Transform Your Future with Eddie Isin

Hypnosis Secrets For Ultimate Performance: Transform Your Future Episode 001

February 20, 2024 Eddie Isin Season 1 Episode 1
Hypnosis Secrets For Ultimate Performance: Transform Your Future Episode 001
Transform Your Future with Eddie Isin
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Transform Your Future with Eddie Isin
Hypnosis Secrets For Ultimate Performance: Transform Your Future Episode 001
Feb 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Eddie Isin

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Introduction: Host, Eddie Isin, kicks off another episode of "Transform Your Future" with guest Emma Heywood, a clinical hypnotherapist, rapid transformational therapy practitioner, and performance mindset coach. Emma's unique journey from struggles with mental health to a life of abundance and purpose sets the stage for a powerful conversation.

Key Points

1. Understanding the Mind:

   - Emma breaks down the conscious and subconscious mind, emphasizing that the subconscious controls 95-98% of our actions and emotions.

   - Beliefs stored in the subconscious influence our reactions and shape our lives.

2. The Power of Belief:

   - Belief is a crucial element, with Emma stating that "belief without talent will get you further than talent without belief."

   - Our thoughts, beliefs, and self-talk impact our emotions, actions, and ultimately shape our reality.

3. Hypnotherapy and Subconscious Reprogramming:

   - Emma explains hypnotherapy as a tool to recondition the subconscious mind.

   - Hypnosis involves rewriting beliefs, providing direct mental instructions to cells, and visualizing a desired outcome.

4. Daily Self-Hypnosis:

   - Eddie shares personal experiences of self-hypnosis, realizing that individuals are constantly hypnotizing themselves with their thoughts and self-talk.

   - Emma encourages individuals to practice redirecting negative thoughts and embracing the power of positive suggestion.

5. Facing Emotions and Healing:

   - Emma emphasizes the importance of facing emotions, trauma, and wounds to liberate oneself.

   - Hypnotherapy, especially regression therapy, helps individuals trace back to the root cause of limiting beliefs and clear them.

6. Rewriting Your Story:

   - Emma encourages individuals to recognize that they are more than their conditioning and traumas, urging them to rewrite their stories at any time.

   - Redirecting focus from what is lost to what is gained can shift the mindset positively.

Closing Thoughts:

Eddie and Emma delve into the power of awareness, the importance of redirecting focus, and the transformative journey of rewriting one's story. Emma's insights provide listeners with practical tools to harness the subconscious mind for success and healing.

Guest: Emma Heywood - Clinical Hypnotherapist, RTT Practitioner, ND Performance Mindset Coach.


- Eddie Isin - Transformation Coach, Sales Expert, and Host of "Transform Your Future."

Note: This podcast episode explores the intersection of hypnotherapy, mindset, and personal transformation. The conversation offers insights and practical tips for listeners to apply in their own lives.

Free Performance Audio from Emma Heywood HERE-
Gift: Feeling stuck want to Reinvent Yourself for a life of fulfillment in all areas - Schedule a free 30 minute discovery call with EDDIE HERE

Subscribe to Transform Your Future Newsletter for personal development tips and information to Reinvent & Dominate your industry:

Show Notes Transcript

Send Eddie a Text Message

Introduction: Host, Eddie Isin, kicks off another episode of "Transform Your Future" with guest Emma Heywood, a clinical hypnotherapist, rapid transformational therapy practitioner, and performance mindset coach. Emma's unique journey from struggles with mental health to a life of abundance and purpose sets the stage for a powerful conversation.

Key Points

1. Understanding the Mind:

   - Emma breaks down the conscious and subconscious mind, emphasizing that the subconscious controls 95-98% of our actions and emotions.

   - Beliefs stored in the subconscious influence our reactions and shape our lives.

2. The Power of Belief:

   - Belief is a crucial element, with Emma stating that "belief without talent will get you further than talent without belief."

   - Our thoughts, beliefs, and self-talk impact our emotions, actions, and ultimately shape our reality.

3. Hypnotherapy and Subconscious Reprogramming:

   - Emma explains hypnotherapy as a tool to recondition the subconscious mind.

   - Hypnosis involves rewriting beliefs, providing direct mental instructions to cells, and visualizing a desired outcome.

4. Daily Self-Hypnosis:

   - Eddie shares personal experiences of self-hypnosis, realizing that individuals are constantly hypnotizing themselves with their thoughts and self-talk.

   - Emma encourages individuals to practice redirecting negative thoughts and embracing the power of positive suggestion.

5. Facing Emotions and Healing:

   - Emma emphasizes the importance of facing emotions, trauma, and wounds to liberate oneself.

   - Hypnotherapy, especially regression therapy, helps individuals trace back to the root cause of limiting beliefs and clear them.

6. Rewriting Your Story:

   - Emma encourages individuals to recognize that they are more than their conditioning and traumas, urging them to rewrite their stories at any time.

   - Redirecting focus from what is lost to what is gained can shift the mindset positively.

Closing Thoughts:

Eddie and Emma delve into the power of awareness, the importance of redirecting focus, and the transformative journey of rewriting one's story. Emma's insights provide listeners with practical tools to harness the subconscious mind for success and healing.

Guest: Emma Heywood - Clinical Hypnotherapist, RTT Practitioner, ND Performance Mindset Coach.


- Eddie Isin - Transformation Coach, Sales Expert, and Host of "Transform Your Future."

Note: This podcast episode explores the intersection of hypnotherapy, mindset, and personal transformation. The conversation offers insights and practical tips for listeners to apply in their own lives.

Free Performance Audio from Emma Heywood HERE-
Gift: Feeling stuck want to Reinvent Yourself for a life of fulfillment in all areas - Schedule a free 30 minute discovery call with EDDIE HERE

Subscribe to Transform Your Future Newsletter for personal development tips and information to Reinvent & Dominate your industry:

