The Work From Anywhere Podcast

How to Avoid Loneliness as an Entrepreneur

October 01, 2019 Christian Martin Season 1 Episode 43

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Getting started in business can be really lonely. You have all these grand plans of getting rich and doing whatever you want. Thirty days later, you’re stuck inside with you and your computer talking to yourself in the same clothes you wore yesterday.

I’ve got my friend Trent with me today because we’re both in the same group coaching program. A lot of people call these masterminds. I have an informal group that meets every Wednesday, but this event we’re at in San Diego is a formal one. There’s about 150 of us here to talk about utilizing online marketing tools to grasp a target audience.

The cool thing about events like this is you get to make friends who have the same goal and you get to hear from people at all different levels. Thanks to events like these, you no longer have to be alone.

For the past eight years, Trent has been investing in real estate alone. He used to network a lot but moved away from that into his own little world. He wants to get back into networking, which is why he comes to these events. Every time he goes, he gets energy back and is excited to learn from everyone.

Whenever me and Trent sit down for a meal at this mastermind, it seems that we’re sitting across from someone who is doing the same type of investing that he is. He makes great contacts and learns from people who are already doing what he wants to do.

If you’re starting a business and feel a little worn out, you probably just need to get around people who are doing what you are. To get involved in a mastermind, my recommendation is to join a paid group. That will give you motivation to stick with it, and you’ll also be hanging out with people who have made the same commitment.

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