The Full Spectrum

EP:4 - How Men should treat Women

March 21, 2024 Noah and Peyton
EP:4 - How Men should treat Women
The Full Spectrum
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The Full Spectrum
EP:4 - How Men should treat Women
Mar 21, 2024
Noah and Peyton
Have you ever found yourself laughing at the unexpected, like an orangutan taking a golf cart for a joyride, only to have that amusement give way to more profound topics? That's exactly the rollercoaster Peyton and I invite you on in our latest podcast. We navigate through the lighthearted and the serious, examining everything from the peculiarities of outdoor bathroom breaks to the weighty discussions surrounding the treatment of women. Our conversation even ventures into the ethically murky waters of rumored human-ape crossbreeding and the spine-tingling intrigue of creepypastas. And yes, we'll share our personal threshold for horror—whether it's on the big screen or in the eerie corridors of a haunted house.

Remember the monsters lurking under your bed as a child? Turns out, those fears don't always vanish with age—they evolve. Join us as we peel back the layers of fear, sharing candid stories from our own lives, including my stint of seeking nighttime solace in my parents' bed, and the lingering effects of being thrust into fearful situations. We'll also tackle the universal dread of abandonment, illuminating how these solitary terrors of our younger years morph into the complex anxieties that accompany us into adulthood. It's a raw, reflective dive into the psyche, revealing just how our past fears can shape our present selves.

Wrapping up our eclectic discussion, we'll dissect the changing tides of gender roles and dating etiquette, musing over the balance between confidence and sexualization, and the nuances of modern chivalry. Expect personal anecdotes that underscore the importance of respect and decency in all interactions. We'll even toss in a whimsical debate about the oddest reasons that have launched wars, before closing with a quirky chat about my Asian-themed shirt, complete with skeleton and cherry blossoms. Together with Peyton, we sift through the idiosyncrasies of life, offering humor and reflection in equal measure for a conversation that's as engaging as it is unexpected.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Have you ever found yourself laughing at the unexpected, like an orangutan taking a golf cart for a joyride, only to have that amusement give way to more profound topics? That's exactly the rollercoaster Peyton and I invite you on in our latest podcast. We navigate through the lighthearted and the serious, examining everything from the peculiarities of outdoor bathroom breaks to the weighty discussions surrounding the treatment of women. Our conversation even ventures into the ethically murky waters of rumored human-ape crossbreeding and the spine-tingling intrigue of creepypastas. And yes, we'll share our personal threshold for horror—whether it's on the big screen or in the eerie corridors of a haunted house.

Remember the monsters lurking under your bed as a child? Turns out, those fears don't always vanish with age—they evolve. Join us as we peel back the layers of fear, sharing candid stories from our own lives, including my stint of seeking nighttime solace in my parents' bed, and the lingering effects of being thrust into fearful situations. We'll also tackle the universal dread of abandonment, illuminating how these solitary terrors of our younger years morph into the complex anxieties that accompany us into adulthood. It's a raw, reflective dive into the psyche, revealing just how our past fears can shape our present selves.

Wrapping up our eclectic discussion, we'll dissect the changing tides of gender roles and dating etiquette, musing over the balance between confidence and sexualization, and the nuances of modern chivalry. Expect personal anecdotes that underscore the importance of respect and decency in all interactions. We'll even toss in a whimsical debate about the oddest reasons that have launched wars, before closing with a quirky chat about my Asian-themed shirt, complete with skeleton and cherry blossoms. Together with Peyton, we sift through the idiosyncrasies of life, offering humor and reflection in equal measure for a conversation that's as engaging as it is unexpected.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Full Spectrum Podcast. In today's episode, me and Peyton discuss best places to use the bathroom, ecosystems and our main topic, how men should treat women. Further ado, let's go ahead and slide into the intro music and get going.

Speaker 2:

Fun Is that every single time, I think it has been.

Speaker 1:

I think it has been. I know how to press buttons. Dude, I'm not a monkey.

Speaker 2:

Buttons. Do monkeys know how to press buttons? They do, they do. Yeah, I saw this clip. Apes don't sign like that. I saw this clip of an orangutan on a golf cart around the tennis court. I think it was one of the most entertaining things I've seen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Ever I've seen that dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think everyone's seeing that.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny, dude, it's driving the golf. I've seen them do sign language dude. Yeah. Yeah, I know this is like a really weird thing to say. It's not that crazy, but like I know, there's some messed up. Let me be very clear. I do not support what I'm about to say at all or condone this in any way. I think it's terrible if anyone ever did this.

Speaker 1:

You know there's some Russian like have humans tried to like cross breed human that apes no Like? Has that happened? I feel like it probably happened in like dungeon and Siberia, you know.

Speaker 2:

I feel like, oh yeah, like the Russian sleep experiment type stuff, I'm pretty sure that's fake or who knows.

Speaker 1:

Probably quotation mark fake. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Who knows?

Speaker 1:

Actually, yeah, neither do I. I mean I heard it was fake, but also like if something like that did happen, I would doubt it. If something like that did happen, I feel like you know the government or people that did it would put out a lot of power and have a lot of soliciting like make it sound fake.

Speaker 2:

You know, I feel like at the Holocaust and stuff like that has happened in the past. I feel like something like that definitely possible yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, I could see if, like, the results were like skewed even a good bit, you know, to like like there's a very I'm very good chance they did do that people, but like it didn't happen how they say it happened. You know they didn't become like monsters on, you know.

Speaker 2:

I literally became like because yeah yeah, that's what they literally like.

Speaker 1:

This, the creepypasta says about it.

Speaker 2:

I forgot about that guy, what, or that channel.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of channels that do creepypasta. I know one particular talking about. Isn't it called creepypasta? There's one called that, but creepypasta website. Yeah, creepypasta is just like a genre of like videos.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't know that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like creepy yeah and I don't know what the other channel, like I'm pretty sure, called creepypasta something, something. But like it's just a genre, so like if you listen to creepypasta, that could be used to be like a big foot story in the woods or winder goes, or like a ghost in the yeah, it's more than yeah.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was like the person like you know how you have.