The only way to overcome pain wounds trauma is to actually face it, to feel it. So many people are afraid to feel the emotion, the fear, the doubt, maybe the anger because they think that if they feel it, they're never going to get rid of it. They're going to get stuck in it. So here we go. Another episode of Transform Your Future. My guest today is Emma Hayward. Emma is a clinical hypnotherapist, a practitioner of rapid transformational therapy. She's a performance mindset coach and a classically trained actress performing on stages from North America to Europe. She's been on her own mental health journey since she was 12 years old. She knows what it's like to struggle with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. She has transformed her life using hypnotherapy and the power of her subconscious mind. She went from living a life of pain and low self-esteem to one of inner freedom self-worth joy, abundance, and embodying her purpose. And now she helps others create that same confidence and freedom within as well. So welcome, Emma. I'm so glad you're here. I'm so excited. I'm so glad that I met you and that we've been talking with each other and I'm so glad we're going to do this and get some information out there to help others. Okay. Agreed. Thank you for having me. Yes, yes, please. So whenever you like here, you can just jump right in. And if we want to start talking about hypnosis programming your subconscious for peak performance, let's talk a little bit about that. Yeah, for sure. So I would love to start off by just saying it's really two different parts, right? You have your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is your overthinking mind, logical mind, overanalyzing, what I'm going to have for dinner. What did this person say to me? It only controls about 5% of you. Your subconscious mind controls 95 to 98% of you and your subconscious is your autopilot, right? So it's pumping your heart, getting you to breathe, blinking your eyes. You don't think about any of that. Otherwise we would go crazy. But your subconscious also is your emotional mind, your feeling mind. It doesn't care about logic. Your subconscious holds all of your past experiences and your belief. And what I like to say is your subconscious belief life. So I work with high performers. I work with athletes and artists that I like to say when I work with non-performers, that we're all the main character of our life. We're all the performers of our life, and we all have stories that we live by, these subconscious stories that we live by, which are really our subconscious belief. And so our beliefs, again, control our life. So we don't even realize that we don't have as much control over our reactions than we realize. So what I do with people is go back and help them understand where did this belief come from, and is it still serving me? Because every day we're giving ourselves suggestions. I can't do this. I'm not good enough. What if I lose? And every suggestion makes you feel something. A suggestion is nothing more than that story we're telling ourselves, that belief we're telling ourselves. And so that belief or that thought, right? Because a belief is nothing more than a thought. You've thought over and over and over again that thought or that belief creates a feeling. That feeling creates an action or a behavior, and that action creates an event which goes back to that belief or thought, right? So it's this looping cycle. And so let's take a thought or a belief of, I suck. I can't do this for an athlete. I can't win. That's going to create a feeling of, oh my God, I feel so bad about myself. I'm performing so badly. Then the behavior is I'm not performing up to my standard, which creates the event of I lost this match. I lost this game, which confirms that belief of I can't win. So what I'm doing with you is helping you go back to the root and change the belief, change the habit of thought that we can change the habit of action. And I'm just guessing, I'm relating, I'm relating to all this. So for example, I have spine problems and I have a lot of pain, and I've been working on this for a long time, and I keep trying to get myself better. I'm obsessed about my health and hacking my body and my health. But for example, I'll get pain and I'll think, oh God, I can't work right now. I need to just relax. I need to lay down the heating pad or something. I need to calm down. And then so my belief is that I'm not able to work at the level I want to lurk. And sometimes I say to myself, no, that's not true. That's a lie. That's like, that's not true. Is that really true? Of course, I could do more and I can handle it. I could take care of myself and still be able to push. So this is what we're talking about essentially, is the more I believe I can't do something or I'm at my limit and I can't go further, the more that's what I'm telling myself and talking to my subconscious, then I act that way. And so I need to interrupt that. I need to interrupt that. Exactly. Exactly. And so my mentor has this great line, which I tell to my athletes, and that is belief without talent will get you further than talent without belief. So performance in any way, 80 to 90% is belief. Belief is everything. Your beliefs are everything. And so in terms of the suggestion you're giving yourself, it just, I'm in pain, I can't work. So every thought you think or suggestion, you give yourself, create a physical reaction in the body and an emotional response. What we have to do is change that thought or that belief, and you might not believe something right away. That's why hypnosis comes in, because we're pouring that belief and that suggestion into your operating system. Your subconscious is your operating system. So the more you repeat that new belief, the more you're going to believe it. Repetition is the language of belief. And the thing with your subconscious is that it takes every single thing you say, literally. It doesn't understand good or bad, right or wrong. If I could tell people one thing, stop using self-deprecating humor. So when you say to yourself, oh, this is killing me. It's going to feed you back those kinds of pain and iCal sensations, or my boss is driving me crazy, this thing is killing me. This project's giving me hell. You're going to keep recreating those same circumstances. If you keep feeding that to your subconscious, your subconscious is always listening, always on record. And so again, my mentor often says to tell yourself a better lie because that lie will eventually become the truth because your subconscious is taking it. And so I know in the beginning you're like, wait, but I am feeling physical pain. But if you keep telling yourself, I'm in pain, I'm in pain, I'm in pain, your body's like, okay, I'm going to keep feeding you back more pain and more pain and more pain. So even if you don't believe it right away at first, play with that game of belief. Play with that game of imagination, right? Our imagination is our superpower. It's the biggest tool that we have. And your subconscious mind works in images in that way. So that's why with athletes and high performers, we work so much on visualization, not only visualizing what you're seeing, but feeling the emotional experience. So when you're in pain and your back is in pain, you want to visualize it being exactly how you want it to be, but also mentally and emotionally rehearse body, the you who was not in pain, right? Yes. And so also in hypnosis, what we're doing, and I work with a lot of physical issues for hypnosis, because in hypnosis, as we bypass the conscious mind, we tap into the subconscious. I'm literally talking to your cells in hypnosis, and I'm commanding them. I'm compelling them. I am directing them to function in a certain way. So I just worked with an athlete on an injury where I was talking to the cells in her shoulder. I was giving her the direct mental instructions to her subconscious to her cells, and also giving her the powerful imagery of her shoulder being better than it was before. So hypnosis, it works for emotional beliefs. You have to overcome physical beliefs you have to overcome and stepping into that version of you on the other side. Yeah. So I know you mentioned to me that it's like I'm always hypnotizing myself all day, right? The act of hypnosis is not something that is an event outside of me. It's actually happening within me and I'm doing it to myself all day. So whether I'm telling myself, I can get to this place, I can do this thing, I could succeed at a high level. I'm going to go into this. I work with a lot of salespeople and helping them to break six figures and double their income and things like that. And so I went from zero to $8 million worth of sales in 18 months. And I did that by acting as if telling myself, I can handle this. Whatever comes my way, I have the ability to take care of it. Nothing is going to overwhelm me. I'm not going to allow things to trigger me. And that kind of self-talk created and basically how people say act as if. So I did the acting as if, so it, it's interesting what you're saying to me. I never really considered that, that basically we're all hypnotizing ourselves all day anyway. It's just now whether you want to hypnotize yourself want to keep getting the old result that you're already getting, if you like the pain, if you like the discomfort, then keep doing it your way. If you want to try something new, then you try this new programming. I love it. I love it. Exactly. The question I had about it was you had mentioned to me privately that the only way to do this is to actually go through it, right? And so do you find that people try to avoid going through it, like they're resistant to it, they want to fight it and maybe hold onto it and not let go of it? Yes, very much so. The official