We Bought A Franchise!

Oh $h#t We Bought A Franchise: Soccer Stars franchise owner Kathryn Allen joins the show

May 08, 2024 Jack Johnson Season 1 Episode 7
Oh $h#t We Bought A Franchise: Soccer Stars franchise owner Kathryn Allen joins the show
We Bought A Franchise!
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We Bought A Franchise!
Oh $h#t We Bought A Franchise: Soccer Stars franchise owner Kathryn Allen joins the show
May 08, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Jack Johnson

Discover the pulse-pounding excitement of franchise ownership with Kathryn Allen, Soccer Stars franchise owner, as she reveals the secret to blending business acumen with personal passions. Kathryn's story is a testament to the liberating lifestyle shift from the constraints of corporate America to the thrilling world of entrepreneurship. Through this narrative, we unpack the keys to building a team that champions success, learn how to cultivate enriching programs for youth, and celebrate the autonomy of managing an enterprise from the pristine sands of the Bahamas.

This episode is a treasure trove of insights for those enamored with the idea of becoming a franchisee. We share our own unexpected adventure of entering the window washing business, dissecting the competitive edge and the grit required to shine in this industry. We'll explore the diverse personalities that thrive in franchising and how a strong franchise model fosters a symbiotic relationship between corporate support and franchisee ingenuity. It's about harnessing the spirit of competition, setting ambitious goals, and relishing the growth it inspires.

Rounding off our discussion, we raise a glass to the victories of franchise owners, which has paved the way to greater freedom and financial prosperity. We emphasize the art of working on your business rather than being consumed by it, the true joy of leading a team, and the significance of a stellar customer service experience. Our story culminates in a celebration, honoring the milestones reached and the shared success that comes with being part of the dynamic and rewarding franchise community.

Visit www.weboughtafranchise.com to subscribe.
Send us your questions for an upcoming episode at 305-710-0050.
From your pals in franchise ownership, Jack and Jill Johnson.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Discover the pulse-pounding excitement of franchise ownership with Kathryn Allen, Soccer Stars franchise owner, as she reveals the secret to blending business acumen with personal passions. Kathryn's story is a testament to the liberating lifestyle shift from the constraints of corporate America to the thrilling world of entrepreneurship. Through this narrative, we unpack the keys to building a team that champions success, learn how to cultivate enriching programs for youth, and celebrate the autonomy of managing an enterprise from the pristine sands of the Bahamas.

This episode is a treasure trove of insights for those enamored with the idea of becoming a franchisee. We share our own unexpected adventure of entering the window washing business, dissecting the competitive edge and the grit required to shine in this industry. We'll explore the diverse personalities that thrive in franchising and how a strong franchise model fosters a symbiotic relationship between corporate support and franchisee ingenuity. It's about harnessing the spirit of competition, setting ambitious goals, and relishing the growth it inspires.

Rounding off our discussion, we raise a glass to the victories of franchise owners, which has paved the way to greater freedom and financial prosperity. We emphasize the art of working on your business rather than being consumed by it, the true joy of leading a team, and the significance of a stellar customer service experience. Our story culminates in a celebration, honoring the milestones reached and the shared success that comes with being part of the dynamic and rewarding franchise community.

Visit www.weboughtafranchise.com to subscribe.
Send us your questions for an upcoming episode at 305-710-0050.
From your pals in franchise ownership, Jack and Jill Johnson.

Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, Welcome to the we Bought a Franchise podcast. Jill and I are thrilled to have our latest guest on today, Catherine Allen, who is the owner of a Soccer Stars franchise. Catherine, how are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing great. How are you guys doing?

Speaker 1:

Catherine, we're trying to follow your lead and be a leading franchisee, right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I know it's so exciting the venture you've embarked on. Yeah, how do you feel about being a franchise owner?

Speaker 1:

You know I'll tell you something. It has added so much fun, um, into our life, uh, to have another business, to have a brand that we're excited about. You know, I mean I imagine Catherine with you. I mean that's it's a funny story. Actually it's a really funny story. You guys, let's start like a month ago when we were in the Bahamas. Yeah, and we run into Miss Catherine with her family at the Bahamar and it's like Catherine, what are you doing here at?

Speaker 2:

the Bahamar, and it's like Catherine, what are you doing here? I mean, and I was like Jack, remember you told me to go here and then we were like, oh yeah, no, you were supposed to be in.

Speaker 1:

Hawaii. That was really really fun.

