The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 17: Protect Your Energy

May 09, 2019 Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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On Episode 17, Heather Tydings of Own Your Evolution and I talked about being high functioning, anxious, and kind of running through life like a chicken with your head cut off. When we get overwhelmed and anxious, our energy depletes. How do you get that back?

Recognize and try to prevent it from being taken in the first place. Yes, things come up that are naturally going to to take your energy down, but on a day to day basis your energy should not be shifted and pulled from all different directions and circumstances. Someone else's mood, something going on with someone else, a meme that someone posted on Facebook - whatever you're all bent out of shape on - how many times a day are you giving your energy away each week? I want you to take your power back by protecting your energy.

Be aware of your emotions. Are you reacting to a scenario or are you responding to a scenario? The difference there is when you're reacting, you're not taking time to think or feel. If someone says something that pisses you off and you just immediately react - you snap back at them, you're grumbling about something they did so now you're going to throw it back at them - that's reacting. Versus responding - taking a second, breathing, really thinking about the situation, and giving a positive, constructive response to it.

Be selective with who you share your time with. We all know people in our lives who just drain and deplete all of our energy. Then there are the people who fill our tank, help remind us of our higher selves, and create a space where we can literally just smile and have fun. You can protect your energy by creating boundaries and timelines for how long, if at all, you'll be spending time with those people who don't fill your tank.

Don't talk about your ideas too soon. So a lot of times when you have a brand new idea, your sparks go off. You're super excited, you're skipping around, you're like, oh my gosh, we're going to conquer the world. Which is an incredible feeling, right? And you're on this enormous high, you go run into a salon and you're like, oh my gosh, listen to this! If they're not the right person, they're not going to contribute to your energy. They're going to deplete it and aren't going to know what's going on. They may kind of knock you off your energy throne.

Share your ideas with the right people. Be really selective on who you turn to when brainstorming or going through things. Choose those who make you feel more excited and enlightened at the end of conversations.

Not absorbing other people's energy. This is particularly hard. I can speak from the heart from this. I am an empath inside and out, but just because someone else is having a bad day doesn't mean you have to absorb that and turn your good day into a bad day. You don't have to feel bad for feeling good when someone else's feeling bad. You can actually be an advocate to help that person through something or to maybe help them see something from a different perspective.

There are a thousand other ways that I could guide you in protecting your energy, but the most important thing to remember guys is you have to be aware of your energy to even k

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