The Global Creativity Initiative Podcast
The Global Creativity Initiative Network shares academic research for practical insights, information and application of our human superpower. Creativity is within all of us. We can and must learn to become more creative. If you haven't heard, creativity is now one of the most important skills of our time. And if you're not sure about all this 'creativity stuff,' we've got you covered. Our team gets it. We're here to translate the scholarly field of creativity into every day, accessible language and tools for all humanity. Example: The Reisman Center for Translational Research on Creativity and Motivation does exactly this. The provides easily available modules, tools and assistance for the development of creativity in education, professional life and yes, everyday creativity every day. Together is better.
Reach out
The Global Creativity Initiative Podcast
Become Aware to Become Creative: A deep dive into the RDCA
A deep dive coffee klatsch among scholars who story tell and parse the research specifically on the topic of awareness for becoming aware of how you might develop your creativity. This episode calls on all educators, corporate and classroom to consider taking the RDCA to understand and develop individual and student group creativity in all classrooms. We also call on you to reach back to us with your questions and opportunities to develop creativity further in your working environment.
Take the Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment
Development, Use and Implications of Diagnostic Creativity Assessment App, RDCA
Who's who in the conversation
Dr Freddie Reisman, PhD, Emerita Professor, Director, Freddie Reisman Center for Translational Research in Creativity and Motivation, Founder, Drexel University School of Education, Director of Drexel/Torrance Center for Creativity and Innovation
Dr Ruth Richards, MD, PhD, Emerita, Humanistic Psychology, Creativity Studies, Saybrook University
Dr Melissa Schmitz, Ed.D. Researcher & Senior Consultant at WISE HD
Gayle Byock, PhD candidate, Psychology and Creativity, fmr vice chancellor research UCLA
Tanya Knudsen, PhD Candidate Creative Leadership, Innovation Team Facilitator, GCI Podcast Host
The Global Creativity Initiative Podcast is a scholarly commitment to sharing creativity and specifically creative process for problem solving (aka life) with all of humanity. Visit our website to learn more about The Global Creativity Initiative. Write to us at