Speaker 2:

It's wonderful to meet Trey. I've loved seeing him grow up on social media, but just meeting him in real life.

Speaker 3:

Same with your kids. I remember when we first met, there were no kids.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It's like a lifetime ago. So fun to be full circle.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's the fun of social media is, you know, being able to kind of stay in touch and see people and see not only their businesses grow but their families grow. But I was so excited because of course you know, catherine's a client. She started her franchise about a year ago and so anytime you see someone in the first year of business ownership it's like how's it going?

Speaker 2:

Are you making money? And I was standing upright and I was at a beautiful hotel in the Bahamas. Those are all good signs right.

Speaker 3:

All good signs yeah. Took the pressure off no.

Speaker 2:

I was on a vacation in the Bahamas when I live in California, right.

Speaker 2:

So, things are good. When I launched spring break camps that week Wow, and I had a team in place that I trusted enough to go to the Bahamas, which is a total time difference and not to mention, right, there was no cell service really very good cell service so that was actually a big leap for me, that I mean for any business owner, right. So I yeah. So that was a really good feeling to know I had a team that I could trust, that I could take a, you know, a well needed vacation.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if that isn't the definition of finance, personal financial freedom, being a business owner, I don't know what is. And you're exactly right. I mean we were in the same boat, you know, it's like we knew. And I was asked this question today. They're like what do you attribute the early success of your business to? And I said I've got to give credit to our GM and to our lead tech. And I almost felt like I was at one of those award ceremonies where you're like I got to give a shout out to.

Speaker 3:

Right, but they're running your business while you're not there. So it's important to have the right team in place and get to a point where you feel confident that you can lead, and that's great, and I've been doing this for a year and you're at that point, so love to see it.

Speaker 1:

Catherine, what does Soccer Stars do? What do you guys do as a franchise?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, great question. So we provide soccer classes in camps as well as enrichment at preschools and afterschool programming. Our age range we're really focused on the little guys when we're talking about, like parks and rec and weekend classes, things like that. So age is one, if you can believe it. No other program really touches the one-year-olds and it's our pre-soccer movement class is adorable, it's so cute Little Mimi and Pepe, puppets and songs. And then we go up to seven years old. So that's for the parks and then, yeah, and then we do enrichment, after school programming in elementary schools as well as preschool enrichment and camps, camps.

Speaker 1:

I love it. And you know, I mean, is it, do you? I mean this, it sounds like a. I mean, of course we all get into business because we want to build more wealth, but is it a fun business? Do you feel like? You know, coming out of corporate America, has it been, how's it been to sort of switch gears so, so dramatically?

Speaker 2:

So I don't think I could go back to corporate America. Never say never, right, never say never. I think that would be really really hard. You know, as a an entrepreneur, a franchise business owner, when you own your business, as you guys know, it's it never shuts off. There's always things to do. I'm always working 24, seven, um, but it's you know, for as challenging as things can be, the reward is it's still outweighs those, those challenges, and so, um, it's been amazing, like I think.

Speaker 2:

When I think about what I really loved with this, I mean going back the reason I bought Soccer Stars. When we spoke Jack, you had me fill out that survey and it looked at different things, asked really great questions to kind of think about what is it I'd want in a business and the meaningful, finding something I really am passionate about that I can be proud of, that I can go to my network, to my community, to all the communities in the greater East Bay, and say this is my company and my brand and really see them behind it Youth soccer soccer for kids, for toddler, teaching life skills. There's nothing that's wonderful. That's such a wonderful thing. There's nothing like that's wonderful. That's such a wonderful thing it's. It teaches great habits and skills and yes, it's soccer and it's, but it's so fun.

Speaker 2:

It is so fun and what I've really loved is building a team. I think you know, jack, we've worked together before but, like I'm really passionate about culture and people. I love people, I love understanding what makes them tick. That probably goes into my sales side of like you know, when I'm working with these perks and recs and these schools, like I just want to provide a program that that really benefits their students and every. You know there's just different problems to solve and like how I love to problem solve. That's so fun. But back to the team. So yeah, just building a team that's really engaged in a coaches. So right now I have about 18 coaches on staff, which I think it's pretty high I compared to other franchisees.

Speaker 1:

Did you say, did you say 18 Catherine?