catchphrase in my practice that I've created is the only way out is through. The only way to overcome pain wounds trauma is to actually face it, to feel it. So many people are afraid to feel the emotion, the fear, the doubt, maybe the anger, because they think that if they feel it, they're never going to get rid of it. They're going to get stuck in it. And it's the opposite. We have to move through an emotion, ride the wave of an emotion to allow it to pass through us. Because work with athletes, I like to call it the adult temper tantrum. When they're on court, something doesn't go their way and they've never dealt with the deeper pain or the deeper anxiety or the deeper fears, the deeper anger, what's going to explode on court, the thing that's been bottled up the whole time. And then they lose their temper, they lose them, they get so caught up in a past moment that that energy goes with them to the moment, and they lose that. But what I help people with is go into the emotion off court or off stage or privately in life when we go deep into the subconscious and face the fears and face the wounds and allow yourself to feel it. Because once you feel it, then you're liberated. Then it doesn't have as big of a hold on you anymore. So in those moments when you're being triggered in life, you're like, oh, I know where this initial wound came from. So I don't have that pressure cooker anymore. So what's so powerful, hypnotherapy, and I have different styles of hypnotherapy I work on with people. I have a regression hypnotherapy, which is kind of what I'm referencing, where we have to go into release it and get to the other side and understand where it came from in the first place. Because when you can understand the why do I have this fear? Why do I have this limiting belief? Oh, because in my experience working with people, most s are not born with these limiting beliefs. It's through our conditioning society, our families, that these beliefs are placed upon us that have been stuck in our subconscious minds. Because when we're kids, we are operating from pure subconscious, we're in a state of hypnosis. So all of these suggestions we are absorbing. We don't conscious mind to think, oh, this is happening because of X, Y, Z. We're just like, no, I have this. It's my fault. And that belief of I'm not good enough or I'm not worthy, or whatever, stuck in our system. And that's what's still controlling your life. So some of my prayer, we go back and actually clear out the root cause. We find the root cause and clear it out. Also, hypnotherapy just by itself, just that power of reconditioning, that power of suggestion for some high performers, they just want that. And that's great. That's how I teach them the conscious mindset, coaching, the power of their thoughts, the power of their minds, visualizations, redirecting their mind, coming back to that present moment, right? Choosing that next best feeling thought, which is going to create that action. Because as you said before, we're always giving ourselves suggestions every single day. And so it's about understanding that, attaching the suggestion that you don't want, and it just takes practice. I was talking to a client earlier, I'm like, we're just attaching that negative thought, bringing wait, if this thought is going to make me feel something and then make me behave in a certain way, I don't want that thought of I can't win. That's not helping me. And so one of the tips I give people is when you're starting to open that door of believability and you might not believe something right away, just say to yourself, it's possible. It's possible. I can do this. It's possible. I can believe in myself. It's possible. I can walk into that room super confident. All of this is practice, all of this is rehearsing a mental rehearsal. And what you said about acting as if, so I'm also an actor and need to perform live on stage. And so I bring that into my practice. It's like acting as if our imagination is the most powerful thing we have. And again, the subconscious use of images. So when I work with high performers, it's like, okay, what's an image that really resonates with you? Maybe it's an animal, maybe it's something in nature. Put that image into your body because your body and your subconscious mind is the same thing. So when you walk on court, you're like, okay, I have a tiger in my chest that's going to make me feel something that's going to affect my performance. So it's using all these different tools and techniques to know that every thought think is a direct instruction to your subconscious, and your subconscious is always going to literally give what you're telling it, right? Yeah. And there's so much that I relate to this I guess I want to talk about for a second. Just I got clean in 1988, and I haven't done drugs or drank since then, so it's been a long time. But in the beginning, I just focused on abstaining is what I really focused on. And I tried to find a new way to live, but after several years, I started to observe, you have to be an observer. That's what you were talking about is really starting to observe what you're doing, what you're thinking, what's triggering you. And so I remember my boss at the time, I worked for a company for a brief time, and my boss told my assistant manager or whatever, he was my direct supervisor to tell me to come to his office. And as I was walking to the office, I physically could feel like I was flinching. I thought there and he was going to smack me. He knew really that I was a piece of shit. And now he was going to tell me, you really no good. And I observed that in myself and I was like, what is that? Why is that? Where is that coming from? And I traced it back to several things. But of course there were things that happened in the that made me think I was a bad person, not a sick person, but a bad person. And then of course, there were things in my childhood, some of those things you were talking about, like regression, go back to when those things started when I was a little kid and I'd get in trouble and I would be told things like, children are meant to be seen, not heard. Everything you touch turns to shit, things like that. And I believe that. And that voice was still in my head totally. I really identify how these things really take over. And it's only through a willingness for me as an individual to observe that stuff, look at it, and start questioning all my thoughts and ideas and not just take it for granted. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. Thank you for sharing that and bringing that awareness of, wait, what's my story right now? What is this? As you're walking to your boss's office that day, you're telling yourself a story. Oh, something's wrong with me. I'm bad. I did something wrong. Which is making you feel something. And so your body is reacting, the subconscious mind and So it's going to feed you back those sensations. And we all have this story, and it's about bringing that loving awareness. So what I say to people is going back, I know it's not always comfortable, but it's through that discomfort that the biggest growth happened because we are people below our conditioning, below our traumas, below what we were born into. And again, when you're a kid and you hear that phrase, oh, kids are meant to be seen and not heard, you internalize that. And again, that belief has been stuck inside you. I mean, I work from young teens to very older adults in their seventies. I work with a wide range of people, and we're all operating from these stories. And so what I'm helping you with is decide, wait. You are a person below the conditioning, and you can change your story at any time. You can rewrite your story at any time, anytime. And it just takes that effort. It just takes that awareness. And the other thing I want to say about the mind, and so often when we are trying to change something about ourselves, we focus on what we are losing or what we don't have. And it's so important to redirect your focus to what you are gaining. So as you're overcoming addiction, and it's easy to kind of say, oh, I'm giving up this, or I'm losing this part of my life, it's like, well, instead, what are you gaining? You are gaining a healthy lifestyle. You're gaining being more present with yourself. You're gaining this awareness you're having. And so many of us, we always focus on the negative. Our brains are hardwired to focus on the negative. So it's about, again, catching it and redirecting to focus on what you do have, focus on what you're gaining because the subconscious doesn't think in negative. It doesn't understand negative. If I say to you right now, don't think about a pink elephant, what did you just think about? And so we have to redirect it into the positive present tense. I am this. When you're going to go to the supermarket instead of telling yourself, gee, I always forget things. The more you say that, the more you forget things. Right? That's the story you're telling yourself. Totally. Yeah. Oh, people say all the time, oh, I am a nervous public speaker, or I have a bad memory. I'm like, oh, yeah, okay. That's a direct instruction to your subconscious. And again, a lot of people have pushback on this and they say, well, I don't believe this thing yet. I'm going to say I love myself, or I believe in myself. I don't believe it. And I say, okay, practice anything in life we weren't good at right away. We couldn't talk properly, we couldn't walk properly. Everything takes practice, dedication, rehearsal. And in this day and age, we live in such instant gratification, and people don't see results in one day. They say it didn't work. And to me it's like this is your a dedication to your life. This isn't a quick fix. This is the ultimate task is to come back home to the truth of who you are. That you