The Work From Anywhere Podcast

Dealing With Self Sabotage (Fear Goals)

July 28, 2020 Christian Martin Season 1 Episode 61

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Self-sabotage is an all too common obstacle in many of our day to day lives, whether it’s in our careers, relationships or health in general. What do you do when you start talking yourself out of success just as you reach the precipice? 

To unravel why we self-sabotage, you first have to understand that humans are more often than not operating on autopilot. We learn behaviors that protect us from what we fear. To overcome this, you have to be open to asking questions about why we behave in this way.

Acknowledging and being conscious of when you are self-sabotaging is an incredibly useful tool that I employ. If you catch yourself in the sabotage spiral, tell someone how you are feeling. That alone can help to break habit patterns.

In order to reprogram these behavior habits, I believe you have to change your mindset by changing your inputs. Look for peers or role models that believe and think differently to you. Break the cycle of safe behaviors by being unsafe and taking those risks that you are afraid of.

Don’t take advice from someone who hasn’t done what you want to. Seek out those that have consistently proved they know how to achieve what you are after. Once you find your inspiration, put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself what they would do in your situation. 

Set your fear goals. Look at what you are afraid of and meet it head on. Remember that we create the circumstances that we fear the most, which means we can create the solution too.

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