Speaker 2:

18. Awesome, yeah, 18,. Catherine, 18. Awesome, yeah, part-time employees. But it's just, you know, it does remind me of home care in our previous life in the sense of, like, how do we get all of these part-time employees who are, you know, at different parks and coaching soccer, to really like rally around like a core mission and values and build this amazing culture that everyone loves to come to work? So that, um, because if they love what they do and they love the work that they're doing and what they represent and they're proud to be part of soccer stars, those kids are going to have such a such a great experience and family. So that's, you know, it starts at the top, right, um, so anyways, I love that.

Speaker 1:

I mean and I think you're doing it right I think it's better to to have more staff because that enables you to grow. Um, I mean, I know we, we face similar decisions with our company too, in terms of our, our window washing techs. Right, you want to make sure because it can be, especially now that, like here in South Florida, it's getting hotter. We, the jobs can be hard. You want to make sure that you, you can cover um as you grow, and so I think that's really smart.

Speaker 3:

And the culture is a big deal. You want people to work with you as a as a customer, but also you want to keep those coaches coming in you know, so as you expand, you have more and more people that want to work for you. So it's kind of like twofold. You need everyone to be happy, so it's really important to establish that culture.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and I my biggest. One of my biggest fears was starting this business was how am I going to find good coaches? Yeah Well, I mean, hiring was not my background, it was marketing. Um, and so how am I going to find these good coaches? And my goal was like, as long as I can create an environment in which they're really happy and I pay them well and I recognize them in different ways that they want to be recognized, like my hope was, they'll refer their friends. And so, right now- and they are right that they are.

Speaker 2:

That's like right now, all my coaches are friends or even siblings, which is so adorable. I love it. It's really cute, it's really fun, and then they have their best friend. I was at a virtual conference the other week and one of the top things about culture they said, one of the number one things is that you have a best friend at work, and that is what can contribute to a positive culture, which I thought was funny because literally a number of my coaches have referred their best friends, so they literally have their best friend, but it's like, you know, work wife or like work spouse.

Speaker 3:

That's a great question on you. You're doing it right if they want their friends to join them, you know that's. So you know, pat yourself on the back. I mean, you know what?

Speaker 1:

I think that's a really, really, really good point because we've found our productivity for our Pinks franchise has shot through the roof ever since we found a great lead tech to sort of work hand in hand with our GM. We've noticed that the culture, the time in and out of jobs I mean everything.

Speaker 3:

It does drastically improve in the relationship there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Find yourself a best friend to work with. I think that's great. Yeah, that's really cool, that's great advice. Um, and for those of you listening, catherine referenced that she and I work together. We worked together at a home healthcare franchise for many, many years and, um, you know, catherine was a huge um uh, part of our franchise owner's success in terms of marketing, so she knows what it looks like to be a successful franchisee because she helped many of them to get where they were.

Speaker 3:

That's true.

Speaker 1:

And Catherine. So soccer stars. I mean here's what's incredible, here's this great like feel-good business. And, by the way, I think soccer is just. It's exploding Right and down here in South Florida. It's growing like crazy, like it's so different than when I was a kid, like when I was a kid, football was everything and you said they're starting at one.

Speaker 3:

I mean, yeah, I know that we enrolled Trey, I think, at like two or three. He didn't know what he was doing. The biggest disaster adorable. You're right, it's very cute. But the fact that you can get them involved in something that young, I mean that's great for kids, but it's great for you as a business owner, because you have some of these kids for a lifespan of, like, you know, one to seven, and then they have the siblings. So I mean you're really looking at recurring customers and you know family members and everything for a really long period of time. That's a goal.

Speaker 3:

That is a goal, yes, and then, once they're older, they come back and they're a coach.

Speaker 1:

What do they call it? Crypto college? That's the term.

Speaker 2:

They do call it crypto college. They do call it crypto college. Yes.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not going to hold Catherine to her numbers, but we'll just again. She's in her first year. But here's the crazy thing Jill Soccer Star shows an average unit volume of $1.3 million for a feel good, have fun, be around kids and sports franchise. I mean, that's what I love so much about. Franchising is here. Within this conversation, we have talked about three very different types of businesses. The one that Catherine and I worked in was home care assistance, which was home health care. Right, we help seniors stay at home. Catherine is in a youth sports franchise. You and I are in a home services franchise with awesome branding.

Speaker 2:

Yes, awesome branding. I want to capture that, throwing that in casually. You think I like personal branding, I mean Jill, so I'm brand.

Speaker 1:

It's like I said this yesterday to someone. I said if you would have told me 20 years ago, hey, jack, you're going to own a window washing franchise I'd have been like, oh man, things maybe aren't going well.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean even the two of you working together, like the fact that we're all here doing this. I think is amazing.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing and like never what you would predict.

Speaker 3:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

I say that to my team. I'm like if you would have asked me three years ago I mean plus right, would I ever be a franchisee, even though we worked with franchise, you know I would have been mean, plus right, would I ever be a franchisee, even though we worked with franchise, you know I would have been like no, absolutely not. I think I actually definitively said no, which is why never say never Right, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And it's, it's been amazing and thankfully I met you, jack, because if I probably had met you worked with you. You, jack, because if I probably hadn't met you, worked with you, been in the business, and then you went out to do what you're doing now. And then we reconnected because my best friend, morgan, who also owns a Soccer Stars franchise I mean, just the way the world works, the universe has a plan. That's all it really does.

Speaker 3:

And I think both of you guys being on the other side too really kind of shows this value of franchising. You guys were on the other side, you had franchisees. You know what it's like to be on the other side and now I mean I guess I'm included too, but you guys are both now franchisees. So that shows that there's really this power in franchising and that you know, on both sides.

Speaker 3:

It's great to be on the corporate side and have a company that you franchise, but it's also great to be an owner on the other side too, and you guys are are true testaments to that to see the other side and even at the time maybe said that we're never going to do that, but you really come to look at everything and the value in it and you're both franchisees now.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's like extra added. You know, it's like today we had our pinks weekly support call, right when we get on and we've got goals we want to hit and we also have a little. They show us the numbers. They say here's Palm beach compared to you know, another location in Texas, and I gotta be honest with you, I knew we had a big week. I was curious Were we number one? Did we finish ahead of all the other locations? And it was so close between us and another location and here we thought we had this awesome week. And here's this other franchise owner who Just behind, yeah, Like a hundred bucks.

Speaker 3:

I mean we still-.

Speaker 1:

We still took the prize this week, but he's right on our heels, um, and you know, here our guys are today and this week's going to be an even better week, but it's. This is the thing that I don't think enough people talk about and, katherine, maybe you can talk about it too. I think part of what makes of being a franchise owner so great and what helps you to succeed is being competitive and wanting to win. Same thing with sports right, you want to beat the other franchise location, but maybe speak to what you're seeing in terms of, you know, franchisee motivation and coaching at soccer starts.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's really. I'm laughing because, um, yes, so I mean I, I am a very competitive person, mainly with myself, I think. Well, no, that's not true, but you know, I strive to be the best in everything I do, which you know, that has added pressures, which I don't work on that.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I just I'm a high achiever and so on. We do have a um, a call at our franchise for the. They call it the superstars, super soccer stars, so the superstars who are the top performing franchises in the network. I'm a part of that and on our last call we do a monthly call and on our last call, when everyone had hung up, I was talking to the executive leadership and I'm like you know what'd be really great, cause we did this at the old.

Speaker 2:

Our old company is to do a rack and stack where we could see exactly what you're talking about the numbers. Cause, like, as someone who's competitive, now you gotta be careful about that because sometimes that can push people maybe the other way. But, like, if you do it with the top performing group or the superstars, right, so we're at the top. So why don't we compete amongst each other? Because we're all you know, and I was like I would love to see those numbers because I know personally that would push me right, to like that would push me personally. Now, maybe that's not for everyone, but I mean, if you're at the top, that you know you probably are kind of competitive like that and knowing who's in that group, I would say, yeah, that would probably be a good thing. Um, so that we'll have to see if that, if that gets implemented.

Speaker 1:

But, um, that, you know what that, catherine, you're. You're right, there's different personality types and what. What I liked about not to turn this into a pinks commercial, but you know what they did something in the, in the, in the meeting today, that actually speaks to what you're talking about, because some people aren't wired like you are. Like we are where, we want to compete, we want to win, and I think it was great because one of the locations that wasn't at the top there were other things to celebrate, like they have a lot of recurring revenue already on the books for 2025. They hit their estimate goal. So I think the way that our franchisor was still able to celebrate people that maybe there's different categories right, and that's a whole other aspect is is learning that everybody's wired in a different way and helping to celebrate people at all levels, and definitely I think that's when I think franchising is.