Speaker 1:

Like like a, there's a guy called Mr Creep, something on YouTube that does that kind of stuff, yeah. So but anyways, man, pretty, pretty weird. I don't watch. I never been a big fan of horror movies, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I used to hate them. Now I like them, though If I I mean now I don't watch them by myself, obviously, but if I'm like sitting down with my family or something watching a horror movie, I think it's hilarious because, like just, you get it's adrenaline rush. You got to go to like haunted houses and stuff. Man, I've been to haunted house, yeah. Yeah, we talked about this yeah yeah, but I've been to a couple of different ones. Get in the front man, Just like pink everything.

Speaker 1:

Well, the thing, is like just well, I did it and you know, haunted house is really the ones I've been to. Really that's scary man. Well, like, after the first one, I was scared. The first one I did, I was scared, right, if I'm like, just don't touch me, it's like completely different levels because like they say another world is supposed to be like terrifying.

Speaker 2:

The one like the floor drops out and stuff. But I've been there twice and it's. I don't think it's, I think it could be way worse.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like, and then you see the ones on like YouTube and whatnot where it's like you have to sign a contract, so it's like they're allowed to touch you and you can't like punch them or anything. Yeah, those, yeah, I can't do anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually manipulate my real, I couldn't do that because I'd hit somebody. You know me, oh yeah, you know me, I'd hit somebody. There's no way, I'm serious, I could not do that.

Speaker 2:

They'd have to have like a dummy or something at the front entrance just to test people like you Cause like if you come in they jump, scare you and grab you If you reflight, if you reflect right, if you act in a certain way, they don't allow you to do it. Yeah, no, dude, I like somebody comes at you with a knife, you like?

Speaker 1:

That's gonna be the best job.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dude being the guy like watching that on the camera.

Speaker 1:

Watched with the dummy dude and you're just like all right, this person just screams, let him through, let him through. And then it's just a dude that whips out a block. He's just like what's he reaching his pants? That'd be so funny. But, yeah, that, no, that I could not be me then. But now I go through them and I'm just like my friend, like you always would get really scared. He'd like grab my arm, did Eddie like, yeah, that's a weird, they'd female friend. No, that makes it worse. Yeah, I was like okay, I've never been doing on ass with a male, but that's what I was gonna say. Like I'd watch a horror movie, like with a woman, because then I wouldn't be scared. Yeah, like an ambience here.

Speaker 2:

It's like you, you, you, you're granted an immunity. Well, it's not even that. We're just saying like I'm selling, like, with that presence, you can no longer be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but uh, no, like just like she's, like it's okay, I was just leaning for kids, yeah, but I know anyways, like so like I live in, you know, you know, I live in the basement down here. My nephew stayed with us for summer. They were down here. I'm like I hear a weird noisier. Here's something outside. I wouldn't be scared. I get up, grab my gun, light work and go check it out. You know, like not a fear at all. I was just like alright, let me make sure. They say, let me make sure the doors are locked. You know, you know I'm also gonna grab my gun every time. There was one time I heard some weird like bunch of commotion going outside. So I did, I was the only time but I go up and check the doors. You're walking out. I was an exaggeration, I don't want to make it sound like yeah.

Speaker 1:

I was just going out the window, like every night. But no, no, I wasn't fear. But, dude, I'm down here by myself and like I'm sure, like if someone intruded, like I'd be scared at first but then, like if I was in immediate danger, that would go away Just because of the adrenaline, like I know, like my response, but like, dude, I hear a noise down here and how I'm like, oh, I'm a girl up in a ball like please don't hurt me, but like dude, if there's someone down here like you know, my mom's down here in the house You're like someone I need to protect.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, I fear goes away. So like if it's a woman watching for me, I'm thinking that scared it's weird.

Speaker 2:

Some of them are what. Some of them are like just flat out like goofy, but some of them are like actually, like I'm surprised. I'm surprised this is released.

Speaker 1:

It's not, yeah, it's not my thing, no, like I've always had like a really strong imagination, you know yeah which is that's what makes it good, though Not for me, dude. Especially as a kid, I used to be terrified of, like, not the dark, but what I thought was in the dark.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like everybody that leaves a little scared. I was petrified, like I'm not. I don't want to scare of the dark, but like if I were to be scared of anything like like technically it'd be like I would not want to be in a room, pitch black and I can't do anything about it. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I would like to see things. I was always petrified. I don't think people understand like, oh, you know well, your mind like makes things yeah yeah, well, like I said, like you know, maybe you understand, I feel like you're a credit person too, like my imagination.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if I, if I picture things in the dark, I can only imagine what you're like, dude, as a kid I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you probably start feeling so there's no like, there's not a good way to describe like petrified. The English like it's gonna sound really dramatic, but the English language doesn't have words that describe how scared I was. I would wake up in the middle night and I can't believe I'm about to say this on the internet but I would sleep. I slept in my parents bed till I was 12, like a lot of nights. Yeah, I get up and I go sleep at a futon and I go as that sucks for their you know romantic life. But uh, hmm, I can't believe this is my parents listening to this. So sorry, dad.

Speaker 2:

Really do what like to apologize for that. I know not to be like I'm sleeping in your parents bed.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, it's really like. Yeah, I know that's why I was saying like I can't believe I'm getting saying this, but you know, my last would open book man, but it's not every night though. Yeah, well, it was till Dude, I was like I, I started it like so when I was real little. I say up until like I was like six is when I started getting scared Because I'd be curtain started coming, self aware, you know, yeah. And so, yeah, I went to bed myself, but, dude, for they just like six, like most nights, I was in there, like it was like my mom had a baby monitor in the room, because I'd get scared and just start screaming, dude, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think I started but Sleeping by myself when I was like eight.

