The Work From Anywhere Podcast

School vs. Real Life

December 10, 2019 Christian Martin Season 1 Episode 54

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The current education system in the United States was developed during the industrial revolution. The whole structure was created to breed obedient factory workers and it hasn’t changed since. If your brain only seeks out the rewards given within the structure, you’re going to screw yourself. You’ll get the job you were trained to get, which is a cog in a large machine.

In school, we are led to believe that the authority figures know all. If we can make those authority figures happy, everything else in our life will work out. The real world doesn’t really work like this. You need to break out of seeking approval.

We’re trained to make the teachers happy as opposed to the students. In real life, making thirty of your peers happy versus one authority figure is going to create a much better outcome for you.

The cramming model teaches you to hit deadlines, which a good real-world skill, but it teaches you to puke information out onto paper. This is not very useful for people learning real-world skills. We only take in things as we need to apply them in life.

Cheating is one of the worst things you can do in school. However, in the real world, cheating is your greatest ally. You can find the smartest people in the area you are tackling and pay them to tell you what to do.

The need to be good at everything instead of one thing is taught in school. Being a jack-of-all-trades without any specialized knowledge is not going to get you far at all. You don’t need to get an A+ in every subject.

In school, the highest mark you can get is 100%, and the most you can get at a job is your max salary. If you’re an entrepreneur, there is no cap.

School teaches you to focus on perfecting things that might not matter at all. In business, you can perfectly execute ten projects and get no results. You need to worry about not taking opportunities when you should.

Your self-esteem gets destroyed from failure in school. It’s okay to fail over and over again in the real world. It only takes one passing grade to get where you need to go.

We’re always seeking the right answers in school. Some of these answers don’t mean anything, but if you can figure out the right questions to ask, you can get answers that will impact your life.

Everything that school trained you for might work when you’re a kid, but it’s not going to work in the real world.

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