The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

18: Finding Your Dream Clients

Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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We've all been there - working with a client that seems so great in the beginning and by halfway through the relationship you are counting down the hours until it's over. They're micromanaging you, they're telling you how to do your job, they're expecting you to be a hands-on-keyboard, or are just overlooking every single move you make. And by the end of it, neither one of you are happy.

This week on The Gutsy Podcast, we're going to talk about identifying your dream clients. Yes, you can truly work with people that resonate with you on a higher level, appreciate what you do, value the services you offer, most truly want your insight or input, and see you as the professional. You're the guy/gal that's getting them to the solution. Who knew all that training, expertise, and experience could actually be utilized in the best of ways?

After almost 12 years in business, I most certainly could share my fair share of horror stories of clients with you. I mean, we've worked with every kind you can imagine. People that have just been absolutely perfect and other people that have literally left my team and me in tears early on in the business. And if you're in the early stages of business, you're just kind of scrounging and will take anything that comes your way. And I do believe there is a period of that. You have to gain the experience and it's just as important to know what you don't like as it is to know what you love.

So in those early days, you're taking every client that walks in the door because that means there's going to be some sort of payment associated with it, right? You're bootstrapping, you're trying to figure things out, you're not really sure which end is up, and you're still really trying to find out who you are as a business owner. But there comes a time in the evolution of business where you have to really start paying attention to the folks you're working with. (Continue Reading)

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