The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

48: Resetting Your Life with Kate Blake

Laura Wallace | worx&co

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Earlier this year I was feeling pretty darn sorry for myself and came across a free webinar from a lady named Kate Blake. I opted in and quickly wondered how in the hell she knew me. Tired, wore down, ambitious but struggling — basically stuck in my own way with old behaviors and patterns. She’s the driving force behind Liberation Week at Worx, and the positive ripple just keeps going.

I’m beyond stoked to bring Kate to YOU. She’s not only a wealth of knowledge, but she’s real and keeps things real. Somehow she has a magical way of calming all of the crazy-talk in my head by reminding me of the basics. She even schooled me a little in this episode, and I loved every second of it.

We’re all buried by all the “shoulds” in our lives: I should do more; I should have more time; I should go to that event; I should be thinner. We’ll pour everything we have into everyone around us, yet leave ourselves thin, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Whatever is showing up for you on the outside is a reflection of how you’re treating yourself on the inside. (Insert long pause of realization…)

Energy only becomes matter when you give it focus. Your mindset is everything and resetting your life starts with embracing your emotional side. Your belief has to be stronger than your fear because when you flip the table and rewrite the script, you can quite literally have and do anything you set out to do.

This episode is near and dear to my heart. I hope you love it as much as I love Kate, lol.

(Continue to Episode Blog)

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