Speaker 3:

It's interesting because we're all in different territories and things are very different and different, and that's kind of what we're learning is like for pink, specifically, south Florida is very different than Texas, and then, as all the new franchisees are coming on, they're going to be in different locations too. So we can't I don't know, is it apples to apples, apples to oranges, apples to pear apples? I have no idea, but it's. It's good, like you said, to kind of have all this Apples to plum, jill, apples to plum. I don't know Whatever fruit we could talk about, like tomatoes, because those are fruits here.

Speaker 1:

You say tomato, I say tomato, they have seeds.

Speaker 3:

But the point is is that, yes, it can't just always be just sales or performance. There have to be other metrics to look at. But that's important because maybe you're in a bigger territory than someone else, so estimates make a bigger difference or you know, same thing with you, catherine, like it could be different.

Speaker 3:

So it's good to kind of celebrate all of those wins and and yes, the competitive people are going to really try and there might be some that aren't, but it's still good to have that data because they may need that themselves to justify where they're at in their business. So you know, the visibility is great and anything the franchisor can do I think is great to kind of motivate and get everyone excited. You know to do their best.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean Catherine, one of my shifting gears. I have to say this now before I forget one of my favorite moments on our famous now Bahamas. You know, happenstance, meetup is where we had an annual thing.

Speaker 2:

Annual thing yeah, I'm in. Yes, let's do it.

Speaker 1:

So we, we had had dinner, right, and then we, the the kids were running around. There was the like if anyone's been to the Bahama, there's like a big you know fountain show. And Catherine's like, okay, I got to go out and run payroll, um, and I think that's just the life of the entrepreneur. Right here she was, she was having fun on vacation, but you know what? There's still work to do. And, catherine, you'd said something earlier that I think is really important, because this is a point that some people don't understand. You said look, I'm thinking about my business 24 seven. Now that doesn't mean you're actually grinding and working like you would in an office 24 seven, but your mind is still on your business, Even when you're doing other things. You know, it's like it's. It's. It's a different, it's not. It's not like the oh man, I have to go to Cleveland for a business trip this week for my fricking dumb job. It's hey, I can't wait to go up and see how the numbers are putting for my business. I mean, don't you think?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, a hundred percent. I mean, it's all fun stuff. It's like I woke up yesterday cause my brain I'm sharpest in the morning, that's like when I'm really like in my creative, like flow zone, and I was just, you know, not a good habit, but wake up, I was looking at Instagram, right, and I follow some different accounts that are about like social media marketing, and I saw this one and it was about chat GPT prompts and I was looking at I'm like oh huh, these are good. And I'm like you know what? I'm just gonna do this right now. Kids are still sleeping. So I went through and I did these prompts, but for soccer stars, and I pulled five of them that I have ready to go. This was not like 5am to 530. And I have them all sitting in. I have ready to go. This was at like 5 am to 5.30. And I have them all sitting in my inbox. So now I can like schedule those out for social media marketing and they were really great ideas. But it's fun.

Speaker 2:

And I think another thing is like understanding what you like to do. That's like such a big part of this is like when you're a business owner. It's like, okay, what do I like to do. That's like such a big part of this is like when you're a business owner, it's like, okay, what do I like to do and like, and, and then what do I not like to do, and then how can you offload that? And so I'm really trying to like get to a place. Like you know, I'm still like in the business a lot with all the things, even though I have someone like my kind of GM, as you, as you call it so kind of pushing that like admin, operational, like all those things, but like really trying to focus mainly on the marketing and the sales because, as Jack and Jill you know, wow, it's like what. You don't work. You don't want to be working in the business, you want to be working on the business. You want to be working on the business.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And on the business is really focused on those revenue generating activities. So that's where I'm trying to get the majority of my time focused on. So slowly I am getting there but like also want to maintain. You know, like I want to grow like as fast as I can, but I am very obsessed with a high quality product, like high quality programming that people love. So you know it's a balancing act, right, and then, um, yeah, I guess I'll leave it there.

Speaker 1:

I you know, I saw someone say this the other day on uh on LinkedIn Um, and I think it's really true Um, effective franchise owners focus on leading their team, driving sales and delivering exceptional customer service, locking in the Google reviews with every single client. But it is, it is continuing to lead into, motivate to, to make sure you're focused on driving sales. I mean I, it's like right now we're in the midst of a record week for pinks and I'm thinking about next week, right, I'm thinking about, ok, here's, you know, next week, a quarter of where we want to be, and so I think it's that thinking ahead, it's that leading. And so you know, catherine, from everything you're saying, you're working on your business. It's it's just pulling yourself out from the working in the business, and it's hard right Because you can feel there can be some guilt there, you feel like you need to be in it, but the sooner you can fully pull yourself out, you will see your sales go next level.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. And speaking of Google reviews, that's been a code I've been trying to crack and since I'd started right, it's been about a year I had sent you know like maybe three emails like out to my whole list database. Yeah, and had a story at a cute video with my kids Like I tried different strategies and I just like no one was leaving me a review and I was like man, like what the heck?