Speaker 1:

But what I had to do either. Okay, yeah, that's not, that's not bad, but anyways, I had to Like it. Really, my brother kind of helped me because he just locked me in a dark closet and it was. He wouldn't let me come out and, dude, I would scream, cry. That was Like I I'm sorry I get a little emotional because I was not like. I respect him for that but it really was Absolutely terrible for me because I literally thought I was gonna open up in there, just be like a little demon girl there, man Just staring at me.

Speaker 2:

Uh now, my only fear was like if something were like that, something like that were to happen, you'd like come out and just everything's gone, like nobody's there.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's one thing that happened to me when I was younger. I was like I don't remember what I was doing, but I was like just at some point time I started looking for my mom and my brother and I was like Looking around the whole house. I was like young and I'm like I can't find the cards here. But I can't find them. I just I go outside and I'm looking around. I go back inside. I don't see him anywhere.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's pretty scary.

Speaker 2:

They're not downstairs and I'm a porch. They're not anywhere. I go outside and I get on the car and I started like crying and I was like screaming, I was like where are you?

Speaker 1:

Was it dark?

Speaker 2:

out. No, it's still so scary. But I was like, and the next thing you know, they like come out of the door and then like they're laughing and I'm like you, just petrified.

Speaker 1:

I was like what do you like I?

Speaker 2:

was like. It's been like 15, 20 minutes. I've been screaming and crying. Yeah and they were like hiding on the top bunk of like one of the beds.

Speaker 1:

I was like, I was like I could understand for a couple minutes, but I'm pretty sure, like my brother, like her sister and their Babies, and we did something like that sounds familiar to me too. It is something like that and they and I was terrible, but just a little too far. Yeah, yeah, well, I don't like. People don't forget how it is. Yeah, just a shame kids might do it, but yeah, like, but you were lost in the woods, aren't you for?

Speaker 2:

like a day. That's why.

Speaker 1:

It's not gonna elaborate on that. You can't just say you were lost in the woods and you're just like, yeah, past, you were locked. We were lost for like over 24 hours there, right? Or like you spent a night in the woods as a kid.

Speaker 2:

Who's long, long time ago.

Speaker 1:

It was like still, it's like an interesting story man. Yeah, it was scary. Yeah, I bet it was dude. Yeah, the woods is a creepy place at night. Mm-hmm, if you let it get to you.

Speaker 2:

It's hard to remember, though, because you just like, at that point, I mean, just go to sleep, yeah, and you, I would not have been able to go sleep.

Speaker 1:

Well, you were a braver man than me, but no, I would. I would sometimes like at night I just turn on all the lights in my room and just stay awake. It's just. I just like watch YouTube videos as a kid try to spit out. I can never get my mind off it.

Speaker 1:

That's when I started trying to go to sleep on my own and Dude so it's the first part of it suck, Because I would just have to lock myself in the darkness and I just thought everything out there is gonna come get me and, like you said, no one was gonna be there and I don't know dude it was. It was terrible, but uh, yeah, I was the hardest part. I said it got at the point where you've been so afraid you literally just sit there and cry, but you're just petrified. Yeah, it was pretty, it was pretty rough. But once I got past the first couple weeks, you know I Got used to it and it sounds pretty pathetic when I talk, to talk about it, or at least I look into that way, cuz it's like oh, you're Kid, you're just like you know. People have been through way worse and I'm not being scared, yeah, thanks, but you're a kid, yeah well, I mean, like I said, a really strong imagination. I don't think people really understand Exactly how, and you know, I would have to force myself to go in the woods at night and stuff and just sit there and be absolutely Terrified. Sometimes I still do that if I'm scared to go out in the woods, am I right? I'm gonna go do it. I can't. You gotta face the, the demons. You can't, just I Sit there. I think it might all stem from when I was a kid.

Speaker 1:

I had this. This is like one of the first dreams I think I ever remember having. I must have been like four, six. I was really young and I don't know if it since from us or anything, but I had. I had a dream where, like it wasn't even that scary. But to me it was a time because I had a dream of these big black monsters. But they were like Don't smile at that, this is nothing racist. They did you can't look at me like, just hang on, they come on that. It wasn't like that. They were like like dark, ink, black.

Speaker 2:

You know, and they're like, I'm not a part shadows.

Speaker 1:

Well, it wasn't. It's hard to explain. It looks like they're like Big, like dark ink figures kind of like. Kind of like that on the wall, off the guns, they had like black spikes coming out of them and they're just that shape and that we all were like living in this little like room and there's bunk beds. But when parents are on the top bunk and they came and took my parents away and there was nothing I could I could do about it, oh yeah, so I think.

Speaker 2:

No, this was like when you were asleep this happened, or if you were like laying in bed and you were like you, oh.

Speaker 1:

No, this was a dream, this is a nightmare. So yeah, and that, I don't know if that isn't that. I think that's kind of why I became I Don't know how you, how would you do alone? I know I say shit like that.

Speaker 2:

But I was expecting you to say it right there.

Speaker 1:

No, like kind of just Aggressive if I need to be, you know like in that, like you know how I was thought about the, how the house stuff. Yeah, like because I guess I don't. I want to be able to, I want to know I can have action to do something. You know well, I just want to know. I tried like being that a helpless little kid. I think it's one of my biggest fears, like watching the ones people I love get hurt and I'm not doing anything about it One of my biggest fears. But anyways, that was a pathetic, sad talk. This is real man. So we're gonna talk about women today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's me and Peyton, from a men's point of view, have degrees in terminology, made that word up at the spot. Yeah, so we're gonna see how. I don't think we're gonna piss Well, we're gonna piss some feminists off, but I don't think we said general, how women should be treated by men.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, I think we're gonna.

Speaker 1:

I Don't, I don't think I think women are gonna are gonna enjoy this. I think we're gonna. Yeah, women, women are gonna enjoy this.

Speaker 2:

It's a good thing You're making it sound like it's gonna be a very hot topic like women.

