Till The Sun Comes...

Mix & Match (50/50) ... W/ Lee Robinson Graham

April 17, 2024 Miles T. Lawson Season 1 Episode 8
Mix & Match (50/50) ... W/ Lee Robinson Graham
Till The Sun Comes...
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Till The Sun Comes...
Mix & Match (50/50) ... W/ Lee Robinson Graham
Apr 17, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Miles T. Lawson

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When Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union navigate their star-studded lives, they're tackling more than just the paparazzi—they're setting a precedent for equality in relationships and finances. It's a dance of give and take, a balance that Lee Robinson Graham and I explore with unreserved honesty in our latest episode. Lee, with her Southern charm and wealth of knowledge, joins us to dissect the layers of financial dynamics, decision-making power, and the art of respectful courtship that seems to be fading in today's fast-paced dating scene. Our candid anecdotes and personal reflections shed light on how to maintain equilibrium with your partner, respecting the individual while celebrating the union.

Have you ever considered the depth of connection needed to sustain love beyond the initial spark? In this heartfelt discussion, we go beyond the bank accounts and into the heart of relationships, where support, shared beliefs, and understanding reign supreme. We reminisce about a time when dating meant more than a swipe and reflect on my personal journey through a relationship that was tested by diverging spiritual paths and a family health crisis. The episode is a rich tapestry of stories that offer practical advice for those seeking a love that's not just part-time or fleeting, but a full-time, deeply rooted commitment. Lee and I weave together the realization that life's challenges are often best met with a supportive partner and perhaps, a touch of divine intervention.

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When Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union navigate their star-studded lives, they're tackling more than just the paparazzi—they're setting a precedent for equality in relationships and finances. It's a dance of give and take, a balance that Lee Robinson Graham and I explore with unreserved honesty in our latest episode. Lee, with her Southern charm and wealth of knowledge, joins us to dissect the layers of financial dynamics, decision-making power, and the art of respectful courtship that seems to be fading in today's fast-paced dating scene. Our candid anecdotes and personal reflections shed light on how to maintain equilibrium with your partner, respecting the individual while celebrating the union.

Have you ever considered the depth of connection needed to sustain love beyond the initial spark? In this heartfelt discussion, we go beyond the bank accounts and into the heart of relationships, where support, shared beliefs, and understanding reign supreme. We reminisce about a time when dating meant more than a swipe and reflect on my personal journey through a relationship that was tested by diverging spiritual paths and a family health crisis. The episode is a rich tapestry of stories that offer practical advice for those seeking a love that's not just part-time or fleeting, but a full-time, deeply rooted commitment. Lee and I weave together the realization that life's challenges are often best met with a supportive partner and perhaps, a touch of divine intervention.

Speaker 1:

All this time, all this time, all this time, Faith was on my side. Faith was on my side. Living on earth try playing for keeps. Moments coming in spurts. I wasn't prepared. Deserted roads and bags of dirt. I pray daily. My methods of work, Searching for truth. What good is the found in youth if you can't step in it first? I'm too filled up with flaws listen, revealing them all. I keep my distance, can't get close, got my back to the wall. I stand tall, but I'm fallible.

Speaker 2:

I'm bound eight of till the sun comes. And it's your legendary host, miles t lawson, and I'm on here right now, guys, with the legendary, iconic, the most beautiful Lee Robinson Graham. We on here y'all with episode eight. Lee even helped me with this y'all. She was like, listen, I think that it should be mix and match, because that's all we're doing. We're mixing and matching, because I told her, I said no, we need to call it 50-50. And she was like you know what we're going to be doing? A whole lot of mixing and matching because we're not going to stay on one topic. I mean, first of all, we're both African American. You know we talk a lot, we very cookout style. So you know it's going to be everywhere and everybody know at the cookout is everywhere.

