Finding Pelvic Sanity

Is My C-section scar causing pelvic health issues?

April 08, 2024 Dr. Nicole Cozean and Jesse Cozean
Is My C-section scar causing pelvic health issues?
Finding Pelvic Sanity
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Finding Pelvic Sanity
Is My C-section scar causing pelvic health issues?
Apr 08, 2024
Dr. Nicole Cozean and Jesse Cozean

If you (or someone you know) has had a C-section, make sure to listen to this full 'sode!  

As anyone who has had one will attest, a C-section is a major surgery.  And in the US, almost 1 in 3 give birth via a C-section.  But we are so cavalier about recovery!

After every other major surgery you are immediately referred to physical therapy to aid in the recovery.  Make sure the wound heals correctly.  Ensure the scar moves smoothly.  Get back your range of motion and strength in the area.

Except for C-sections (and other pelvic and abdominal surgeries).  There we just tell you to try and 'take it easy' (while dealing with a newborn) until it heals and hope it does well.

A C-section scar can be a major driving factor of pelvic floor and abdominal issues.  

It sits right above the bladder; if your scar is 'stuck' or adhered, it can make filling the bladder more difficult and contribute to urinary urgency/frequency.   

The muscles of the abdomen are intricately connected to the pelvic floor and the low back.  A history of a C-section can drive low back pain and ultimately pelvic pain.

We believe every person who has a C-section should be seen by a pelvic floor physical therapist to ensure they have a full and complete recovery.

The good news is that no matter how long it's been you can still get help!  If you have other symptoms, make sure your pelvic PT is checking your C-section scar.  It should move and feel almost identical to the tissue around it.  It shouldn't be painful to touch or move or numb.  And if you have an aversion to touching it (or even looking at it), definitely a sign to see a pelvic PT and get it moving freely again!

Remote Consultation

If you're struggling to get answers from your local practitioners or aren't sure what's next, PelvicSanity offers remote consultations to give you a concrete action plan going forward.  Our expert team will evaluate your entire case and give you our honest, clear recommendations going forward.  Check out our Remote Consultation program ( for all the details!

About Us

Dr. Nicole and Jesse Cozean are the founders of PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( in Southern California. The clinic has helped thousands of patients in the Orange County, CA area and hundreds from around the world with a remote consultation and Out of Town Program.

They co-authored The IC Solution and Nicole created The IC Roadmap online course to provide the most accurate, up-to-date information for those with interstitial cystitis. They run the Finding Pelvic Sanity Facebook group for a supportive online community for anyone dealing with pelvic health issues.

Nicole has also created courses and trained thousands of pelvic PTs to provide better care through her work with Pelvic PT Rising (

And as always, we hope this has helped you find just a bit of pelvic sanity!

Show Notes

If you (or someone you know) has had a C-section, make sure to listen to this full 'sode!  

As anyone who has had one will attest, a C-section is a major surgery.  And in the US, almost 1 in 3 give birth via a C-section.  But we are so cavalier about recovery!

After every other major surgery you are immediately referred to physical therapy to aid in the recovery.  Make sure the wound heals correctly.  Ensure the scar moves smoothly.  Get back your range of motion and strength in the area.

Except for C-sections (and other pelvic and abdominal surgeries).  There we just tell you to try and 'take it easy' (while dealing with a newborn) until it heals and hope it does well.

A C-section scar can be a major driving factor of pelvic floor and abdominal issues.  

It sits right above the bladder; if your scar is 'stuck' or adhered, it can make filling the bladder more difficult and contribute to urinary urgency/frequency.   

The muscles of the abdomen are intricately connected to the pelvic floor and the low back.  A history of a C-section can drive low back pain and ultimately pelvic pain.

We believe every person who has a C-section should be seen by a pelvic floor physical therapist to ensure they have a full and complete recovery.

The good news is that no matter how long it's been you can still get help!  If you have other symptoms, make sure your pelvic PT is checking your C-section scar.  It should move and feel almost identical to the tissue around it.  It shouldn't be painful to touch or move or numb.  And if you have an aversion to touching it (or even looking at it), definitely a sign to see a pelvic PT and get it moving freely again!

Remote Consultation

If you're struggling to get answers from your local practitioners or aren't sure what's next, PelvicSanity offers remote consultations to give you a concrete action plan going forward.  Our expert team will evaluate your entire case and give you our honest, clear recommendations going forward.  Check out our Remote Consultation program ( for all the details!

About Us

Dr. Nicole and Jesse Cozean are the founders of PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( in Southern California. The clinic has helped thousands of patients in the Orange County, CA area and hundreds from around the world with a remote consultation and Out of Town Program.

They co-authored The IC Solution and Nicole created The IC Roadmap online course to provide the most accurate, up-to-date information for those with interstitial cystitis. They run the Finding Pelvic Sanity Facebook group for a supportive online community for anyone dealing with pelvic health issues.

Nicole has also created courses and trained thousands of pelvic PTs to provide better care through her work with Pelvic PT Rising (

And as always, we hope this has helped you find just a bit of pelvic sanity!