Notes for the Children


May 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 18
Notes for the Children
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Notes for the Children
May 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 18

In this episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner explores the detrimental impact of jealousy and envy on personal growth and well-being. Drawing from his own experiences, Pat reveals the seven negative effects these emotions had on him, ranging from damaging relationships to lowering self-esteem. 

Delving into Buddhist teachings, he unveils the profound impact of jealousy on happiness and the significance of redirecting one's focus towards self-care. He shares a poignant tale of two shopkeepers, underscoring the destructive nature of jealousy, and reflects on his own struggles with envy, particularly during challenging times in business. 

Join us as Pat provides valuable insights into recognizing and managing jealousy, emphasizing the importance of gratitude and mindfulness. Listeners are encouraged to learn from Pat's journey and strive to keep jealousy in check for a more fulfilling life. 

Show Notes

In this episode of Notes for the Children, Pat Priestner explores the detrimental impact of jealousy and envy on personal growth and well-being. Drawing from his own experiences, Pat reveals the seven negative effects these emotions had on him, ranging from damaging relationships to lowering self-esteem. 

Delving into Buddhist teachings, he unveils the profound impact of jealousy on happiness and the significance of redirecting one's focus towards self-care. He shares a poignant tale of two shopkeepers, underscoring the destructive nature of jealousy, and reflects on his own struggles with envy, particularly during challenging times in business. 

Join us as Pat provides valuable insights into recognizing and managing jealousy, emphasizing the importance of gratitude and mindfulness. Listeners are encouraged to learn from Pat's journey and strive to keep jealousy in check for a more fulfilling life.