Tales from an Empress's boudoir.

The Tale of Harriet and Greg

March 13, 2024 Claire
The Tale of Harriet and Greg
Tales from an Empress's boudoir.
More Info
Tales from an Empress's boudoir.
The Tale of Harriet and Greg
Mar 13, 2024

Harriet and Greg met at a work function... there was chemistry and things got steamy... I won't share any more I'll just let you enjoy the details...

If you would love to get in contact with Claire about voice over work, coaching, modelling or writing you can connect with me below.




Show Notes

Harriet and Greg met at a work function... there was chemistry and things got steamy... I won't share any more I'll just let you enjoy the details...

If you would love to get in contact with Claire about voice over work, coaching, modelling or writing you can connect with me below.


