. Yeah, so we played the first game and Nick won. Hi, Nick, what's up, nick? I know Nick's gonna listen to our podcast.


He's been listening to the past like we've been chatting, and he's been listening to quite a few of our podcasts. So this man actively wants to be our third guest to talk about his game.


And he's one of my favorites, for sure. Oh my gosh, he's great. He is an absolute all star in the drunk brother world.

Dustin :

One of the most popular people at that party, which preface is oh hello, Alexa.


It's not a party, it's an intense social game.

Dustin :

Yes. So big brother, if you're out there and you're listening, you need to get the big brother 13 season on your show.


Yes, drunk brother. 13 season on your show.

Dustin :

So he won head of household for the very first game, and at this point I didn't know that I was his target. He handed off his head of household to Eric T.


I love Eric.

Dustin :

Love Eric and Eric's girlfriend.


So sweet, love her too. Oh, so wonderful people. But then.

Dustin :

So he nominated me and Lena Lena has participated in the game before. Super sweet girl, absolutely loved meeting her and I think the two of us took it like champions. We were like hell yeah, we're the first people to go up. And it was so funny because while we were sitting there talking, she was like, oh yeah, I'm totally gonna be out first. Like I know more of these people than you do. They're like they're so gonna go for me. And she was ready to bow out gracefully and like Colton was like have you talked to him yet? And I'm like no, I haven't talked to him, because I feel like if I go talk to who had Power of Veto?


Power of Veto was Veronica. It was.

Dustin :

Veronica no, from the first game.


In the very first one.

Dustin :

yes, oh that's right, because she chose not to use it.


Yeah, we got it twice.

Dustin :

So at that point it was like you need to go talk to people and I'm like I just don't. I don't wanna do that now, because I hadn't met Eric T at that point. So I was like I feel like if I go introduce myself to him at this point it's gonna look like I'm groveling.


Well, guess what?

Dustin :

You should've gotta play the game Guess what I should've groveled so he wouldn't have put me on that chopping block. Turns out he was gonna put me on that chopping block anyway because I was Eric. I was Nick's target. So and the band of brothers stay together and then Ashley betrayed me and the friendship that we have, and she voted for me.


Listen our friend what I told the two of you in the car ride on the way to this game? I don't know you. The minute we walk into this game and the minute we start playing, I don't know you. You don't know me.

Dustin :

We're not friends. So I got eliminated.


I wanted to make it as far as we could, and by a vote of seven to five. Dustin, you have been evicted from the drunk brother game.


I'm so here for this.

Dustin :

And I bowed out gracefully. But then it was no, I didn't. I bowed out gracefully.


Let's talk about round two, I was gonna say the shirt swapping didn't seem too graceful by it.

Dustin :

Oh well, no, that was funny.


I mean, it was funny.

Dustin :

So also let me explain how that even came about. Wait, wait, wait wait, wait.


So we gotta back up here. So then we get to. We play a new round where you get to become head of household again and our Everything starts over completely. Correct, so each week.


It's a new week.


So week two head of household was.




Victoria Love that girl. Shout out to that girl she is oh gee, Would take bullets for that girl now.


For my big brother fans. Victoria is the Janelle of drunk brother.


And how many times is Victoria won?


She is our only two time winner.


She's our two time winner.


And I did one season of Slosh Survivor. We did. We went camping for a few days and you know we played essentially a game of Survivor, and she's also the winner of that.


Love it, love it. So she is our, she's our all star Diabolical she is, she plays the game so well, like it was to a point where where Colton and Eric and not Eric.


Wait, who are we talking about? Victoria Dark hair. Blonde hair. Blonde hair.


It was to a point where me, colton and Eric the winner.


Eric C.


Eric C. Thank you, we're all three of us were sitting here going. Do we believe that she, like, doesn't want to win?

Dustin :

Who does she?


She's playing that game.

Dustin :

Did she vote for me or Lena?


She voted for Lena. She did not vote for you. That's right.

Dustin :

Because I remember the first interaction I had with her. She was like I won twice.


I'm just here to have a good time and I'm here to see all you beautiful people and I remember looking at Colton going to top five she this doesn't feel right, this doesn't smell right.

Dustin :

I didn't know if I could trust her, the girl was listen.


she proved herself to be very true to that word, and we will get into why I am an OG forever, Victoria.

Dustin :

So she put up, so she won.


She won how to hustle, and then she put up Lena.

Dustin :

I don't know. She put up Helen and Eric T.


Originally Eric C.


Eric C.


And Helen.

Dustin :



Jordan won the power of Vito and saved Eric C.

Dustin :



Eric T Became the replacement nominee, so Eric T and Helen were the two on the block.

Dustin :

And Helen when the vote happened. Helen was a new girl. She came in. This was her first game.


Love her.

Dustin :

So I had later found out she works in healthcare. She had worked all night and then drove several hours to Orlando to play the game.


Cause they don't live in Orlando either, right?


I just want to shout out Lena and Helen Cause. Yeah, lena, you know it was my friend when she used to live here. She now does her real awesome healthcare stuff.


She's got a real world job. Yeah, she's got a big world job. She's chilling in it.


I, you know, love inviting her to the events and you know, when she's free, she's like, yeah, I'll totally come by. And she was like, hey, I have my other friend from out of town, that's just like visiting. Do you mind if she comes and like plays? And I'm like I absolutely like yeah.


I'm here for it.


They just said, yeah, we had this tiny little bit of free time and they came to play with us, so I freaking love them. Thank you so much. So, Helen, shout out to y'all.

Dustin :

Yes, so Helen was super tired.


Oh, I felt so bad for her Coming in the door and she tried. When she fell asleep on the couch I was like, girl, you are a mood?

Dustin :

So she was up for elimination and she kind of sat down on the couch and she accepted difficulty. She was like I'm going to lose. These people don't know me. And I was like I was like Heffer, I am out of this game. You get in there, you do it for me. And she was like I don't want it. And I was like give me that name tag. And then her eyes got really big and she goes can I do that? And I was like do what? And she goes can I give you my name tag? And I was like let's do it. And she turned into you, looks at you and she goes can he be Helen? And she's like well, I don't technically have any rules against it.


So at that point we were in it for the bit. What's the big brother's host name?




In the Julie verbiage. I'll allow it.

Dustin :

So we ran into this room. I have not known this woman for more than two hours. We both just take off her shirts in this room together. Not even name tags. We're going full on shirts.


Simpler sticker name tag.

Dustin :

I put her shirt on and I go outside and people immediately like deer and headlights. Some of these people because they were like twist number two what is it? The twin? Is that what it? The?


There was a twin twist in real big brother.

Dustin :

Twin twists.


But not quite the same. But like I get it, we're not identical.

Dustin :

But there were people there that were like oh my God, a twin twist. So I didn't really like campaign for Helen to be saved. But I was like hey guys, it's me, I'm Helen. Forget what I just said, I don't hate you all, I love you. You should totally vote for me. And if I win, girl, how are it was?


so weird. And then my favorite part is the fact that Eric was like what the actual?


shit. It confused actually a lot of people. Because if you don't know, the votes are anonymous, so they come in and vote with me when they vote to eliminate, and people would come in and that's when they can, you know, dump everything they wanna say because they're not staying in front of everyone else. And people were like wait, so is that like a real thing? Because that's gonna like really change, like how I like do the dynamic of the game and I'm just like, please cast your vote to a victim.


