The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 48: Ask for Insight — Not Permission

December 19, 2019 Laura Wallace | worx&co

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Second-guessing yourself is one of the fastest ways to give away your power. When we’re not in alignment with ourselves, we over-analyze, overthink, and play out every possible scenario at 2 am (spoiler alert, they’re not usually great endings). 

So what do we do? We look for validation. We’ll ask every Tom, Dick, and Harry what they think. And by the time we get back to ourselves, we have a watered-down version of what we set out to do. 

It’s ok to ask for insight — from trusted sources — but you don’t need permission to do the thing that’s ringing true in your gut. When you’re in alignment with yourself and can get quiet to really feel the answer out, you’ll find that it’s already inside of you, you just need to listen to it.

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