are enough, that you are lovable, that you are worthy exactly as you are. So even when I work with high performers, yes, I'm helping them in their performance and that performance mindset, that confidence, that belief. But usually what we're stripping down first is just that feeling enough, feeling worthy exactly as they are, that they aren't their external results, that you aren't your wins or losses or the people who love you or reject you. You are a person below that. You are born enough, you are born worthy. And so we're stripping away the conditioning and coming I think I have a history. My first career really, and my first business was I wrote, produced and directed film, video, television. I did that for about 20 years, maybe a little bit more. I started when I was 16, but amazing. I reached high levels. I lived my dreams. I mean, I directed top performers like John Travolta, Andy Garcia, Steven Bauer, Arturo son, Deval, Gloria Estefan, I mean all these people. And the thing is, is that, so my background, you had to do with entertainment, acting, being on camera, directing. And so when I'm working with salespeople later on in my next thing, which was all about sales and building teams and motivating teams, I would tell people it's like you're an actor on stage, and when you're going out to meet this person, this customer to do a presentation or whatever, you've got to act like, okay, it's showtime. I'm on stage now. I got to put on my right face. I got to put on my right attitude. I got to not let myself be triggered by nonsense. I need to focus on this person. I need to do my best to fulfill what they need and work to help them to solve their issue. And for me, that's why I say papaya all the time. Also, papaya is like my activation word. Papaya means, okay, let's go. I love it. It's time to win. And so I self program myself every day with those little things. And of course I want to be better. It's always about improvement. Another few percent improvement is better. So ain't going through all this. It's interesting. What kind of things can people do so that they could start noticing? Do you have any tips on, because I talk to people all the time about you've got to notice what you're noticing. It was interesting in 2011 is when I really started the process of getting a divorce from this dysfunctional relationship. It took me 20 years is the time it took me to do everything. And people told me all along, at least for the last 10 years, what are you doing? How could you be in a relationship with this person? This is crazy. This is what people told me. And it didn't sink in. I couldn't compute. But if somebody would've asked me, am I feeling fulfilled in this relationship? Does this relationship fulfill me? Do I feel like it's doing something good for me and helping me to achieve my life and my goals? I probably would've had a different answer and I probably would've went quicker into the really understanding what was going on. Because it's interesting. I feel like obligation is what kept me there. And so when I talk to people today who are in dysfunctional relationships and in situations they want to get out, I always say, you want to be in a relationship where people appreciate you, not tolerate you, and you don't want to be in a relationship out of obligation. You want to be there out of mutual respect and love for each other. So it's interesting how you have to observe that stuff. You have to really look at why do you do what you do? Why do you holding onto this? Right? And so what kind of tips, I mean I imagine you have a process that you do, but can we talk a little bit about how you can get to that point where you can actually start observing and working on those things? Totally. We all have habits and patterns that we live from. Again, we create these beliefs and we're always looking to kind of confirm what our beliefs are. And so often, if we've had an unhappy story, we're always trying to look for the ending that's going to the happier ending. And so if you have a toxic relationship with your parents, often when you attract certain relationships, you're trying to change the ending of a painful story. And so what I help people with is going back and figuring out where did this pattern come from, whether it's a relationship or a certain pattern you have in life with your career, anything, it's about taking that pause, that power of the pause I like to call it and saying, is this really what I want or who I am or is this, you said the word should for? And I say to my clients, you got to stop shoulding. You got to stop shing all over the place. Where does that come from? Right? It's our conditioning. I should do this. I should do that. Why? Because why? Because we get so attached to this is the right thing to do, or this is how it's always, I've always been in this way, so I have to keep being in this way. And so it's bringing that awareness. And often when we're being activated or triggered as adults, what's really happening, younger version of ourselves are being activated. Their needs aren't being met in some way, and so they are feeling unseen or unheard or unloved. And so in the moments as adults, if you have that trigger or that activating experience, it's just taking that pause and saying this really coming from, and what do I need in this moment? What does my younger say in this moment? What can I do to make them feel seen and heard and appreciated right now? How can I meet their needs in the ways that they weren't met when I was a kid? So that's what is about reparenting yourself. And with relationships, with relationships, we're always trying to, like I said before, create certain patterns. And so if you want to change the pattern, we have to bring awareness to the pattern. Yes. When I work with people one-on-one, that's what I do. I regress you with hypnosis to get into the subconscious mind to say, where did this pattern begin? Where did it start from? How can we then meet their needs in the moment, question what was happening in the moment, meet their needs, and then reframe it and tell you, this isn't me. I don't have to carry these beliefs anymore. I'm not that person who I was in the past. I'm a new person now. And like we said before, I get to change my story again. So definitely if you're noticing yourself in patterns that you want to break, it's just pausing, bringing awareness and start to question yourself, I'm feeling X, Y, z because blank, my favorite word is because is the best word to use to start to peel back the layers of the onion to see what's below the surface. I'm feeling this because blank, and that must mean blank, and that must mean blank. We're getting below to the deeper belief to the deeper emotional drive of what's driving your life. So definitely having a mentor or a guide or a support to go back and support you in knowing where these deeper wounds came from and order to shift them. But in the moment, if you go back and uncover that, also giving yourself that better suggestion of like, wait a second, I can do this. Or I know I deserve better. Because again, it's going to make you feel something. And I want to touch upon something you said earlier about the activation word that you use, but I love that because that's what I work on. That's what I work on with performers, is having that power word and having that association in your subconscious that as soon as I say this word, it's going to make me feel something. It's going to bring me into the zone or bring me into the flow. It's so important to train your subconscious. So when when you hear a certain word, when you smell a certain smell, you're training the subconscious. This means, this means I'm in the flow, this means I'm in the zone. The other thing I work on with people, and it's an extra people can try. And you said acting as if it's something that copy and paste where you're going to copy a version of yourself, your ideal version of yourself. So let's say you're preparing for, you said you work with a lot of salespeople, a and you're nervous, you're feeling you don't have a lot of confidence. Let's just choose a moment in your life when you felt really confident. How do you know when you're confident? Yes. Right? Okay. Maybe your shoulders are down, you're staying a bit taller. I just want to interrupt a second. So yeah, for example, there's a moment that I visualized with papaya that has to do with the most satisfying, incredible presentation that I did that had maximum incredible results. And I think about winning. I think about that time that I really won big, that really blew me away that I was like, oh my God, you did it. And so I visualize that with papaya to get me in that emotional state that I'm winning. I'm a winner and nothing could stop me. Exactly. That's what you're literally getting yourself in the zone means that peak emotional state, that's all what in the zone means, and being in the zone is actually a state of hypnosis because in hypnosis or being in a zone, being in that peak emotional state, you don't think of the past or the future. You're not worried about the wins or the loss. You're so present that your subconscious takes over. It's just that memory. And so when you can train your subconscious to as smell that smell or see that image, so that's tool I use with my performers is called the circle of excellence, where we're training your mind, your body, your way of being, to step into that zone, that circle of excellence. And as soon as you activate it and we speed up the process because we're doing it in hypnosis, so we speed up the process of it. So you activate that state and you mentally and emotionally rehearse it. There's a great line that says you have to practice an emotional state until it becomes a neural trait so that your brain and those neurons that are firing have