Speaker 3:

So we're on today Very southern, so you know I'm not going to stay on topic. Ok, she's very southern.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to stay on topic. Okay, she's very Southern. I'm from the North, but I have a lot of Southern in me. You know, I like to call myself a Southern gent. I'm a Southern gent. Yes, yeah, Come on. Southern gent, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're here today on episode eight and I just want to go first of all, obviously welcome Lee to the podcast to the Sun Comes. I'm just so excited. Lee actually had an idea, but she's going to go ahead and nail it. So the truth starts here, y'all. Okay. Truth starts here. Okay, y'all. The truth is going to start here on To the Sun Comes. Right, but Lee is going to obviously upcoming herself with her own podcast, which we'll let her get into that later on. But I just wanted I had an idea that she should come on here first and obviously breeze in with my audience and we can mix and match, right.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, we're going to get right into it. Y'all. It's been something on my mind for a very long time called 50-50. I've always been a person that I've always said with the person that I'm sharing something with, I feel like I shouldn't be always the only one giving. If I'm the only one giving, sometimes, when the person's the only one giving stuff out, I feel like they get burnt out very soon, and so I feel like it should be equal. I'm all for equal. So I want to just bring up a topic that was shared last year by Dwayne Wade and I want to get all the sources right, cause I don't want nobody to call me out on TMZ and said I said anything wrong. Okay, so, um, um, excuse me.

Speaker 2:

Dwayne Wade went on club Shay Shay is a podcast as well. He went on there and he appeared on there and he was saying during an argument at his Miami house which, of course, he played for the Miami Heat before that y'all, don't not follow me, follow me. It reads like. It reads like the pastor used to say right, it reads that he's his, my house, him and, uh, gabriel Union got into an argument and in the argument they were having an argument he said this is my house that I paid for, right? So he said then Gabriel Union looked at him in the argument right then, and said you will never get a chance to say that to me again when it's something that we both share. So now, obviously, the contract ended for the Miami Heat. They moved, they relocated to LA, los Angeles, california.

Speaker 2:

And he said the first thing they did when they relocated when he was buying a house, his wife said I got half on it for you. She said you will never get a chance to say this is my house again. So she and he both revealed that they both split suspenses between their house, their daughter together and also certain pieces of their life that they equally had agreement to share in. And he said he also states that he does spend a lot of money on Gabrielle Union to keep things spicy, keep things sexy in their relationship, which is nice. You know he's a gent, so you know he got to do that.

Speaker 2:

But he also stated that when he was asked you know, when they say who's the head of the household, he said he doesn't feel comfortable saying he's the head of the household when they split everything 50-50. So that caused the uproar, obviously with the Internet. Everybody else said you know, talk about, oh my man, I'm not, I'm not paying for that, I'm not doing this, and that you know stuff of that nature. So, ali, what do you respond on that? How you feel.

Speaker 3:

Let me, let me, let me get up off this bench seating. I'm in my bedroom. I got to go on this couch and get comfortable.

Speaker 2:

OK yeah, get comfortable. Get comfortable, cause that will to the sun comes. The moon coming right now, so the sun ain't out yet About to have another eclipse.

Speaker 3:

So I experienced something similar, um, when I was with my um, my ex-husband of eight years. I worked part time. He was a full time military and you know I am that type of chick who wants her partner to lead, so to speak. By the same token, respect my opinions and my ideas. You know as far as how the household should run. He didn't realize it, but he took several opportunities. You know, when I had an opinion about something as far as our spending, that he was the primary breadwinner.

Speaker 2:

So it's a lot of throwing stuff. So now we throwing stuff in my face and that's called financial abuse.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, you know, at that point, yeah, um, I'm no longer good with the whole you're leading thing or whatever. You know, we're both equal partners in this partnership. You are my partner. So, um, yeah, I, um. I obtained full-time work and I started contributing just as much as the household as he did. I contributed to the rent, I contributed to the utilities, car notes, phone bills, all that. Sometimes I put gas or you're. You're not going to keep treating me this way. You're not going to keep treating me like I'm a lesser. You know, right, and you know I'm not your little woman, right, right right, right.

