The Full Spectrum

EP:5 - Overcoming Insecurities

April 09, 2024 Noah and Peyton
EP:5 - Overcoming Insecurities
The Full Spectrum
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The Full Spectrum
EP:5 - Overcoming Insecurities
Apr 09, 2024
Noah and Peyton

Ever find yourself stuck in the whirlpool of self-doubt, wondering how your quirks fit in the grand puzzle of life? Peyton and I sure do, and we're laying it all out there—our insecurities, the awkwardness of gym intimidation, and those first-date jitters. Sit back as we swap tales of self-discovery, from the transformative power of a tailored suit to the unexpected joys of bodybuilding, and how these experiences have reshaped the way we stride through the world.

Imagine dissecting the art of approaching someone you're drawn to, all while navigating the nuances of modern dating. It's a high-stakes game, and we're right there with you, discussing the tightrope walk between authenticity and making that lasting impression. We even throw in a lively debate on the most "drippiest" birds and the subjective allure of celebrities, because why not? It's these light-hearted detours that remind us life's not all about the heavy stuff.

Now, picture this: a sky painted with the rare beauty of a sunset and a triple rainbow, missed because I was too caught up in the post-workout rush. It's moments like these that teach us the importance of pausing to soak in life's fleeting wonders. We round off our chat realizing the lessons in every missed shot and every remembered view—because sometimes, it's the unseen snapshots that leave the deepest imprint on our journey. Join us as we embrace the chaos and charm of being wonderfully, imperfectly human.

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Ever find yourself stuck in the whirlpool of self-doubt, wondering how your quirks fit in the grand puzzle of life? Peyton and I sure do, and we're laying it all out there—our insecurities, the awkwardness of gym intimidation, and those first-date jitters. Sit back as we swap tales of self-discovery, from the transformative power of a tailored suit to the unexpected joys of bodybuilding, and how these experiences have reshaped the way we stride through the world.

Imagine dissecting the art of approaching someone you're drawn to, all while navigating the nuances of modern dating. It's a high-stakes game, and we're right there with you, discussing the tightrope walk between authenticity and making that lasting impression. We even throw in a lively debate on the most "drippiest" birds and the subjective allure of celebrities, because why not? It's these light-hearted detours that remind us life's not all about the heavy stuff.

Now, picture this: a sky painted with the rare beauty of a sunset and a triple rainbow, missed because I was too caught up in the post-workout rush. It's moments like these that teach us the importance of pausing to soak in life's fleeting wonders. We round off our chat realizing the lessons in every missed shot and every remembered view—because sometimes, it's the unseen snapshots that leave the deepest imprint on our journey. Join us as we embrace the chaos and charm of being wonderfully, imperfectly human.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the Full Spectrum Podcast. Today's episode me and Peyton talk about overcoming insecurities as well as some other things. We got a little off topic, but that's okay. So I hope you all enjoy and let's slide into that intro music.

Speaker 2:

so so I thought we were talking about like 10 minutes already.

Speaker 1:

No, we're in now.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

We are in.

Speaker 2:

That's good to know. But I mean we could talk. I mean we could talk about the same thing. You know what I'm saying. You can, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

I don't think there's anything, I'm not going to talk about that.

Speaker 2:

Talk about your Gerbinator. Oh, I can talk about the Gerbinator. Yes, you can.

Speaker 1:

It's that weird. I make a drink. It's called well, it's called a Gerbinator, but it's a half Coke Zero, half Diet Lemonade or no, a splash of Diet Lemonade and then half Diet Dr Pepper, and it is a beautiful thing?

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. It's really weird. You were talking about how the carbonator makes you crash out.

Speaker 1:

It makes you feel like you should go to a trailer park and snort cocaine and smoke meth. That's what it makes you feel like you want to do Quack cocaine.

Speaker 2:

You know, the eclipse is going on today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, I was going to ask you if you want to pick up some glasses from lowe's, but I never thought I forgot about it. What time is it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, 305 the eclipse happens dang like it'll be.

Speaker 1:

We'll still like it'll be dark, though right.

Speaker 2:

Are you sure we're gonna be in the? Well, I don't think it matters if you're not in the.

Speaker 1:

You know the range for it yeah, I don't know if we're in the range. Oh, that's, yeah, I don't know if we're in the range, I don't know. At school they were talking about we're handing out glasses at seventh period. Yeah, so we might be.

Speaker 2:

I think my mom said she was checking on my brother too, because it was like for the eclipse and I was like I mean, yeah, I guess we'll know if it gets dark outside, I'll just go in the woods. That's, I'll just go in the woods. That's what I was gonna do, anyway, just go in the woods and sit there.

Speaker 1:

Really that's a little weird, but no, it's not. My brain needs a break. Like I said, my brain is like hypoactive. It needs a break, you know they say, like you know, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I really don't understand the big ordeal, for, like the whole eclipse thing because, like when a few years ago and whatnot, like I would, you know you would look at the sun. I'm scratching my nuts just to get what I'm saying. Yeah, that's crazy. Oh, I didn't want to.

Speaker 1:

If I didn't, if I didn't, if I didn't announce it, if I didn't announce it sorry, but if I didn't announce it, I feel like it would have been gay because, like I'm, you're talking and I'm I'm touching myself.

Speaker 2:

So I had to like well, you know, that's the way. You don't even have to say anything about it. You don't know because nobody knows that and I'm not gonna point well you might have seen it, and so like I didn't want, to, but I was talking about yeah but okay, anyways continue, oh my god, so sorry. When you're younger and whatnot, you look at the sun.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people have looked for a second, but no one sit there and stares at it. Dude, you'd be blind.

Speaker 2:

There were definitely days where I feel like I would look at the sun for like five seconds. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I mean not five seconds, dude. There was days. I'm like everyone says not to look at the sun, but I'm going to glance and I kind of glanced at it and I was like oh, and I turned my eyes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like blinds you for a second.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and like I'm not gonna do that again.

Speaker 2:

so so like the whole point, the whole thing with it, is like like it feels like you can look at the sun, but it's still not really like staring at it like eyes open.