And like they were just panicking, they had no idea what to do.

Dustin :

And the preface was if I was voted back in. I was playing as Helen, I was not playing as Dustin, which meant I was a completely different target for a whole new person, and Helen had told me I don't remember who it was at this point, but Helen had told me who her target was and that was my new target, like Rachel was no longer a target of mine and I thought for a second I had it.


I just will never forget how angry Eric got over this. Oh, he was angry Like his T yes his speech and we have it somewhere in the recording, so I will be putting it up on our socials, because it was like I don't know what this is. I don't know why this is fake, but if you all decide to vote me over this fake bullshit, I'm gonna be really, really, really pissed.

Dustin :

I was really uncomfortable.


It. I feel like I looked around the room and I was like, oh my God, are you guys uncomfortable as I am Because I am so uncomfortable?

Dustin :

You know, but him and I ended up when everyone went to go vote, I was like I have to break the ice between us Cause I feel like he's actually mad at me. And we chatted for a few minutes and then by the end of it he was like you're a cool dude, like I want to talk more to you, cause we talked about like politics and morals and stuff. And then I, and then then the realization of okay, all right, this is just a game. He's not mad at me in real life, he's mad at me in the game.


Eric T is a huge big brother fan and Nick was the one that said you'd need to invite this kid sometime, and he has played quite a few times and another all star. For sure, he comes in and he plays and he plays hard and he'll get aggressive in the game Not like personal attacks aggressive, but he he's here to play.


I mean, I coined the slogan game, respect game, and he is one of those people that plays the game.


And you have to respect how he plays the game, the moment the game is over, he's like all right, we besties like we chill in, but like in the game, right. But in that game he looks at you for a minute and you're like, oh God, wait, is he actually mad? No, no, he's just playing and he's playing good.


He is cutthroat. He is one of those ones that will like, like you, kind of, sit there and go. Are you on my team?


Are you on?


my side, but then in the flip side of it, you're like I don't know how you would vote. I don't know how you're going to do this. Oh my God, I don't. I don't know how this is going to work, but then at the end of it, you have to respect how he plays it, because he plays it so flawlessly like he was one of the ones that, like Colton, eric and I, were like this kid could go all the way.


Like he straight up could go. Like he was one of those ones that, when the three of us decided that we were going to team up together to get the three of us to the top three, it was we got to get this kid out because he is a major competitor here. He is game. Like we were. Like we coined the phrase game respect to game because he is so iconic in this.


He was almost our first two time winner.




When it was, victoria won her first, her second game. It was her and Eric T in the final two, so it didn't matter which way the vote would have gone. Our first two time winner was being crowned there, whether it was Victoria or Eric T Cause he has spoilers.


He didn't win, no, we did not.

Dustin :

And before, like before we before we continue, I need to deny. Before we go on, though, I want to do a huge shout out to Judy and Joy, lynn and Kay, who came in later in the day. So this this big brother game was new even for you, because this was the first time this game was streamed almost in its entirety on Instagram live yeah.


Correct I feel like we kind of owe it to them because they were kind of the backbone for you through this entire. I mean Victoria kind of helped towards the end a little bit for you too. It was kind of one of those situations that those three kind of were the backbone for you to run this operation while you were hosting the operation.


Yeah, when I first started doing this, this was obviously much simpler and easier to run, but now that it has become something that people love doing, it really has become an entire operation that I really do require a crew, in a way, to just come and be like hey, can you just help me run this and get everything together?

Dustin :

How many people did you, big brother? 14 commentary by Orlando. Unplugged Pocket.


So here for it, drunk brother 14. Yes, drunk brother 14. Sorry.


I mean listen. Big brother. 14 commentary by Orlando Unplugged.


Pocket BB 14 is one of the best seasons ever, though, too, so like here for that, but how many people participated in Drunk Brother 13? And Drunk Brother 13 was 15 competitors, which is tied for the largest game we have ever had. The only season that had 15 people was Drunk Brother 2. So it's also been a long time since we've had that many players in a house.


Now was this the longest season you did.




What was the longest season? Like time Like time wise.


There are some of some of the seasons have gotten close to sunrise time. You know, in my earlier seasons I obviously didn't know how time worked, not maybe well, how time works with the game.


She doesn't know what time is. Guys, listen, time is a social construct and I do not believe it.


So, but anyways, it was harder for me to figure out proper timing. Obviously, I want to make sure that we do keep everyone throughout the night, because those jury votes are super important.


Absolutely but you know, we also have lives outside of Drunk Brother.


They're right, there's there's a lot to manage when it comes to time. You need to spread things out also because you need to have that social interaction time. That's super important. So it is a really big balancing game. It's a social interaction.


It's scheming interaction.


Correct. Sometimes I had to not get that balance Correct and, yeah, we did play it.


Well, there's also moments that like towards the end of it, that we were kind of like Geo, we don't need time.

Dustin :

We don't need time, like we know at that point, your alliances were running strong.


Real strong, yeah, and you could very tell and I'm really glad that that did happen this season.


The reason why I was still hesitant about it you know, about doing that was because I didn't want to set a president, where, oh, now Dustin, who watched them, say I don't need time, I don't need time, I don't need time anymore, plays in the next game and they're going to assume oh well, they didn't need time the last time. Why are we going to get it? No, every single time, if you need the time, you get the time. Yeah, get your time in to talk to the people that can potentially save you or flip the vote, or whatever the case may be. I will offer the time, yeah, so I'm glad that you guys were able to rush it, because it really did help me on my end, but really I was more just trying to enforce a precedent of this is how it will be always.


I think what killed me is the times that I didn't need time Was the times that we could control the time, but the time I needed time was the time that I wasn't allowed at the time.


Because I was like right, like the instant eviction.


Yes, it was like the only time I really need to look at Eric and be like are we on the same page? Look at Colton, be like are we here? Are you voting for the same person? I just want to make sure, Jordan, how far did you make it?


Jordan, I believe was six, give him the microphone.

Dustin :

Let the poor boy speak.


Gio. No, this is my microphone now. He had his chance. Oh sixth place. Do you want to tell the audience, just so you can have a little mic time.




She was like, I will allow it.

Dustin :

I got a funny story about Jordan. So Jordan, how far did you make it?


Fifth or sixth, six, six, ok.


How did you make it a six?


There were a lot of people that I knew no no, no.


How did you get out at six? I don't remember how you got out.


You got voted. It was for me and Eric T. Oh yeah.

Dustin :

So do you want to know something really funny about? Right after I got out?



Dustin :

I campaigned. To every person I know I was like I don't care what happens tonight. Get Jordan out.


Get Jordan out.

Dustin :

I'm so upset that I got out before Jordan. Get Jordan out. We were all shocked and Colton looked at me dead in face. He goes, I got you bro.


And we did, and then he never got you out. You were like a more of a rose. No, no, no, it happened because at that wedding you were up, Colton and I looked at each other and goes all right time to make Dusty proud and you were out.


You're a disgruntled pelican.

Dustin :

I love how Ashley just also said she voted you out.


Yeah, I really did Play it back. Baby, you fuck, you bitch Say that again.

Dustin :

They take the microphone back from Jordan. Wait a minute, take it back, take it back, take it back.


I literally went out to bat for Colton and every single round.

Dustin :

I thought I couldn't trust him, but then, when I listened to the Instagram Live, I realized that Colton didn't vote me out.


