Like You Mean It

14. How to stop letting comparison & not being "expert enough" keep you from taking action

April 21, 2024 Noelia T Episode 14
14. How to stop letting comparison & not being "expert enough" keep you from taking action
Like You Mean It
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Like You Mean It
14. How to stop letting comparison & not being "expert enough" keep you from taking action
Apr 21, 2024 Episode 14
Noelia T

Oh boy, another short, sharp and sweet episode with a deep mindset shift to help you move forward and create the life you love! 

In this episode, I share with you a powerful 'download' or message that came through for me super strongly, and it's all around self-belief.

If you're someone who finds yourself falling into the comparison trap often, where you see someone gaining success one way and suddenly feel like your way isn't good enough (or like you need to change to do it like them in order to be succesful)...

or if you're someone who feels like you need to learn more, grow more, get more certifications or degrees before you go out there and share your gifts, make money, help people or start creating the life you actually desire...

Then this episode is DEFINITELY for you. 

No matter what, I guarantee this simple yet powerful mindset shift and phrase will help you feel more confident in yourself and in taking action NOW AS YOU GROW instead of waiting and waiting and waiting....

Let me know what you love most about this episode! I can't wait to hear from you.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love!

If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU!

I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI:

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Like You Mean It Instagram:

Like You Mean It Facebook page

Show Notes

Oh boy, another short, sharp and sweet episode with a deep mindset shift to help you move forward and create the life you love! 

In this episode, I share with you a powerful 'download' or message that came through for me super strongly, and it's all around self-belief.

If you're someone who finds yourself falling into the comparison trap often, where you see someone gaining success one way and suddenly feel like your way isn't good enough (or like you need to change to do it like them in order to be succesful)...

or if you're someone who feels like you need to learn more, grow more, get more certifications or degrees before you go out there and share your gifts, make money, help people or start creating the life you actually desire...

Then this episode is DEFINITELY for you. 

No matter what, I guarantee this simple yet powerful mindset shift and phrase will help you feel more confident in yourself and in taking action NOW AS YOU GROW instead of waiting and waiting and waiting....

Let me know what you love most about this episode! I can't wait to hear from you.

If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love!

If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU!

I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI:

Noelia’s Instagram:

Like You Mean It Instagram:

Like You Mean It Facebook page