The ACTive Learning Podcast

Unlocking The Power Of Active Learning: Weekly Tips For Addressing Dei Backlash And Taking Action

April 19, 2024 Viana Maya
Unlocking The Power Of Active Learning: Weekly Tips For Addressing Dei Backlash And Taking Action
The ACTive Learning Podcast
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The ACTive Learning Podcast
Unlocking The Power Of Active Learning: Weekly Tips For Addressing Dei Backlash And Taking Action
Apr 19, 2024
Viana Maya

Hello, wonderful people; welcome to the active learning podcast. 

In this podcast, we will explore, learn, unlearn, and act upon the changes we need to make to live in an equitable society. In this society, we won't need to discuss, have uncomfortable daily conversations, or even justify why Black, Asian, and Multiethnic people deserve to have equitable options to live an equal life on this planet! 

When I first thought about this podcast, I had lots of names based on my daily interactions and experience as a black woman or a professional:

Here are some names…..

  • Pick my brain: common ask.
  • Head in the sand (but we are listening)
  • We don't know what we don't know. So, we need to learn….slowly without a plan of action.
  • Positive actions….

I have decided to stick with Active Learning because in my work, be it speaking at events, coaching, or running long-term learning and development programs in Anti-racism, inclusive recruitment, DEI, and Career Advancement for diverse talent, I aim for individuals or organisations to be active/proactive in their experience and learning. 

The more I do this work, the more emotional and mental toll it takes to be present, to educate, to unpick wounds, and to relive the trauma, my own and the people around me. So, I must ensure the work is not in vain. 

So welcome, grab a notebook and a cup of your something, and let's get to it!

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Show Notes

Hello, wonderful people; welcome to the active learning podcast. 

In this podcast, we will explore, learn, unlearn, and act upon the changes we need to make to live in an equitable society. In this society, we won't need to discuss, have uncomfortable daily conversations, or even justify why Black, Asian, and Multiethnic people deserve to have equitable options to live an equal life on this planet! 

When I first thought about this podcast, I had lots of names based on my daily interactions and experience as a black woman or a professional:

Here are some names…..

  • Pick my brain: common ask.
  • Head in the sand (but we are listening)
  • We don't know what we don't know. So, we need to learn….slowly without a plan of action.
  • Positive actions….

I have decided to stick with Active Learning because in my work, be it speaking at events, coaching, or running long-term learning and development programs in Anti-racism, inclusive recruitment, DEI, and Career Advancement for diverse talent, I aim for individuals or organisations to be active/proactive in their experience and learning. 

The more I do this work, the more emotional and mental toll it takes to be present, to educate, to unpick wounds, and to relive the trauma, my own and the people around me. So, I must ensure the work is not in vain. 

So welcome, grab a notebook and a cup of your something, and let's get to it!

Support the Show.

Work with us:

💡Book Viana as Keynote Speaker:
💡Work with us to transform your organisation:
💡Buy Your Allyship Commitment Journals:

💡Connect Linkedin: