Physics Powered Healing

5 Reasons Why I Love Using Colored Healing Energy! You Will, Too

July 16, 2024 Dr. Anastasia Chopelas Season 1 Episode 21

Discover the extraordinary influence of color of healing light on your well-being and learn how to harness the healing power of different hues. In this broadcast, we dive deep into the fascinating world of color healing energy, exploring which colors you can use powerfully in various situations. From calming inflammation to creating protective barriers, and even enhancing vision with, these practical tips will elevate your daily healing practices. Stay tuned for a special tip on using color energy to protect your home and more! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this video with fellow healing enthusiasts!

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Were you aware that the color of the healing energy you use can create exceptional results?  Listen in to discover  how colors can influence your well-being in ways you might not expect. Stay tuned to hear a special tip on how to use color energy to protect your home and other practical tips to incorporate these colors into your daily healing practices. 

 When I was first learning energy healing beyond Reiki, my teacher was telling us to send blue energy as a “beginner” because it was calming and we couldn’t do anything wrong with it.  This aroused my curiosity about what other colors would do and more about why.  You also might be wondering how you deliver the colors.  It is unlike Reiki because it is more directed to a particular gland, organ or system.  When I learned Reiki over 30 years ago, I asked where do I send the energy and my teacher said and I quote, “it knows where to go.”  There were no colors, just intent.  
Furthermore, as a clairvoyant, I saw colors on people’s organs, glands, and systems in their bodies.  Some colors looked like they were not healthy while others showed them to be healthy. You’ll hear about this in a later broadcast.   Today, you’ll hear about the strengths of each color of healing light. 

Let’s start with blue energy.

As I mentioned, when I first learned healing, something more powerful than Reiki, we were told to use blue energy until we mastered reading energy and what to do during a more profound healing.  The more we practiced, the more skilled we became.  The reason this works for so many new healers is because blue is a soothing energy, it calms inflammation and brings the body and nervous system to a calm parasympathetic state.

The color is a bright electric blue.  Imagine it in your mind.  You can even look at something that color and just send it to a part you want to heal.  It’s that easy.  The disadvantage of using that energy is that it doesn’t create a permanent healing.  You have to send blue energy often and even daily.  You can use it to relieve pain, such as headaches or back pain.  You will raise the frequency of the person you are sending it to.  

Healing energy colors do not have anything to do with the color of your energy portals or chakras or the color of a healthy gland and organ.  For example, blue healing light can generate a healthy green or red color on your liver.   

 Violet energy is high frequency.  There are a couple of uses where it excels.  

First, it is helpful at chipping away at calcium deposits in the body.  Using it requires knowing exactly where and how to send it.   It can help reduce the calcium deposits around glands such as the pituitary.  

A second very useful purpose of violet energy is creating a protective barrier around windows and doors.  It doesn’t stop people from coming into your house if they are very determined, but it does make your house, office, or even the hotel room you’re staying safer to be in.  It tends to make your doors and windows undesirable for low frequency people.  I use purple energy on the doors and windows wherever I am, especially if I am traveling.  

One of my healer friends told me she directed purple light around the door of a vacation apartment she was staying in.  She had a neighbor, male, that had obviously found her attractive.  He kept stopping by and even inviting himself in to speak to her.  After she used the purple light on the door, this gentleman stopped by her door and looked at it strangely.  He tried to come in and felt a bit of resistance and looked at it funny.  Like, what just happened?  He said hello, but then didn’t try this again. 

 Pink energy is love energy, it softens.   

As we age, many of the tissues such as the lens of the eye, ligaments, and blood vessels get stiffer with age.   As an example of using this kind of energy on the eyes.   

I did a group eye healing at an event I put on years ago.  The reactions of the people in the room were how surprised they were at the clarity of their vision.  One said, she didn’t realize the wallpaper in the room had a pattern on it when she entered.   Another gentleman said when he walked in the room, his vision was blurry.  It was sharp after the healing.  I sent pink energy into the eyes towards the end of the procedure.   I also have an eye healing audio that includes pink energy.  My husband’s eyes improved so much that his cataracts cleared and he stopped needing glaucoma medication, much to his doctor’s surprise.  

Sending pink energy into skin, tendons, and blood vessels helps soften them.  This can help lower blood pressure and relax the body.  

 Gold light, it’s like 4 pm sunlight.  Gold is connected to the Divine.  

For most healing purposes, golden light is universal and can elevate the frequency of any gland, organ or system, as well as mental and emotional states.  This means, it promotes healing.  I use golden light for several of the processes and protocols I use, including things like timeline healing, energetic stem cell healing, and rewriting DNA programming.   If you mix it with pink light, golden light turns into a peachy color.  One of its best uses during times of high stress, you can inhale pink and gold energy, for love and healing.  In addition, Use it for any meditation: every time you inhale deeply, using your diaphragm to draw in the breath, imagine the air being made of peachy light. 

Lastly, white light.  

Many healers use white light for healing.  I usually don’t.  White can be associated with the doctor’s white jacket….  Many people suffer from white energy control, meaning a doctor tells them something and it comes true because of a form of white coat syndrome.  

Another powerful use of white light is to protect yourself and other people from toxic interactions.  When my mom was very ill, she had a long time friend (she and mom grew up in Greece).  Whenever this friend came over, she talked about all the tragedies going on around them, who had cancer, who died, who is getting divorced.  It would send my mom into a fit of depression that lasted days.  One of my healer friends suggested I put white energy around my doors to prevent this behavior.  The intent was to prevent her friend from delivering bad news and talk about upbeat things.  

On her next visit, I did just that.  She came over and she and my mom had a lively conversation.  My dad popped in my room to report that the entire conversation was so upbeat that Mom was happy after her visit.  He wasn’t aware I had used white energy on the front door.  There is a caution here, the intent that the white energy of control be only effective in the home and when they leave, they leave as they came. Wasn’t that a fun use of white energy?  

There’s much more to learn about colors, like the healthy colors of your glands, organs, and systems.  

If you are an experienced healer, try using different color healing energy in your practice.  

Is your curiosity piqued about colors?   Want to learn more? Make an appointment with me to either discuss healing sessions or to learn how to heal in a comprehensive system based in science. Go to  

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