Colton became he very clearly no, no, no. He very clearly, in the very beginning of this, wanted to become a Bubba. And then Colton became ride or die. For me it was great.


He was. He was literally voting for Eric the whole time.


It was great.


OK, my my thoughts on Colton.


If you're a big brother fan.


Colton is our Paul, bb 18, bb 19. Colton unfortunately did not quite have the jury management that he needed in order to win the game, so he was running this season. He was runner up last season and then this season, runner up by a vote of seven to six, so it was by one vote that he lost, which, if you know this season Spoiler alert for big brother.


Paul literally went to the finals two consecutive seasons and lost by one vote both seasons. And really it really is because you, when you are eliminating these people, they're going to vote for the winners. So you got to make sure that when you're stabbing them in the back, don't leave them too many scars. Like you know, you still got to leave them looking.


I called Colton out. Colton pulled me out. He was there. I voted for Colton all the way to the end.

Dustin :

I just want the world to know that Ashley is not honoring the hand raised system. And you keep running me over.



Dustin :

So a bit of a spoiler alert. I feel really bad now because it came down between him and Eric C Eric C for the winner of this season and I didn't know who to vote for because both of them were super nice to me in the beginning of the game. They gave me pointers on how to stay in the game and it came down to the very end and I was like who do I vote for? Do I vote for man in tight pants, Colton, or do I vote for the man who has the most coolest, fullest, manliest mustache that has ever mustached on the planet? And if you go back and you listen to the Instagram Live, I literally say my vote for the winner is Eric because of the mustache.


Shame, shame on you, jordan. What you got, who'd you vote for? Who was your jury pick for the two boys?


In the last round. I voted for Eric C.

Dustin :

If I would have known the more extenuating circumstances of Colton, I probably would have voted for him.


I felt bad afterwards. Both of you should be changing yourselves. Eric C, I don't disagree with that statement To me.

Dustin :

Colton will be my rider dye next season, I promise.


Colton was my rider dye this entire season. He pulled me out. He had my back, him and Victoria.

Dustin :

I can't help it. You have boobs and I don't. Ok, you cannot sit here and be like it's my ride or die.


You have boobs? I don't.


You have an advantage, clearly, when it comes to the man Hush Eric C is my boy. I've known that boy for eight years.


I'm so sorry, colton. That's not why you're my rider, dye. Also, I said it through his hand Because I have boobs.

Dustin :

I just don't know that, you don't know that.


Next week's episode will have Colton as the special guest. Colton, we need you to confirm Was I a rider dye because I had boobs?

Dustin :

He got you to third place. Yeah, he got you to third place. Yeah, I didn't hear that.


Hell, yes, he did. He got me all the way to third. I just had to throw this in your face.


I may have gotten out six, but this wasn't 16th like dust.

Dustin :

You know what? Give the microphone back to geo. You're unofficially a read.


To be fair to you, it was 15th place.

Dustin :

And you know what? I remember that time that geo was trying to convince us to come and he was like, oh my god, you should totally come. There have been total, there's been tons of people that show up and it's their first game ever and they win, like you totally do my winners. Yeah, not really half of them yet, not you.


I'm sorry that you couldn't fit into the statistics, so maybe just be better at statistics but you know what?

Dustin :

it's time because it was a hate crime. It was a hate crime, okay. So if I'm, you voted out a gay man on the first round in my head.


Predictions were you were probably gonna come in like 13th, sorry you being Jordan. Yep, you being Jordan, I think Ashley was probably gonna sit around like the seventh, eighth place range, and then you. I thought you were gonna at least make it to the top five. Dustin.

Dustin :

I think I would. I thought you were gonna go out like right around four. If I didn't have that big Nick target on my back, I think I would have stayed in long.


Yeah, I, I, and again it was all random, so like I almost wish I could have, because I obviously also can have complete control over that shit. You know stuff, but and look what happened.


I just have to say I made it abundantly clear my goal there's this entire thing was to get the podcast as far as I possibly could so we could talk about it. That was and it was. It was the truth, it was straight up. I never changed my my story. I said my goal was to get the podcast all the way through so that would be the topic of our conversation, so we could sit and I could be like, yeah, this is my experience, this is what happened, this is what we did.

Dustin :

I'm just glad I wasn't the one that fell in the pool.


Oh Twice poor Nick will link that in the oh Description comments below.


Facebook, on the Twitter. We gonna put it all over the social media platform and I plan to tag this man good in it. You know what else? I want to tag him in his little little attitude spurt he had over the row. What's the pool game?

Dustin :

the beer pong, the trader pong trader pong oh. Yeah, he went on one for that.


Drunk brother game.

Dustin :

I created that game myself, which is essentially just giant beer pong where you just throw and go and Eliminate a person from the line.


So the preface you give Ashley was too close, texting me right now being like, hey, we're gonna listen to our episode tomorrow.

Dustin :

Well, love you, colton.


No, they don't know, they don't okay, I actually love Colton and he knows that I don't even have to Do we love the fact that he were really tight pants that day. He is just a tight pants aficionado honestly. I've never had for like what the 15 years that I've known Colton.


It's gonna be a Colton. She just titled this Colton and his tight pants. I know I'm like.


I disagree with that only because it takes a spotlight away from me. I'm supposed to be like the special third guest or something.


Second baby, second Right. That's right, he's pre-show topic.


So we can name like the next one after Colton, but Colton gets second.


Listen, colton has to come on the podcast. I get the first and he knows that this is out of love.


I just you can't steal a spotlight for me Like. Colton helps hold the spotlight on me.


That's why he's such a fantastic best friend. I am a firm believer, though, that if it wasn't for the bromance between Colton and Eric that I would have made Top two three hundred percent.


Yeah, your biggest mistake, in my opinion, was writing with them all the way to third. Writing with both of them all the way to third One of them. I didn't.


I didn't. My goal was to try to get Colton to Colton and I to be top two and Try to pull Eric out. But I saved it, we saved it. I kept putting Eric up. I kept putting Eric up and then I was like Eric's my buddy, he's like my dude.

Dustin :

You know what surprised me. I should have pulled him out. Everyone got rid of their targets.


Yeah, yeah, I was really proud of us. But you know what was my favorite thing throughout that entire Entire episode?

Dustin :

What was it? Tell me.


I thought I was going to die, and then Victoria pulled me out. Like I thought for sure that was gonna be my end, all like it was gonna happen. I sat there and was like this is the end, cuz you got Victoria's told me that she Really did enjoy.


I think you guys had a final two yes and yeah, she was a big fan.


Yeah, yeah, I'm a big, big fan of Victoria. She is, she's a goat dude. That girl is like. She's a legend, like Iconic legend in the drunk brother game.


I will say it.


He's correct. Yeah, she is. She's one to Be scared of, she is one to be frightened full of, but she's also one that, if you can get her on your team, she will carry you as much as she can until it is time for her to either cut your throat and push you out of the way or she genuinely goes. I am here for you to ride it all the way through. And she proved it. She was like I'm here for it, let's pull you out. And she, like the minute she won, she walked straight up to me and was like you do not have to worry, I am pulling you out, I am going to save you. And I was like I Want to believe you. I want to believe you, I really do, but I'm so scared that if I believe you and you deny me, I'm gonna cry right here in front of all these strangers I've never hung out with. And I was ready. I was ready for the tears. And she was like Ashley, I have saved you.


