The Work From Anywhere Podcast

Life Is a Competition

Christian Martin Season 1 Episode 31

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The myth of no competition is this thing where newbies get into a new line of business, and as soon as they discover that there is competition, they immediately jump ship. These people never find anything that sticks and never have progress.

I’m not trying to be harsh, because I’ve been there too. When people do this, it’s like they’re searching for buried treasure. This cycle will repeat itself until they eventually realize that they need to stay in one place, do the hard work, and compete. That’s because life is a competition. The sooner you can accept that, the sooner you’re going to get results.

Competition is amazing because it means there are a lot of customers, and you just need to do something slightly different than your competition to scoop all their customers away from them. Some opportunities are thought to be easy because there is no competition, but then you realize that nobody is competing because there are no customers.

As soon as a new market forms where there is a lot of demand, people are going to jump in. All you have to do is stay one step to the side of your competitors. You can try to do what your competition is doing but better, but it’s a lot easier to just do it slightly differently. If you get in there and you’re not getting the results you want right away, just focus on the process.

Also, I was talking with my screenwriter friend recently about people who debate whether or not they should spend money on a course. We were saying that if you’re debating, you’ve already lost because there are always thousands of people who have bought the course and are now ten steps ahead.

Think about if you were competing at a professional level in sports and refused to get coaching. Instead, you decided that you’ll just watch a few YouTube videos for free. You would get annihilated.

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