Finding Pelvic Sanity

Is Elmiron safe and effective for interstitial cystitis?

April 01, 2024
Is Elmiron safe and effective for interstitial cystitis?
Finding Pelvic Sanity
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Finding Pelvic Sanity
Is Elmiron safe and effective for interstitial cystitis?
Apr 01, 2024

With recent evidence Elmiron can cause long-term eye damage, many people with IC are reconsidering their use of the drug.  In this ‘sode we dive into the evidence for Elmiron’s efficacy and safety to help you make an informed decision.

Elmiron remains the only FDA-approved oral medication specifically for IC and many urologists prescribe it automatically because of this.

However, it’s unclear how much of a positive effect Elmiron has.  There have been five randomized, controlled trials with Elmiron.

  • Two showed a slight benefit (a 25% improvement) for a small percentage of patients (between 15-16% compared to placebo)
  • Three showed no benefit at all compared to a placebo and the largest trial wsa stopped early because the drug wasn’t shown to be effective.

From the data, we have to conclude either Elmiron has no benefit at all, or at best has a slight benefit from about 15% of people.  And we are left to weigh whether that upside is worth the risk.

Researchers have discovered Elmiron use is linked to eye damage (though it doesn’t happen for everyone on the drug).  This link gets stronger the longer you’ve taken the drug and the more of it you’ve taken.  The FDA has put a warning label on the drug and the company is being sued over it.  If you are on Elmiron, make sure to be getting your eyes examined by a retinal specialist.

Other side effects of Elmiron have been called ‘mild’, but for many patients are anything but.  Significant hair loss is common, as is GI upset and other issues.  

With questionable efficacy in question and significant safety concerns, it would be hard to recommend anyone starting Elmiron with what we know today.  

If you have been on the drug and find it helpful it’s often a more difficult decision and one to make in consultation with your physician.  As with any change in medication, always make sure you discuss thoroughly with your physician.

Remote Consultation

If you're struggling to get answers from your local practitioners or aren't sure what's next, PelvicSanity offers remote consultations to give you a concrete action plan going forward.  Our expert team will evaluate your entire case and give you our honest, clear recommendations going forward.  Check out our Remote Consultation program ( for all the details!

About Us

Dr. Nicole and Jesse Cozean are the founders of PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( in Southern California. The clinic has helped thousands of patients in the Orange County, CA area and hundreds from around the world with a remote consultation and Out of Town Program.

They co-authored The IC Solution and Nicole created The IC Roadmap online course to provide the most accurate, up-to-date information for those with interstitial cystitis. They run the Finding Pelvic Sanity Facebook group for a supportive online community for anyone dealing with pelvic health issues.

Nicole has also created courses and trained thousands of pelvic PTs to provide better care through her work with Pelvic PT Rising (

And as always, we hope this has helped you find just a bit of pelvic sanity!

Show Notes

With recent evidence Elmiron can cause long-term eye damage, many people with IC are reconsidering their use of the drug.  In this ‘sode we dive into the evidence for Elmiron’s efficacy and safety to help you make an informed decision.

Elmiron remains the only FDA-approved oral medication specifically for IC and many urologists prescribe it automatically because of this.

However, it’s unclear how much of a positive effect Elmiron has.  There have been five randomized, controlled trials with Elmiron.

  • Two showed a slight benefit (a 25% improvement) for a small percentage of patients (between 15-16% compared to placebo)
  • Three showed no benefit at all compared to a placebo and the largest trial wsa stopped early because the drug wasn’t shown to be effective.

From the data, we have to conclude either Elmiron has no benefit at all, or at best has a slight benefit from about 15% of people.  And we are left to weigh whether that upside is worth the risk.

Researchers have discovered Elmiron use is linked to eye damage (though it doesn’t happen for everyone on the drug).  This link gets stronger the longer you’ve taken the drug and the more of it you’ve taken.  The FDA has put a warning label on the drug and the company is being sued over it.  If you are on Elmiron, make sure to be getting your eyes examined by a retinal specialist.

Other side effects of Elmiron have been called ‘mild’, but for many patients are anything but.  Significant hair loss is common, as is GI upset and other issues.  

With questionable efficacy in question and significant safety concerns, it would be hard to recommend anyone starting Elmiron with what we know today.  

If you have been on the drug and find it helpful it’s often a more difficult decision and one to make in consultation with your physician.  As with any change in medication, always make sure you discuss thoroughly with your physician.

Remote Consultation

If you're struggling to get answers from your local practitioners or aren't sure what's next, PelvicSanity offers remote consultations to give you a concrete action plan going forward.  Our expert team will evaluate your entire case and give you our honest, clear recommendations going forward.  Check out our Remote Consultation program ( for all the details!

About Us

Dr. Nicole and Jesse Cozean are the founders of PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( in Southern California. The clinic has helped thousands of patients in the Orange County, CA area and hundreds from around the world with a remote consultation and Out of Town Program.

They co-authored The IC Solution and Nicole created The IC Roadmap online course to provide the most accurate, up-to-date information for those with interstitial cystitis. They run the Finding Pelvic Sanity Facebook group for a supportive online community for anyone dealing with pelvic health issues.

Nicole has also created courses and trained thousands of pelvic PTs to provide better care through her work with Pelvic PT Rising (

And as always, we hope this has helped you find just a bit of pelvic sanity!