Speaker 2:

You know you will be now I'm talking about the eclipse oh yeah so like the whole thing is like like you will be actually able to look at it, but it's still doing the same damage to you, oh, yeah, yeah which I don't. I don't understand that really, but it's like I don't know. Yeah, last the last eclipse, I was looking at it with my bare eyes and I feel perfectly fine.

Speaker 1:

My eyes are?

Speaker 2:

my eyes are chilling yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if that's a good way to okay disclaimer okay, disclaimer we're.

Speaker 2:

Payton is not any type of doctor. Do not listen, do not. Yeah, oh, I definitely use those what I do, iso iso eclipse glasses?

Speaker 1:

yeah, for sure, because I think it does, definitely does cause damage yeah, I'm sure it causes some sort of damage it could cause. I didn't say it could cause it just depends you might have got lucky. It could cause. I didn't say it doesn't cause damage, it just depends you might have got lucky.

Speaker 2:

But it could cause really bad damage. Yeah, that's all it's supposed to do.

Speaker 1:

Highlight's important kids oh boy.

Speaker 2:

I wonder how somebody like because I'm assuming somebody at some point in time has been blinded or whatnot from looking at the sun. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I'm sure. So I wonder what that like experience was like, you know? It's just like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Some dude a long long time ago was like oh I did you know, like gone. And then everyone else was like hey, let's not stare at the sun, guys.

Speaker 2:

And yet we're still doing it now it's weird to think about that like you could like just look up at the sun and you'd probably go blind yeah, but your eye, your body, like your bodily instincts are not.

Speaker 1:

You'd have to force yourself to do it, because anytime you kind of get a glance of it, you turn down or close your eyes because your body lands like, oh, it's not, and so it's no big deal you could like.

Speaker 2:

Why would you do that, though, like I'm just, saying like the same reason people were able to, like you know I mean I yeah and whatnot I understand your, your logic, but it's like I could stab you a pencil and you go blind.

Speaker 1:

But you know we're not doing it.

Speaker 2:

You know like you said me with a pencil in the eye and you go blind. Why was that too? That doesn't that.

Speaker 1:

That's not the same thing we're talking about at all that's why you're comparing like if you, if you want to like I said, like it would be me stabbing myself in the eye. Yeah, you could do that same same thing. That was big difference. You're talking about your body keeping you on the sun in the scenario.

Speaker 2:

All right, okay, yeah the sun's not gonna stab me in the eye with two pencils you.

Speaker 1:

You don't know what the sun will do.

Speaker 2:

I actually do know that the sun will not stab me in the eye with two pencils.

Speaker 1:

You don't know, you can't trust it. It's big and mean dude.

Speaker 2:

Nah, the sun's just doing its thing man, nah man, it's dude. If anyone's like you know how women get when they have hot flashes you know heat flashes, yeah, heat from menopause, like it gets like and they get all you know it's. I mean, I'm sure it's a very uncomfortable experience of how it is.

Speaker 1:

You know I deal with it I deal with it, my mother anyways, uh, yeah, well, you know, anyways. Uh, dude, so, like you know, upset naturally, because your body gets really hot all of a sudden. Yeah, you like, if that's like just minor discomfort from internal heating, dude, you can't imagine the sun's gonna be angry dude, it's that hot up there, man, the sun's just like having a heat stroke yeah, dude, yeah man, sun is like in constant menopause.

Speaker 2:

Constant pause. Yeah, no, that doesn't work there. It does it does if you make it work. Also, I don't think the sun is like a sentient thing.

Speaker 1:

I know it's not All right, but it could be if it wanted to be All right. Sometimes you got to like give life to things that isn't supposed to be alive. That's not a good thing. Sounds a little weird, but yeah, it sounds like some crazy dude in the lab somewhere.

Speaker 2:

They're calling their truck like Big Bertha or like.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it's my baby, Like the ship. Oh, my car is my baby.

Speaker 2:

Blackbeard ship.

Speaker 1:

My car is Bessie Jr, all right.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. Yes, it is dude, I've never once heard you call your car Bessie Jr.

Speaker 1:

Bessie Jr is her name, dude. I've called her that in front of you so many different times. You can ask several other people. We know that is her name.

Speaker 2:

I literally just said it yesterday. I do know that you give the oven a name, Jerry, and the oven name jerry.

Speaker 1:

And then there was a. You gave a glove with salt, edward. Anyways, anyways, let me, let me say I literally just said it yesterday when you were in my car this is bessie jr, like I've called it, that you probably said it when davis was in there, but yeah I've called it that for two years, dude, ever since I got it.

Speaker 1:

It's bestie junior and my golf cart is bessie. No, I hate when people say, like something I know is true that I've made, like like I've said, and they're like nope, you didn't do that wrong yeah, I hate I want to come over there and like slap you a good one, man, all right. No, yeah, I'm not gonna use physical violence for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, probably best not. To.

Speaker 1:

What does that mean? You think you could stop me?

Speaker 2:

Yes, no, let's see Now, you see how it feels. Yeah, yeah, yeah, see, I know I could stop you, but you're saying no.

Speaker 1:

No, you don't. Well, that's a different debate. But death to death, I don't know. Physically I don't know, physically, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

In this room I think I'd be showing, I could I'm already I see five different objects I could bash for skull and I don't think you'd be able to make it to anything in here, I think before you could get to me easily.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I think of two different maneuvers I can pull right now. Have your eye poked out, skull bastard I poked out, there's nothing.

Speaker 2:

you're not making it at either corner of this room right now? I don't need a corner. You're not going to be able to do anything with that laptop. You're not going to be able to do anything with a Caesar. You're not going to be able to do anything with the little microphone thing.

Speaker 1:

Dude, you have no idea it would be so quick.

Speaker 2:

My reaction time is Quicker than yours.

Speaker 1:

My Rax time was quicker than yours. You would try to do it. You would get up and try to attack me. I'd immediately pick something up, smash and get ready to go?

Speaker 2:

No, you're going to attack. Anything that I might be concerned about might be over there.

Speaker 1:

No, you should be concerned over here the laptop.

Speaker 2:

That's the only thing on this table. I feel like might even Maybe this. This would suck, that would suck, but I don't think it would stay in your hand long enough for it to matter. You know what I'm saying. You're like only in a world where it could happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like, only if I could, if we could do like a checkpoint and then do it.

