The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 36: Shift Your Mindset to Manifest Growth

Laura Wallace | worx&co

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Earlier this week, we talked to Paige Cole about Manifesting Like a Boss Babe (and if you didn't get a chance to listen to that episode, I highly encourage you to pause this one, click here, and listen to it or read the Episode Blog, then come back to this powerback because it's gonna make so much more sense).

Shifting your mindset to manifest growth is one of the most essential parts of owning this life, succeeding in your business, finding and living true pure happiness — all of it.

A lot of the time, what's truly holding us back is not always circumstantial. It's the conversations we have with ourself when no one else is looking. And besides the fact that it's SUPER annoying to overthink things at one o'clock in the morning when no one else is up, it's these thoughts that embed themselves within our minds, bodies, and souls until we start to believe them.

What happens then is we end up with this internal tug-of-war. It's almost like being in a vehicle and slamming on the gas with one foot and hitting the brake with the other. You're constantly going forward and backward and forward and backward. Then you wonder:

Why on earth am I so tired and exhausted and frustrated? I know what I want. I can see it so clearly. Why am I stuck in this cycle that brings me back to the very things that cause me agony, pain, challenges, lack of happiness, lack of peace, stress, anxiety, depression? Why am I stuck here when I can so clearly see what's ahead of me?

This week, I want you to take your power back by shifting your mindset and manifesting your growth. And when I say that, I mean I need you to start thinking and believing in the depths of your core that you can achieve those things. No more saying one thing, but allowing your actions to do another. This is why we stay in the cycle. This is why you are seeing and repeating very similar things you have in the past. Things you thought you were done with and over with — you snap back into an old habit. You go back to what you know and you stop believing in yourself.

Guys, I can't stress how important your mindset is because there's literally this energy moving through and out of your body and you are going to attract the EXACT frequency you put out into the world. So to grow — to overcome something, to achieve something, to go somewhere, to find love, to grow your business, to love your children and your family more, to spend more time to have less anxiety, take a deep breath — you first have to believe in the depths of your core, in your veins, and in your blood that you are worthy of those things. And then start taking actions that support it.

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