Grounding Elevation

Inflammatory Foods

May 01, 2024 Karianne Jean Season 1 Episode 3
Inflammatory Foods
Grounding Elevation
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Grounding Elevation
Inflammatory Foods
May 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Karianne Jean

In the last episode we discussed fear & divine guidance which reside under the mind+spirit categories of the mind+body+soul holistic connection.  Today we discuss inflammatory foods which fall under the body category.

There is much advice out there regarding what is "good" or what is "bad" as far as food & what we should be eating to be "healthy" & most of it is conflicting. Additionally, conversations about food have been broadly intertwined with body image. Today's discussion about food is not what food will make you look "good" but rather what may help elevate the body into functioning in a more optimal way. The food we eat is the foundation of our health & the first place I recommend people start with to see improvements in how they overall feel inside their bodies. 

In this episode we discuss: 

-What is inflammation & why should we pay attention to it? 

-What foods rank highest when it comes to causing inflammation in the body? 

-What can we do about it? 

***DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. This episode is not medical advice. There is no replacement for a great integrative medicine practitioner that can offer individualized care & insight specific to YOU. 



Show Notes

In the last episode we discussed fear & divine guidance which reside under the mind+spirit categories of the mind+body+soul holistic connection.  Today we discuss inflammatory foods which fall under the body category.

There is much advice out there regarding what is "good" or what is "bad" as far as food & what we should be eating to be "healthy" & most of it is conflicting. Additionally, conversations about food have been broadly intertwined with body image. Today's discussion about food is not what food will make you look "good" but rather what may help elevate the body into functioning in a more optimal way. The food we eat is the foundation of our health & the first place I recommend people start with to see improvements in how they overall feel inside their bodies. 

In this episode we discuss: 

-What is inflammation & why should we pay attention to it? 

-What foods rank highest when it comes to causing inflammation in the body? 

-What can we do about it? 

***DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. This episode is not medical advice. There is no replacement for a great integrative medicine practitioner that can offer individualized care & insight specific to YOU.