Speaker 2:

If we could have like a virtual simulation of like it, if we could have like a virtual simulation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, of like exactly how we think. I wish something like that. If we could just get in like a Matrix game, you know.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. We'd do like a save, A save. We'd be like save and then Go back. Just start doing each other and then just go back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, dude, all right, anyways. Well, I guess we can start talking about our main topic today. Yeah, probably Did you fart.

Speaker 2:

No, you didn't, I did not. Yes, you did. I would tell you if I farted.

Speaker 1:

Okay, see, and it's a polite thing to do. Just like, if I'm scratching my nuts, I announce it. It's not weird, it's polite yeah. Therefore I yeah, therefore I did not fart therefore, yeah, I could feel one, but I I'm not letting it out right now. Okay, all right, um main topic. Uh, yeah, anyway, I was just gonna speak on overcoming your insecurities. Uh, that's, you know.

Speaker 2:

You said has saying you have a lot to I I have a lot to speak on.

Speaker 1:

You said you don't have a lot to speak on. Some people just exist I guess, uh like are you saying I? Just no. No, that was a bad way to put it like, yeah, that's a bad follow-up right now I'll exist outside of that thought space of worrying about really just worrying about what other I mean I've had I've like.

Speaker 2:

There's things that I guess you would say I'm a little insecure about what is your most?

Speaker 1:

what is your biggest?

Speaker 2:

I'd say I have like, I have like three, right I'd say number one four. I have four, okay, so, uh, I guess number one would have to be my butt, right? Yeah, my whole life I wish I had a smaller but why, dude?

Speaker 1:

it's beautiful, not no homo, that's so wild dude Dude, I could appreciate. God's masterpiece of your ass dude. I could appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, number two. Number two I'd have to say my. It'd have to be like my, my feet, my feet are like you told me yeah, bigger feet, okay you told me about that. All right, so there's that, and then there's number three. You would have to be like the way my, my chest is. You know what I'm saying. You want, like, wider tits. No, like like you saying, tits is crazy well, how's, what do you call it? Your pecs like I don't remember what it's called.

Speaker 1:

Like the flab.

Speaker 2:

No, the way your nipple is.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you want your nipple in a different location. You're insecure about that? No, I wish it was my neck.

Speaker 2:

There's genetic ways that the skin or not skin, that the muscle is right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. I can flex and you can see how the chest is supposed to be, but then I just have like oh, the hanging off of, yeah, a little bit of okay yeah, so yeah, I mean, mine's kind of like that too yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

And then I'd say number four is probably the least important thing. It's just I have a bigger nose than yeah, so that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

So I've never had like any insecurities really about how I look, that that really a lot less than that.

Speaker 1:

But mine have all been really all right, man, I mean, I know I'm a weird looking specimen, but uh, you look like, you look normal. Yeah, I mean, well, I never like, I've always assumed like I'm not like, and then this is, this doesn't bother me at all. Yeah, but like I'm always assuming like to women I'm not really an attractive guy, you know, because, like, I've never had once a girl's, never once like flirted with me or like, really I've always been the one to start, yeah, and like they're always like you like, literally, that's like how my reaction? I'm dead serious dude. So, like you know, even though my friends like, oh, you're not bad looking, I'm like, and I don't, I don't look at mirror like, oh, I look in the mirror, I'm like, damn, I look pretty good.

Speaker 1:

You know, like a trailer park prince, uh, you know that's what I'd be looking like, but like I've also, you know, I really don't care about it's technically, like you know, I'm probably not like. Uh, you know above, like a six for most girls, like you know and like, and I'm okay with that because like girls are also like in my experience.

Speaker 1:

You can real, man of your solid number, though that's okay, yeah, but I'm sending up anyways, I'm not attracted. Most women don't find me attractive, is what I'm saying physically, but like I know I can, real man of my personality because you know, and that's what I've done, I've had to do. But like, yeah, I know, like no one. No, girls are out, you know, with their friends and I walk by and they're like look at a second time, you know, but that's okay, that's not something I'm insecure I feel like you could change that.

Speaker 2:

It's just the way you dress no, I'm not dressed that now.

Speaker 1:

I'm dressed now. Yeah, you're with the sock. Yeah, I feel like yeah, because I don't care tried to dress dapper in any sort of way.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you'd hit a solid eight. No problem?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, probably Dressing is a big part of it too.

Speaker 2:

Just like a long sleeve, some I feel like would go a long way.

Speaker 1:

I can wear a suit pretty good if it fits nice. I rock a suit, dude, because I have a little bit of muscle. Now I look good in a suit, yeah. Yes, cufflinks, yeah I know what you're motioning to. Yeah, but anyways, no, but part of the reason I dress the way I do now. And how would you describe the way I dress now? Now Two words for it.

Speaker 2:

Just more casual. It was absolutely.

Speaker 1:

No, like how I normally was rambunctious rambunctious, all right. The reason I do that flamboyant? Yes, the reason I do that is because I do not care what people think, and that is what I'm going to be speaking I think you realize that you cared what you think and you're well I I wanted to look a little well.

Speaker 1:

It was also just for like again, the reason I started dressing with matching colors that coordinate with each other is just for like again, the reason I started dressing with matching colors that coordinate with each other is just for the females. So I could approach a girl like hey, and actually have a chance, yeah and not be like, and then not be like. What is this weirdo?

Speaker 2:

you're not gay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like that dude, but like the pink shorts and the the hawaiian blue green shirt oh, the pants yeah, yeah, yeah, well, yeah, I can approach females and not be immediately rejected by that subunit or pants of the species. Um, anyways, yeah, so no, uh, I used to like would never do that as a kid. And there's a lot of things like, for example, I used to go well, my family would go out and we'd go to like you know I just told you this off recording, but I'm going to say it again no, you're good, we'd go out to dinner and my mom, I would be like 11, 12, 13, 14, whatever and we'd go out and you know my mom would be like all right, we're going to go park the car, get out and go get us a table of five. And I always come up with some excuse or just some reason not to go and do that because I was so worried that the the hostess was gonna judge me, uh, for being young and asking for, like you know, a table, like I feel like I was gonna get so, and there's tons of things like that.

Speaker 1:

A lot of really just a lot of social situations with people like I hated going in places and people looking at me, or I was always like socially awkward too, and honestly, I still am, but it just doesn't bother me. And I learned better because, like, just speaking to new people, you know, in different situations I was so insecure about that because I just didn't know what to say. Now I just don't know what to say, I just don't say anything. Okay, then I just don't care. But like, I used to like hate that you know.

Speaker 1:

Uh, that was honestly. Those are just the two biggest things, but just there's a lot of instances that occurred a lot with me about just caring what other people think in like social situations. I used to, because my parents are older, so I used to be, like, when I was really little, I used to be pretty insecure about that. Like I'd say, like eight or nine, I used to always, like you know, get really insecure that people would think, oh, his parents are too old, we're judging them for most people's parents, I think, are actually around your parents ages like most kids nowadays.

Speaker 2:

Like whenever I'd find out how old their parents were, I was like wow, like they're old. I mean, I feel like my parents are older but my mom's not even 40 yet. You know what I'm saying yeah so it's like, neither is my bed, so it's like, well, I'm, I'm turning 20.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, I mean, like my siblings are, like, not too far off of your parents age, really yeah exactly my sister's like almost 35 dude. So yeah, that's wild anyways. No, I used to be like really insecure about that. I thought like, oh, his parents are too old and so I'd, you know, worry about that. I just worry about a lot of these things. But what I come, what I, what I learned is that whatever I was insecure about I just had to do more of that to get over it.

Speaker 1:

So like if it was well, like if I was nervous about asking for the tables, I'd just go in and do it and I absolutely hated it. But my, literally, you just have to get out of your comfort zone and do it more and you're more confident. That I also started like my biggest thing was I started like at the gym. Dude, when I first started the gym, I was so insecure because I thought everybody was judging me. Dude like his form is terrible, dude like well, I thought everyone was judging me about that, you know, and it probably was. But like well, it definitely was. But like you know something. But, like you know, I just kept. I just kept at it. I was super uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

That that's when I really started to grow and that's where I learned. This was when I was 16 and just went to a public gym, because I was like, oh, okay, so I. I just constantly correct myself and learn and I got to a point where I don't care what other people thought I was like okay. And now, like I have I don't want to sound cocky, but better form than a lot of guys in the gym. I think a lot of guys you know are just put like the way I work out is it is funny, though, is way when I first started going to the gym like I guess I would be somewhat concerned about like, like how I looked and other people seeing me.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying, but now it's like, purely like, I hope my form doesn't look bad.

Speaker 1:

That's like I don't even think about it at all. Dude purely yeah, something pops up on my head, yeah, but like no, I don't think about it at all because I know I have better form than most of the guys. The way I work out is. But it's not even that like I don't, I never like, because the longer you're in there you realize everybody's also thinking about themselves.

Speaker 1:

Once you realize everybody else is also probably thinking the same things oh yeah, yeah, like, oh, they're, they're a lot there's, I guarantee there's one or two guys and there's, like I hope they're not worried about my formula, just like you, especially they're new to the gym. But then you realize nobody in there cares, you know, and if somebody does, who who gives a shit, like just ignore them. You know, like it doesn't matter. Like you do you and as long as you're getting better, like I'll say this don't worry about other people think, as long as you know you're getting better, you treat people well, you help people out when they need help, you're being you're trying to be kinder, smarter, stronger. As long as you're improving and you are truly trying to do what's best and truly help people like truly help people then don't worry about what other people think.

Speaker 1:

Who cares, like you do you and that's uh, it sounds easy, but it's it's like it took me a while, but no, it was the gym. Good, well, the gym also gave me a confidence in other areas too, because, like, oh, I just you know, because you can, it's so weird, because you can clearly see you're improving. You know, like my bench has been going up every week. Now I'm at 140 now reps, but anyways, yeah, shut up.

Speaker 1:

I know it's not like I know it's not like crazy, but like you know, but for y'all out there, I started like when I first started benching. Well, when I really started going to gym work, like when I was 16, not even then when I when I was 17, when I really started. But all right, I'm gonna be in the gym like every week these days. I got a plan.

Speaker 2:

I was benching 95, like, like I didn't ask why did you change your split? Why I told you this, did you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I changed my split because I'd bench. But like I'd bench, you know, I get an actual, I get an actual arch and so because you bench, you can actually lift more, and it's just, you can get a deeper stretch when you do the arch. But you also engage in your lats a little bit, so my lats would always be sore after and then I hit back someday I think that's because you were going to say that and then I think I interrupted you, oh, maybe.

Speaker 1:

Well, then I hit, uh, I hit back sunday and my lats are already sore, my and my lower back sore too, and I'm just like uh, and honestly I'm probably just gonna go back to a three days because I have the four days off of work now but I really can't have enough time to recover so the four days. So now I'm just doing back chest sunday and then, like I'm still hitting a lot of muscles twice a week because of my bi and try, they're kind of getting hit there the same motions you know. And then, um, back chest sunday sunday is rest, because I just that sundays I always feel like super, like sore and just my, my joints are really teared up from because work a lot, you know, work 10 hours and then I go off.

Speaker 2:

Sunday's the first day of the week where it's like.

Speaker 1:

Well, my body's just shut down. Well, I wake up and I'm just like I'm hurting everywhere today.

Speaker 1:

So like I'm probably going to have to take that day off and Monday will be my leg day. And I do Mondays with a belt because my lower back's still a little sore from Sunday, so that's not a limiting factor in my lifts, and then I'll go Tuesday. I basically hit touch up everything, so I'll do uh, I'm really trying to grow my side delts, so Sunday I also hit side delts too. But I hit side delts. Uh, I'll do tricep, bicep and uh, you know, maybe a little bit of forearm work. Uh, tuesdays too. But yeah, I'll just finish everything off. And I'm thinking I mean I'd like to be in the gym five days a week because the the recommended like the most high. It's been proven to my like the, the best split for growing muscles is hitting everything twice a week with enough time to recover. Whoa who says that it's science, like either.

Speaker 2:

So there's several studies that have proved that if you're like super natural, you know what I'm saying no, no, dude.

Speaker 1:

There's several studies that have proved that that is uh like best for hypertrophy I can look it up right now, it's true, no, so you take.

