Like You Mean It

11: Everything you've been told is a lie (and also true)

April 01, 2024 Noelia T Episode 11
11: Everything you've been told is a lie (and also true)
Like You Mean It
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Like You Mean It
11: Everything you've been told is a lie (and also true)
Apr 01, 2024 Episode 11
Noelia T

Have you ever gone to Google a solution to your problem only to find 109302582 different perspectives on it?

"You HAVE TO do this to be successful"

"If you don't do this, this AND THIS, you can't expect to get the results you want." 

"You NEED this in order to succeed." 

But you REALLY?

Have you ever taken advice only to feel so yucky doing the 'things' these people said you 'had to do'? And then you found yourself resenting your journey instead of feeling like it's aligned?

How do you know what advice to follow when there's SO MUCH NOISE, information and perpesctives being shared online every single day?

Well, my friend, I GOT YOU. This episode will help. 

It's a perfect insight into this very issue - that everything you hear is a LIE (and it's also true) and what you can actually DO about it in order to make the best decisions for YOURSELF & to create a life you love.

You're going to feel so relieved and empowered when you hear this episode, and I would LOVE to hear your feedback and what your biggest takeaway is! 

If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love!

If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU!

I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI:

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Like You Mean It Instagram:

Like You Mean It Facebook page

Show Notes

Have you ever gone to Google a solution to your problem only to find 109302582 different perspectives on it?

"You HAVE TO do this to be successful"

"If you don't do this, this AND THIS, you can't expect to get the results you want." 

"You NEED this in order to succeed." 

But you REALLY?

Have you ever taken advice only to feel so yucky doing the 'things' these people said you 'had to do'? And then you found yourself resenting your journey instead of feeling like it's aligned?

How do you know what advice to follow when there's SO MUCH NOISE, information and perpesctives being shared online every single day?

Well, my friend, I GOT YOU. This episode will help. 

It's a perfect insight into this very issue - that everything you hear is a LIE (and it's also true) and what you can actually DO about it in order to make the best decisions for YOURSELF & to create a life you love.

You're going to feel so relieved and empowered when you hear this episode, and I would LOVE to hear your feedback and what your biggest takeaway is! 

If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love!

If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU!

I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI:

Noelia’s Instagram:

Like You Mean It Instagram:

Like You Mean It Facebook page