The AfterMeth: Gay Men Recovering from Crystal Methamphetamine Addiction

Bonus Episode: Alex's Story

Dr. Dallas Bragg Season 1 Episode 50

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In this bonus episode of The AfterMeth Podcast, Dallas interviews a success graduate from his coaching program called Recovery Alchemy. Alex, from Birmingham, England, shares his journey from addiction to recovery. Growing up in a strict, religious household with an authoritative father, Alex struggled with his gay identity from an early age, experiencing deep shame and feelings of inadequacy.

Alex's drug use began in his mid-twenties with methedrone (a drug popular in the UK that's similar to but less potent than crystal meth). He was introduced to it at a party through Grindr. Eventually, he and his then-partner progressed to crystal meth, which quickly escalated from weekend use to daily consumption. While his partner maintained controlled use, Alex's addiction spiraled, especially after their relationship ended.

The turning point came after several dangerous situations, including hospitalizations and near-death experiences. Alex recognized that if he didn't stop, he would either end up dead or in serious trouble with law enforcement. A six-week family trip to Australia provided an opportunity for initial sobriety, though he relapsed briefly upon return. However, this didn't discourage him - instead, he approached his recovery with self-compassion and realism.

Alex found Dallas through TikTok when struggling with post-acute withdrawal, feeling emotionally dull and finding life laborious. Through their work together, Alex learned to question everything, develop boundaries, and find his voice. He worked through patterns of controlling relationships and focused on self-discovery before rushing into dating. A key part of his recovery included developing a meditation practice, which now helps him manage anxiety and sleep better.

The interview highlights how addiction often stems from underlying trauma and self-acceptance issues, particularly in the LGBTQ+ community. Alex's success story demonstrates that recovery is possible with the right support and willingness to do the inner work. The episode concludes with information about Dallas's coaching program, which includes weekly one-on-one sessions over six months and group calls with other men in recovery.

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