Good Neighbor Podcast: Winston-Salem

EP #1: The Healing Power of Purposeful Counseling with Dr. Nicole Moore

January 24, 2024 Magella Cantara & Dr. Nicole Moore Episode 1
EP #1: The Healing Power of Purposeful Counseling with Dr. Nicole Moore
Good Neighbor Podcast: Winston-Salem
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Good Neighbor Podcast: Winston-Salem
EP #1: The Healing Power of Purposeful Counseling with Dr. Nicole Moore
Jan 24, 2024 Episode 1
Magella Cantara & Dr. Nicole Moore

What makes Dr. Nicole Moore with Counseling with a Purpose a good neighbor?

Have you ever met someone whose life's work is their calling? Dr. Nicole Moore, the founder of Counseling with a Purpose, is just that person, and she joins us to share her remarkable story. From overcoming a challenging childhood to fostering a space of healing and growth in Kernersville, North Carolina, Dr. Moore's journey is not just inspiring, it's a testament to the transformative power of empathy and professionalism in mental health care.

In our conversation, Dr. Moore debunks the myths surrounding counseling, revealing the depth of qualification and dedication that counselors bring to their practice—paralleling the rigor of doctors or nurses. She also takes us through her personal narrative of triumph over adversity, which has fortified her commitment to mentorship and community service. Whether you're interested in the inner workings of therapy, or in the stories of individuals who channel their past into purpose, this episode promises a blend of heartfelt insight and expert knowledge, courtesy of a woman who truly counsels with a purpose.

To learn more about Counseling with a Purpose, go to:

Counseling with a Purpose
900 Old Winston Road Suite 104 
Kernersville, NC 27284
 (336) 682-5982

Show Notes Transcript

What makes Dr. Nicole Moore with Counseling with a Purpose a good neighbor?

Have you ever met someone whose life's work is their calling? Dr. Nicole Moore, the founder of Counseling with a Purpose, is just that person, and she joins us to share her remarkable story. From overcoming a challenging childhood to fostering a space of healing and growth in Kernersville, North Carolina, Dr. Moore's journey is not just inspiring, it's a testament to the transformative power of empathy and professionalism in mental health care.

In our conversation, Dr. Moore debunks the myths surrounding counseling, revealing the depth of qualification and dedication that counselors bring to their practice—paralleling the rigor of doctors or nurses. She also takes us through her personal narrative of triumph over adversity, which has fortified her commitment to mentorship and community service. Whether you're interested in the inner workings of therapy, or in the stories of individuals who channel their past into purpose, this episode promises a blend of heartfelt insight and expert knowledge, courtesy of a woman who truly counsels with a purpose.

To learn more about Counseling with a Purpose, go to:

Counseling with a Purpose
900 Old Winston Road Suite 104 
Kernersville, NC 27284
 (336) 682-5982

Speaker 1:

The neighbors come together. Here's your host, majella Cantara. Welcome to Good Neighbor podcast. Are you in need of mental health services? Surprisingly, they're one way to be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to your neighbor, nicole Moore, with her business counseling with a purpose. So how are you doing?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. How are you today?

Speaker 1:

I'm great. We're so excited to learn all about you and your business, so please tell us what you do.

Speaker 2:

Well, first, thank you so much for having me and allowing me to share this space with you. So, as you stated, my name is Chawanna Nicole Moore-Jeter and I'm the owner and founder of Counseling with a Purpose. We're an outpatient counseling center founded in 2018. We're a state-owned company that's connecting, and we're located in Kernesville, north Carolina. We offer individual, group and family therapy. I believe we accomplish our mission when we're able to provide services that are rooted in honesty, integrity and evidence-based practices.

Speaker 1:

That's great. How did you get into this business?

Speaker 2:

How did I get into this business? So, in fear of being very cliche, I think this is my calling. It kind of shows me I didn't necessarily choose it In school, high school, graduate school. I've always been pretty academically successful but never, ever thought of being a business owner. So this came about kind of on its own. It kind of grew a mind of its own.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's awesome. What are the myths or misconceptions you find in your industry?

Speaker 2:

Let's see. I think the most important one to me is the fact that going to counseling or receiving counseling services is like getting advice from a really good friend, right, which kind of implies that counselors are not reputable providers and it's everything, but that for the most part, mental health counselors have all of them actually have advanced degrees. So any therapist or counselor that you see has a master's level degree. We have to remain licensed and the process that we go through to maintain our credentials is no different than a doctor or a dentist or a nurse physician would have.

Speaker 1:

Outside of work. What are some things you enjoy doing for fun?

Speaker 2:

Well, it sounds really boring but I think it's like more work, adjacent type things. My younger years, when I wasn't aging, I love playing basketball. I was a collegiate athlete so I was very, very invested in sports. Now where I am, I love and enjoy serving my community. So I find pleasure in pouring into the next generation of leaders. On the Winston Salem under 40 academic, not academic, but advisory board for the city, I do public speaking Oftentimes we take on internships and we spend time with them and important them. So most oftentimes I'm in the community networking. I have been blessed with a wonderful marriage so I do enjoy spending time with my husband and my family. That sounds kind of a lackluster, but that's probably what I do most.

Speaker 1:

That's great. So let's change gears a little bit. Can you describe one hardship or a life challenge that you rose above and can now say because of it you're better and stronger? What comes to mind?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, my child rearing year is in general. I was raised in what probably would be considered a dysfunctional environment, and so most of my experiences have been painful and eventful. My father was actually disabled Most often times the majority of my childhood. He was not ambulatory, but he raised me as a single parent, and so you can imagine some of the struggles that just kind of came with some of those things.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. What about one thing you wish our listeners knew, about counseling with a purpose?

Speaker 2:

I'm going to try my best to give you one thing, but it's probably not going to work. Okay, I wish that our clients knew that they can't disappoint us. It truly is a non-judgmental space and I think oftentimes they don't come in knowing that and it takes some time for them to really get that understanding. It's our responsibility to empower our clients to make their own choices. I truly do believe that you're the only person that knows what's best for you when you come in. It's not this really quick thing where we are able to give you all the answers. It's a shared journey. I wish that they knew that. It is scary and it's hard work, but the process it does work, and then it takes time. I think oftentimes there is a misconception that six sessions I think oftentimes people go how long is it going to take? And it's just not this fixed number of session or time. It takes time. There could be setbacks, the process is not linear, but that's okay because it's all a part of the process.

Speaker 1:

Right, absolutely. How can our listeners learn a little bit more about your company and where to find you? Things like that.

Speaker 2:

Sure, as I said earlier, I try my best to remain in the community so hopefully I'm always somewhere visible. But they can check us out on our website at counselandpurposeorg. We're pre-responsive by email at info at counselandpurposeorg. You can always give us a call. Our intake coordinator is wonderful. You can reach us at 336-682-5982.

Speaker 1:

Great Well, thank you, Nicole. I really appreciate you being on the show. We wish you and your business the best moving forward.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you so much for the opportunity. I really appreciate that. I enjoyed being here.