Being Brilliant
From recovering alcoholics to survivors of childhood bullying to former foster kids, everyone has a story to tell. No one goes through life unscathed and we're all on this planet to learn from each other.
Mairead Vaughan is a Family Celebrant and Legal Wedding Solemniser and as part of her job creating and delivering milestone ceremonies, she gets to partake in her favourite pastime; meeting people!
She is inspired by changemakers and ordinary people who have faced adversity and are here to impart their wisdom. Mairead has conversations with people who are rocking it at 'Being Brilliant' and hopes we can all learn from their experience dealing with this life stuff!
Being Brilliant
The Final Curtain
- Why are we so afraid of death?
- What happens when we die?
- Is there an afterlife?
- What is Palliative Care?
- Is there such a thing as a 'good death'?
- How do we deal with grief?
- How do we offer our condolences to the bereaved?
- "When a robin is here, loved ones are near" - do you believe this?
- What has dealing with so much death taught you about living?
These are some of the many questions I put to Rev Canon Mark Hayden as he writes his book on Death, Funerals and Bereavement. Decades of ministry as a priest, attending to the dying and bereaved gives Mark a unique insight which will inform, inspire and uplift my listeners.
Thanks for listening. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram.
My Celebrant website is www.yourmilestonemoment.ie