The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 39: Bring Awareness to Your Fears

Laura Wallace | worx&co

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Every Monday morning in the worxandco office, we open up our week together as a team and share what we call a Monday Morning Motivation. We know the hustle and bustle of the week is ahead of us. We know there are client projects to go over. We know there are timelines and calendars to discuss. But first, we need to get our minds in the right place.

This is so important because it's not only an opportunity to really come together and have a unified message, but it's also an opportunity for us to see things through a different lens and get our brains moving.

A few weeks ago, our communications specialist, Kelli, led us through a session based on a book she is currently reading called 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy by Luminita D. Saviuc. You can find tons of blogs for cliff notes version to really just get straight to the goods, but Kelli went into a chapter that really struck all of us: Give Up Fear.

We talk a lot about fear here on The Gutsy Podcast because it's one of the most powerful emotions. When it's not constructed or directed — it can wreak havoc. So this week, I'd like to talk about bringing awareness to our fears and then what to do from there.

So when fear pops up, the first thing you want to do is either sit and think or grab a piece of paper and pen and think: What do I most want? In a no-limitation scenario where fear isn't a concern, worry doesn't exist, and the future is your canvas. What do you want?

The next question is: Why you are afraid? What is it about this particular scenario that brings fear to the forefront? This is a really great opportunity for you to dig a couple layers deeper than what you may even be thinking right now. This is a chance for you to get real with yourself; the deep-rooted fear of why you can't have that, why you can't achieve that. What's holding you back from it?

And then the third question is: What is the actual truth? When you step outside of your fear, what is actually going on? What is it you already know that debunks that fear right from the start?

So think about the fears arising for you. Write them down. Then ask yourself: What am I afraid of? What am I fearing will happen if I do this? If I pursue that? What's going to happen because of those things? And then really get real with yourself and say, what is actually true? What do I know to be true to this scenario?

I hope you'll find peace in this exercise because we found tremendous power in it. And slowly, but surely, we're lifting a lot of those fears one by one and pursuing the very things we have held ourselves back from doing.

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