Speaker 2:

And I, into soda and soda, say, you know, I was going to say, I was going to say really fast, I was going to say as well that, even with with me, you know, obviously, like I said, I call myself a gent, but being being a gent, you know, comes with a lot, you know. You know I, like I said, I call myself a gent, but being a gent, you know, comes with a lot. Y'all you know what I'm saying. It comes with a lot. I've always been the type, and you know, I feel like 50-50, I mean, it just sounds right to me. But no, I want, well, hold on. Sorry, I'm losing my point. I want to put down 100. You know what I'm saying. I'm not saying in dollars, I'm saying as in. We're both going all the way through for each other, all the way through, 100 through. I need, I don't need you to get me one day, I got you the next day. No, I need you to get me all the way and your 100 may be different from my 100.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but we have both got to put in an equal effort.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

To make this thing work, to make this household run properly, especially if you have kids.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

If you got churned, it's over we both got to have an equal influence in that child's life. So, yeah, but kudos Gavin.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, kudos to them. I mean, it's working. As William Pastor, william Murphy, would say, it's working Okay, it's leaning Okay for them, so go ahead. But for me, I feel like I've always had a problem with somebody. Always, like I said, I'm always when I'm going out to eat. I feel like I've always had a problem with somebody. Always, like I said, I'm always when I'm going out to eat, I'm always one picking up the bill. I'm always in now not saying that I don't mind it, I don't mind it doing it, you know all the time. But I'm saying it does feel good on your partner as well to know, hey, what you doing, bae, I'm at work, what you doing? Oh, I'm at work, we both. So to me, we both working right, we both working, we both paying these bills, either that's rent, mortgage, whatever carnal. We both got the same stuff. So I feel like we should be able to treat each other the same type of way. You know other but?

Speaker 3:

but I specifically heard you say I'm always picking up the tab absolutely you heard that, heard that, I heard that. So where is this, each other thing, coming in at?

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying, that's what I'm trying to build some awareness to it, because I'm saying, but my own C Lawson, I have never got that feel of together and I have never got that, even even 50, 50, like you know what I'm saying, I feel like even the thing about people saying whoever say like, if you say, oh, hey, miles, let's go on a date, or we say, oh, I want to go to Longhorn, or I say I want to go to whatever Red Lob somewhere else, like that they feel like they got to pay for it because they said it. It's a lot of old myths, I'm not going to lie. Like it feel like they got to pay for it because they said it. It's a lot of old myths, I'm not gonna lie. Like it's a lot of old school stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's cute. But I'm to me, I'm not in that mindset. I'm in the mindset of you know, okay, maybe you know you did it last time, let me do it now. Or or maybe let's just. You know, whatever, we shouldn't be fighting at all over who's gonna pay. One of us gonna pay, or you know, one of us gonna, we both go.

Speaker 3:

I'm the type, whenever we ask the server for the check, whoever grabs it first, whoever grabs it first Right. Sometimes I might, sometimes you might, you know, but we have to be in a situation in which we can do that, you know you do that Right, and I think that's where I was getting at too, or with, like what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

We both got me a situation that we could do that. I feel like a lot of mother that I met with. They ain't in no situation where they should be in my face anyway.

Speaker 3:

Well, my prayer for you, my friend, is that you will take a step back, do a self-eval. Look at the man in the mirror, hey.

Speaker 2:

I'm willing to make a change.

Speaker 3:

Yes, whatever it is that caused these specific individuals to gravitate towards me. Remove that, because you deserve so much better than always having to pick up the tab. You know that person may not be as well established as you are financially. That's that's not. That's not the the the most important thing. Couples fight way too much now over money issues.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's like one of the main things.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but um, if, if we can just um, if we can throw some more love out there you know, and learn how to love one another Okay, can throw some more love out there, you know and learn how to love one another, okay and in that love we learn how to set boundaries as well as financial boundaries, because, um, you should not be the one always pulling the weight no, no, that's very, you know, that's very.

Speaker 2:

I don't think people know. Well, people probably know, or they do know, that they should know. It's very exhausting to put all on one thing. Now, one thing I will say about what Wade said when he said that he wasn't the man he didn't feel like he was the head of the household. Now, that's one thing I'm still a little tricky on.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you know, if you are the man in the relationship, regardless of y'all split stuff or not, like you said, kudos to, I'm not judging their relationship. I'm just saying, for my instance, it doesn't matter, I'm still the head of the household. You know, I'm leading, I'm leading this pack as it should be. The man should lead the pack and he should want to. I feel like if you got women of course a woman is I've always been around strong women. I only hang around strong women because they empower me, and I'm a man, so they empower me, so I love that. But what I'm saying is I would never want a woman to carry all that on her back. You know what I'm saying. All that responsibility, now, yes, we sharing stuff, we splitting stuff, we doing all this. That's good. Somebody paying an Xfinity, we paying a T-Mobile Okay great, but I'm just saying I don't want all that on her. I don't want her to feel so pressured. So you know, as a man, you definitely-.