memorized that emotional state. But something that people can do now is copying that ideal state and pasting it in. So it's called copy and paste, where you can say, okay, how do I know in life when I'm confident and asking yourself, okay, I feel I speak slower, or I'm breathing deeply, or I feel just calm in my or grounded. However, confidence means to you activate it and say, okay, I'm inviting in confidence right now into my body and notice where it lands. Notice the confidence in your chest or your stomach or your shoulders, be in that state and then copy it like a word document. You copy that confidence and you're going to paste it into that moment that you're stepping on stage, that you're stepping on court. So you're training your mind that this is how I am, copy and paste. And you can keep doing that mentally, emotionally, rehearsing, not just for performance, but for your life. If you're going on that date, you're like, how do I want to be Okay? I want to feel this. I want to feel that practice it. How do I want to be? How do I know when I am that? Copy that version, paste it in and practice, practice, practice. So when you arrive in real time, your mind and your body has already memorized that state that it happens just effortlessly. So that's the power of hypnosis that we're rehearsing and practicing mentally and emotionally. So that emotion, when you show up in the real moments of life, it's just a part of your being effortlessly. You don't have to try. It's just there. That's what I do with people just getting into that state. Yes. So that could, my phrase is stay in my zone. I want to stay in my zone as much as I can so that I can be that peak performer and break those records, and that's what I try to encourage other people to do. So this is really great stuff. So in terms of peak performance and wanting to be a peak performer, what kind of structure do I need so that I can incorporate this in my life more than just when I'm going to do a presentation maybe or something like that? How can I incorporate those states into more, like I said, I go through physical stuff and pains, and sometimes I feel like, oh my God, I'm taking on too much stuff because this is too hard and I probably should slow down. Then I'm like, what are you talking about? This is not a slow down time. This is not what you want to do. You want to operate at your peak right now. You can slow down in the future. So what other habits do we need to incorporate along with this besides just those peak moments that you have an event coming up and you want to, how else can we do it to show, have it show up in our lives more? Yes. One thing I will slightly disagree on is that to actually be a high performer is also prioritizing rest and prioritizing not always being in that go, go, go, go, go. Because your nervous system's always going to be an overdrive. And so you're right. When I work with my client. Absolutely right, it's definitely a liability that push myself, and beat myself up, and then I go, what are you doing? It's normal to take a couple of days off and relax. It's all our systems have to have that balance. When I was working with my athlete earlier today, I said, how was your sleep? We're working on her sleep. Sleep is the best form of recovery and preparation for peak performance. We need that. So sleep and rest. And so that's what I mean about hypnosis. So yes, to be a high performer, you want to be aware of your thoughts of your, I like to call it mental log keeping, being aware of your self-talk and your thoughts and what's supporting you, what's not supporting you, effective goal setting, stretchy, but it's goals. Goals are really important. But also speaking your goals in the positive presence, right? Because again, your subconscious doesn't understand past or future. So if you say, okay, I will do this, I'm doing this, you're always going to be trying to get there. So I every day read out my goals in the positive present tense. So you're acting, again, your subconscious is like, oh, this has already happened. And so also deep breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, visualization. When we talk about peak performance, so often people think it's just that high intensity go, go, go, go, go. What I support high performance with is developing tools and techniques to be in actually that grounded, balanced state. So your nervous system is feeling safe and calm and confident and good. That's actually what you need for the high performance is to feel safe in your being full of that belief. And so we can do that. Yes, get out there and be on the stage and be on the court and get into the pump yourself up. Yes, I love that. Be loud. I'm an actor. I love being loud. And to get to that state as well, prioritize the rest, prioritize, teach in your nervous system to be calm and grounded. And so that's why the power of the mind is so important that you can be calm in your body and hypnosis and be in this amazing imagery of you're seeing yourself and you're doing the thing and you feel so amazing. You can do that as you're resting, right? That's just as important for high performance. Yeah, I wonder what my belief is deep down, why I push myself so hard and I rest when it's one step away from a breakdown, it's like I just keep going, keep going until physically I just can't do it anymore. And then I take a break. I've lived like that. I'm not living like that right now, but I live like that a lot. And it's like what's driving me to do that is that for some reason I think I'm superhuman or something. I could just keep going, going, going, and I don't need to. And so it's like I have this term I like to use. It's ugly, and I tell people, you're ugly. You got to love yourself. You got to love yourself, right? UGLY. And so I asked myself, are you loving yourself? Because if you love yourself, you take care of yourself, you give yourself time, you take breaks, you relax, you do things that you enjoy and love. Your life is not all about just reaching goals and succeeding at a high level. It's also enjoying your life while you're doing it, enjoying the company of your friends and family and whatnot. So I get it. I'll say though, yeah, but it's interesting, and what I was saying earlier about the conditioning and who we are below the conditioning, and so this society tells us you are only worthy if you are constantly succeeding or expanding or the next achievement and the next thing, and again, that our worth is from our external results. So especially in the west, I will say, when I was traveling last year and I was in Europe and it was summertime and I was in Spain, and I was like, oh, they prioritize rest. They value that in life because life isn't just about go work, work, work life is about actually experiencing. And so again, we're so deeply conditioned by society that we have to constantly be going and achieving, and that is what our worth is. And so I personally love to go and turn into nature because nature doesn't rush, right? A tree or a flower doesn't rush to grow. They know their natural rhythm and they know they're worthy. I love to look at animals. They know they're worthy just for existing. It's only as humans that we tell ourselves, oh my God, I'm only worthy if I've achieved X, Y, Z, and I'm only good enough with this. And so that's what I'm really working on with people is that developing that worth and that belief and that confidence that you're not letting your external circumstances dictate your internal experience. And that is freedom. That is freedom. When you can have that and build that level of what you just said self, like, I don't need the world to tell me who I am. I know who I am. I love who I am. The days that I have a great week or I have a win, or I have this regardless, I am the same person and I am good enough. So I just like to bring awareness to how deeply conditioned we are in society. Well, yeah. It's interesting because I do a lot of research about different things that interest me. One thing that interests me is how our life has been changed by this giant social experiment that's been going on for the last 10 years or so. And I don't think that most of us don't really take the time to realize how the whole social media revolution has changed everything in our lives, everything, how we communicate, how we want to be communicated, to the instant gratification. The one click, I want one click, I want one click, I just want to click one and have the answer. I don't want to have to talk. I don't have to discuss things just the whole way. Even the way you sell today, it needs to be much more like social interactions rather than sales pitches and things. So it's really interesting how we have been influenced by that. And culturally, my kids are living a much faster paced life than I did growing up, and their kids are living a much faster paced life than they did growing up. I mean, it's kind of crazy. It's kind of crazy, and. It's absolutely crazy. Definitely. I like that. You mentioned about traveling. One of the main benefits of traveling is you get to see how other people live and how their cultural and societal differences are good or bad or whatever. You're become aware of going to Russia how people, they don't believe in showing emotion in their face. They're very stoic. They don't run around smiling and sharing emotion all the time. They just think that they need to be reserved. That's the way they live. And one of the popular things that quickly I caught onto is they say things like, I'm not a machine. What do you think? I'm a machine when you just press the button and I go, go, go and do things. I'm not a machine. So it is interesting through traveling, learning these other things, and then you look at that and you think, that's right. I'm not a machine. Why do I have this expectation