I was like bye Rachel. I was like I just didn't know you Girlhood where what was?

Dustin :

Who was the guy that got put up for elimination like three times in a row and he kept just getting in the hot tub.


That was my lovely friend and runner-up of drunk brother 5 Kyle Pond of drunk brother 13 just put up on the block because it was an easy person to put up, because he'd already been on the block.

Dustin :

And we all he.


Wanted to be where that goes.

Dustin :

Because he was just ready to get in that hot tub.


He was skimming the pool. He was there sexy pull boy just without the sexy pull boy outfit you know, I really thought going into this that Nick was gonna win Because of how his energy was the first round.

Dustin :

Yeah, I thought he had a pretty good shot.


Yeah, I was like this is gonna be the winner. This is it. This man, that man is very popular, he has that personality, he has that I'm friends with everybody, but when it comes to this game, I'm gonna fake be your friend, because I'm ready to cut throat you and I'm ready to push you in the pool.


Unlike he'm actually falling in it. But like I thought for sure that was gonna be it, like I was like oh, I see your energy, I see your vibe, I see the bromance. You got here with your, your roommate here, your dude, you two are gonna write it all the way through. And then, when he got out, he got out, what, what? He got out early, yes. And I was like, yes, she was like let me eat it like an ice cream, but like I was listening intently.


But I thought I did not see him. I mean, I knew it was coming because obviously I was part of the the group that was actively voting for him to be Bye-bye, but like I did not see that actually succeeding, I really didn't mm-hmm, so Changing topics for a minute. Oh boy.

Dustin :

So I, when we originally talked about this and Gio invited us both that you and I were hesitant because you're not drinking. No and I, I don't like to drink like excessively or as a ton, and Obviously the name of this game is drunk brother.

Dustin :

Yeah so I expected it to be people taking shots and hard liquor and just just getting completely plastered and drunk, and I was really surprised to see that. Not everyone there. There were a few people that were having a couple of hard drinks at times, but most people were drinking seltzers or beers and we were having a good time and it was so nice and refreshing To go to a game that's supposed to be drunk brother. But no one there that I noticed was wasted. No one was getting completely hammered drunk there was. There was one game that we played where it was how many shots will you take to win this round? And but people got to say I'll take five shots of, was it fireball?


Yes and Jim beam, jim beam, and I Glad I was a fireball, I would have killed all them boys and and so I had originally told Gio I was like I'm not drinking.

Dustin :

And then when I got there, by the time we started the first game. The first game it was a chugging, you know, everyone had their cam.



Dustin :

Whoever chugged and finished first was the winner. But I was like okay, you know, you know I'll get in on this. I was drinking, was it? I wasn't drinking white claws, what was I drinking? Truly truly and I did. I drank the whole night with, along with everyone, and I had a blast, but at no point during that was I completely wasted and I'm sure there are people to get there. I'm.


There were some people there that I was like I think they were writing the the the line between Buzzed and drunk. I don't think anybody got a Beliterated. There was nobody that I was sitting there going. Okay, I think it's time for somebody to drive you home or for you to.

Dustin :

Go sleep in a room and I really like that.


Yeah, it was nice, because I think the the nice part is you're playing. You're not playing with freshly 21, 22, 23 year old kids, you're playing with people that are our age. Who's hangovers last a week? Who's like?


which is why I plan this game accordingly. Who?


have jobs. I mean I had won. The reason why I was sober for for that game was I had to work at 5 am. We got done at 3 30, we came home and I went to work. So it was.

Dustin :

I didn't know what the bed.


My sleep schedule has yet to recover from drunk brother, I'm not mad about it because I'm a night out, so I mean either baby because I am ready for the next season.


But it wasn't one of those situations where I was kind of like, okay, everybody's gonna literate it. I feel very uncomfortable, I'm surrounded by a whole bunch of drunk people and I am sober or like you. You and I were both came into the same idea that, like we had to kind of be I don't want to say like sober, but Attentive because we were covering this for the podcast.


So we wanted to retain as much information as we could. We were there actually taking photos, taking videos, doing all of these things for the sole purpose Of our podcast and nobody was like, how dare you not drink? Shame on you for not doing it Like. I didn't once feel like I was being put on a judgment zone because I wasn't including alcohol in my in my mind.

Dustin :

And I love the fact that when we said, geo, we don't want to drink, he said you don't have to.


yes, there was not a preference there that anyone had to drink if I wanted to chug a can of Dr Pepper. I could.

Dustin :

No one in that table wanted to say you can't play this game because you're not drinking alcohol and you you bet.


When that chugging situation happened, I chugged my non-alcoholic corona and everybody thought it was great and everybody tasted it, because they were like, oh my god, corona has another alcoholic drink and I was cool for two seconds I.


I just really appreciate that y'all brought that up. I know the name of the game that I created is drunk brother, which really just that name started, because when I first made my first season of like five or six people playing Like, the challenges were just easy. Oh yeah, let's do like you know, a beer pong or chandelier, or like you know easy. But the name of the game is strategy and social interactions.


And yeah it does make it a little bit more fun. When everyone's a little buzz, like you know, obviously things happen. That, like you know, could be make things a little more exciting. But at the end of the day, I'm not trying to create a game where everyone just gets completely screwed up, like I want everyone to come play a game and alright, like we're focusing on who is the best. Yeah big brother player in the house.


Well, I think you have to kind of be Sober and buzz. You have to ride that cocktail pretty hard. Because you're not I can't speak for you, unfortunately, but I know for Jordan I. We had to be part of a diabolical scheme. You had to kind of Vote, you had to. You had to fight for your right to stay in for their head has to be in the game.


And it was I mean, and not just that, but like I mean, as somebody who who held head of household twice, I also had to be vigilant and Ready to go for the fact that, like I had to participate in these games, I had to actively beat a whole bunch of boys who had played this game before, because I was the last woman. I was holding my boobies all the way to the end, like yes, you are, oh yeah, you are correct, colton?


I'm gonna need you to clarify that I did not get to make it to three because I had boobs. Thank you so much.

Dustin :

Wait, do you hear that?


What is it?

Dustin :



I'm listening.

Dustin :

That's silence. Which is because Colton's not disagreeing.


Going to hell, but like I'm already there.

Dustin :

Every time we talk in the words of her, In the words of her producer. I hate it here.


I do. He really does hate it here. So, but like it was one of those situations that you have to ride that coattail between sober and buzzed and Because you have to actively Be manipulative, you have to be strategic, you have to say that word one more time for me.


Manipulative much better. That time I was hoping you would screw it up again, because I would have made for just a really great I have a better podcast.


I am very illiterate apparently that Michigan a edumacation is not great.

Dustin :

Should see her read a script.


It's really bad.

Dustin :

It's so bad but in more important news, geo. What the hell was that? I don't know if it picks up on the microphone. Was that a sneeze, a cough, a burp and a fart all at the same time? What was that?


I'm gonna say yes, doesn't matter what, what, what it was really. The viewers can't see it and they're just gonna think whatever they think, and whatever they think it is. It is. If they think I farted, guess what I farted. They think I burped, it doesn't matter. They think I burped, so I burped, if they, if they think I come to myself in, in in the mic, guess what? There's nothing I can do to change that opinion.


So guess what? I don't really know, a plug somebody's coming.


Sorry, I was having a lot of fun.

Dustin :

So so we only have. Our system only has a two headphone jack and our soundboards plug directly into the recording stuff. So actually now are the only people that can hear any of our sound effects.


So apparently I screwed up so bad because I just can't Hear anything, because I'm the only one.


I loved it. I had a blast like and I was. I still, to this day, am shocked that I made it to third and I'm so scared to play again because I Don't want to be anything.


Welcome to now being a target, which is why it's impressive for the people that come back and play multiple times how far they get Eric tease, a previous winner, and he survived the block, I think, like three or four times.


My goal now, though, is to get a key.

Dustin :

So geo, what are? So? Tell our listeners are not our viewers, our listeners, what are? So? What were the games? Go through all 15 games. What were they?


Okay, don't, maybe not through all 15. How about you go through your favorite game?

Dustin :

No, he's. So. We did we like? Do we have time for?


well, some of the games I won't go through all of them, because some of them are super basic. Can we go?


through Victoria in my favorite game, chandeliers, please and chandelier actually cost some controversy this past season, which I can get into a little bit after. But if yeah, if y'all don't know the rules of chandelier, go look up a YouTube video. Very basic, so simple, very basic drinking game. Super fun, though we essentially play in very short rounds where the person who loses the flip cup round is eliminated. Last man standing wins Ho h slash POV. It's a fan favorite. So I usually try to include two rounds a bit at some point at some point An HoH earlier, pov later, vice versa.


The second time we played Victoria, our lovely all-star that's her favorite game, like, and that's something I've also known, that that's her all-time favorite games and she literally came up to me and said, hey, can I play with them? But what if I make it towards the end I'm gonna bow out so that, like, I don't screw with, like what happens in the game. Correct and I as the creator of the game, who can make whatever rules I want and do make whatever rules I want.


I looked at her and said no. You can play the game and if you make it all the way to the end and you win, you get to pick out of all the people that played who the actual winner gets to be, and like, obviously that changes the dynamic of a lot of different things all the call and Someone was not very happy about that and you know I'm not gonna put them on blast because it's rightfully so.


Like it definitely hurt their game. So, like you know, I totally get why they were bad at me.

Dustin :

There was, there was some additional. I'm going, ashley, I'm going on.



Dustin :

So I had this thing where I decided when I was out that I was gonna become a chaos goblin and I was gonna whisper in people's ears and I knew you would be that, and that's why I wasn't that upset when you and so picked it first, after Judy and Joelynn left.

Dustin :

You were doing an elimination round and we hadn't made it to the battle back yet and Victoria went in with you to help you do the thing and I immediately I went straight for Nick and Eric and all the people that and I was like Do you guys think that it's fair that she gets to sit in there and listen to who everyone's voting for? He started because she could get, because she can battle back in later.


She's gonna get up later actually.


He's started pot. I remember having a conversation with Eric and Colton about this and the boys were like, what is he doing? But at the same time, what is she doing? What is happening? Is that allowed? Is that okay?


And I was like and technically no, but it's also my game. So like you, you a potster if a few of my helpers are gonna leave me to do for 12 hours I was sitting there for 12 hours playing, and only you know what I was expecting you to do for 12 hours.

Dustin :

What stir the pot and I did that exactly for you correct.


You did it well, my dude, you did very well. I'm very proud. Good, that was it. It just behooves me how, how diabolical this game was yeah, I wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, agree to that.

Dustin :

So then we had several different weeks and rounds. After that we had tons more people out. We had Nick, who was big hot. What game were we playing when he went in the pool? What game would we just finish playing?


when he like when he fell in the pool, or that was trader punk, because you guys were walking Around the pool, so we did trader pong and he like he's like hell, yeah, I win and just Go straight into the pole, just.

Dustin :

And I love that video because it just shows him walking straight into the pool Because it wasn't his left foot, he was walking with the pole on his left side and it wasn't like his left foot went in the pool, no, his right foot went straight into the pool and he just went in.


I have.

Dustin :

I'm watching the video of it Shugging that truly so Confident and he had his phone, his wallet, his vape, and I love. My favorite thing is he got out and he was like the first thing I did was rip my vape out because you told me that If it gets water in it that it's gonna explode. And he's like it didn't explode. You fucking liar.


Pardon my language, but I was like this is why you got out of the first round beach.

Dustin :

I was like dude, you also went into the pool and got out so quickly. I don't think water had time to enter his vape because, as we know, geo's vape went into the pool like Two hours later and it died and Ashley and I had to go to the windixie the windic or so Grateful for thank you You're welcome. We also went to this really cool smoke shop right next to the windixie and we walked in and there wasn't a soul in there, like we walked in and she was a whole fucking mood dude.


She had like this one-piece zip up on and she had it like unzipped so you could see that cute little like red bra that she definitely a part of a cartel. Had to be, but she was like she was a whole fucking mood dude and it was what, 11 o'clock at night.

Dustin :

She is the type of person that in a movie when, like, the cartel walks in to like, shoot up the place and take all the money, she's like the bad bitch that comes out of nowhere with the shotgun and she's just like, and then she kills them all, like that is exactly what this woman looked like. So, lady next to this, or lady from the smoke shop next to the windixie on that end Of town, near downtown, near Ivanhoe yeah, you, you are. Literally she was the. She's the winner of drunk brother in my book, because she was just amazing.


Anyhow, so we doesn't have a gold key.

Dustin :

We lost Nick.


Doesn't have a gold key me.


Can you give me?


a third place key.

Dustin :



I've thought about it. But also that means I have to make third place keys, or no, no, no, no, no place.


I can totally do that. That's what I mean Absolutely do that.

Dustin :

I want to just like a little teeny, tiny letters at the very bottom. Ashley got third place.


Well, that means I'm gonna put on there geo got third place twice, that's fine, go for it because. I have.

Dustin :

How about we?


just make an Orlando unplugged key that sponsors and house Drunk brother. I'm here for it. I love it.

Dustin :

I'm gonna, we're gonna chat about the Instagram and videos and stuff. We're gonna talk about that later, but anyway, so we made it through several more weeks. We lost several more people. We made it all the way to the battle back and. Was so angry when I went out there.


What was the battle back challenge again. I was oh, no, no, no, no.




Was it trader pong?

Dustin :

No, no, it was it was just regular beer, probably it was. So you had the triangle set up and we had to get as many Balls into the speed was timed. Okay, okay, yeah, everyone had to sink, and by the time I made it out there, the quickest time was like 27 seconds and I was, yeah, we were just cutting them because I'm.


We weren't gonna let everyone go for like five minutes, you know. So someone set a time and then, if you didn't beat that time, we would just cut you there.

Dustin :

Oh yeah, and I did not get back into the game.


Damn, and I was and at that point I was the.

Dustin :

Kyle, and at that point it was like midnight.


Kyle to literally get out the next round.

Dustin :

Yeah, yeah.


Kyle. Was it the next round, or was it two rounds? He made it for a second.


I have a whole spreadsheet here for those wondering how we remember all this, because when we're a little, you know, tipsy, we don't remember this. No, kyle, I'll definitely survive like four more weeks before getting a bit, because what?


when was the buyback? What? What week was that? After week nine week nine oh yeah, I forgot. I thought it was close for some reason. I thought it was closer to like five out of a total of 14 weeks by the way. That's crazy, jesus Christ, I just can't believe how long I came with.

Dustin :

I had so much snackage that night. I had a gluten-free pizza, I had chips and oh, the Jell-O shots.