Speaker 3:

Well, she's never feeling pressured, you know. But, like I said, that's why I made the statement. You know, it's important that we have someone who has the ability. Yes, you know. That should be highlighted, you can be making six figures, okay, and I could be making 70,000. Just saying, you know. But even at 70,000, I still have the ability, you know, to carry some weight without it hurting me.

Speaker 2:

Right right, right, right right.

Speaker 3:

The other way around. You know, know, I could be the one making six figures. You know I mean, yeah, it's okay, man, to make less money than a woman absolutely it is.

Speaker 2:

It is, but but the only thing about it is that breadwinner thing, like, like you said, that financial abuse, that should never come into a factor. You know, I'm saying that should never have to come into a factor never hold that against them and that and that.

Speaker 3:

That emasculates a lot of men, uh, automatically, oh yeah, oh yeah, you know, but see, that's where we come into those boundaries, you know, sometimes, you know it's best to not, even if you're two people who, I guess, make a lot of money, you know, whatever, sometimes it's best to not, even if you're two people who, I guess, make a lot of money, you know, whatever.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes it's best to not even discuss, right, the money we make, as long as we are good good enough to handle, and then, hey, we're good, that's how I feel that's now, that's how I feel as well.

Speaker 2:

I I have never, and I know- a lot of people they be like oh, I make this, I make that, I'm almost to six figures, I'm almost to this, I'm getting a raise. I just don't discuss my money around because when I wake up in the morning, I see the lights still on and I see that I'm still presently still in here and that my car is still starting and I can still get to the gas station and fill it up again. To me that's enough, said he's good, or he's good enough, you know what I'm saying. We're still comfortable.

Speaker 1:

We're still comfortable.

Speaker 2:

I've never been into that. I don't even care to even know how much my partner makes, as long as I know my partner got a job.

Speaker 1:

You, know what I'm saying they can make it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know yeah, yeah yeah absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, kudos to gabrielle. Uh, I admire her for that. I can totally um um concur with how she probably felt when he said that. That's that macho thing that I mean like yo, we're not in those times anymore, so you didn't hit me over my head with a club and drag me in here. Okay, I can't willfully, but I will not put up with that.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely not, absolutely not. Yes, so I will. I will say, you know, now we're mixing and matching right guys on to the to the sun comes. Y'all still here, listen. So we're going to dive into some day. And now y'all, we get down to the nitty gritty in this day and world. I just want to say first, I want to start with Leoff. You know what does she feel, first of all, with it just being in. You know, this community that we're all in. What is this dating life about? What do you feel like? Is getting to you know, nowadays with this dating?

Speaker 3:

Getting to the point that I'd rather be alone. Can I do a run, y'all? And as we look, as we say in ordination, service, the Lord be my help. I was just my first lady saw a post that I put up in my Snapchat in all caps, like who in the hell raised you and did they not teach you any manners? Why are you even using snapchat and facebook and and twitter and all these social media? Uh, uh, pick top. Why are you using these sources to date? They have dating apps. If that's what you want to get into.

Speaker 2:

They're using that TikTok for a quick tick and they're using that Snapchat for a quick snap and they're trying to get this sneaky link set up. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Come into my DM with all types of mess, I'm like I respond with oh yeah, I'm fine. And how are with oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm fine, and how are you? Hello?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, wait, what you mean by that? Are we changed? What are you talking about?

Speaker 2:

I don't speak that language For real. Honestly, though, the manners and respect has definitely went out the roof. Because one thing I will say I cannot stand with somebody that I haven't seen the night before, that I ain't seen that morning, that I ain't talked to in a week to say, just text what you doing, hold on. Good morning, good afternoon.