Speaker 1:

I just say like, we're just saying like, show her stuff, women in their proper role in the kitchen. Yeah that was a joke. That was, that was a joke. Yeah, let's make that very. Exclusive. Yeah, that's not what we're talking about. We're not talking about you know, women are not butlers.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna stop you don't even have to say I didn't gotta say it dude, so we're just talking about chivalry. Yeah, that's how men treat women like I. I don't think it's gone. I don't think it should ever be gone.

Speaker 1:

They know I feel like well, I think in today's society you know, I will say it it's a whole lot easier for women to be objectified. Now, how, so? What are you the?

Speaker 2:

internet did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, you know, like, look on Instagram. You know me like ass and tits. You can see, just like on Instagram.

Speaker 2:

Days is a while like it's a cold and it's called an algorithm, but yeah oh no, that.

Speaker 1:

That is another thing, that pissing off. If you enter yourself as a male Mm-hmm on any site did it'll show you that. That's what I hate. I think it's terrible for young men, you know, especially that aren't trying to look at that. You know what I mean. Like I hate that dude. Yeah, because even if that's not we're looking at, it'll still like pop over you once a while.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cuz like it knows you, if you're like gay or something, then you want like you probably want guys on your on your On your Instagram also, not what?

Speaker 1:

I'm saying, I'm saying for the guys that don't want that on there, that are straight, they don't want to look at that. Yeah, cuz yeah, but uh, no, I do. But uh, yeah, man, but yeah anyways, I think it's a whole lot easier to be objectified, which I think for society it does kind of like skew subconsciously review of women. You know, like, as in, I gotta put together what I'm saying here pretty carefully.

Speaker 2:

Well, hopefully I mean hopefully you don't say anything to.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's not be crazy, All right just yeah, we're just talking about.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, women's lives are difficult enough to where we try to make you know small things here and there less stressful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I'll say this to where I think a lot of women do objectify themselves, like on Instagram and on the internet, doing all these things right, and yet they still want to be treated like they don't do that.

Speaker 1:

And let me go into what I mean a little more. Yep, they still want the guy to, you know, be the man and like, be loyal and do all these things and not look at those pictures, you know, when he is in that relationship with them and, you know, be there for them and not be jealous and not worry about you know where she's at and trust her, you know, and all those things that come along with. These are just some basic examples, but I think I don't know. I might be unclear, but I think the general populace of men can kind of get my gist of what I'm saying. But what I'm saying is that they want that, but then they go out, you know, and they're wearing, like you know, barely any clothing and they're taking pictures of themselves, you know, on the beach, like on purpose, you know, on the right angle. This isn't all women.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm not saying it's all women. I'm just saying there's a, there's a. It's the number of women that do that is a grown. I think it's. You know, it's commonplace, it's a popular, popular thing. And it's like, yeah, you know. And then it's like they want that, you know, like chivalry from the guy in return, but yeah, it's like, well, I want you to be loyal to me and not, you know, because if you have, if you're showing off your body to like I mean, I get like a bikini pic, you know that's one thing. You're just on the beach with a friend's, you know, in a bikini guy, they're on swimsuits. But if you're, like you know, been over previously like taking pictures of your ass, you know, you know the picture. Oh, yeah, there's a limit, yeah, there's like a one. It's like okay, like come on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can take pictures of yourself to like make yourself feel better or whatever, if you think you're like looking really good this day, but you don't want to sexualize yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the women that do that are like are sexualizing themselves. The one I was talking about specifically, the ones that are sexualizing themselves.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's just, yeah, it's like well, you know, it's just a way of living. Some people do it, some people don't.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying I don't support that. I don't think it's healthy. It depends on the relationship. I don't think it's healthy for any relationship. That's why we disagree. But like, if you're, if you're trying to be in a relationship committed, I don't think it's healthy thing to do. If you maybe both boil to each other, yeah, and you know, not having any type of like. If you're a dude, don't be out there flirting with other women. You know same, same boundaries. You know you're like. If a girl starts to be out flirting like, you know, hey, respectfully. Like, you know you're cool and all. But I got a girlfriend A lot of times I'll probably get pissed at you for saying that's something like that, whether you have a girlfriend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause it'll be like what do you?

Speaker 1:

we were just talking and like you know full well what they're, I think, like you know, you know full weather flirt with you, but you know that's part of the struggle and without pain you don't get better. Pain, perseverance, what? Why is that funny?

Speaker 2:

That's just a general truth of life. It wasn't expecting you to set up that part of there, but, like you know the little generous things that men you know try to do when it comes, like holding the door for women or letting them go first, when it comes to uh, oh yeah it's a respectful thing. Yes, dude.

Speaker 1:

That's what I think guys should do. Like every time my my dad told me, you know, when you're at a date with somebody and he's that always told him you know, if it comes in a situation where you're with this girl, you put your life before hers. I was like, and like this is probably where people, some people, are going to get heated Not a lot, but there's some people probably gonna, you know, get heated over this. But I don't care. That was gonna say it it's too, it's not crazy. I don't think it's, it shouldn't be crazy, but yet it is All right. But anyways, like, biologically okay, just side of the women are weaker than men. They have different hormones, that you know do physically physically weaker, they have well why you do.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I was gonna explain this, peyton is like hiding behind the micro health.

Speaker 2:

I just covered dude. He's looking down. I feel like you're gonna say something. I'm monitoring myself today.

Speaker 1:

Anyways. But yeah, there's biological differences and there's hormonal differences. Like women don't have it, necessarily not the. There's some cases where you know, this doesn't apply. I know there is some cases out there the women don't necessarily have the same hormone like drive to go. You know, like they don't have testosterone, they have the drive to like, compete as much and do all these other things they don't, but it's just not as much and heavily placed. You know the drive to like, protect and do all these things. So you know, I think as a man, it's part of your responsibility, you know for all these women have other better things they're.