Speaker 1:

So what you do is you'd have you hit each muscle group twice a week but you'd spread it out in the way, you'd have plenty of time to recover.

Speaker 1:

Like your biceps are not going to need that long to recover, as small, same as like your rear delts aren't going to need that long to recover. But those muscles are also getting hit in workouts. Like your rear delts are going to get hit pretty hard if you do any type of back day, any type of form movement, okay, your biceps also, like same deal triceps, any type of chest day. So you can have like a chest day. And then you know, at the end of the week you can have your shoulder, your, you know, your front delts and tris are already hurt, already like got hit. But you have four days of rest for those muscles to recover. And then you'd go and you'd hit, you know, your, your shoulder, your front delts and triceps again, and you could also do a little bit of chest work too. So you get to hit it twice a week. That's best for hypertrophy, for natties and for people that are not natty and on steroids. It's been proven.

Speaker 2:

One thing. Well, like I wouldn't doubt that, I'm just saying, like, when people come to like schedules and whatnot, like like work and then you have two days of just life in general and whatnot like. I just think it'd be difficult to.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's a challenge. It depends on your job too. I mean, if you have a job where you work nine to five, that's not that hard and you have the weekends off, I guess that's not that hard if you have like the perfect schedule if you have a job like like the average like job, like stereotypical job, is people nine to five weekends off?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, assuming that that's not that hard, you spend an hour and 30 minutes tops in the gym. You don't really like. Most people can get what they need to get done an hour and they can get like a really hard workout and just do you know, don't do a bunch of junk volume for muscles or like my muscles get crazy sore. It just depends. It does depend on genetics too, too. I will say that if you're someone that gets like really sore, so maybe that's not for you, but like most, most people don't get as sore as they as they go well as they go, but I stay sore like I've been lifting for like I get, I get really sore yeah but like it depends on.

Speaker 1:

It depends on my uh and it just depends on, like, the muscle group. So if my chest recovers faster than uh others, it's only my hamstrings. I don't wear hamstrings that often so it's like it's only my hamstrings take like three to four days to recover. Yeah, it sucks, man yeah, but uh uh, my lats get really sore for a while, but that's why I'm not trying to really grow my back right now, like my lats will feel sore for a while.

Speaker 2:

But that's why I'm not trying to really grow my back right now, like my lats will feel weird, but they don't get like yeah, they don't get like sore, sore a lot of people have been in trouble like engaging them.

Speaker 1:

Like I, I used to never like uh, I always used to have trouble working my back. It is a harder muscle group to get that my muscle like connection to you know, yeah. So I always had trouble working, uh, my back until like one day I just I just kept doing it and I uh got better at it and then I got my form, got better and because of that I was able to work the muscle better. So, um sorry, someone thought, but anyways, yeah, once I did that my back shot up like crazy like I was like oh okay and but yeah.

Speaker 1:

So now I trained my back really hard and dude like I'm touching right here, oh that that hurts. So bad dude like all the way down my side, my lower lat everything, dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just straightly sore, like there's. There's like some days when I work triceps, dude, like like it's way different than others. You know, like I usually don't get that sore, but there's days where, like the tendon- your joints will be like like specifically strained it's just.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes your joints take too much just like my whole arm will be like like yeah and like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I felt the same way with my biceps too. Like my biceps for a while wouldn't get sore, but let's like joint here yeah, okay, yeah, but after a while like your joints get stronger. That's the good thing. So after a while, like I don't really feel that in my biceps anymore, or at least not as much, like sometimes I have a really heavy day I might, but like normally, like my biceps are sore right now, like watching, like sam solo did, when he does like he'll be, like.

Speaker 2:

He's like yeah, you get to the two plate, the two stack standpoint with like push downs and whatnot, or he's got like both whole stacks. It's like how does he like you? You're watching his elbow and it looks like it's about to just like tear through him out of his.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like how does his?

Speaker 2:

elbow even like like handle that kind of weight, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like your joints get strong.

Speaker 2:

He's pushing down like 300 and something pounds and it's just like.

Speaker 1:

He's just like yeah, well, the thing is like your joints do get stronger, yeah, as you do it. So it's not like you know he's jumping from 100 300 pounds. You know it's like over time there. Anyway, well, let's get back to the topic. Got a nice side tangent there about lifting, but yeah, so that's like, uh, that, like I said, lifting did have a part in getting my confidence.

Speaker 1:

But it also, just like I kept doing it like if your problem is yeah also, like we're just talking to girls, like I would never do that, but now, like I see a pretty girl walking down the street, like I'm not still gonna be like super eager, like but I'll go and do it because I know like all right, what's the big deal? I'm never gonna see this person again, even if I do. Who cares? Like she thinks I'm a weirdo. Okay, would not be the first, it's not gonna be the last. You know, like I don't care, like it might as well shoot my shot, you know, and I've done that and I've got rejected plenty of times, but but like it's given me that confidence. So if I do that, do that one day you know, at some point, well, it's not even that.

Speaker 1:

You know, I might do that one day and it might be my wife, you know, you never know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and you're like, it's not even that well like well, I'm yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm saying like that's not my method, like just just asking random girls. But, like you know, I'm out and I see a girl that's particularly like my type. I'm like, okay, I might go over there. I go over there and be like all right, I just go over there and like this is my line pretty much to any of them.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I was like hey, I think you're really beautiful and I'd hate myself if I didn't okay, well, yeah, yeah, I'd be like, well, I say I couldn't live myself, I didn't at least come over and ask you for your number, yeah, and then you know, I actually a lot of time, you know, that's like the, I think maybe not that dramatic, but I just like a little. You know el favo in my words. But uh, you know, if you just straightforward with women, like that, that's your best cause. You know, don't do any try to don't do any weird, weird tricks. You see, on tiktok man, just be straightforward. Or hey, I think you're pretty, can I get your number?

Speaker 1:

like literally, that's what it boils down to yeah, I feel, like I feel like most women, respect that, you know you'd want to know if they were single or not well, if they're not, they'll be like oh, I have a boyfriend, okay, but like, so, yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

That's happened to me, but it's like, yeah, like no, not that I'm saying like they could be like no okay, right yeah, or like if you didn't ask, they could be like, yeah, I'll give you my number and then you find out that like, oh, this girl has a boyfriend and she's gonna break up with them for me.

