Notes for the Children


April 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 13
Notes for the Children
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Notes for the Children
Apr 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 13

In this episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner delves into the pivotal early years of his sales career, addressing the discouragement that often accompanies the high-pressure environment. Reflecting on traditional motivational methods, Pat shares his realization that sustained success requires more than mere slogans. He recounts the challenges he faced during a financial crisis in 2008, emphasizing the importance of reframing losses as invaluable learning experiences.  

 Pat explores habits that feed discouragement, offering practical insights to cultivate gratitude and surround oneself with positivity. Drawing from personal experiences, including a near-bankruptcy situation, Pat highlights the resilience needed to overcome adversity and emphasizes the crucial role of a supportive team.  

Join us to discover practical strategies to navigate discouragement and build a positive mindset in this insightful episode. 

Show Notes

In this episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner delves into the pivotal early years of his sales career, addressing the discouragement that often accompanies the high-pressure environment. Reflecting on traditional motivational methods, Pat shares his realization that sustained success requires more than mere slogans. He recounts the challenges he faced during a financial crisis in 2008, emphasizing the importance of reframing losses as invaluable learning experiences.  

 Pat explores habits that feed discouragement, offering practical insights to cultivate gratitude and surround oneself with positivity. Drawing from personal experiences, including a near-bankruptcy situation, Pat highlights the resilience needed to overcome adversity and emphasizes the crucial role of a supportive team.  

Join us to discover practical strategies to navigate discouragement and build a positive mindset in this insightful episode.