Who made the colton made the colton made the Jell-O shots shout out to colton again for that.


Judy put the whipped cream and the little rainbow rode on it for us, so it was?

Dustin :

it was st Patty's day.


Yes, it was so we I did not wear green neither did I. I did not wear green.


I think y'all like we're the only ones do you want to know why I forgot.

Dustin :

I didn't unintentionally wear green, but did you notice, like I wore my jeans, I wore my cowboy boots. I was definitely like I'm gonna go in here with the like southern gay vibe. And then you got out on the first round and I was hoping to ride those coattails of being like the cute gay kid from apple Atcha.


No, they didn't work. Give two fucks us. You know what? Yeah, we have a lot of queers, so you got to do a little better than that.

Dustin :

I'm realizing that. What do you want, jordan? Scoot close, get to the mic just like Shania Twain.


That didn't impress nobody much.

Dustin :

You got the applause.


Look, did. You went sit down, shut up. That was that was pretty iconic. That was good. Jordan round of a snaps for Jordan. Snaps for Jordan. Good job, buddy, that was good.


I'm not snapping. He's stealing my spotlight.


Yeah, it was he did.

Dustin :

He like he scooted right in front of you and he was like let me just scoot you in here.


Just move that mic just every time he comes close, just like all right.

Dustin :

So we I'll give.


I'll give one snap.

Dustin :

We made it to top five. And who was our top five?


She was not the top five was uh, do you want me to like read it in any sort of order, or no?

Dustin :

The order no, because there was no order to top five. Our top five housemates were Eric T in fifth place. Oh they were.


they were in places, yes, literally everyone gets evicted, one at a time. So like I mean yes, like oh okay, well then yeah like yeah.

Dustin :

Top five go yep, fifth place.


Kyle, fourth place battleback champion of drunk brother 13. Thank you, ashley. Third place.


Still hurts.


Runner up Colton.

Dustin :

He's gonna win next year. I can feel it.


Eric C takes the crown for DB13.


You know what I'm manifesting for next season?

Dustin :

What Colton wins, I'm numbered, that's what it just said he's gonna win.


And I am round two.


Well, you're gonna have some competition.


That's fine, bring it on.


Let's go.


Are you playing?

Dustin :



No way.


I just say.


Who's gonna host it?


I'll figure it out and I've even made it to where I can play and still kind of host.


At the same time I've adjusted accordingly. Straight up will be okay, not playing if we host it, like I would be okay when that's not playing if we hosted.

Dustin :

That'd be dope as shit Would you do, host it here in the apartment.


No, no, no, we host it there Right as in, just be the Julie, I'll find your location for you.


Yeah, but I'm only like no one plug would. Oh, hell, yeah. Can you imagine Happy for the July we host Drunk Brother.


Stay tuned, y'all, for DB14, because y'all might have some exclusive inside addition to the greatest party social game you've ever heard of.


Who knows? Dude, that'd be dope as shit. Can you imagine the social media for that?


We'll talk deep soon.

Dustin :

What was so? I know like we played Ski Ball. That was one we played that I did not like that game.


When it went down to the floor, nick, how many drew? And your head to be examined. Nick is on my list.

Dustin :

Because of that I was so ready and then we moved it to the floor and I made zero points.


I was not happy when we moved it to the floor, you know what game I really liked but I felt like I had a pretty high up leg in that game Was the Jio. What's my favorite SCP game you play?




Tappel. I am a massive fan of that game. I love it, I am here for it. It's competitive and I am good at it.


Tappel is just categories with different letters of the alphabet being blocked out after it's been used, simple but very fun and effective.

Dustin :

It has a fun little button-pressy part.


Hey, eric, can you tell me what word you used there? Buddy, do you remember? Do you know what word Eric used, that he got out?

Dustin :




Dustin :



Yes, it was five letter words and this man straight up thought earths was a word.


I feel like it was something else, but I actually don't remember, though it was something to do with the solar system. It was definitely very right we were like no, that's not a thing.

Dustin :

Please tell me that someone said five for five or for f.


I wish, but no, no, oh my.


God, but it was great, and I won, I won. And then what was the other one? I won. Oh yes, the counting to five minutes. Yo, can we talk about that please? So okay, yes real quick backstory.


A real big brother has a challenge where they'll put, you know, the house guests in like a box or something and say, hey, hit your button or pull whatever trigger at an hour, yeah, and they have to sit there and count to an hour in their head while things are happening around them. I've made that a challenge, thanks to Victoria with her idea to bring it into the game. We just lower it down to like five minutes or seven minutes instead, but this time was five minutes, so the challenge was called five minutes in hell and everyone just had to sit in their own corners and they raised their hand to confirm lock in their time as close to five minutes as they could get. Prices Right rules If you go over it doesn't count.


rules Love it and Ashley literally raised her hand at exactly the five minute mark. And what makes me mad about it is that the last two times I've played this, it was seven minutes and I got 702, and then it was five minutes before that I got 504. So I've been super close each time, but I bust just a little bit over each time and you, freaking nailed it.


Right on the five minute mark. Do you know what was my favorite part about that entire game? It's the fact that Nick was trying to be diabolical as shit and trying to get because, obviously, like he was out. So he was just like. You know what? I'm pulling the dust and I'm here, I'm gonna stir the pot, I'm gonna be a pot stir. I'm here for the tea, I'm here for the drama, and he was actively getting in everybody's faces, and you know whose face he never, ever, got into. He never came close to me. He'd fucked with Eric, he fucked with Jordan, he screwed around with everybody else and he never came close to me.

Dustin :

You know why? Why, because you have boobs.


I hate this episode today. Stop it.


At least the laugh track playing in the background.

Dustin :

Oh, I don't have a laugh track.


We need a laugh track. All right, wait y'all, don't have a laugh track.

Dustin :

No, we just have the applause. We've got the applause and uh.


I would laugh for you just to do it, but I don't think my laugh is super cute.


So I might scare some podcasters away.


No, no, no, y'all gotta earn it.

Dustin :

So we'll get that, we'll have a laugh track for the next episode it was not my boobs, but it was.


my favorite part was the sheer fact that he literally would screw with everybody but me. And then I called it and he was like, did I screw you up? I was like no Dude. I've been in the food and beverage industry since I was 17. I can count to five with my eyes closed. That was nothing. I'm so easy. You know why? Because if you drop chicken wings in a fryer at 450 degrees five minutes, they're pre cooked. That's how I know that? Because when I worked for the Lord's chicken, our timers went out, so as managers we had to stand there and count and I got really good at counting to five.

Dustin :

Why not just set a five minute timer on your phone?


What a concept. But you see the Lord's chicken. We don't think that way.

Dustin :

So that's what all of her math teachers meant when we were in middle school, and they were like you're going to have to be able to do math.


Yeah, get employed at the Lord's chicken.

Dustin :

You're not always going to have a crutch you later.


Get employed at the Lord's chicken. You got to learn how to count to five.

Dustin :

Christians don't believe in timers.


No, but we believe in counting to five and clearly paid off Five minutes, not five seconds. No, five minutes, and it clearly paid off. So, and then I was head of household and I earned that, hired it, and then you know why you know why none of the men got it right?

Dustin :

Because in their brains, five minutes in reality is two seconds.


Hey Joe, can you please talk about the golden envelopes please? Oh yeah, can you talk about those?


Yes, so one of the twists that I implemented this time around was what I call a pot of gold, again St Patty's themed and an HOH winner Excuse me.