Speaker 2:

you know, and then I sent out an email Um, what's today, wednesday? Ah, when was it? I mean it was like three days ago, wednesday, it must've been Monday afternoon, and I offered 30 soccer balls for the first 10, um, 10 people that left to review and I have gotten. In the last three days I think I've gotten like 30, no joke, wow, how many reviews no joke.

Speaker 2:

30 reviews and it's all five stars and they're wonderful reviews and they keep coming in to the point where I didn't realize this. But we use Sochi and the executive team like the CMO at Youth Athletes United, like they see these things, I guess, and I actually got an email yesterday and they're like what are you doing? We love seeing these people reviews coming. Can you share so we can tell what the whole network, which is another beauty of franchising, is like? Share those best practices and wins with each other so we can all grow faster together. We've got lots of trucker hats. Yeah, I mean, I cracked it with the soccer balls, like I tried. Like water bottles nothing with water bottles, crickets, crickets, but soccer balls for their kids, right, cause everyone's like, ooh, my kids, that's who matters.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a great idea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know our franchise or tries a lot of different things. Um, like, sometimes, when they test something, I, you, you at home care assistance, we did this stuff too but like they'll say, okay, we're going to test putting appointments on your calendar and we're going to offer this up at our cost, right, this thing, and I think that that's really cool. Um, but, catherine, great job, and you know all these things that you're doing, that you're uh, you're doing it right. You know you're, you're really thinking about, um, proactively thinking about your business, and not everyone does that, but that's what the most successful franchise owners do. So I, you know, I mean again, I think it all sounds really great and you're doing things right, and I love your passion for the business. And is there for you talking to people who are, who are watching and listening to this podcast obviously they're interested in franchise ownership any like lessons, um takeaways from your first year of being a franchise owner that you you'd want to share?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I mean, I think, the first one, obviously, if you are going to buy a franchise I think I heard this on the last, one of your last podcasts you guys had done, but he spoke to this, which was you know, one of the beauties of becoming a franchisee and being on the flip side of the coin is, you know, I help hundreds of franchisees grow their businesses over the course of 13 years, and so we saw those rock stars and we saw the ones that didn't do well in the in-betweeners, right, and like what did this group up here? What was a common thread? Well, follow the system, follow the formula. Jackie used to say this all the time on discovery day, because there's a proven model in system and they've done the work on the backend that they know what works. So just follow what they're telling you to do. So I think that's number one. So don't try and reinvent the wheel Like you don't have time to do that. Just do what they tell you to do and you'll do well.

Speaker 2:

I think that you know partnering with a great franchisor that you really respect, and that is your true partner. I know this person I'm thinking of on your podcast spoke this too, but it's so true, like when I met the leadership team at soccer stars, at youth athletes United, um, I mean, I just I love them. They were great. They're amazing, amazing girls and guys, women, men, um, so, so, your partner, like they have, like they listen to me. They Like they have.

Speaker 2:

Like they listen to me, they, they take my feedback and they action it, um, and they want it to be better forever. They want the brand, they want this, they want every. They're always working, they're never resting on their laurels, they're always, you know, trying to like level our service offering. So, you know, just kind of being with an innovative, an innovative, uh, franchisor that really acts as a partner, um, I think is very important and, uh, let's see what else. I guess I know, probably at time, um, I think you know, for me, like, I think the biggest challenge has been, um, you know, finding that work-life balance. So I'm trying to get there still, but You're getting there, I'm getting there yeah.

Speaker 2:

You're in the first year. I mean, that's just what it's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what it's going to be. And it's hard because, again, it's that different thing, right, it goes from oh my God, I have to go to work for this company and I have to go to freaking Toledo. No offense to Toledo or Cleveland, they're both great places. But when you have to go for a business trip, maybe not so much. But when it's yours and it's like, it's like one of your kids, right, it's like you're passionate about it, you want to put your life into it, you're, you're building it. But I think being mindful of the work-life balance is important too.

