Helping Healers Succeed: Increase Your Impact and Income Using Science-Based Strategies
Have you ever felt held back by myths like “Healing is a gift, so it should be free” or "energy healing only works if you believe in it"? Maybe you've been told that your spiritual gifts are unscientific, or even unchristian. These misconceptions may have left you doubting your calling as a healer, keeping you from serving those you’re truly meant to help.
Since you were young, you’ve always known that you have amazing healing gifts in you, and you desire to live a life that aligns with your spiritual calling, shutting out the self-doubt and criticism from others. You find yourself in a place where you are ready to take action, finally leave that unfulfilling job, and realize your value as a healer.
But you're smart enough to realize that transitioning into a full-time healing career that supports you isn't straightforward. I’ve been there:
I know first hand that becoming an effective and successful energy healer can seem daunting, complex, and downright intimidating. Fortunately for you, you don't have to navigate it alone.
I am your host and guide, Dr. Anastasia Chopelas, with 50 years experience as a physicist and 30 years experience as an energy healer, which allows me to give you unique insights into the world of healing.
My singular mission is empowering healers like you to transform and up level your skills into a thriving income and while establishing a fulfilling energy healing practice.
I invite you to join me on this unique journey that marries quantum science with ancient healing techniques. Here, you will hear tips, interviews, and inspirational stories to guide you into your dream of building a successful healing career. Welcome to Helping Healers Succeed Podcast.
Helping Healers Succeed: Increase Your Impact and Income Using Science-Based Strategies
The Silent Key to Healing Success: Your Subconscious
Have you ever wondered about the mysterious subconscious mind and how it controls you? Your subconscious mind operates at 800 times the speed of your conscious mind, influencing your emotions, actions, and even your survival instincts. In this broadcast, you'll discover how your subconscious mind communicates with you and learn three easy methods to access this powerful part of your brain directly.
Learn through compelling real-life stories and practical tips:
- The emotional signals and physical sensations your subconscious sends.
- How dreams reveal hidden thoughts and emotional states.
- Techniques like muscle testing and journaling after meditation to align with your subconscious.
By understanding and harnessing the power of your subconscious, you can achieve greater self-awareness, inner peace, and personal growth. Join me on this enlightening journey to unlock the secrets of your mind!
For more insights and to learn about my four-step system to attract a generous income as a healer, visit Scientific Healer.
Be sure to join me next week as I explore how to boost your income with mental and emotional success actions. Subscribe to my channel so you don't miss it!
Show notes at https://helpinghealerssucceed.com
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Have you ever wondered about the mysterious subconscious mind and how it controls you? Do you know what it is thinking? Of course not, it is below your conscious awareness. Your subconscious mind operates at 800 times the speed of your conscious mind. It is a computational marvel. It is of utmost importance for your survival and your happiness. Today, you’ll hear about how your subconscious mind communicates with you, how it interprets the information around it, and two easy methods to use so you can access that part of your mind directly.
Your subconscious mind communicates with you often loudly. I remember years ago when I was driving down the mountain with my sister in a little convertible. The two-lane road was straight and easy to navigate, except for the occasional curve. As I approached the next curve, I pulled into a right non travel lane. As I came around, there was a high speed car traveling in the lane I would have been in had I not pulled over. My sister looked at me in shock, we would have died on the spot if I had not done that. She asked me why did I pull over. I said I knew I had to do that. I just knew. That is one example of the subconscious at work protecting you.
Your subconscious does much more than that. It controls all your autonomic functions, like keeping your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your hormones secreting at the times they’re needed, and more. It will also send out waves of unhappiness and disappointment when you are operating outside of what you were designed to do. It also warns you when something is off with your physical body. Learning how to listen to it can save your life.
By understanding how your subconscious communicates with you and how it interprets the world, you will become more self-aware which promotes your personal growth and can improve your physical health. You will find yourself more aligned with what you are designed to be.
It doesn’t forget anything and it knows a lot more of what is happening in your body and around you than you can possibly interpret through conscious awareness.
How the Subconscious Mind Communicates with You
Your subconscious mind uses several channels to communicate with you, often in ways you didn’t realize. It is actually signaling you all the time. Some people listen to it and those are the people that are called highly intuitive. But everyone has the ability to hear the important messages the inner mind is saying.
In addition, paying attention to those messages leads to greater alignment, that your thoughts, emotions and actions are doing the same thing. This leads to more inner peace and less inner conflict, which results in better health and more joy in your life.
Emotions: Feelings of joy, fear, or unease can be signals from your subconscious, guiding you towards or away from certain actions or situations. By paying closer attention to these emotional cues, you gain insights into your deeper desires and concerns. You may have just met someone that makes you feel uncomfortable. Your instinct is to run. So you do. Later you find out that this was an abusive mean person and your instinct was right about him or her. Likewise, you can become comfortable and warm with someone right away. You discover later that this instinct was the right one. This was my feeling when I met my now husband. Our relationship gets better by the day.