Dustin :

Head of household.


Yes, oh sorry, I gave abbreviation.


My favorite is I started calling him HOS because I couldn't remember what HOH was, so I kept calling him HOS. It was great.


So the winner of the HOH competition in a normal, you know game gets just to have the power to nominate two people. But I put a bunch of secret powers in some envelopes and labeled them gold and put them off to the side and said, hey, you can either, just, you know, keep your HOH head of household duties as normal, or you can hand them off to anyone in the game and then take one of those secret or like special powers to potentially, you know, change and enhance and spice up the game. And yeah, it was a fun and some were good.


Some were good and some were not good. Some were awful Nick awful, Brandon's awful, Mine great. Who else picked?

Dustin :

one Nick's was. Oh, Colton's was Nick's was literally nothing, nothing.


It said this does absolutely nothing.

Dustin :

I typed something that said this power does absolutely nothing.


Put it in an envelope.


Brandon's was horrible because he couldn't participate in any of the head of household games.


He couldn't participate in the next two, but he was allowed to participate in all of them. Going forward, which a rule was that like if you got HOH, you can't participate in the one after.


that was kind of beneficial Right.


He would have gotten a benefit of that if he had.


Colton's was kind of good towards the end because it meant that he could put up some people he could put out, he could nominate.

Dustin :

But I feel like he got it so late in the game that it was pretty much over by the time he was eligible to use his powers and then mine was great and pulled me out from.


Yeah, you want. You want the like the biggest one. I got the biggest one. What was yours again?


I had the ability to to, so it was the diamond power of veto. I have it.


She has the ability to take someone off the block, including herself. But then also named the replacement nominee because he usually had a household.


I named Brandon.

Dustin :

Oh yeah, that's right.


Yeah, cause, brandon was my card.

Dustin :

And it was so funny because I was like like I heard you all talking and you were like everyone was like yeah, brandon, we got you, we're not going to vote for you. And then it was done to like five people that voted and I literally turned and I looked at Nick and I was like you know, what's really funny about that is it was three to one Brandon out, and I was like I overheard all. I went straight to Brandon. I was like, just so, you know, they all said they had your back, but three people voted against you and only one person voted for you and he was like mm-hmm, blindside.


Do you know why?

Dustin :

Because the three of you were protecting each other.


No, we. Because Colton, eric and I looked at it goes when it came down to to all three of us being and getting close to the top three. When Jordan got out, it became the three of us were going to carry each other all the way as far as we could. And I looked at Colton and Colton goes Ash, who do you have? And I was like I'm going to take a big leap because I hadn't told anybody at this point.


I never revealed who my target was. I was like, yeah, no, it's not like. I would be like, oh my God, it's not you, it's not you. But I never was like this is my target. So Colton looks at me and Colton goes this is my target, who's yours? And I went, oh, this is this. Could be like break or die moment If I tell him who my person is and he doesn't have my back. I'm screwed. And I went all right, we've made it this far. I've made it this far, let's give it a go. And I was like Brandon's my target and he goes all right time to get Brandon out. I was like, oh shit.

Dustin :

Oh shit.


And I saved me and everybody voted for Brandon and I was like, all right, cool, we're on the same page. Bye, bye, brandon. I would have been interested to see I love you, ride or die for you, my dude.

Dustin :

If it would have come between you and one of your ride or dies earlier in the game, how that would have played out.


Yeah, I would have. I would have been very curious, like if Colton and I would have been up at the same time, or if Eric and I would have been up. I think that would be. I wonder how that would have looked.

Dustin :

So Gio looking ahead to big brother 14.


Drunk brother 14.

Dustin :

Drunk brother cutting, I do it every time, do better.


But BB 14 is one of the greatest seasons of all time.


So so is drunk brother 14 going to be the greatest season of all time.


But I would love to see that happen, to see that parallel just be.

Dustin :

Do you? Are you already in the planning phase for it?


A little bit. I am taking also a little break because it is a very hard thing to plan.

Dustin :

So you know, but I have already started conjuring up some ideas. I heard little whispers. We're looking like maybe fourth of July.


I think so.


So around there is like the current plan, but that is also still TBD, so Can you give our Orlando unplug listeners a tidbit here into what to what is going to be expected in this new season, this new era?


I'm really excited for a new era of multiple games going forward, especially just because I feel like we've gotten quite a few new players that are like, ready to play and ready to come in and make their mark against some of the players that have played seven, eight, nine times now. So I think we're entering a really exciting era. If you are a fan of Big Brother and you know BB 14, I think that our twist might be inspired off of that, and I'm just going to leave it at that.


I love it. I think BB or do you think drunk brother? 14 will be the biggest one you play.


No, this was the largest and I allowed it to be the largest drunk brother 13 and it's tied with the largest with drunk brother two. So two and 13 are the two largest games I've ever had and as much as I would love to bring into like a 16 person game, as much as I love having that many people playing the game time constraint wise, it is just way too hard to have a game that big.

Dustin :

So Hardly agree.


It is absolutely so hard to have a game that big.

Dustin :

How do you think that you're going to be able to cap how many people you have in your games?


Yeah, because I feel like you're getting this. This is becoming.


I don't, I totally don't mind like capping it and being like hey, it's a first come, first serve thing. But one of my biggest problems that I feel, like you know, because you know people have lives I get that some, you know, at the last minute, sometimes someone you know can't do something if I plan for 12 people and then say, hey, this is 12 people, like you know, I have 17 people that wanted to go, and then I'm like, nope, you five can't do it because I have 12. And then the game shows up and then only 10 people show up and now that's people that I said you can't come. But now we have a much smaller game. You know what?


I mean. So you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.


A lot of the times I do actually over plan a little bit. I say, okay, I probably want like a 14 person game. I'm going to allow 18 people to come, because I don't all 18 people are going to show up and this time almost like pretty much everyone showed up and I, so I was expecting again probably like a 12 or 13 person game, and we had 15 people show up, so I was like all right, let's, let's play.


Are we allowed to do you can? Can we talk about? Well, one? I'd like to shout out the people that we that host the house, if that's okay.


Oh, my God, I would absolutely love to thank you so much for our friends that allow us to play this incredible game in their beautiful home. I hope that we do it justice in making sure we take care of its surroundings, but, my God, we are so, so, so grateful for the people that live there and that allow us to to use their home for such a long period of time and to play a game that we love to play. And so, yeah, oh, my God, thank you for saying that, because I'm so eternally grateful for them, I love them, I love them.


Now, you know what I love the most about them is their tree, and if you know, you know, and that's all I'm going to say. Can we talk about, though, how you got to the point that you went from? I mean, because drunk brother originally started in your house, right?


My small apartment with six people.


How did you go from drunk brother in an apartment to drunk brother in a house? And then I had heard that a once upon a time drunk brother was in a hotel.

Dustin :

Then I heard drunk brother was in two different houses in the same night.


Two different houses in the same night.


That was actually a hotel and then a house. Yeah, so can I because we almost got kicked out of the hotel.


Are you okay with going into some details on this? Yeah, absolutely All right, cool, lay it on me, I want another tea.


Um, so we had gotten the the first time we did it at a hotel.


So before you, before you start, I do want to say that we will not be naming the hotel, of course, yep. We also not be naming the the houses that you stayed at Of course. We're naming the guests that allow us to participate in the house. We just know we appreciate you and that is it. Yes.