that I'm just going to press a button and go the energize a bunny? Where did that come from? But obviously a capitalistic, materialistic society we live in kind of promotes the idea that we need to go and compete with everybody and compete with the Joneses and all those kinds of ideas. But yeah, weeding through all of that to have a life where you can still succeed, but enjoy your life at the same time. That's what we all need. And it's also questioning what is your value and what is your intention, right? I love my work passion, and it's my purpose and my passion, and I also want that life of freedom. I also want that rest and that joy and last summer, take a month off and just enjoy Spain because I can. And yeah, as an entrepreneur, they tell you, always hustle, hustle, hustle. That's not my value. That's not the value I want in my life and my intention. And so again, it's getting to know yourself below your conditioning, who you are, what do you want? We're in this hypnosis of society telling us who we are, what we want, what we should buy. It's so deep. We don't even realize that. We don't realize who we are and what we want below all of those layers. And so it's going into that unknown. It's going into the discomfort, the deeper emotions, the deeper beliefs, the deeper like, wait, what if I don't want the same thing as this person? Does that mean I'm not good enough? So it's really getting to know yourself and drowning out that outside noise. That's why I love hypnosis. It's because it's about going deep, and I'm a very deep person. I'm like, let's go. Let's talk about our wounds, our traumas, our emotions. Let's go deep. Let's talk about the ideas and the questions and the curiosities of life. I don't need all the answers, but I want to keep asking questions. And so it's having that bravery to go into the unknown. That's where the biggest growth happens. And I was talking to client and she's like, well, I'm not seeing the results they have right away. I'm like, yeah, and we're not going to know the results. All we know is it's present moment. And are you going to let that unknown of that result that might or might not happen dictate how you're feeling right now, or can we choose how you're going to feel right now? Right? Because that's all we have control over is just ourselves in this present moment. That's. A few different tangents. No, no, that's fine. Certainly I think a popular idea when you talk to highly successful people is that you find that they have the ability to manage their identity and their beliefs and their self-talk at a much higher level than the average person does. And they keep going. It's not that they don't experience fears or doubts or I just watched this interview with Novak Djokovich and someone said, you're a master mental performer. He's like, I work on this every single day. He's like, you don't know the battle I'm having inside. So it's not experiencing a negative thought or a negative emotion. It's about how are you moving through it? How are you responding to it? Are you going to let it keep controlling you? And so again, it's about bringing this awareness. It's about developing that honest relationship with self. So these things are stuff that we're going to work on every day. If you're looking for the finish line of, okay, I'm good, I'm healed, everything's perfect, that's not going to happen. It's going to be this task of our life. There's not a finish line to get to. But how are you showing up for yourself in every moment? Are you going to just push down the pain or the fears and try and muscle through? You're going to be honest with yourself and say, okay, I'm willing to look at this part of myself. Yeah, I mean, I found it fascinating for myself. So back in 2011, it all started because I made a plan to launch this software company. I had some ideas of what we were going to do. I put a team together. I created a business plan, and the business plan required raising money and raising capital so that I could really maximize the opportunity. And so one day I had some fear and the fear, the comment that I said to myself in the self-talk was, I don't think I could do this. I don't think I could make it right. And so I talked to my mentor at the time, and then he asked me to be more specific, to actually be more specific about what it is that I'm afraid of. And I said, well, I'm afraid I can't succeed. And he said, is that true? Is that a reality statement? And I said, what do you mean? He says, well, could you do it? And I said, well, yeah, of course I could do it. He goes, okay, so then that's a lie that you can't do it because you could do it. It is possible. So refine that. What are you really afraid of? And then I thought, well, I'm afraid that I am not going to be able, my plan is not going to succeed. The plan that I laid out of how we're going to do it and how we're going to get there, I'm afraid that that's not going to work, the end result. And so that got me thinking about that. And then I started thinking really as I delved into this, I wrote about it. My process is like I journal and I started journaling about it. And when I journaled, what I realized is really what this was about was that I really already made all the decisions of how we were going to move forward. And I put the plan into action, and I was just waiting for the result. And it was my fear of waiting for the result that my fear of what's going to happen, the unknown of the result is really all that was happening with me. And then I thought, well, that's very easy to deal with because I already made a great plan and I already put an action and I'm just waiting. So I put this thing on the wall at that time in my life, it said, I've already made all the decisions and I'm just waiting for God's results. And I focused on that every day to understand that whatever I'm feeling, I'm just waiting for God's results. I've already done everything that was supposed to be done. I've made the best decision I can and what I have, and now I'm just waiting. And every day, my affirmation was that I was going to have $900,999 in my bank account by December 31st that year. And on December 23rd, I think it was, or 22nd, I got a commitment from investor for a million dollars. To, oh my God. So I didn't actually have$900,998 in the bank, but I had a commitment by the end of the year that year for the funding. And I just credited to focusing my attention, asking myself the questions, being aware of what I was doing, and just focusing on the next right thing and not worrying about the end result. Just forget about the end result. Exactly. It's going to be whatever the end result is supposed to be. Exactly. I. Believe that there's a loving, caring God in the universe, a force for good. Call it whatever you want, and I'm just going to let that force give it to me when it's ready. Surrender, right, surrender. And it's trusting that you've done what you've done. I say to my athletes too, focus on that next task at hand. That's all you can do. That's all you have control over is how you respond and that next task at hand. And so when you focus on that and then surrender, and it's all going to fall into place in the way that it's supposed to. When we have those unknowns, it's so easy to always focus on what could go wrong? What if this goes wrong? Again, our brains are hardwired to focus on the negatives. Going back to our times, we're hunters and gatherers to protect ourselves. And so if we can just as easily focus on what's going to go wrong, we can just as easily focus on what's going to go right. So I know you probably heard what if this goes wrong, but what if this goes right? Another phrase I love to give to my clients is, even if I lose this, I'm still a good player. Even if this person rejects me, I'm still lovable. So even if I'm didn't get the results I wanted, I still have a great product. I'm still going to try again. Even if it's kind of dealing with those uncontrollables and just, yeah, whatever we focus on where attention goes, energy flows, where intention also goes. I like to add both where attention and intention goes, energy flows when your attention is on, okay, I did all of this. I've done what I can do, your intention of who I want to serve and what's my heart's why behind it. When you focus on your intention and attention, that's what you're going to get more of. That's where the energy's going to flow. And the problem is we always focus on what we don't have, and that's just going to create more. But we don't. We focus on our fear that's going to create more fears. So when we can go back to our attention and intention, that's where the energy is going to flow. So Emma, when I did that exercise back in 2011, what I also started to notice was that there were different areas of my life I was unfulfilled with. And this started me to create the plan of getting a divorce that I knew that I needed to do that for myself. And so I basically reinvented my whole entire life. I mean, that's what my literature is about. That's one of the things I really believe in. It's about you. If you want to really succeed at the highest levels to unlock what's inside of you, you need to reinvent yourself to be the thing that you want. So as I went through that process of that reinvention, again, I started recognizing and becoming aware. I really wasn't fulfilled in my relationship with my wife, that it wasn't working, and it wasn't her fault, and it wasn't my fault. It just didn't work. And that's just it still. Life. And I need to accept the evidence. The evidence is in front of me. It doesn't work. And I just didn't want to accept it. And it's just interesting. I'm just sharing this with you because it's just interesting how you could be in pain really, and you could deny it and not want to face it and keep functioning in life