Speaker 1:

They're way better at the man. And I'm not saying, you know, women should just cook because that's where they're good at. Not at all. Women have better. I think women have 100% better organizational skills and they're probably better, you know, doing numerous like I think like tedious, like tasks, like you know editing, probably different things is stuff like that. You know it takes a lot of like time consuming and staying focused and stuff that takes like organization. I think they're much better. And there's just one example and I'm not saying women can't do the same jobs as men Like there's women pilots and stuff like that. Sure, and I just think both genders are better at different things and they should play to those strengths. This isn't that bad. This isn't that bad. You're holding. You look like you're about to shit, right now no, no, no no.

Speaker 1:

Like you look like, just anyways yeah, I think it was played the strengths. But you know, back to like she'll bury stuff as a man. Come on. You know, hold the door. You know when you're on the street with a girl, guys walk on it. I'm bad at direct, it'd be your left side, it'd be my left side, like if we're facing, walk to the side closest to traffic, all right, that's just a general thing. You know someone's harassing you. I'm not saying to punch somebody, don't do that. But like I mean, if you need to, if there's like a physical or like he's about, you know, kidnapper, get physical. But you know, like, if you're just sitting there and he's just saying some shit, just be like hey, dude, mind your damn business, man, buck up, put your cash chest up a little bit. You know, get that going, man. And just, you know keep, the main thing is keep. You know women do.

Speaker 1:

There is like some psychology, as women like being led, so like if you're on the street, you're holding hands or even just walk and kind of walk slightly in front of them, she wants to be led where she's going to. Another thing if you're a dating guy, women like effortlessness. All right, just let me, let me finish. Let me finish with like effortless, all right. So if you're out, like, let's say, you're going out for pizza, now I'm speaking to this because this is my screw up. This is everything I've done wrong. I've learned from my mistakes, so learn from your experience.

Speaker 1:

So learn from, learn from me, brothers. Anyways, if you're going out to pizza, right, if you go to pizza, let's say she goes to the bathroom, bring the waiter over and like, hey, pay for the bill how the bill already paid. So when she comes back from the bathroom, just get up and go. Let's say you're walking down the street. You know, go ahead and plan out like, all right, well, probably by this time the sun sets about to be here. So you go like get the ice cream, first the effortless paper by the ice cream, and then about the time you're like, hey, let's sit down. It seems like effortless and it's just like magically happening for them. But you plan it out like around this time, all right, sunsets about to happen. So they're sitting on this park bench. You know shits on ice, birds of turpent and the beautiful sunset, and you know that's really leaning for that legendary kiss baby. And she has like a hell of a date, like she thinks she's in some romantic movie. Man, all her hallmark dreams just came true, baby, you just masterminded that stuff, you know. So like that, that's a good, a good, a good. Like I exaggerated some parts of that. You know she's not feeling it. Don't, don't kiss her in the first date unless you really feel on it. You know I felt like some guys are better at that than others, but anyways, you know you get the gist of what I'm trying to say. The general idea game plan that, dude, make your dates seem effortless, effortlessness, effortless that's the way I'm looking for it and magical to them. That's how you do it. But yeah, it goes into silver. You know it's doing nice things being the protector, being the provider, being the guy that you know puts himself first in a way to take, take the shots from the gun. That is life. And then be, be the bullpruised vest for your woman, and she'll be there if it's a good woman. What you want to look for is something that'll support you and help you in your goals. So when you take those shots, she's there to say, hey, it's okay. You know, I know you, you can get through this, you got this. Don't you stop now. Don't you give up. I know you can be doing better, so go out there and get better. That's who you want, your corner. If I don't want one like that, that's a keeper. But you know you're only going to get that keeper if you have the effortless, this effortless date baby, make it magical. Sit on that park bench, boy. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

Feed the squirrels, dude. Feed the squirrel, I feel it Do. Rodents Like the ducks no, squirrels, dude Scrolls have rabies. You need that energy to fight. You know they're not fight, but like you know just that, you need to get pumped up for a date. You know, like all my dates I've listened to rap music just to get myself hyped. Like I listened to my gym playlist, dude, my heavy metal and get hyped for that shit. So I can just get excited and confident. So I'm going to feed the squirrels. So squirrels got rabies. And then the rabies gives me strength, dude, it's like extra testosterone. You feed the squirrel, dude, you feed your squirrel, you get some of that primal energy. So I kind of lost it there for a second, but it's because I'm containing myself from saying anything too wild. Yeah, if it's hard, you're containing yourself. So I got so much energy. Man, I'm going to have to feed some squirrels after this. Dude, whoo, some turtles, I don't know Squirrels with rabies, if we get lucky.

Speaker 2:

You look like you had rabies. Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1:

What Thank you? No, well, that wasn't a compliment, I'll take those A compliment, dude, rabies is awesome, man. Like if there was a way to like you could get rabies but it wouldn't affect your brain. I guess that's just cocaine. It doesn't affect your. I mean it does, but not like you know you get rabies. Don't say not a bad one. We do not condone use of cocaine on the full spectrum Like this podcast. It is at this labor's like like don't do drugs.

Speaker 1:

No, like it affects your brain, but not to the extent like rabies, you know will make you. You know unstable which I guess cocaine, but like unstable point, you know you might go out and bite someone, you just lose your stuff. You know cocaine makes you like crazy, but not like you have some. You have more control, yeah.

Speaker 2:

More control with cocaine, more control over your body?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess, I guess I mean, but like it still has health effects, obviously, yeah can be pretty detrimental, so they shouldn't so does rabies.

Speaker 2:

You shouldn't try to get either one of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I'm saying like rabies would be cool if you didn't have the health effects.

Speaker 2:

It's called adrenaline.

Speaker 1:

I wish dude, I'm being a wild out there. Could you imagine me out in the house, bro?

Speaker 2:

You get enough adrenaline from that Dude. Just imagine you're out in the woods with rabies.

Speaker 1:

I bite so many things. I buy the treaty.