We and we love you so much Correct. Okay, so we did, um, the first one. Well, so we did the first few at like apartments and you know, because again, they were a bit smaller. Um, you know, yeah, we can have like 15 people in apartments, a little cramped, but we did what we could. We played the game.


I decided to try and do like a hotel so that we didn't have to like make a mess of someone's house or like apartment, because we, you know, we are all, really it was just apartment. All of us had apartments. We're all poor, you know, so we all have small places. Um, so I was like, let me maybe get a hotel and maybe, you know, whatever, the hotel worked fine because the hotel was pretty much empty due to an event that was happening in town. Um, that, like, everyone was at while we were playing the game. Um, so we really didn't have any issues. Next season we tried to do the hotel again because we were like, wow, that worked so well, got a noise complaint within the first like hour and we were like, okay, yeah, we definitely can't, because this is, we literally just started and like there's no way that we're gonna we're gonna, you know, quiet event, right.


I'm not saying it's like a rager party, right, but like, but it's also not a quiet event, right, correct?


Um, so we were like, yeah, we can't stay here. And someone that was there, that was playing the game with us, was like hey, I actually do have like kind of a spacious house. I'll you know if we're okay with just like being nice, like yeah, let's just bring it over so that we can continue the game. Um, and yeah, we literally moved the entire game from a hotel room. Everyone drove, everyone but one person drove over, and we just picked up where we left off.


That's crazy, and now you're in the current house that you are currently doing yes.


Well, when I can? I mean really like it I find wherever I can to host it at, actually just whenever I can. So the last two have been at the current location that we've done so.


12 and 13.


Um, nick will often be very helpful in finding us a location, which is really awesome as well. So shout out to Nick. Another all star. We love him. Um, so he, he, he does his work to help us. Help us get a location as well.


Yes, I love it. I think it's great.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have your back to you, I was just. I needed to rest my arm here.

Dustin :

Oh no, you're good, I was. I was reading the label on this court.


I'm here for it.

Dustin :

I think it was great.


I know he was talking shit about me, but it's fine Always.


I did really hurt because he got on in the first round and it's okay.

Dustin :

Um, I did really enjoy this video.


Um, it was very nice. They had a very nice backyard.

Dustin :

It took me several hours to realize that the grass was not real grass.


It was turf.

Dustin :

I did not know that.


I didn't even know that. I've been there multiple times, but it looked good. It looked good.

Dustin :

I only realized it when me and Lena were sitting in the eviction chairs and I looked down and I was like this isn't grass. And I was like how amazing would that be to have this nice yard with all these little bamboo forests around and you don't have to mow the lawn.


I love it. I'm here for it. Super jelly here for it.

Dustin :

It's in a nice neighborhood too.



Dustin :

It was fun.


Yeah, Um that was great Did we truly thank you to those people that let us play in that house, cause it is our best drunk brother location to date and if I could play every game they're going forward, I absolutely I love that.

Dustin :

You know, um there, whoops, there was, you know, one section of the home that we were told not to go in, and you know I I think it was nice and it speaks volumes to the types of people, cause, like I said, this was my first time meeting all these people um to see how respectful they were of a stranger's property.


I think, because it goes to show that we're not playing with 21, 22, 23 year old kids, yeah. We're not playing with with morons. We're playing with people who are actively, or we're playing with people who are adults, who understand hi. This means no, hi. This is not a place that you can come into. This is how it is. I think that's the. The difference there is that that's what we're doing, it's not.

Dustin :

Yeah, I think. I think it was a really great and fun time for all of us, but it was.


It was one of those situations, so I think that's kind of why, um it, get over it. It was kind of one of those ones where I feel like we were with people that understood hi no means no, respected or get the fuck out, that's kind of how I looked at it.


But it wasn't one of those situations that anybody felt uncomfortable. It wasn't like hi, you're a moron, do you understand that? No, you're not allowed to look into this room and I I promise I'm not judging by staring Gio in the eyeballs. I'd be like you're done, don't go in that room.


I was acting as a character. Yes, you were.


But like I don't feel, like anybody felt some sort of way by being told hi, don't go in there. I think, it was great.


I like to make sure that my people playing the game are there to play, but they're also respectful. Like playing, does not mean being an asshole in disrespecting people or their property, or correct.


Cause. At the end of the day, it's not our place. That's how I look at it.


And again, thank you so much for allowing us to use the place that is not our place. Yes, it was great. It was great Amazing game space.

Dustin :

I love it and that pretty home and that, ladies and gentlemen, was drunk brother 13.


That was great, geo. Shout out to you, my dude. You, I feel like we've been shouting on everybody here, but I think you need, you need a massive shout out here, my guy. That was a very impressive game. Thanks, that was a very diabolical, scheming, well manipulative game. I feel like everybody came out. I made new friends. I feel like we made new people that are coming on the podcast, new listeners. Thanks, guys. Um, I also feel like it was. It was very well done. So you, you should hold yourself to some pretty high credit there, my dude, because I I am manifesting you being on big brother. I will vote for you, call in, do whatever.


Not even manifesting. I will be. I'm here, for it Won't be this summer. I'm going on vacation this summer. So, you know, when you watch BB 26, which is live this summer you won't see me yet, but next summer BB 27, you all can watch me 24 hours a day, seven days a week on those live feeds.


I will be one of those people. I will be team Geo.


I will be all the way and manipulate. Absolutely, I'm here for it and win three quarters of a million dollars.

Dustin :

Better give me some, for me we're going to have a fun, fun drunk brother games after that. Listen we you become the winner.


We will have the best house to play drunk brother.


Correct, correct. I think it'll be great.

Dustin :

So well again, Geo, shout out to you my dude. Thank you for joining us today. Jordan, thank you for jumping in and out throughout this episode.


Thank you guys for having me. I'm going to say thank you for Jordan to scream.

Dustin :

She was like I am a host forever now.


Thank you for having me. You're welcome.


That wasn't quick, but we do appreciate you, Jordan.

Dustin :

Awesome guys. Well, thank you all for joining us for this episode. As we talked about in a previous episode, we're going to be taking a quick break on our book club. While Ashley and I dive into that, get a couple more chapters in before we come back and discuss what mother won't tell me. So until next time.


Join us next time, stay safe, stay educated and share this podcast with your friends, your family and, of course, your favorite bartender and especially your enemies. I love how our exit always gets more and more. Like extra, she gets extra.

Dustin :

Is that it? That's it.


Thanks for plugging a drunk brother with us.


Thank you Happy.


Oh, hey, wait. Before we end, it shout out to our runner up and our winners. We didn't get to do that.


Honestly. Yeah, eric and Colton.


We're so proud of you guys.


Good job, it was great Thank you for making this a great game. Thank you to everyone who played, also to honestly shout out to anyone who showed up to that event, because that was legendary season, honestly and as we said except for you, next Grillo game, respected game and it was fun. So that's taking it a little personal, clearly clearly.


Thanks, guys. Thanks for joining us. It's been a blast.

Dustin :

We'll see you next week. Bye.

Princess Kate's Cancer Announcement
Dark Side of Children's TV
Uncovering Nickelodeon's Dark Secrets
Orlando Podcast With Special Guest Gio
Gio's Big Brother Game Evolution
Game Rules and Social Dynamics
Drunk Brother Game Play Analysis
Big Brother Game Dynamics and Strategy
Big Brother Season Discussion
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