Speaker 1:

Like you're not gonna want to trust that you know what I'm saying yeah, then I'd be like oh, I'm sorry, I don't want to have a relationship with you big deal, like I'm not gonna be remotely attached to her at that point now I was thinking about that on the way over here.

Speaker 2:

I was like. I was like, all right, I got. I was like I have that line. Now I'm gonna add like are you single? And don't add it, dude, don't add that it'll save you time no, it won't dude well okay it will, I'm not gonna you know, but it ruins the you can't not go up there and add that line and be like are you single after?

Speaker 1:

that just wait for them if they give you your number more than okay they're probably, they probably are nine, ninety five percent they're single dude the chances that some random girl is just gonna break up with her boyfriend because some guy off the street asked for a number is like lower than no, no, I didn't say or like cheat if you don't, if you're worried about them trying to cheat dude nowadays that's like you see a lot of stuff about okay, but then you find out about it okay and move on, but like dude, if you go up there and be like hey, I think you're really pretty, I just want to argue, saying like that's too much words, just be short, quick, get the number or not, but get out, that is the way to do it right, and then you're like dude and get out of there and get out

Speaker 1:

yeah, because you're gonna say something, you're gonna ruin it. Dude, you gotta get the number and be like all right, go out, because I'm about to say something really stupid. I'm about to start talking about my dip, my bidet, or. Yeah, I'll give a weird bird fact in like 0.2 seconds. So as soon as I get that number, I'm running the other way, dude you mentioning birds?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I've been getting so many like little things of like which bird is the drippiest? Or something, and it'll be like northern northern flicker. Nah, bro, there's this like the dracula, right, there's like a dracula like parrot or something like that oh and then there's like uh, uh, like a I don't remember like a philippine, philippine eagle eagle or something like that harpy oh, harpy eagle, harpy eagle, I love harpy eagles.

Speaker 1:

Harpy, yeah, they're very, very rare, almost extinct, extinct, yeah, yeah, sometimes I can't speak well, so.

Speaker 2:

What was the bird? You said.

Speaker 1:

A northern flicker. It's a type of woodpecker. They're here actually. They're actually like hunting for worms in the ground. They'll come out and be on the ground.

Speaker 2:

You said, it looked cool man.

Speaker 1:

You're looking at a page river right. Yeah, let me see it. I don't want that. I don't want that Cool Dude. That's such a cool looking bird dude.

Speaker 2:

Nah, the things I was talking about are like I know what a harpy eagle Dude?

Speaker 1:

a northern flicker beats them by a mile. Northern flicker is the best, okay a harpy eagle?

Speaker 2:

I don't think is what I was talking about. That does look cool though.

Speaker 1:

That does look cool. What a northern flicker. You might like a hood warbler as well. They're pretty sick.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dude, I was so close the hood warbler. No a, Philippine eagle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've seen those look, look up a hooded warbler I've seen a hooded warbler we have warblers out out by my house yeah, well, everybody does during spring migration.

Speaker 1:

You're lucky enough to see one statement stands you like a pine. Warblers are pretty sick too. Let's see one second. Oh, you know what? Uh, do a? Do a louisiana water thrush, yeah look up louisiana parrot look up louisiana water thrush. Those are like one of my favorite looking birds. They're so cool. By the way, they hang out by creeks. Dude, they're so awesome. Just such a cool bird water rush, water thrush, thrushing oh yeah, it says thrush.

Speaker 2:

My bad, you're so weird. That is the most basic looking that is not dude. It's beautiful man it's literally like a pidove dude, dude, it's so cool. That's the most basic looking bird I've ever seen in my entire life.

Speaker 1:

Alright, babe, you don't know taste when you see it, you know. This is why.

Speaker 2:

If a 1 to 10 scale was on birds, that bird's a 5. That's a 9. That's a 5. That's a 9.

Speaker 1:

I bet you're one of those people on the internet that says Margaret Robbie's mid. I bet you're part of that crowd.

Speaker 2:

She's pretty attractive, she's very attractive 8.

Speaker 1:

That's very attractive. A thing above a 7 is very attractive.

Speaker 2:

She's up there? I don't think she's up there. I don't know what else to say.

Speaker 1:

You've seen Wolf of Wall Street, right? Yes, okay.

Speaker 2:

That's all I got to say dude. That's all I got to say. I think the girl that plays Wonder Woman she's like a nine. You're tripping.

Speaker 1:

You're tripping Dude. She's got nothing. On margaret robbie dude, nothing, no okay, you're tripping. She's like a six or a seven she's a seven. She's a seven, a seven she's a seven dude, easy seven dude. You're crazy dude dude, okay, so like this is interesting, this is. This is a scientific study, like we're doing right now. Hold on Like the male species.

Speaker 2:

Okay, her name is wild dude.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it's some like weird Galgadot. Yeah, Hold on.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, let me show you. All right, all right, dude come on.

Speaker 1:

No dude, all right, dude, come on. No dude, no, yes, no dude, no, no, not, yes, you're wrong. You are wrong, how, dude? Come on, man, like how. It's very interesting that our taste of birds and women is like disagreed, like you know what I mean. Like how we think birds, look you that's my only response dude dude, here's something.

Speaker 2:

Dude she, what do you?

Speaker 1:

come on, I wish we had a like dude, I wish we had a big enough like following or we could do a poll, you know to where we could have like. Post this on like our instagram market robbie.

Speaker 2:

She's like, she's just, she's got like a square thing going on, square like hers.

Speaker 1:

Harley quinn is like well, dude, that's the hottest square I've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

Dude, right, dude, that square is attractive bam terrible picture but a lot of these are weird. I mean, that's a better one that's attractive dude, yeah because you just yeah.

Speaker 1:

But that's way more attractive. Like the blonde basic, not basic basic southern white country looking girl, I don't know, I just see and I'll she's got like the.

Speaker 2:

She's got like the date.

Speaker 1:

I just all I know. What's it all? All I know is that the louisiana water thrush is good looking. No, it's not. The northern flicker is good. Louisiana Water Thrush is good looking. No, it's not. The Northern Flicker is good. Louisiana Water Thrush is good looking. Right below Margaret Robbie in my list. Dude, what does that mean?

Speaker 2:

What's up, brother?

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right. Hello, brother, You're like right below. Margaret Robbie Right below no but, dude, I wish we had a poll to where we could poll these things. Yeah, like your bird, my bird, margaret Robbie, gal, whatever, gal, good heart, gal, hummus, whatever it is, I'm sure Hummus, I don't know. Whatever her name is Hummus. She probably likes hummus.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure she does yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's the problem here.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure Mario Rave also likes hummus.

Speaker 1:

No, he does not Dude. Take my stance.

Speaker 1:

It's so random, it's so weird. But anyways, you know, fighting your insecurities, dude, like another thing, you know I just you really have to keep telling yourself you know what, I'm not going to worry about what they think of me today. You got to keep telling yourself, if you know, you're getting better. You just got to keep telling yourself that and I know it sounds kind of crazy and you'll seem kind of crazy for a while, but in the end it'll pay off, I promise. If you keep trying, if you keep stepping out of your comfort zone, I can promise you that your insecurities will get better.

Speaker 1:

I'll say that it will promise you that your insecurities will get better.

Speaker 2:

I'll say that it will. Yeah, it's a fact. It is a fact. We can agree on that. Maybe not women, maybe not birds, because your taste is terrible.

Speaker 1:

It was a brown and a white bird. No, no, no, but it has spots on it and has a little eyeline. It's beautiful. It's beautiful, all right, you know what? Peyton doesn't know what he's talking about. Dude, I wish we had a poll where we could like, yeah, like I said, do this, and then we can see the audience vote in my favor, because there's still some sane people left in the world, man, that know what taste is that? Have good taste. What beautiful is they?

Speaker 2:

know you. Okay, if there were insane, insane people, you placing yourself in the same category is great.

Speaker 1:

That's concerning yeah, I mean hitler places. Oh boy hitler had his own categories dude, like I don't even know, like just despicably, just opposite wrong, probably shouldn't even probably shouldn't yeah place hitler in a category or talk about much of it.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about hillary. Um what do you think?

Speaker 1:

you think he had insecurities I don't know dude, I don't really give a shit. Hitler, like I hope, like dude, like it was a terrible dude dude, well, that's not someone I'm gonna feel bad for really like, at least not in his adult he was always a terrible person, or do you?

Speaker 2:

think it just ended up happening that way I think.

Speaker 1:

I think he probably had tendencies that he was born with genetically that were kind of narcissistic but just hear me out and so he had these tendencies, right, yeah, and like his childhood is crazy if you actually like, go watch a video on that. I think he had those tendencies and I think this is how a lot of evil people were born. I don't think we're necessarily born evil. I just think we have a lot of tendencies that can go that route, because there's some, there's some people that are psychopaths and they're actually like have a family and like really happy and, you know, live that life. They're true, like there's plenty of psychopaths that are completely like quote unquote normal people, you know.

Speaker 1:

But I think he had those tendencies and the world shit on him and instead of you know, this is what I think we talked about this in some other episodes it's like the hero to bill and like the villain gets hurt by the world and make sure no one else uh also gets hurt, or the hero gets hurt by the world and doesn't want anyone else to feel that pain.

Speaker 1:

A villain, uh, the world hurt him, so he wants to hurt the world back, and so I think Hitler just got shit on by the world and people, you know, and so that I just started, like one thought led to another, you know, and eventually, you know, he just became this narcissistic, extremely evil, diabolical person that wanted to hurt people. And so it eventually led to that insane point. And you know, I I have no sympathy for him because you're a man, like sure, his childhood childhood is rough, but there's someday at like some point in your life as a man, do you have to own, you're accountable for your own actions. Like I don't care what happened to you as a kid, like you're responsible for making those decisions and choosing to go that route because you had a choice and you chose the other way, like no excuses. So, yeah, that that's what I believe why?

Speaker 2:

why was that?

Speaker 1:

funny dude, because that's just how I like, how I view it. You know, yeah, some people will do do like bad things and they'll be like oh well, this happened to me as a kid, all right. Well, you're not a kid, you're a grown man. Now people try and explain stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, justifying things no, it's like you're a grown man. You know you made that decision. I'm sorry your childhood sucked, but you know I'm truly am. I just didn't even start cats like I'm sorry that happened to you. Yeah, like we can sit and talk about it. You cannot use that to justify your actions. Like you're a grown man, make your own decisions. If this happened to you, take that, take bad things and make something good out of it. Don't sit there and just sulk and be like I got beat as a kid so I'm going to beat my kids. No, no, don't beat your kids. Message of the day.

Speaker 2:

No, don't beat your kids. Don't beat your kids. Yeah, don't, I mean.

Speaker 1:

no, I'm joking no, you should beat your kids unless you're having a bad day unless if they get on your nerves, then it's okay, just a little bit there's a border. Yeah, that was all those, all jokes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, make that clear, dude well, you know, there's a difference between like spanking and well that's not beating your kid like there's a way. I mean technically technically.

Speaker 1:

Technically, yes, but it's not like I'm sure you're doing it for like you're doing it for punishment because they did something really wrong so they can be correct on their behavior. When you beat your children, like a lot of times, you personally have your own emotional issues you're choosing not to deal with, you're choosing to take it out, or you're overreacting, and that's it's probably an insecurity. Why am I?

Speaker 1:

probably so an insecurity probably so, and that person chose not to deal with it and look where they got them. So deal with your insecurities, people, or you'll beat your kids yeah, it's actually probably probably very true I mean it can be depends on your insecurities.

Speaker 1:

You know, like, if you're afraid of like, if one of your insecurities is like dominance and you're always want to be the dominant one and you have a son, you're probably going to beat him, I guess. I mean that's a very extreme case Like most guys that are insecure about their dominance and they have a son aren't going to beat their sons, not nowadays at least, odds are the son's not going to be there, yeah, or be masculine, like what are you?

