The Gutsy Podcast | personal development, entrepreneurship, mindset, alignment, intuition and energy

Powerback 6: Identify the People, Places, and Things That Drain Your Energy

Laura Wallace | Worx Graphic Design

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Energy suckers, suck. These are the people, places, and things that quite literally drain the excitement out of you and make you wish you were under the covers with a glass of wine. It’s particularly frustrating when you’re trying to accomplish a goal and your energy keeps getting sucked out of the window. 

This week I want you to take your #powerback by identifying the people, places, and things that drain your energy. Is it a friend that has negative energy? A restaurant that messes up your order every time, but you keep going there? A service that you offer that you absolutely despise? A pile in your house that needs gone through but you can’t seem to take care of it?

Identifying energy suckers is the first step in eliminating them. It’s incredibly challenging to keep your momentum to do the things you want and need to do when someone or something is siphoning the energy out of you. Creating a healthy boundary means reducing the time you spend with certain people, changing habits, doing the things that you keep thinking about but haven’t gotten around to yet, or just simply cutting ties. You have the right to protect your energy.

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