Speaker 3:

I had one earlier today. It was in Snapchat Stuff S-. One earlier today it was in Snapchat SUP. I messaged back what's that stand for? Stupid and unprivileged? I mean, I know what it is, but don't approach me like that.

Speaker 2:

That's not. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

You're a woman, do not approach me like that.

Speaker 2:

Right, like y'all at the skating rink.

Speaker 3:

Hello, beautiful. How are you doing today there? How are you handsome? You know I'm going to go off that energy.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, right, right, yeah, now. Now that's one thing I will say. Nowadays, people don't know how to approach people. You know, I'm saying they don't know how to approach you. You don't even got. No, you ain't got no player in you. You know, I'm saying you, just you, just straight to the chase. Well, no, you don't want no player you don't want.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying you want to play, but I'm just saying you don't even got no player talk. You know, back in they used to smooth you over real quick, you know, with a little play, but nowadays it's just like they get straight to sup what you doing, yo yo. When they do the yo, oh, no, yo, no.

Speaker 3:

Yo, back to you. What's that one line? Are you tired? You must be, because you've been running around in my mind all day come on, punchline goodness gracious. But look, I'll even take that instead of sup, sup, yo what you doing no, I have not had supper, it's too early.

Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 3:

W-Y-D say what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

what are you doing, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just make it a little interesting. I feel like conversation has just gotten so boring where it's like you born, I don't want to talk to you no more because you're boring me. You know what I'm saying. Like we just really talk about nothing honestly, and you got no, it's no feeling to it. It's no excitement to text you. I have to be excited to text somebody. I don't know about you, lee, if I'm texting you, I gotta be excited to see your name come across or your number, although I like texting.

Speaker 3:

but look when you still, when you see that certain name populate on your phone, you got a glow on your face.

Speaker 2:

You got a glow on your face Like fried chicken from Church's on Montgomery Street.

Speaker 3:

Who is that? Tess, you got to smile like that.

Speaker 2:

Him Right, right, right, right, right. And when I'm smiling, sweating, I'm sweating like I'm a leg quarter from Montgomery Street on Church's Chicken before they got that long line outside.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying, so I'm just, that's too much sweating, that's too much sweating.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna sweat y'all. I'm gonna sweat Savannah Georgia.

Speaker 3:

I'll get you some Lumi if you're gonna sweat like that.

Speaker 2:

But I just really, I just really, I just really, I really pray.

Speaker 3:

She sound like she trying to get folks not to take no bath.

Speaker 2:

I really pray y'all. I really pray for World peace and kindness Between all these relationships nowadays and just dating in general. It's very hard to date either Whether you're heterosexual, homosexual, alien or the solar eclipse people or the people in the submarine. So you know it's very hard to date either whether you're heterosexual, homosexual, an alien or the solar eclipse people or the people in the submarine. So you know it's just all who date.

Speaker 3:

The aliens and all them folks. You never seen the people on American Dad. They sure did, but look to that defense, though. Them people didn't know they was aliens. Dane Curtin did not know that man was an alien.

Speaker 2:

No, they didn't know, but we've seen it Not a police officer.

Speaker 3:

They didn't know.

Speaker 2:

But yeah so.

Speaker 3:

We got to get some sense of normalcy back into the dating world. I like to be courted and could you explain?

Speaker 2:

could you explain to the viewers, uh, what does courted mean? Or what does it look like?

Speaker 3:

when you're being courted. It's like you know a guy has a respectful approach when it comes to you. You know he comes with a compliment. You know he asks you out. You know hopefully that first date he will pay. He don't have to because you know how we are these days, but it's only if you're asking me out on a date. It's courteous for you to pay. You know I think you know, but like you know, bring me some flowers, you know.

Speaker 3:

Send me a tree every once in a while. Take me to a nice little jazz bar. Don't take me to no club you know, no, don't do that. You know, be a little bit jealous, you know, if somebody look at me a little bit too long you know, Don't be too jealous.

Speaker 2:

Though Don't be too jealous. You setting yourself a serial killer, vibes.

Speaker 3:

Don't be too jealous though Don't be too jealous. You're setting yourself on serial killer vibes. Don't be crazy jealous, you know. Be jealous enough to still be proud that your woman looks that good. You know what I'm saying. Looks that good yeah, and still take care of her kids. You know, man, you know that I mean court me Come by the house you like love.