Speaker 2:

close enough to that. You know what I'm saying, like I couldn't take my dad on right now.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying like oh yeah, I'd be out of the house is what I'm saying well, it just depends on genetics and your dad really I guess.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, you think on average. You know what I mean. You think your average like 30 year old would be able to yeah, it depends on how old your dad is.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of factors here, like because you can have like a really small dad, but like I said average, yeah, but I don't. I can my dad's shorter but I'm no, I'm just saying small like weak and just not strong or doesn't have that you know, mental like aggression that he can pull out of him. You know some, some guys can tell my dad's got that yeah, oh, my dad does too.

Speaker 2:

My dad's like a could be like a bulldog. Bro, it's absolutely wild really I'm on that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I heard your dad one time on the phone that that was super funny dude.

Speaker 2:

Did you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we were playing Minecraft together. Oh yeah, that's right, and I heard him talking about eating this Elven burger. Dude, I was just like dude. His dad's a G dude. He was like you're going to enjoy this burger, yeah, and I was like his dad's a G dude.

Speaker 2:

It was funny. Yeah, that was funny. It's funny because y'all all heard that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't hear it because I had the headphones on we just used it as an effing burger, dude, and he's like you can eat, so effing many of them dude, he's making a joke about you eating a lot. It's so funny that was pretty cool but yeah, you know, if you're insecure, it sucks now but it'll get better. Keep trying. That's advice for anything you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's just a big thing Like insecurities are things you get over to gain that kind of confidence. That's like a big thing you know you were talking about the gym, oh yeah. Huge Like it's it. It's just mainly what it is. As long as you have insecurities, there is more confidence to be gained.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I would never. Like I'm growing out of mola now, but I would never have done that a few years ago, but it's like a mola yeah. But now I see myself as, like this trailer park badass, prince dude, all right, it's like it's just who I am man. So now.

Speaker 2:

I feel it. I feel the mola dude To bump your confidence. Get a terrible haircut you know what I'm saying and then rock that haircut. I think this looks really good. What about it? My mullet your hair just looks normal. I thought you were saying it as if your hair looks bad.

Speaker 1:

No, I actually got a buzz cut, a two just all the way around. I've had the bad haircut. Dude, I was walking around, bad haircut dude.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, I was walking around looking like King Alfred, alfred.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't even know if that's a real person.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure there's a King Alfred somewhere, but I don't think let's look him up. I don't think you meant to say Alfred, right there.

Speaker 1:

No, I did. I just didn't know what I was saying. My brain needed to get word out. Alfred the Great. Yes, I knew this was a king.

Speaker 2:

Alfred, the Great Alfred, the.

Speaker 1:

Great was the king of the West Saxons from 871 to 886.

Speaker 2:

And king of the Anglo-Saxons from 886 until his death in 1899. Bang, what, yeah, what 28 years of being a king right there. That's crazy dude. Yeah, that's like a whole lifetime back in those days.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, look at him, man. He looks like really like dude. He looks a little you know who that is?

Speaker 2:

That looks weird. It's King Baldwinwin. What was that? Search it up. When he was like 14, I think he led an army to. I don't remember he was a crusader, oh geez yeah, but he had like the reason he's got that mask on the reason he's got that mask on is because he has like leprosy.

Speaker 1:

So like well, I went up to jerusalem, known as the leper king. Oh, yeah, I've heard about this guy. Yeah, was the king of jerusalem from 17 uh or no 1174 until his death in 1185 yeah, he was, he was, he was only a kid when he became king.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then he was like he was talking about how like he won a war and uh, he like felt like on that day he lived till 100 and then eventually realized he wouldn't see 30 yeah, because of his condition yeah, it is a really cool yeah story and whatnot so why do you have him on? Your phone oh it's just because my background's been blank for Lord knows how long since my phone got reset, so it's been like a couple of months.

Speaker 1:

That's a real picture I took. What is that? It's the moon, but there is a circle around it like a cloud.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I edited the photo, but there, no, I literally went outside and I saw this cloud ring around it, Literally just like that. So, I took a picture and I put it in, like the dark room I do. So it looked all cool, but like uh, no, it's actually an illusion. That happens like when it gets really cold outside.

Speaker 2:

Dude, what Dude I was, uh, oops. I'm just now realizing that I miss like the craziest chance of like a picture, because I was me and my brother were like with my stepdad and we're coming back from like the gym, I think, and like on one side it was like the sun. We stopped on the interstate or not on the interstate, on a bridge over the interstate.

Speaker 2:

Because of this view, the sun is like dead center at the end of the interstate right, and it's like you can look at it. It's like a dark, dark orange and it's just like right there yeah you're just looking at it, it looks massive. Now the sun, like sometimes, looks huge yeah, it's like setting or something and then you turn around and there's like it's like a bright double rainbow and like the faint essence of the third rainbow. Damn, I feel like now I should have taken like a panorama pretty, uh pretty dope a panorama of it.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying oh, so you get in one picture dude, I just figured out we've sorry, I just figured out we're using these mics wrong, or at least I am. The reason is like it's, it picks up sound so you can have it to like the side like this yeah, and then so, oh, so let's see how much better this sounds, um yeah, um, um, um, yeah um uh, yeah, maybe I mean it does pick up surprisingly well like this at this angle. So this is this is how she's doing from now on. I guess.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, it sounds clear you missed the picture.

Speaker 1:

That's how it's supposed to sound, dude. Let's be clear.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's right, yeah but Well, I didn't miss it. We were like looking at it. I was like Scott, I was like, have you ever seen a setup like this before? And he was like, no, I don't think so. And I was like, guys, you understand how rare this is. I was like we're probably never going to see this kind of thing ever again, it's like my steps.

Speaker 2:

It's gay, not like it was. Like it sounds pretty cool. It was kind of mind boggling. Cause three rainbows, bro, damn, it's triple gay, sorry, no, yeah, that's why.

Speaker 1:

Do you have anything else you'd like to comment today? Comments concerns questions um I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It surpasses insecurities all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, anyways, hope you enjoyed. Let's slide into that outro music, and I did. I do it right today. All right, all right. You lovely, lovely people, thank you.

Eclipse Glasses and Sun Staring
Insecurities About Physical Appearance
Dressing for Confidence and Individuality
Overcoming Insecurities Through Bodybuilding
The Art of Approaching Women
Debating Birds and Attractiveness
Exploring Insecurities and Evil
Insecurities, Confidence, and History
Missed Opportunity for Spectacular Natural Phenomenon