Speaker 2:

You buy, you buy trees anyways, don't buy trees. You look like it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. I compliment and make me all risen up. That's crazy. You're risen me up right now. Stop saying that. You're risen me up right now, bro, is the the Rizzler, the Rizzy Bear, rizziter of Oz.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, king Rizz, but you see, like, when it comes to like, I think, I think America is doing a pretty good job when it comes to the status of men and women. You know what do you mean? How close, how close they are, if not the same, how close they are, I mean like in career field and stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I think, well, there's like I will say this men yeah, I think it's a lot.

Speaker 1:

They both have their importance. Yeah, I think you know that's. Throughout history women have been lower class, for certain, for sure. That's probably putting a little lightly and full weight of it. But yeah, I think I think now we're kind of seeing, like I don't know, I think, a lot of feminists and complain about men. But I think a lot of men now are like men do do the hard job, majority of the hard jobs that keep the world turning, like working on oil rigs, like doing wild and firefighting, like you know, working linemen, all the stuff that keeps the world running, or majority of the world running, or majority done by men. I don't think men get enough credit for that. Why are you nodding your head like? No, I didn't nod. Your dad has his head down, moving side to side Like he's. You can't hide. You can't hide your face behind the mic and do this, dude, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, like you're looking at me like you just know, stop talking. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because I'm just waiting. I'm waiting for, like you can't be making that face, that is so weird. I'm saying like that's so odd. But like you know, back to the whole show very thing, you know what I'm saying. I don't know where and what day and age she'll be, became like frowned upon by some people. You know it's, it's a soul thing, meant just out of respect for one. I should do it.

Speaker 1:

But bigger than that, the treatment respect and you know and definitely should do it. Yeah, Some people in like only on the city and they get pissed off.

Speaker 2:

You're like yes, man, I don't know how some of that comes to be frowned upon. I just don't.

Speaker 1:

You know like you're literally being nice to people being generous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

Like something is like I don't need you. Like why wouldn't you want that? Like why wouldn't you want? Like who cares if they're doing it, because you're one, You're still getting treated better and nicer. Like you're getting the door old for you. You know you're going to be like have a higher chance of being protective as stuff goes down. There's some good dudes in there.

Speaker 2:

If you're going to top of the chain, you know like why are you going? For anybody behind. You know what I'm saying. Well, what? That's all the chain. Like you know, I'm saying if I'm walking into a gas station, there's somebody yeah, any person right behind me. I'm, I don't know. I'm going to open the door for him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, I'll do it for God. I'm not just saying that I'll do it for anybody. Yeah, yeah, it's just a nice thing to do. We're just talking about women specifically. Yeah, like we'll have women go first and stuff. And the thing I don't get is why are you complaining? You're getting extra benefits in society. Why are you complaining? Like come on, and I get mad at men for like oh, stop being nice to us, so you stop being nice to them. They're like oh, you're treating us poorly. You know what I mean? Like yeah, damn, she do dance. You don't really?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's a lot of ways to view it.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think it's something in a string.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It's a Blue cream soda. Yeah, I don't think it's accurate. It's just like Fanta. Yeah, what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

I feel something right now.

Speaker 2:

The blue cream soda is hitting different.

Speaker 1:

Is it this podcast? I just do like five minutes of it. It's just me heavily breathing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got it Wild.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I lose my, sometimes I lose it. Man, I'm not even gonna lie, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm never going to forget where, like, I'm just on break from work and I like it, my phone is just you like sprinting out of the woods and oh, I did that stuff on purpose. Going up and climbing up a tree, oh yeah, well, some of that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't first give a pillow.

Speaker 2:

It's funny, I feel, like just Sunday you're just going to send a video to the group chat and it's just like you with a squirrel on your mouth, just like, yeah, just like shaking it, shaking the squirrel back and forth, you know, like a toy, funny, funny. I wouldn't do that to the squirrel Crazy, I want to do it to the squirrel man. You should like go set your phone up and then just like sprint on all fours to your fan. You know what I'm saying. I did do that. That weird. You remember that?

Speaker 1:

That's the video. I set my phone up and I was on all four shirtless running across, so you just see the woods and I just screw it across on all fours.

Speaker 2:

I predicted it it happened already, but I did do that. Yeah, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did it because it was funny, because they're all like, because I did pull up some of the tree branch and I climbed the tree and Conor's like he's going one and I just started doing that on funny because I thought it was hilarious. So I was like yeah, that's funny I understand it's weird. I thought it was hilarious. Yeah, I've admitted to some, a lot of weird things Most people never admit to. I've admitted to some weird things. Well, it's hard to beat it.

Speaker 2:

That's why you just keep going Wait a minute Like top the things that talk. Yeah, top the things I don't try to do that it just happens. Unfortunately it just happens.

Speaker 1:

I put myself in a lot of weird situations when you go to gas stations at odd times and like the day and night.

Speaker 2:

You get in weird situations. Talk about that, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you said you said. You said you said that I sent Peyton and some friends a video on a group chat and it was a bathroom. I can probably post it on, like the reels and tick, tock and stuff. Probably you know a lot of it really.

Speaker 2:

Actually, I don't know if you should post anything of you in the bathroom unless you took something else.

Speaker 1:

Right, it shows you being on the toilet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I think that's a little weird, I don't think.

Speaker 1:

It's weird they don't have context. Yeah, like it's weird if it's just.

Speaker 2:

It's weird because it shows your knees and your pants and whatnot. So my knees are, so my pants same thing yeah.

Speaker 1:

I suppose my pants down they show you Part of you at all, but it was sort of video. I'll tell you all this bathrooms like a prison, you know as one of those like I say. So you got to get a key, for instance, but then it's like, all right, I've never I just don't what get that like, so like, I guess it's so they don't have anybody going in there. But there's, keep it, there's no like never clean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying there's no saving it anymore, because I don't think they ever clean them.

Speaker 1:

Like I think their goals look well if we just lock it in there. You know we get better people using it. They're gonna do 30, so we just don't clean it. But did you know when? You know, when it's a key, it's gonna be interesting.

