Divorce Rich with Jacki Roessler, CDFA
Welcome to the Divorce Rich Podcast! Join your host, highly sought-after speaker and experienced Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Jacki Roessler, CDFA in this engaging and down to earth show. Along with her guests, Jacki offers clear and detailed advice to improve your financial decisions before, during and after divorce so you can survive divorce rich! New episodes are posted every Thursday! You can reach Jacki through her Michigan-based firm, Roessler Divorce Consulting, located at 600 S. Adams, Suite 300, Birmingham, MI 48009 or by email at jacqueline@roesslerdivorce.com.
Divorce Rich with Jacki Roessler, CDFA
How Does Spousal Support Work with Attorney Jorin Rubin?
Jacki's guest, family law attorney Jorin Rubin provides invaluable advice for those divorcing in Michigan. Since opening her own office in 2002, she has focused much of her practice on divorce, child custody and spousal support matters, in addition to criminal defense. An aggressive litigator in both civil and criminal matters, Jorin knows when a fair and reasonable agreement has been reached and when to engage in litigation “warfare.” Tune in to hear her best tips!
- Click here to learn more about Jorin https://rubinframpton.com/jorin-g-rubin/
- Click here to book a complimentary30-minute Zoom consult with Jacki https://calendly.com/roessler-jacki/30mi
Visit us at https://www.roesslerdivorce.com/ to learn more about Jacki's practice and to find valuable resources for your case.