Speaker 2:

Being mindful of the work-life balance is important too. Yeah, okay, that's the point, jack, you just said it, it is another child.

Speaker 2:

Buying a business is another child. So just if you have children and you know what that takes, it's a child. It's a child that you're bringing up. So just think of it that way and you're going to love it and you're going to nurture it, and sometimes it can be challenging but at the end of the day you love it so much that that's okay, that you know sometimes these things happen and it'll just get better and better.

Speaker 3:

But also, as everyone tells us, get a babysitter sometimes you know it's okay to take some time to yourself and not be with the child all the time. But again to your point, you were able to do that to go to the Bahamas, and it's your first year and it's just going to continue to grow. And so you know, until we all buy our second business right Additional child Um, you know, it's exactly that it's.

Speaker 1:

You know the time and the effort is worth it I liked that about Resi brands too is that they said um, for our annual conference, are you bringing? You bringing kids? Yeah, like, that was a, that was a choice, like and it's at this place with like water slides and stuff like that. I thought that was really cool. Um, yeah, I think that it's little things like that, um are are important, because so many of us Catherine, you've got two little ones, we've got a a little. You know he's not little but he's still little.

Speaker 2:

He's a tall little, he's young, but he's big.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But so again I think to Catherine's point, that's what we, when we do a franchise search, we want to find all those things culture, support, brand, fit and I think that's where, when Jill and I work with clients like you, we really want to help you nail that. And so it's and you honestly know when you know I and you honestly know, when you know, I mean it's like you do.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I'll never forget. We hung up the phone, jack. I did the assessment and we hung up the phone and immediately you texted me and you go, I think you like soccer. This company called Soccer Stars and I was like that's hysterical Because I had done it with Jackson, my son, who was two and a half at the time. His corporate was in this area and I was like, huh, I like it because I played soccer. I'm a mom of kids in that age group, all the things like aligned like there, before I even met the team. And when I met the team, I'm like, wait a sec, like these guys are awesome, you know, and they've done the work, like coming from the franchisee side again, or our franchise or sorry, franchise or side, we knew, you know, just like you, jack, like we knew what to look for, right, because we knew like okay, like what, what, what you know what's in place, what systems are there, what's the brand, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so I was just really impressed by what they put together.

Speaker 1:

And they were impressed with you, and that's. The other thing too is that it has to be a mutual fit and that's I think that's something else. I know we're coming up against time here, but it has to be a mutual fit and that's something else. A lot of people out there are like they think maybe franchises are like you know, car salesman not to give car salesman a bad name, but the perception of car salesman, bad name but the, the perception of car salesman. And what happens on the back end when jill and I work with a franchisor is what we do is essentially we play point guard, we we show you franchises, we introduce you to them. Then you guys begin your conversation and your due diligence on both of your sides. But both sides are talking to us, saying here's what we think, here's what we like, here's what we don't like, um, and so when we get any red flags on either side, then we know it's not a right fit, but in this case it was green flags, all the way, green flags, yeah Is that a thing.

Speaker 3:

Green flags.

Speaker 1:

Sure, I think there's a green flag, green lights.

Speaker 3:

I think it's green lights, red flags, green lights.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's green lights, but, catherine, you've got a green light to go work on your business. We know you're busy and we appreciate you spending some time with us today. I think that all this content that we've shared today is so helpful to potential franchise investors and it's been great to hear your story.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me on today. It's truly such an honor to be here and, yeah, I'm just really touched that you asked me. On your podcast. You're doing an amazing job, jack and Jill, and just now that you're franchise owners and just everything you're doing, it's just. You guys are rock stars and it's so fun to continue to work together, jack and Jill, in this capacity Over all these years, in a different capacity. So yeah.

Speaker 3:

Were we going to say cheers?

Speaker 1:

I was going to say cheers to all of us just adding more businesses over the years and more freedom and more wealth and all all that great stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I agree, I was going to say the same thing.

Speaker 1:

That's how you know you've been working together a long time I really have Okay. So, catherine, now it's time for our ending, where we talk about um, where we have our famous sign offline, which is I'm Jack and I'm Jill and you're Catherine and we all bought a franchise. Thanks for tuning in everyone. We'll see you on the next episode.

Franchise Ownership and Building a Team
Franchising Success and Competition
Franchise Owners Discuss Business Success
Choosing the Right Franchise Partner
Celebrating Success as Franchise Owners