Speaker 1:

I once went in the key he bad, this is a difference to worry. But I went to a bathroom how to get a key for, and it was like an RV, but half of it was gone. Like half of it was just open to the world, like it burnt off or they cut in half, dude. So it's like there's half an open and I went in this half of an RV and there's just a normal RV bathroom and it was disgusting. But anyways, this bath that I'm going into, you know I'll go out and it looks like a prison. There's like a white door, it's like real narrow, that says like men, women, isn't all black dude. Yeah, this looks like. It's like around the side of the building where, like, the HVAC unit is and it's just concrete and and so I'm like this is like a prison's open, this door and it's just like you know it's like worse than an outhouse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like the brick wall. There's like Toilet paper hanging off the side. Do their shit still on the toilet paper. Y'all didn't see that. I just put the seat down over. I'm like, whatever, I really gonna shit, the trash can is way overflowed. You know it literally look like a prison bathroom. I was like I'm so scared.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like I don't mind using the gas station bathrooms and something, and but like there's, there's gonna be a limit at some point time in my future. I know where I, where I go to a certain bathroom and it's just so bad I'm like, no, I'm going outside. Like there's gonna be a day. I just know there's well, there's been close close times.

Speaker 1:

Love taking a shit outside dude. Well, I love just using about it.

Speaker 1:

People talking to me a couple times and it's not when I was a kid, I used to just play in the woods all day and I wouldn't want to go home. So I had, I had a beach where I pooped and I dig a cat hole and I buried under the sand. It was like a dozen I shit, probably 10 or 15 times over the course of a year. I didn't do it all the time, but I spent all my days in the summer, you know, just out in the woods and I don't want to go home. And the funny part is I'd bring my friends out there we go play in the creek and I never told them and they'd walk over the beach and they'd have no idea they was walking over shit. I buried it pretty deep so you wouldn't know. And then you get uncovered. But yeah, but I do it and I just stick my ass in the nature's bidet and I just stick my ass in the creek the worst feelings ever, dude, what you ever like like.

Speaker 2:

You're in like swimming trunks and you're like so, like out in the ocean. You know I'm saying what like when you go to the beach or something. Yeah the water and you have to poop and like. The closest thing to you is like, is like the bottom floor of the hotel. You got to walk, like all on your way yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't like it, though, dude. There's been times where I'm like I wish I could just like pull my pants down right here, just poop in the ocean, but I just can't do it, I can't. No, that's. That's a different level, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Cuz it probably float up. It would float up, yeah, like you imagine, if you're just out there boogie board, hey, he's gonna turn your face. Dude, from away, I'm not good.

Speaker 2:

I'm not good, but make it in the ocean, bro.

Speaker 1:

I mean I would if I was alone. You're never alone in the ocean. Yeah, like alone human wise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like a little, can't say that yeah, probably don't. You have to ask yourself you probably shouldn't, shouldn't, you, shouldn't be going feral from not saying something?

Speaker 1:

you know hard does this for me. It's, you know, hard. Pay NASA to be a little more moderated this episode because it's family's listening and I'm doing my best, you know yeah, he's one of my closer friends, so I'm gonna try my best to do do that, but it's really hard. I don't think you understand my. I'm a. I understand I'm a weird person. People think you know Badly of me, but I'm used to that. First, filters on max right now. Yeah, and it's still not amazing.

Speaker 1:

It's, it's not, I just grew up, you know. I got no point in life where I stopped caring people begging me. I'm sorry, like if people think about absolute weirdo I can't look how many looks I've gotten at school but I've just been talking to friends and they're like they've, they've had their friends like introduced to me, like that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, you'll just be happening and you'll say something crazy. I'm like, I'm like, oh, I'm like everything was good and now it's just like, yeah, I got anyways.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd have that creak and I use it often and people like why is it? Why you shouldn't? Would say it's not even using the bathrooms. I didn't know is it's the most private you're probably ever gonna get. It's so peaceful you're out in nature, it's clean, like relatively speak. Like you know, I'm for the environment, I guess so. I guess so.

Speaker 2:

Um yeah, it's clean you know we need a sense. There's no relief, or no?

Speaker 1:

I'd stick my ass in the creek. Dude, that is not. I'll use a leaf if there's not a creek nearby. But there's a creek, I stick in like find some rapids by a rock Dude cleans you up, there's just ain't no way. Squat down but, they're just saying no, it's nature's bidet, waiting for a fish to swim the wrong I'm sorry, but I ain't got one of those mosquito things. Mosquito fish. It's a type of meadow. They eat mosquitoes.

Speaker 2:

You don't figure that out, I need to get some of those man Bunch of mosquito fish around our house?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're really good Gas. They eat the larva. I love them. I love the ecosystems and creeks. Man, so cool. We went hiking Last, yeah, recently some friends of me and Peyton did and like every creek we passed in the trail I swear I was just like this is good, good thing for this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like ecosystems amazing, right here. I was like I could sit here and stare at this for hours. Look at that water strider.

Speaker 1:

Look at that man. Oh no, if you're crayfish dude, I that's gonna. Stuff fascinates me, dude. I don't know why I could stare at it for hours.

Speaker 2:

It's just like a still water pond or something Still water puddle dude.

Speaker 1:

Well, dude, there's actually what they call it is. It's called vernal pools, and so vernal pools is it's a water source and typically they're done and they're they're anywhere in the world, but it's typically an area that rain a lot. What happens is it rains a lot, the water stays there for several months on end and what happens? There's no fish. So there's not the fish, or you would usually be like apex predator in that creek or something, or community. There's no fish there, so you have a ton of insect species, frogs, turtles, you know, even snakes coming in there, all sorts of stuff. So it creates Environment for a whole lot of species that normally wouldn't be able to survive or thrive in a creek or pond that has fish in it. And now they can do that because they don't have that credit. There's a whole tons of plant life and it's wild how drastically the ecosystem and the food chain changes in there. It's in it's teaming with life, dude, and they're pretty cool. You can build them now, they, they, they actually, you know, and what happens is a lot of these species that do live in vernal pools and they'll be salamanders that come in there, have adapted to, to the dry season, so where, if it dries out, you know, they bury under the mud or they'll go walk and find another pool, and that's sort of adapted to being able to, to live in that environment, knowing the water's gonna round. That's what's so cool about it is they are just, they're well suited for that, and only then environment, they're able to live out water for several months or so. So it's.