every day with this thing just under the surface. General displeasure, quiet, desperation. There's lots of little names for it all. It's just amazing. I like everything that you said. I feel so many important things you're talking about here, but I just like to encourage everybody to question everything about yourself. Yes. Question. Everything. Because again, we are told that to be happy, follow this formula, X, Y, Z is going to make you happy. And so many of us are walking around on autopilot, not even realizing that we're deeply unfulfilled, unsatisfied, and unhappy because we're shoulding ourselves. My relationship should be this, or I committed to this and it should look this way. And I think the biggest bravery is looking inside and saying, for example, I was an actor. I was living the hustling actor's life. That was my trajectory, was my path. And it was in a moment where I had to be deeply honest with myself and said that that doesn't fully fulfill me. I've always had a deep love and passion for mental health and wellness. I've dealt with depression since I was 12 years old. I've overcome it, overcome anxiety, overcome PTSD, and I also wanted to explore that passion of mine. So yes, performance is a huge passion of mine, but wellness and mental health is too, and it was the biggest act of, I'm going to change the course of my life. I'm going to completely change careers. I still act, perform. It's still there, but it's more in the back burner right now because this other passion of mine is just, it's filling me up more. But to say, and to have that honesty and saying, I'm not fulfilled. I'm going to change everything. And people are going to be like, who are you to do this? Now? You say you're doing this now and who are, and so it's ignoring that outside noise or leaving your relationship and saying, oh, I should stay. It's the right thing to do. But being honest and saying, I'm not happy. I'm worth it to find my happiness. I'm worthy of following what lights me up and it might not look like somebody else. And to me, that's the point of life is to follow. It lights us up to follow our joy, our happiness. It's the one life we got. And it's conscious decisions, right? It's like you make a conscious decision at some point of what you're going to focus your attention on. What is really your belief and priority? I think for me, most of my life, I've worked for myself because what I really want is freedom. I want freedom to go and come work on my own schedule, do what's appropriate for me. And sometimes you compare yourself to some other ideal that's not you, right? That's what you're talking about. And so I'll talk to people, and I successfully have cashed out of two different companies that were seven figure companies and people. So how come I don't have millions of dollars in the bank? I'm like, because I wasn't chasing millions of dollars in the bank. What I was chasing was freedom. I lived a life where I could work for a month or two and then maybe not work for the next two or three months and just focus on my spirituality, my personal growth, hanging out with my kids, playing my drums all day. And it's a different life. And because that's what I valued, that's what I truly value, is the freedom to be able to travel, enjoy life, spend time with my family and So judging yourself against your own beliefs and ideas, instead of judging yourself to what society says or what your mom says or what your friends say is an important part. Right. Exactly. And we have to have that dance between the conscious and the subconscious, because our conscious isn't always being honest with us. It's like, of course I'm happy doing this thing. Of course, I want that. And so we have to go into the subconscious and say, wait a second, where did this belief? Or where did this pattern come from? And is that in alignment with what I want or my value? And again, it takes a lot of courage to say, I'm going to live my life my own way. I mean, I'm a 3-year-old woman. I travel. I am a digital nomad. I have my own business. I want that freedom. I'm not tied down right now, and I want that. For me, that's my value ever since I was young, is I want that freedom. I love that I can work and then I can take that month off. I love that. I can travel and work, and I work with people all over the world, and I can go visit my friends here, my family here. I can do what I want. That is my value. And maybe that's going to change in a few years, but I have this self-awareness now to say, I know how to be in relationship with myself and keep questioning, am I still happy? Is it still fulfilling me? Instead of just going through life on autopilot, so many of us go through life on autopilot. And it again, it'ss extracting those deeper subconscious beliefs and understandings and feelings, and then having that dance between the conscious and subconscious. So let me paint a picture. Somebody who's following me is watching this podcast and this video version of it, and they are feeling that they want to succeed at a higher level. They have dreams and goals that they want to enact in their life. Maybe they feel a little stuck or they lack focus. What kind of things would you say to that person so they could stop the bad behavior, stop the negative behavior, stop beating themselves up, focus on creating a life where they love themselves and take care of themselves. What kind of things would you say to help them to focus on rewriting that subconscious story that they're telling themselves to unlock the power of their subconscious? What would you tell them? Yeah. Well, one of the first things, and I give this to my client often is first just being aware because we're having, I think it's like 80,000 thoughts a day or something with thoughts every day. And they're often the same kinds of negative thoughts that they bring an awareness. So often I'll give the exercise of just writing down all of these unconscious thoughts, bringing the awareness to write it down as soon as they come up in a journal in your phone, whatever. And then do that for, I dunno, a few days. And then when you bring, and at the end of your day, look at your list of all of the negative thoughts you've had or all the negative limiting beliefs, and then start to write the opposite of it. And so what do I want to feel instead? How do I want to be instead? And so writing the positive present tense of that opposite belief and doing that for, and then getting to the end of your day and being like, okay, how did I do today? Bringing this awareness, you got to make the unconscious conscious. So bringing that awareness of like, okay, what isn't working? What am I stuck in? Life is about constantly overcoming the old self To create new, we have to overcome the old way of being, because your subconscious is always going to go back to what is familiar. It loves what is familiar, even if the familiar isn't what you want anymore. Right? You have a dysfunctional relationship and you just keep going back to that dysfunctional relationship and you keep going through that cycle of trying to be together and make it work, and then it doesn't work and you're done and then you're back trying it again and you just get caught in that cycle. Exactly. And so it's just this familiar way of being. And so what we're doing is making a new familiar. So even making a list of these are all the things I'm going to make unfamiliar my negative talk, my bad eating habits, whatever it is, make everything unfamiliar and then make a list of everything that you're making familiar. I'm drinking more water familiar, I'm making exercise familiar. I'm being kinder to myself, familiar. And so being really aware of all the unconscious thoughts and patterns that are familiar and consciously saying, I'm going to make this unfamiliar and start to focus on that. And another way to build confidence is so much about releasing self-criticism. So again, with all of that, we are so self-critical in this world. We look in the mirror and the first thing we do is criticize ourselves. And so again, it's catching that pattern, that unc unconscious. Pattern. I'm guilty of that for sure. Oh. Totally. Me too, right? I can wake up. Oh, I look so tired today. I looked this today. Catching that pattern and replacing it. Replacing it with something that's feeling better, replacing it with a deeper truth, and just being kinder to yourself, right? To build confidence. It's really about compassion and building self-compassion. The highest way to build self-esteem is to praise yourself, is to build that praise. And it's the hardest thing for people. And I get it. And what I like to say is imagine your mind is your friend. So we've talked about the conscious of subconscious. So if the conscious of mind, one, the subconscious is mind two, knowing that the subconscious is taking everything, literally see your subconscious as your friend. So sometimes my conscious mind, I'm like, Ugh, it's annoying. I can be hard on myself, but I know that my subconscious is always listening and my subconscious is my friend. So how would I talk to my friend? How would I talk to them, be loving? What I like to say to my clients too is that we are with ourselves. We are with our minds. From the moment we're born to the moment we die, we better make it a good place to live. We're the only one listening. We see and experience life through our lens, through our energy. If we want to change anything, we have to change our energy, our emotions, our thoughts, our beliefs. It's possible. And then you change your internal state, then you're going to start changing your external state. So for people, just start to extract those unconscious negativity and start to just replace it and repeat and repeat, repeat, repeat. And again, that's more conscious. If people also want to do it subconsciously. I mean, this is why hypnosis is so effective. It's because it's getting poured into your subconscious without any effort from you. And I have some free recordings on my website that people can experience if they want to just try out hypnosis for free. So yeah. That's what I would Awesome. I'll put that in a link in the information for everybody. Interestingly enough, my belief is that life is really, the thing about life is it's all about relationships. And the first one is, I have to have a healthy, good relationship with myself. No good to anybody to do anything if I don't have a good relationship with me, and then I have to have a really good relationship with a loving, caring, higher power. To me, it's God. But I know some people don't like the word God. They have issues. So I don't care what you call it, but some force for good in the universe that you could tap into, because I can't handle everything myself. Oh, 100% I have surrender to a higher. Power. Totally. And then once you have that, those two, then you have healthy relationships with others. So that's kind of like my overarching philosophy that kind fits into what you're saying. What I'm struck by after all this, I was just thinking is so much I feel some kind of a, well, first lemme just say this. I look in the mirror and I'm losing hair on the top of my head. It's starting to thin out, and it bugs me. And I've often consciously thought, do I need to learn to just love and accept myself the way I am? Or is this something that I need to change and I'm fighting not accepting my hair loss and my hair problem because I want to change it because the outcome of me having the hair like I did when I was younger, it means something to me. But it's interesting what you're saying because you could go either way. Either you could. Totally. Yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Well, it's also, I was going to say, it's about what I work with my clients as well as acceptance. And it's not an either or, right? It's a yes. And you can say, I do love and accept myself exactly as I am. And sometimes I wish this was different. That's my truth. Both things are my truth, and it's okay. It's okay to have both. I do that. I look at myself or I look at my body, I'm like, oh, I love myself. I love myself. Oh yeah, maybe I wish my arms are a bit more toned or whatever it may be. I can have both. I can still be in the experience of a yes and right. The other thing with, I was going to say with hair or anything, physical hypnosis is great for all of that. Hypnosis, it helps skin conditions, hair, like I said, it really works for, because you're talking to yourselves. I Think I need help, Emma. Hey, for example, just in a recent awareness, I have four kids and with a couple of them, I talked a lot about their bodies and diet and health for their physical attributes. And I realized through this, I was telling my son, I apologized because I realized what a lot of those conversations stemmed from was the fact that I have a negative body image of myself. I've had it since I was a kid. And so here I am projecting my negative body image onto my son and telling him he should do something about that. But really he doesn't need to do anything about it. If it doesn't bother him, if it's not an issue for him, and he's okay and comfortable in his own skin the way it is, who am I to tell him he should change something? So this awareness is interesting, and that's definitely something that I have tried to do it myself, and certainly I'm much better than I ever was before, but I definitely could use some help with that. And I think that just leads me to the point is what's the benefit of having somebody else help me to do these things rather than me just trying to do it myself? Yeah. Well, we all need support, right? Life is hard. Let's just say that life is hard. We need those guides, those mentors, those therapists, those coaches to be that voice when we don't always have it. I've had many mentors in my life, many therapists, many coaches, because it's a lot harder to give yourself what you can also give to somebody else. And we can't always see our wounds. So in session with me, I see myself as the guide, as a facilitator, having a certain lens that you might not be able to fully see because you're in it, right? You're in your life experience. So I know where to direct you or to ask certain questions to get to those deeper wounds. And so having, I mean anyone, we all need support in life. We all need that outside figure to be that guide when we don't fully see ourselves in the way that we want to. So I mean, I believe in having whatever it is, a coach, a therapist, a mentor. I've been in therapy of some form since I was 15 years old because I need that outer support. And it looked, it's been different modalities over the years, but it's having that outside person to give you insight that you don't always have. And in terms of what you're saying about your body, that's the thing is that what we're experiencing as adults, we haven't healed certain wounds. So we pass that on to our children and then they experience that. They pass it on to their children. It's that generational. I mean, generational trauma takes many, many forms. And so when we can go back, and when I tell my clients who are parents, it's like when we are healing you, now we're healing your full family line as well. Because when you heal this part of you that's going to help your kids and their kids and their kids or generations from the past. And so we're breaking free from that conditioning, that pain, those stories. We can always change the stories. The other thing about body is I have, one of my hypnosis recordings that I sell is about loving your body. And it's not your typical body positivity, but it's actually about tuning into what our bodies do for us every day. Connecting to, oh my God, thank you Skull for housing my brain and allowing me to think thank you hands for being able to do all these things and type and thanking lungs for getting me to breathe and actually tuning into like, oh my God, our bodies are incredible. And we always focus on what they look like, not how they're actually getting us to function every day. And so there's so many different ways to tap into our bodies and also knowing that we are all unique beings. How beautiful is it to get older and how our bodies change? That means we do experiences. I love my lines on my space now, my last lines. It means I've lived my life, I've been through things. And so it's just in those reframes, right? It's just in those reframes, and again, questioning. It's like, why do I hate my body? Oh, maybe because telling me I'm only worthy if I look a certain way. I'm only worthy if I'm a certain size. And it's like, well, where did that come from? Do I have to believe it? Is this my truth or is this my conditioning? Ask yourself that question every day. I always do. Is this my truth or is this my conditioning? Emma, I have enjoyed our time together so much. I feel like me too. I'm learning stuff, and basically now I've got more work of things I need to do, and I need to get some help with some things like my negative body image. I'm ready to let go of it, Emma, I'm ready to say it's. Gone. That's. The first step. I'm ready for that. I'm ready for that now. Really. I'm glad we talked about all this. So anything and focus on what. You do love. Exactly. Exactly. Because a lot to love of me. Exactly, exactly. Focus on what you do love. That's how we start to change. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. So is there anything that you want to touch on that I didn't ask you or anything you want to talk about? Yeah, I just really want people to know the power of their subconscious, the power of their minds. It is our superpower. It really, really is. And it's not about being perfect every day or feeling good in every moment. It's about bringing, again, that honesty and awareness in your daily life. I also really want people to know that hypnosis is not scary. It is so gentle. We're naturally in a hypnotic state every single day. We're just accessing a different set of brainwaves where we're tapping into the subconscious. So you're in hypnosis as you wake up, as you go to bed when you're watching a movie, you're in a trance. You're in a state of hypnosis when you're driving or walking home. You've done that route a million times. You're in a trance. That's a state of hypnosis. So when we can optimize that state, that's what's so powerful. So it's perfectly natural, it's gentle. You remember everything. You're always in control. And if you want to experience hypnosis for free, I two free recordings on my website. One is about activating abundance and one is for athletic performance. So you can find both of those free recordings on my website, emma haywood And I also have a free connection call is what I call it, a free 30 minute connection call on Zoom. If you want to find out more about my sessions, my packages, more about this work. I carve out that time and I can share more with you how to work with me and how to experience this powerful transformation. Fantastic. So Emma, thank you for all your energy, your positivity and helping me to become a little bit more aware that I still have more work to do. And. We always will though, right? We always will. Let me affirm. Let me affirm. I am going to Turkey to Turkish hairlines where that seems to be the center of the universe for getting hair transplants. I just want to affirm, I'm going to do it and I'm going to do it in 2024. It, I'm going to get a new head of hair. Love it. I'm going to Turkey as well in 2024, so maybe I'll meet you there. Cool, cool. Alright, Emma, thank you so much for having me. So me, this has been great. Yeah. Alright, we'll talk later. Sounds good. Have a good one.