The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

29: Liberation Week — The Truth

Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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I was feeling pretty sorry for myself a few months ago. Laying on the couch, drinking wine, and scrolling through Facebook. Then a sponsored post crossed my path—one that led me to enroll in Kate Blake’s 8-week program, resulting in major breakthroughs and the challenge to liberate my negative beliefs by wearing them loud and proud on a t-shirt. 

And because I work with insanely supportive, intuitive women, they accepted the challenge with me. 

5 gutsy days, 4 bold women, and 20 liberating shirts. Together, we created and embraced "Liberation Week," to take a stand against the negative self-beliefs we have clung to for so long.

·      “I’m worthless.”

·      “I’m broken.”

·      “I’m unremarkable.”

·      “I’m too much.”

Each day, for five days, we wore a shirt with handpicked statements that revealed a lie we have convinced ourselves is the truth. From client meetings to grabbing lunch—one by one, we took back the reigns to our own stories in order to rewrite them as they should be.

The results? Life-changing. We cried. We yelled. We talked about things that have been locked in the vaults of our minds for far too long. And one of the most fascinating parts? Watching other people open up about their insecurities because we created a safe container for them to do so. 

This week on The Gutsy Podcast, I have three very special guests—my Worx girls. We’re laying it all on the table:

·      How we identified our core negative beliefs

·      Where we had our shirts made

·      How we felt

·      What shifted

·      How we’re different

This episode is deep, impactful, and raw. I invite you to enter a safe space with us and give yourself the gift of self-awareness of your own negative self-beliefs so that you, too, can liberate.

(Continue to Episode Blog)

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