Words of Steele

9. Humility Is a Lion

April 16, 2024 Thomas Steele
9. Humility Is a Lion
Words of Steele
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Words of Steele
9. Humility Is a Lion
Apr 16, 2024
Thomas Steele

In today’s episode, Tom examines the profound concept of Anavah, the Hebrew word for humility that means to occupy your God-given space in the world—to not overestimate yourself or your abilities, but to not underestimate them either. True humility is a delicate balance of courage and restraint. Tom explores how embracing humility can lead to significant impact within God’s Kingdom.

Join Tom as he shares inspiring stories from his time announcing for Challenger Baseball and the immense blessing it has brought to his life. Through his experiences announcing, as well as coaching basketball, we see firsthand how facing adversity can reveal our true character and how these challenges can shape us into stronger, more resilient individuals.

This episode encourages you to reflect on your own journey and consider how your actions, no matter how big or small, may be making a meaningful difference. Tune in for an empowering conversation on the strength of humility and its profound influence on our lives and the world around us.

Episode Highlights: 

  • Humility is a delicate balance.
  • Our impact for the Kingdom of God.
  • Tom’s time with Challenger Baseball and coaching basketball.
  • Facing adversity and exposing character.

Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on Tom:

This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

Show Notes

In today’s episode, Tom examines the profound concept of Anavah, the Hebrew word for humility that means to occupy your God-given space in the world—to not overestimate yourself or your abilities, but to not underestimate them either. True humility is a delicate balance of courage and restraint. Tom explores how embracing humility can lead to significant impact within God’s Kingdom.

Join Tom as he shares inspiring stories from his time announcing for Challenger Baseball and the immense blessing it has brought to his life. Through his experiences announcing, as well as coaching basketball, we see firsthand how facing adversity can reveal our true character and how these challenges can shape us into stronger, more resilient individuals.

This episode encourages you to reflect on your own journey and consider how your actions, no matter how big or small, may be making a meaningful difference. Tune in for an empowering conversation on the strength of humility and its profound influence on our lives and the world around us.

Episode Highlights: 

  • Humility is a delicate balance.
  • Our impact for the Kingdom of God.
  • Tom’s time with Challenger Baseball and coaching basketball.
  • Facing adversity and exposing character.

Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on Tom:

This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.