Your dreams are another powerful mode of communication. They reveal hidden thoughts, memories, and your emotional state, providing a glimpse into your subconscious mind. With your dreams, you can uncover messages that your conscious mind might be ignoring. For example, I had a scary dream in which I was being chased through a large house with lots of hallways and rooms. I kept using my ingenuity to move from one space to another in the house. I finally found my way out, in an unexpected place. The next morning, I was telling my mom about it. She asked, did you escape? I said, yes. How did you feel? I felt happy and free. I was going through a difficult time when I was 30 and had felt trapped. Now I felt free. My subconscious mind worked it out for me.
Some people have physical sensations, such as a gut feeling or a sudden sense of tension, are also ways your subconscious communicates. These bodily responses can indicate your subconscious reactions to people, places, or situations, offering valuable guidance if you learn to listen. Paying attention to these sensations, like I had in the case of the car going down the mountain road saved my and my sister’s life. Here we are almost 50 years later, still healthy and enjoying life.
How the Subconscious Interprets the World
Your subconscious mind interprets the world in ways that are different from your conscious understanding. Understanding these differences can help you communicate with it and reprogram it effectively.
Literal Interpretation: One key characteristic is that it takes everything literally. Unlike the conscious mind, which can analyze and interpret abstract concepts, the subconscious accepts information at face value. This is why a scary movie can cause real fear, even though you know it's just fiction. It doesn't distinguish between real and imagined experiences, treating them all as true. This is a good reason to be cautious of what you watch or listen to.
Present-Based Processing: The subconscious mind operates in the present moment. It processes sensory information in real-time, which can make past experiences feel current if triggered by similar situations. This can pull you back into an emotional panic, like in PTSD. This immediacy helps in quick reactions but can sometimes cause confusion between past and present emotions.
Susceptibility to Suggestion: Your subconscious is highly suggestible, easily influenced by external factors. Positive affirmations and visualizations can shape your beliefs and behaviors, but it can also be affected by negative influences from the media or those around you. Understanding this can help you protect and nurture your subconscious environment. Listening to propaganda, false news, hate speech, and gossip can affect you adversely.
Repetition and Consistency: Patterns and repetition are crucial for your subconscious. It notices consistent experiences and forms beliefs around them, which is why habits become deeply ingrained. Recognizing this can help you intentionally create positive patterns and break negative ones. It takes longer than pop psychologists say, but in energy healing, 90 days is what’s needed to change the flow. This works for the subconscious as well.
Accessing and Aligning with Your Subconscious
Muscle Testing and Sway Test: Techniques like muscle testing and the sway test can help you access subconscious responses. These methods rely on physiological reactions to indicate yes or no answers from your subconscious, offering a direct line of communication.
It’s a two way conversation between your subconscious and your physical body. If you say yes, your subconscious is positive, and you can lift more weight, run farther, and finish a task faster. Go back to Episode 14 on muscle testing on yourself.
Before muscle testing or dowsing, (make sure you are hydrated, polarized in the right direction by asking obvious questions first, you are well rested, etc). This technique of accessing your subconscious helps you get answers to quick questions. If you want to know more, then dialoguing directly with your subconscious will give you more in depth knowledge.
Journaling After Meditation: Combining meditation with journaling allows your subconscious thoughts to surface. After a calming meditation session, write down whatever comes to mind. If you are emotionally upset, your subconscious will lie to you. By being calm, you will discover your true desires and be able to align your conscious actions with your subconscious insights. I have a short relaxing meditation that can get you into this calm state quickly. https://scientifichealer.com/wakeupbrain.
Then sit down to journal with pen and paper rather than typing. It helps bring your inner thoughts out faster. An effective technique designed by Jung, the psychologist, called active imagination helps you dialog with your inner self. You can start by scribbling or drawing an image to get the energy flowing down your arm onto the paper.
Or you can just get right to asking yourself questions. I start with “who are you?” It could come back with my anger, my fear, or my dreams for the future. Then I ask what I want to know, like what is my next step, what do I really want or believe. I’ve done pages and pages like this. It was very enlightening and led me down the path I am today, which is the happiest I’ve ever been.
Understanding how your subconscious mind communicates and interprets the world empowers you to align your actions with your deeper truths. Hearing the warning signals, whether stemming from external or internal dangers, could save your life. Being aligned, meaning your feelings, your thoughts, your desires, and your actions are congruent with one another. You achieve inner peace, making it easier to get things done quickly. No more inner conflict, meaning you’re in the parasympathetic or healing state, helping you stay healthier longer.
Conclusion: Accessing your subconscious mind is not just about tapping into hidden information; it's about aligning your conscious actions with your deeper truths. You become more confident, healthier, happier, and move towards inner peace and away from inner conflict.
If you found these tips helpful, please give a thumbs up, or leave a five-star rating. For more insights and to learn about my four-step system to attract a generous income as a healer, visit https://scientifichealer.com/energize
Be sure to join me next week, I’ll explore how to boost your income with mental and emotional success actions. Subscribe to my channel so you don't miss it!