Speaker 1:

We had a, we had a place like that. Why are you still? It was like the drainage pool from the entire neighborhood. It was in the woods and it stayed filled pretty consistently. I'd only dried out like One or two times and I was a kid for about like five or six years. We lived there. So it's pretty, pretty sick, yeah, so I got off on a side tangent there.

Speaker 2:

But women, yeah, say something didn't you want to talk about?

Speaker 1:

war. Well, we, yeah, so me and paper trying to decide on the topic today. So we both said it Topic we want to talk about at the same time and he said women and I said war, yeah, so double these, double these.

Speaker 2:

He said women, so double these.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad you got me. I just published that. But yeah, double W's women war. Do they go ahead? This one calls the other nurses. I know there's some. More is back in the day, dude, that, like you know, this isn't necessarily there's women's fault, more men's fault. But like, some guy was you know, got with us a girl, old, stuff, you know, whatever that was his, a girl, his wife or queen or whatever. Dude, he's like all right now I'm gonna kill an entire nation because you stole my, my baby. You know there's some place, sure, yeah, I'm sure there's Some stuff on that. Good, good barbarian at that time, dude, be a good barbarian, that's if you believe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you live up to that. You know I'm saying yeah. A lot of people don't make it fast like the 30.

Speaker 1:

I mean you get stabbed, like even if it's not fatal, like good chance to be died from infection. So, like you know, I thought you'd be a good Viking. How's bigger? Yeah, yeah, I'm sure in that time you'd be yeah, if I was, if I was me in the size of a bike? Yeah, yeah, imagine me at, like you know, 276 6 1 Cloning a tree. Just absolutely huge.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah it's pretty, pretty wild. That's what. That's what people said, like when, like some Vikings, would like Rate a place. It'd be weird, because they're just not used to singing, to be like a bunch of six foot, like tall Guys that are just mad, almost like our strongman today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's like Icelandic strongmen that you know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Viking or Viking ant, like ancestors they're from that ancestry.

Speaker 2:

They don't like guns or anything, they're just like. What are we even supposed to do?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, well, back in it. There's nothing you could do like. There's a dude so much bigger, strong, with weapons. I have the violence.

Speaker 2:

Enough of them, you were done. The Vikings were everywhere, but if they were like fully, like coverage and like a full, they were full coverage and just like won everywhere. I'm there's nowhere. They couldn't have imagine if like taking over.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, matt, imagine if you were like Vikings and made it like China or like Japan back in the day. This, is this gonna be racist, but it's not. Like, let me say this it's not gonna be that racist anyways. Like I don't think this is that bad. I if you're an Asian, I'm sorry, I don't, I don't mean this. Like this is a itty-bitty discriminator. I make fun of myself like the white. He's saying no, it's not that bad. But like the Viking storm in this race is at all.

Speaker 2:

You can't say this is gonna be your work, this is gonna be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like, yeah, if you're an Asia dude and like Statistically they are always they are smaller stature men there.

Speaker 1:

That's not racist. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna say. That's not racist. I'm yeah I don't know the balance of me being sensitized or so I'm just, yeah, like, anyways. So I there there, dude, you're a bandit, there's this, only small. These bikers show up. You just have a bunch of guys said China, china, japan, an Asian country. You know people with smaller stature. Yeah, it's really what I'm trying to say, dude. I think your only method of survival is so you know how bees kill wasps. They actually a bunch of them huddle around the wasps and they flap their wings really hard and they actually overheat the wasps. So I can know Vikings invade China. I think a bunch of little Chinese men just gotta do that, man. They come out from the sewers or whatever kind of drainage pipes they have to store. You know what have they had back? Then come out from somewhere like the foxholes yeah, foxhole the trees, dude. They come out and they just start jumping on them and like someone died, but the colony would survive. I Love comparing people to insects.

Speaker 2:

I think it's my. You thought I was gonna be racist.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what the parameters in my mouth are today. Do you know?

Speaker 2:

nurse, but how, that's not racist. You scared me for a second. You also scared me because you said you weren't gonna say it. And then, yes, you did scare me a little. Of course I was gonna start shaking my head and did because, all right, dude, sorry, what would you even say right now that caused you to look that?

Speaker 1:

I think it's the sugar in this. We're doing these blue cream sodas. I think it's just the sugar man. I haven't had this much sugar, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm on a such a sugar rush right now. That's what.

Speaker 1:

I can't talk about the mouth Get it, I know what. And the belt, come on. It's not weird, it's really weird. I'm not it's not weird. We'll do it outside, in the open, all right, yeah, that's so it makes it better. Yeah, I'll be. People watch, but so weird, that's not weird. Anyway, I think that you have anything else you want to say. Today you wear an Asian shirt, so it cancels out what I said. Asian shirt yeah, it's in English, but it has an Asian woman on it.

Speaker 2:

It's just. You mean it's it's Japan themed. Yes, okay, I guess. So it cancels out what I just said. It's a skeleton, but it's not an Asian woman. It's a skeleton, which is funny, but yeah, it's kind of a bunch of that. I don't know what the I don't know what the pink flowers are called. I know like what a soccer retreat is. Yeah, it's got like some Mandarin and whatnot on dude.

Speaker 1:

You got it oh. Oh, anyways, thank you for listening. If you like what we do here and you want more, go check us out on patreon. We have an Instagram and we have a tick tock everything linked in the description below. But anyways, we're gonna go ahead and slide in that intro music. Everybody, have a great day and be better. I turn it off. You, you.

Creepy Stories and Brave Tales
Childhood Fears and Overcoming Them
Gender Roles and Dating Etiquette
Men and Women, Respect and Weirdness
Women, War, and Viking Ecosystems
Asian-Themed Shirt Discussion