The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 37: What Fear Really Means

October 03, 2019 Laura Wallace | worx&co

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Fear and stress love to pop up at the least convenient hour of the day. I feel like fear loves to pop up the most when you're just on the brink of something. You've put in a lot of time and effort, you can see and feel your future right in front of you. Then fears like, Oh, hey, we haven't talked in a while. Let's sit down and have a really awful conversation.

I also find that fear and stress really love to pop up when things seem to be going out of control, and it's not always that it's something negative — but sometimes it's the number of things you have to balance in your life.

For instance, not long ago, we rebranded our entire company and within two weeks we saw an incredible influx of inquiries. A lot of these were people that had been watching for quite some time and our rebrand sparked something within them. But here's what's showing up because of that: Greatness is great, but too much of a good thing is a challenge no matter what it is. And what we're finding right now is the need to slow down, focus, develop processes, and really get down into the nitty-gritty basics of business.

In all honesty, I've been kind of freaking out like, Can I do this? Can I handle this? Oh my gosh, I asked for all of this. But I don't even know if I have the capacity to handle it myself emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally. Can my team handle it? Am I putting too much on them?

I mean, the conversations I have silently are excruciating sometimes, but that's why I'm talking about it here because I know damn well I am not the only one that does it. When we are faced with a lot of stuff on your plate, good, bad, or in between, it gets overwhelming.

Something I've learned over the years, particularly through business, is the awareness of when this pops up — when I feel like a tornado in a handmade pottery store or when I feel like everything around me is spiraling out of control — that is my cue to say, you know what? I'm freaking out because I don't have all the information and details I need. I am running faster than I can walk and it feels like wet sand is slipping right through my fingers

This week, I want you to take your powerback by looking at everything you've got going on. I'm literally asking you to pause and sit with yourself and make a list. What is going on? When are these items due? What takes priority and precedence over the others? What is needed of you? We typically bypass this entire process because why? It takes time and we're thinking, Gosh, if I don't have enough time to begin with, how on earth am I going to have the time to sit down and figure it all out?

By giving yourself the time to stop, breathe, and really look at everything, (most of the time) you'll find it's actually not quite as overwhelming as it seems.

So I challenge you to take 15 or 20 minutes of silence with yourself, grab a notebook, calendar, spreadsheet, etc. and take a look at the next few weeks of your life: What is stressing you out? What do you need to know to be at ease? How can you help yourself to achieve things more efficiently and less stressfully?

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