Speaker 3:

I love that old-fashioned love. They always say that a girl, nine times out of ten, is going to fall in love with her dad. I must say that my dad had some really good qualities that I would love to see in the person that I am with.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's definitely what they say. They definitely say ladies and girls, or whatever they try to look at after a man, after their dad, you know, like you know, look at those same qualities.

Speaker 3:

So that's good and I'm glad that I'm not. And those old fashioned dads when a girl brings a guy home and you know that dad is kind of, you know him up like, yeah, I don't know, we're gonna see what he all about you know if he can stand up to dad's test, you know, and still want to come around, he might be the one he might be the one. He just might. He just might work. If the daddy can't run him away, he just might be the one.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's so true. Well, I think that's great. I definitely think courting is I feel like it's not a lot of people doing that nowadays that we could recircle back around to that to get some type of common sense dating going on again or at least flirting, because it seems like everything's not really lasting that long or things are.

Speaker 3:

Things are getting wrong because it's all this new stuff and the new stuff ain't working and you threw, and you threw a great one out there, flirting, let's flirt, let's flirt, let's's flirt, let's flirt.

Speaker 2:

It's okay to flirt and be friends and not jump straight, shift into it. You know what I'm saying, right, I don't like all that. Let me get a feel of you. Let me see what you're about. Let me see you know, let me actually learn you.

Speaker 3:

Where you come from. You are so beautiful. How did I get you? You know?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, boost them up, boost them up. That's see. That's what I'm really saying. You know I, I want to, really I want to get a feel of you. I want to see what you all about, because people nowadays they just they. First of all. They meet you off these apps. Let's go straight to the justice of peace. You know, I'm saying we, we ain't doing nothing else, I don't need to know nothing else about you. You fine as hell, you ain't got no kids. Let's go. No, I need to know you first. What's your last four years so I can look you up and see Like, do you?

Speaker 3:

You know, do you get all the way up into the crack when you wash? You know, are you that person that don't wash the bottom of your feet when you're in the shower? Right? Yeah, you want to get a perspective of everything right. You got baby mamas, Uh-oh. How do you treat your mama? How do you treat your mother?

Speaker 2:

And first and foremost do you treat your mama? How do you treat your mother?

Speaker 3:

And first and foremost, do you love the?

Speaker 2:

Lord man. I had somebody Come with me one time Trying to talk, and they was talking real good. You know, I like them light skinned. You know what I'm saying, little slender. But you came to me and I was saying something about God and it's like completely turned the whole world around. I'm like, well, what's going on? Maybe you know I thought I had got the scripture wrong.

Speaker 3:

And let me share this. Just atheists, let me share this with you. I just had a breakup and the person who I was dating was much younger than me. It was my first time dating someone that much younger than me. But you know, I was like, okay, let's give it a try. I'm not going to just like you know, dismiss him because he is so much younger. But what.

Speaker 3:

I started was, you know, whenever I mentioned something about God blessing him and that he was blessed to have accomplished this, this he's a runner, okay, he's a runner. Uh, he's a long distance runner and he is great, like he is, at his craft. Um, but, um, when I was like you know, I'm like you know, I want god to do this for you and you know, god has done so much for you and and this and that or whatever, and god, those numbers are great today, you know, like his whole mood would like shift, you know. And then one day he was finally like you know, I can appreciate everything you're saying about God and all that. I believe in God, you know, and all that. But I'm just saying, with all the stuff that I've been through, and nobody's done this for me, nobody's done that for me, or whatever, like the things that I've accomplished, I did those things.

Speaker 2:

With God.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's me right, right, right, right. That's not how he saw it Right, right, right. I'm just like well, you know, if it had not been for God, you know you wouldn't have been led to the resources that enabled you to accomplish those things. You know, god is the one that gives you strength. You know, throughout all those races, god is the one that helped you not to pass out you know right, Right Amen to that.

Speaker 3:

Right Running 10 and 13 miles race. I mean, that's not an easy task. No human being does that on their own. That is easy. I don't care how much you go and work out Okay, I don't care how much you stretch, I don't care how much water you drink. God is giving you that ability.

Speaker 2:

He is he's. So you know people. So people like that you know and and I and I'm not even judgmental on you know you do believe in what you believe in. I cannot have somebody rocking with me if you do not believe in the lord, because a couple that prays together stays together exactly, and he he's very self-centered.

Speaker 3:

My mother has been. My mother has been um in the hospital over two months now and I can only think once that he asked me how she was doing.

Speaker 2:

That's not good. That's not good, you're not for me.

Speaker 3:

What money long say You're not made for me Right and I was supposed to care so much about what he's got going on. I'm not having a good day. I just, you know, I didn't do as well as I wanted to do in that race, you know. But you came in the 30-something person out of 5,500 people. You came in 30-something and you, freaking, had issues with your feet and had to slow down and start jogging instead of running.

Speaker 2:

He sounds very self-centered. He sounds very self-centered, but he also sounds like a person that doesn't give itself enough credit and maybe looking for credit from others, but just want to really talk. You know, you just want to talk for credit and others.

Speaker 3:

He really does and you know and I understand some circumstances that he has been through. Um, I don't understand why he went through those circumstances, having, you know, the family that he claims to have, but at the same time, I get some of it. But you only made it through those circumstances with God's help. The angels were true around it, around you, dude. I was on with you and you got pulled over for something, and it was only God that you did not go to jail, although that was also God's way of letting me know that he had lied to me about something, cause I heard him then.

Speaker 3:

But you know, just one thing after another, just just one red flag after another.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm saying all the flags were just like you know one thing about them red flags they gonna wave your ass down you understand me you don't matter what color you got on. What were you at, where you sitting, where you standing damn red flag gonna come so close to your face.

Speaker 3:

It's like slapping you, Slapping y'all. Thank you Like what's going on.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying, but one thing about one thing, about me, my own Sean Lawson. He always gonna miss it. I'm always gonna miss the red flag.

Speaker 3:

And I normally don't because I will dismiss in a heartbeat. I have a standard and I don't think my standards are too high With this one. There was just something so different about him and I literally fell in love. I fell hard. I still love him. I want the absolute best for him. I want him to accomplish every possible thing that he can with God's help. But you can have so much good and then just one particular bad thing could just mess all that up.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely One bad apple. That's all it takes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired of giving chances. I was tired of the disrespect that comes every so often, you know, disrespect, I mean, I couldn't do it anymore, you know. So I was done, I was done, I was done. Today's his birthday. Happy birthday to him. If he sees this, happy birthday to him.

Speaker 2:

Yes, happy birthday to you. It's no bad blood, you know. We just we're not looking for any 50-50. We're looking for 100% love.

Speaker 1:

We're not looking for any part-time love.

Speaker 2:

God rebuke all the part-time love away from us. In Jesus' name, we pray amen. We're looking for full-time ability. We looking, I'm telling you, 40 hours plus a week with overtime, because we need overtime of love. We don't need no part-time. Now look for nobody coming to me talking about they only want to work 30. Baby, you want to work 30,. You got to get to somewhere to unemployment. I don't know where you got to go, but it ain't here it ain't this residence.

Speaker 2:

You got to go get you a part-time with no benefits, because I'm looking for full-time, somebody that want to set benefits and listen. We're looking for all of this. And I say this to close y'all. I like the pastor say I've been in church too much these past few weeks. I'm talking about closing, I'm talking about read. It's all type of stuff. Thank God, heavenly father, for connecting me to the pastors and his word and everybody else in their respective places. Anyway, I want to say this, to say I really, really appreciate it because I know my time limit coming up. I want to say we really appreciate you having you on here, miss Lee Robinson. Graham, we love you so much. I love you so much and thank you for being such a motivator in my life, because I'm trying to motivate myself a lot, but it's also sometimes the biggest motivator needs motivation. So I appreciate you so much I do. And thank you for coming on. Episode 8 of Mix and Match 50-50, y'all Till the sun comes, until next time. We love you. See you later. We love you.

Equality in Relationships and Finances
Navigating the Modern Dating World
Searching for Full-Time Love